© Gunnar Tómasson
15. nóvember 2015
I. „Verðið vel við ok mælið eigi æðru‟
(Njála, 129. k.)
23613 = „Verðið vel við ok mælið eigi æðru, því at él eitt mun vera,
15721 = en þó skyldi langt til annars slíks.
18996 = Trúið þér ok því, at guð er miskunnsamr,
22153 = ok mun hann oss eigi bæði láta brenna þessa heims ok annars.”
‟Be of good heart and speak no words of fear, for this is just a passing storm, and it will be long before another like it comes. Put your faith in the mercy of God, for He will not let us burn in this world and the next.‟
II. „Munt þú þá næst geta…‟
(Njála, 129. k.)
17905 = „Nú skaltú sjá, hvar vit leggjumsk niðr
10741 = ok hversu ek býg um okkr,
16690 = því at ek ætla mér hvergi heðan at hrærask,
15231 = hvárt sem mér angrar reykr eða bruni;
21263 = munt þú þá næst geta, hvar beina okkarra er at leita.”
‟Take note where we lay ourselves down and how we dispose ourselves, for I shall not move from here however much the smoke or flames distress me. Then you can know where to look for our remains [bones/bein in Icelandic text].‟
III. „…hvar beina okkarra er at leita.”
(Sköpunarmýta/Creation Myth)
1000 = Eldur/Fire
-2487 = Anus – sæti lægri hvata/seat of lower emotions
6783 = Mons Veneris – Sameining kynjanna/Union of the sexes
10565 = JHWH – 10-5-6-5 – Sameining hluta nafns JHWH/JHWH´s Name made whole
I + II + III = 80483 + 81830 + 15861 = 178174
IV. To the memorie of M. W. Shake-speare
(First folio, 1623)
14892 = To the memorie of M. W. Shake-speare.
27140 = Wee wondred (Shake-speare) that thou went’st so soone
24085 = From the Worlds-Stage, to the Graves-Tyring-roome.
24276 = Wee thought thee dead, but this thy printed worth,
26520 = Tels thy Spectators, that thou went’st but forth
18344 = To enter with applause. An Actors Art,
13798 = Can dye, and live, to acte a second part.
14884 = That’s but an Exit of Mortalitie;
13268 = This, a Re-entrance to a Plaudite.
967 = I. M.
V. Lord to practice on Stratfordian Will Shakspere
(The Taming of the Shrew, Act I, Sc. i, First Folio)
19654 = What’s heere? One dead? or drunke? See doth he breath?
- Hunter
21131 = He breath’s my Lord. Were he not warm’d with Ale,
20169 = this were a bed but cold to sleep so soundly.
21474 = Oh monstrous beast, how like a swine he lyes.
20662 = Grim death, how foule and loathsome is thine image:
20135 = Sirs, I will practise on this drunken man.
VI. Stratfordian Idiot’s Course through Life
(Saga-Shakespeare Myth)
17252 = Gulielmus filius Johannes Shakspere – Stratfordian’s baptismal name
2602 = 26 April – second month of year old-style
1564 = 1564 A.D.
16290 = Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland¹
10026 = Will Shakspere, gent. – Stratfordian’s burial name
2502 = 25 April
1616 = 1616 A.D.
216 = Resurrection – Triangle 3-4=5 raised to third power, 27+64+125=216
-4119 = Ignorance – Dead
7000 = Microcosmos – Pagan become Man in God’s Image
V + VI = 123225 + 54949 = 178174
¹ 16290 = Bergþórshváll-Miðeyjarhólmr-Helgafell
On Pagan Triangle of Iceland, see also Snorri Sturluson and The Rosicrucian Order.
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