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Surtr ferr sunnan með sviga lævi

© Gunnar Tómasson

8. desember 2015

I. Mesti bardagi Íslandssögu

(Íslendinga saga, 138. k.)


  29625 = Þessir menn létust á Örlygsstaðafundi með þeim er ór sárum dóu:

22464 = Sturla Sighvatsson vestan, Árni Auðunarson,

28882 = Snorri Þórðarson, Vigfúss Ívarsson, Ormr Halldórsson,

32913 = Marteinn Þorkelsson, Markús Þorgilsson, Gizurr Þórarinsson,

22820 = Hermundr Hermundarson, Þórir Steinfinnsson,

22748 = Valdi ok Áskell Skeggjasynir, Bersi Þorsteinsson,

23920 = – ór Vestfjörðum:  Krákr ok Sveinbjörn Hrafnssynir,

27408 = Markús Magnússon, Helgi Sveinsson, Þórðr Guðmundarson,

19253 = Eindriði smiðr, Þórðr Hallkelsson ok Ámundi,

23047 = Ögmundr Kolbeinsson, Jón kaupi, Dálkr Þorgilsson,

29008 = – en norðan: Sighvatr Sturluson, Þórðr ok Markús, synir hans,

23230 = Sighvatr Runólfsson, Ingjaldr stami, Þórðr daufi,

27632 = Einarr Ingjaldsson, Björn Gizurarson, Björn Þórarinsson,

26634 = Eyjólfr, Guðmundr Halldórsson, Sámr, Þórðr Eysteinsson,

21764 = Eiríkr Þorsteinsson, Björn Þorgrímsson,

23985 = – en lengra norðan:  Kolbeinn Sighvatsson, Páll Magnússon,

22645 = Þorgeirr Bjarnarson, Oddr Kárason, Skeggi Hallsson,

20946 = Sigurðr Guðmundarson, Brandr Þorkelsson,

17678 = Brandr Einarsson, Ljótr, Loðinn Helgason;

24363 = – þessir létust af Gizuri:  Játgeirr Þórarinsson,

27260 = Sigfúss Tófason, Þorlákr Barkarson, Þorgils Steinason,

  34278 = Þórðr Snorrason, Þorbjörn, Þóroddr, húskarl Teits Þorvaldssonar.


II. Spásögn um sunnanför Surts?



16032 = Surtr ferr sunnan með sviga lævi.

2692 = Ísland

710 = 7. desember

  2015 = 2015 A.D.


I + II = 552503 + 21449 = 573952


III. Proud Man’s Comeuppance

(An Eyewitness Account)


Medieval myth tells of a British laborer by name of Turchill, whose Soul was taken from his Body so that he might witness the torments that await the wicked and the rewards of the righteous when Seventh Day is done.  The following is his „eye-witness“ account.


29178 = When the servants of Hell were all seated at this shameful scene.

24450 = the Chief of that wicked troop said to his satellites,

21582 = “Let the proud man be violently dragged from his seat,

12031 = and let him sport before us.“

23467 = After he had been dragged from his seat and clothed in a black garment,

25102 = he, in the presence of the devils who applauded him in turn,

23138 = imitated all the gestures of a man proud beyond measure;

34314 = he stretched his neck, elevated his face, cast up his eyes, with the brows arched,

32861 = imperiously thundered forth lofty words, shrugged his shoulders,

17518 = and scarcely could he bear his arms for pride:

19533 = his eyes glowed, he assumed a threatening look,

22250 = rising on tiptoe, he stood with crossed legs,

23845 = expanded his chest, stretched his neck, glowed in his face,

34729 = showed signs of anger in his fiery eyes, and striking his nose with his finger,

34650 = gave impression of great threats; and thus swelling with inward pride,

25990 = he afforded ready subject of laughter to the inhuman spirits.

20831 = And whilst he was boasting about his dress,

16471 = and was fastening gloves by sewing,

20700 = his garments on a sudden were turned to fire,

23472 = which consumed the entire body of the wretched being;

32759 = lastly the devils, glowing with anger, tore the wretch limb from limb

  16143 = with prongs and fiery iron hooks.


IV. Því næst slyngr Surtr eldi yfir jörðina

ok brennir allan heim.

(Gylfaginning, 51. kafli)


  4000 = Logandi Sverð

34938 = Allur heimur – Sjá Mýramannakyn, 7. des. 2015.


III + IV = 535014 + 38938 = 573952

V. The prosperity of fooles shall destroy them

(Proverbs, Ch. 1:20-33, King James Bible, 1611.)



32921 = Wisedome crieth without, she vttereth her voice in the streets:


18025 = Shee crieth in the chiefe place of concourse,

11793 = in the openings of the gates:

20252 = in the city she vttereth her words, saying,


23526 = How long, ye simple ones, will ye loue simplicitie?

19221 = and the scorners delight in their scorning,

10786 = and fooles hate knowledge?


11873 = Turne you at my reproofe:

22962 = behold, I will powre out my spirit vnto you,

20251 = I will make knowen my wordes vnto you.


12353 = Because I haue called, and yee refused,

18088 = I haue stretched out my hand, and no man regarded:


17919 = But ye haue set at nought all my counsell,

12560 = & would none of my reproofe:


15609 = I also will laugh at your calamitie,

16861 = I wil mocke when your feare commeth.


17413 = When your feare commeth as desolation,

23149 = and your destruction commeth as a whirlewinde;

21704 = when distresse and anguish commeth vpon you:


24399 = Then shall they call vpon mee, but I will not answere;

20102 = they shall seeke me early, but they shall not finde me:


12924 = For that they hated knowledge,

15007 = and did not choose the feare of the LORD.


26573 = They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproofe.


25899 = Therefore shall they eate of the fruite of their owne way,

16532 = and be filled with their owne deuices.


22413 = For the turning away of the simple shall slay them,

21737 = and the prosperity of fooles shall destroy them.


22743 = But who so hearkneth vnto mee, shall dwell safely,

  14357 = and shall be quiet from feare of euill.


VI. Fjögur Ljós í Haugi Gunnars

(Njála, 78. kafli)

Surtalogi =


V + VI = 569952 + 4000 = 573952


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Gunnar Tómasson
Ég er fæddur (1940) og uppalinn á Melunum í Reykjavík. Stúdent úr Verzlunarskóla Íslands 1960 og með hagfræðigráður frá Manchester University (1963) og Harvard University (1965). Starfaði sem hagfræðingur við Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðinn frá 1966 til 1989. Var m.a. aðstoðar-landstjóri AGS í Indónesíu 1968-1969, og landstjóri í Kambódíu (1971-1972) og Suður Víet-Nam (1973-1975). Hef starfað sjálfstætt að rannsóknarverkefnum á ýmsum sviðum frá 1989, þ.m.t. peningahagfræði. Var einn af þremur stofnendum hagfræðingahóps (Gang8) 1989. Frá upphafi var markmið okkar að hafa hugsað málin í gegn þegar - ekki ef - allt færi á annan endann í alþjóðapeningakerfinu. Í október 2008 kom sú staða upp í íslenzka peninga- og fjármálakerfinu. Alla tíð síðan hef ég látið peninga- og efnahagsmál á Íslandi meira til mín taka en áður. Ég ákvað að gerast bloggari á pressan.is til að geta komið skoðunum mínum í þeim efnum á framfæri.
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