© Gunnar Tómasson
21 January 2016
I. Horace’s Monument
(Odes, III.30, 23 B.C.)
15415 = Exegi monumentum aere perennius
15971 = regalique situ pyramidum altius,
18183 = quod non imber edax, non Aquilo impotens
16667 = possit diruere aut innumerabilis
15808 = annorum series et fuga temporum.
16838 = Non omnis moriar multaque pars mei
17125 = vitabit Libitinam; usque ego postera
15977 = crescam laude recens. Dum Capitolium
16702 = scandet cum tacita virgine pontifex,
17493 = dicar, qua violens obstrepit Aufidus
17316 = et qua pauper aquae Daunus agrestium
19190 = regnavit populorum, ex humili potens,
14596 = princeps Aeolium carmen ad Italos
15421 = deduxisse modos. Sume superbiam
15021 = quaesitam meritis et mihi Delphica
15259 = lauro cinge volens, Melpomene, comam.*
* I have created a monument more lasting than bronze and loftier than the royal pyramids, a monument which neither the biting rain nor the raging North Wind can destroy, nor can the countless years and the passing of the seasons. I will not entirely die and a great part of me will avoid Libitina, the goddess of Death; I will grow greater and greater in times to come, kept fresh by praise. So long as the high priest climbs the stairs of the Capitolium, accompanied by the silent Vestal Virgin, I, now powerful but from humble origins, will be said to be the first to have brought Aeolian song to Latin meter where the raging Aufidius roars and where parched Daunus ruled over the country folk. Embrace my pride, deservedly earned, Muse, and willingly crown me with Apollo’s laurel.
II. Acquisition of Wisdom
(Edda, Gylfaginning)
1 = Monad
2568 = Alföðr – Father of All
4819 = Gylfaginning
1000 = Light of the World
22631 = “ok stattu fram meðan þú fregn, sitja skal sá er segir.”
4000 = Flaming Sword – Cosmic Creative Power
III. Ever-living Light of the World
(Ovid, Metamorphoses, Omega, ca. 8 A.D.)
20809 = Iamque opus exegi, quod nec Iovis ira nec ignis
20812 = nec poterit ferrum nec edax abolere vetustas.
23327 = Cum volet, illa dies, quae nil nisi corporis huius
18460 = ius habet, incerti spatium mihi finiat aevi:
19235 = parte tamen meliore mei super alta perennis
20738 = astra ferar, nomenque erit indelebile nostrum,
22001 = quaque patet domitis Romana potentia terris,
17657 = ore legar populi, perque omnia saecula fama,
18369 = siquid habent veri vatum praesagia, vivam.¹
I + II + III = 262982 + 35019 + 181408 = 479409
The Saga Roots of Shakespeare Myth
IV. Light in Darkness – Burial at Christ’s Church
(Íslendingasaga, Ch. 79)
34380 = Þeir Jón ok Gizurr mágar váru með konungi um jól sem aðrir skutilsveinar.
18210 = En síðan gengu þeir í hjúkólf á konungsgarði.
13961 = Þat var eitt kveld nær geisladegi,
26179 = er þeir mágar kómu ór hjúkólfinum ok váru mjök drukknir,
22920 = ok var myrkt í loftinu ok eigi upp gervar hvílur.
33646 = En er upp kom ljósit, var Jón illa stilltr ok ámælti þjónustumönnum.
13124 = Hann Óláfr skaut orði fyrir þá.
30532 = En Jón tók skíðu ok sló til Óláfs, en Gizurr tekr Jón ok heldr honum.
29288 = Þá fekk Óláfr handöxi ok hjó í höfuð Jóni. Varð þat eigi mikit sár ásýndum.
30684 = Hann Jón brást við hart ok spurði, hví Gizurr heldi honum undir högg.
33229 = Óláfr hljóp ór loftinu, ok fell aftr hlemmrinn. Gizurr fell á hlemminn fyrst.
34352 = En er hann vissi, at Jón var sárr, þá hljópu þeir báðir ór loftinu eftir honum.
16671 = En Óláfr var þá undan borinn, en niðmyrkr á.
36073 = Sneru þeir þá aftr í loftit ok bundu um sárit. Lét Jón lítt yfir ok var á fótum.
30611 = Leituðu þeir eftir Óláfi um morgininn ok fengu hann eigi upp spurðan.
19558 = Jón geymdi sín lítt, fór í bað ok drakk inni fyrst.
14132 = Sló þá í verkjum, ok lagði hann niðr.
26031 = Hann andaðist Agnesarmessu ok var jarðaðr at Kristskirkju,
15828 = þar sem nú sönghússveggrinn er.
V. On Lord Bacon’s Sixtieth Birth-day.
(Ben Jonson)
16581 = Haile, happie Genius of this antient pile!
20279 = How comes it all things so about thee smile?
17198 = The fire, the wine, the men! and in the midst,
21508 = Thou stand’st as if some Mysterie thou did’st!
12154 = Pardon, I read it in thy face, the day
19469 = For whose returnes, and many, all these pray:
16418 = And so doe I. This is the sixtieth yeare
17016 = Since Bacon, and thy Lord was borne, and here;
18913 = Sonne to the grave wise Keeper of the Seale,
16059 = Fame, and foundation of the English Weale.
19651 = What then his Father was, that since is hee,
17241 = Now with a Title more to the Degree;
16620 = Englands high Chancellor: the destin’d heire
17009 = In his soft Cradle to his Fathers Chaire,
22240 = Whose even Thred the Fates spinne round, and full,
24638 = Out of their Choysest, and their whitest wooll.
17274 = ‘Tis a brave cause of joy, let it be knowne,
22882 = For ‘t were a narrow gladnesse, kept thine owne.
18137 = Give me a deep-crown’d-Bowle, that I may sing
15952 = In raysing him the wisdome of my King.
VI. Crucified King‘s Sacrificial Mission
(King James Bible, 1611)
1000 = Light of the World
9442 = THE KING OF THE IEWES – Mark 15:26
13383 = THIS IS THE KING OF THE IEWES – Luke 23:38
Man‘s Course Through Life
Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland
7196 = Bergþórshváll
6067 = Miðeyjarhólmr
3027 = Helgafell
Time Jesum transeuntem et non revertentem.
Dread the passage of Jesus, for he will not return.
(Matt. 10:4, KJB, 1611)
19148 = Thinke not that I am come to send peace on earth:
15592 = I came not to send peace, but a sword.
2600 = FINIS
V + VI = 367239 + 112170 = 470409
¹And now the measure of my song is done:
The work has reached its end; the book is mine,
None shall unwrite these words: nor angry Jove,
Nor war, nor fire, nor flood,
Nor venomous time that eats our lives away.
Then let that morning come, as come it will,
When this disguise I carry shall be no more,
And all the treacherous years of life undone,
And yet my name shall rise to heavenly music,
The deathless music of the circling stars.
As long as Rome is the Eternal City
These lines shall echo from the lips of men,
As long as poetry speaks truth on earth,
That immortality is mine to wear.
(Transl. by Horace Gregory,
Ovid – The Metamorphoses, Mentor Books, 1960, p. 441)
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