© Gunnar Tómasson
11 April 2016
I. The Taming Of The Shrew
(Act I, Sc. i, First Folio)
18801 = Enter Begger and Hostes, Christophero Sly.
9104 = Ile pheeze you infaith.
12766 = A paire of stockes you rogue.
13791 = Y’are a baggage, the Slies are no Rogues.
10399 = Looke in the Chronicles,
17151 = we came in with Richard Conqueror:
24345 = therefore Paucas pallabris, let the world slide: Sessa.
23174 = You will not pay for the glasses you haue burst?
6178 = No, not a deniere.
19856 = go by S. Ieronimie, goe to thy cold bed, and warme thee.
20982 = I know my remedie, I must go fetch the Head-borough.
25800 = Third, or fourth, or fift borough, Ile answere him by Law.
17155 = Ile not budge an inch boy. Let him come, and kindly.
5330 = Falles asleepe.
6895 = Winde hornes.
19854 = Enter a Lord from hunting with his traine.
19615 = Huntsman I charge thee, tender wel my hounds,
17765 = Brach Meriman, the poore Curre is imbost,
21376 = And couple Clowder with the deepe-mouth’d brach,
21990 = Saw’st thou not boy how Silver made it good
17542 = At the hedge corner, in the couldest fault,
23097 = I would not loose the dogge for twentie pound.
13641 = Why Belman is as good as he my Lord,
16534 = He cried vpon it at the meerest losse,
20231 = And twice to day pick’d out the dullest sent,
17018 = Trust me, I take him for the better dogge.
16547 = Thou art a Foole, if Eccho were as fleete,
19474 = I would esteeme him worth a dozen such:
19338 = But sup them well, and looke vnto them all,
16442 = To morrow I intend to hunt againe.
6933 = I will my Lord.
19654 = What’s heere? One dead? or drunke? See doth he breath?
- Huntsman
21131 = He breath’s my Lord. Were he not warm’d with Ale,
20169 = this were a bed but cold to sleep so soundly.
21474 = Oh monstrous beast, how like a swine he lyes.
20662 = Grim death, how foule and loathsome is thine image:
20135 = Sirs, I will practise on this drunken man.
18420 = What thinke you, if he were conuey’d to bed,
26674 = Wrap’d in sweet cloathes: Rings put vpon his fingers:
14290 = A most delicious banquet by his bed,
19092 = And braue attendants neere him when he wakes,
18780 = Would not the begger then forget himselfe?
- Huntsman
15972 = Beleeue me Lord, I thinke he cannot choose.
- Huntsman
22077 = It would seem strange vnto him when he wak’d.
19797 = Euen as a flatt’ring dreame, or worthles fancie.
16554 = Then take him vp, and manage well the iest:
15940 = Carrie him gently to my fairest Chamber,
22518 = And hang it round with all my wanton pictures:
20438 = Balme his foule head in warme distilled waters,
23002 = And burne sweet Wood to make the Lodging sweete:
18538 = Procure me Musicke readie when he wakes,
13817 = To make a dulcet and a heauenly sound:
15571 = And if he chance to speake, be readie straight
18695 = (And with a lowe submissiue reuerence)
19161 = Say, what is it your Honor wil command:
17228 = Let one attend him with a siluer Bason
24851 = Full of Rose-water, and bestrew’d with Flowers;
16643 = Another beare the Ewer: the third a Diaper,
23563 = And say wilt please your Lordship coole your hands.
17100 = Some one be readie with a costly suite,
18195 = And aske him what apparrel he will weare:
17317 = Another tell him of his Hounds and Horse,
16643 = And that his Ladie mournes at his disease,
16721 = Perswade him that he hath bin Lunaticke,
16291 = And when he sayes he is, say that he dreames,
15053 = For he is nothing but a mightie Lord:
15017 = This do, and do it kindly, gentle sirs,
16807 = It wil be pastime passing excellent,
13808 = If it be husbanded with modestie.
- Huntsman
22382 = My Lord I warrant you we wil play our part
16166 = As he shall thinke by our true diligence
16717 = He is no lesse then what we say he is.
15606 = Take him vp gently, and to bed with him,
16281 = And each one to his office when he wakes.
9264 = Sound trumpets.
22822 = Sirrah, go see what Trumpet ‘tis that sounds,
15145 = Belike some Noble Gentleman that meanes
19543 = (Traueling some iourney) to repose him heere.
8166 = Enter Seruingman.
11664 = How now? who is it?
13748 = An’t please your Honor, Players
17598 = That offer seruice to your Lordship.
II. Next Day’s Hunt in The Playfield of the Words
(Saga-Shakespeare Myth/Prophecy)
End of Sixth Day’s Hunt
2307 = 23 September – 7th month old-style
1241 = 1241 A.D. – Date of Snorri Sturluson’s “Murder”
Players Offering Service
14882 = Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson
8613 = Bjarni Benediktsson
Playfield of the Words
18613 = Munnrinn ok tungan er leikvöllr orðanna.
22777 = Á þeim velli eru reistir stafir þeir, er mál allt gera,
24510 = ok hendir málit ýmsa svá til at jafna sem hörpu strengir
14202 = eða eru læster lyklar í simphonie.¹
End of Seventh Day’s Hunt
4000 = Flaming Sword
13159 = Ártíð Snorra fólgsnarjarls – Anniversary of Snorri’s “murder”
I + II = 1432024 + 124304 = 1556328
III + IV = 1013069 + 543259 = 1556328
V = 1556328
III. Prince Hamlet: Speake the Speech I pray you,
as I pronounc’d it to you trippingly on the Tongue.
(Act III, Sc. ii, First folio, 1623)
19922 = Enter Hamlet, and two or three of the Players.
11405 = Speake the Speech I pray you,
24137 = as I pronounc‘d it to you trippingly on the Tongue:
20423 = But if you mouth it, as many of your Players do,
19674 = I had as liue the Town-Cryer had spoke my Lines:
30945 = Nor do not saw the Ayre too much your hand thus, but vse all gently;
21001 = for in the verie Torrent, Tempest, and (as I may say)
26017 = the Whirle-winde of Passion, you must acquire and beget
18301 = a Temperance that may giue it Smoothnesse.
12501 = O it offends mee to the Soule
21319 = to see a robustious Peri-wig-pated Fellow,
19820 = teare a Passion to tatters, to verie ragges,
17527 = to split the eares of the Groundlings:
20016 = who (for the most part) are capeable of nothing,
16570 = but inexplicable dumbe shewes, & noise:
26121 = I could haue such a Fellow whipt for o‘re-doing Termagant:
17112 = it out-Herod‘s Herod. Pray you auoid it.
11544 = I warrant your Honor.
33024 = Be not too tame neyther: but let your owne Discretion be your Tutor.
25676 = Sute the Action to the Word, the Word to the Action,
14993 = with this speciall obseruance:
21514 = That you ore-stop not the modestie of Nature;
24830 = for any thing so ouer-done is fro² the purpose of Playing,
22077 = whose end both at the first and now, was and is,
21531 = to hold as ´twer the Mirrour vp to Nature;
27362 = to shew Vertue her owne Feature, Scorne her owne Image,
23404 = and the verie Age and Bodie of the Time, his forme and pressure:
17372 = Now, this ouer-done, or come tardie off,
16037 = though it make the vnskilfull laugh,
16232 = cannot but make the Judicious greeue.
25237 = The censure of the which One, must in your allowance
16265 = o’re-way a whole Theater of Others.
15994 = Oh, there bee Players that I haue seene Play,
9620 = and heard others praise,
18255 = and that highly (not to speake it prophanely)
19598 = that neyther hauing the accent of Christians,
17466 = nor the gate of Christian, Pagan or Norman,
23178 = haue so strutted and bellowed, that I haue thought
16455 = some of Natures Jouerney-men had made men,
24723 = and not made them well, they imitated Humanity so abhominably.
25522 = I hope we haue reform’d that indifferently with vs, Sir.
28298 = O reforme it altogether. And let those that play your Clownes,
18916 = speake no more then is set downe for them.
21323 = For there be of them, that will themselues laugh,
28648 = to set on some quantitie of barren Spectators to laugh too,
9888 = though in the meane time,
25581 = some necessary Question of the Play be then to be considered:
25690 = that’s Villanous, & shewes a most pittifull Ambition
24005 = in the Foole that vses it. Go make you readie. Exit Players.
IV. The Genius of Antiquity and Dies Irae
(Francis Bacon’s Plan/Prophecy)
Tri-Unite Genius of Antiquity
7645 = Sol Invictus
-4000 = Dark Sword
4600 = Scialetheia – Shadow of Truth
The Play – Dies Irae
The Day of Wrath
[Medieval myth tells of a British laborer by name of Turchill, whose Soul was taken from his Body so that he might witness the torments that await the wicked and the rewards of the righteous at the End of Time. The following is his „eye-witness“ account:]
29178 = When the servants of Hell were all seated at this shameful scene,
24450 = the Chief of that wicked troop said to his satellites,
21582 = “Let the proud man be violently dragged from his seat,
12031 = and let him sport before us.“
13096 = After he had been dragged from his seat
10371 = and clothed in a black garment,
25102 = he, in the presence of the devils, who applauded him in turn,
23138 = imitated all the gestures of a man proud beyond measure;
15155 = he stretched his neck, elevated his face,
19159 = cast up his eyes, with the brows arched,
32861 = imperiously thundered forth lofty words, shrugged his shoulders,
17518 = and scarcely could he bear his arms for pride:
19533 = his eyes glowed, he assumed a threatening look,
22250 = rising on tiptoe, he stood with crossed legs,
23845 = expanded his chest, stretched his neck, glowed in his face,
17007 = showed signs of anger in his fiery eyes,
17722 = and striking his nose with his finger,
15275 = gave impression of great threats;
19375 = and thus swelling with inward pride,
25990 = he afforded ready subject of laughter to the inhuman spirits.
20831 = And whilst he was boasting about his dress,
16471 = and was fastening gloves by sewing,
20700 = his garments on a sudden were turned to fire,
23472 = which consumed the entire body of the wretched being;
18423 = lastly the devils, glowing with anger,
30479 = tore the wretch limb from limb with prongs and fiery iron hooks.
V. Player Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson³
(Easter Message, 27 March 2016)
10623 = Hvað snýr upp og niður?
10230 = Gleðilega páska öllsömul.
21863 = Það varla viðeigandi að ræða mikið um stjórnmál á páskum
22989 = en að þessu sinni verður líklega ekki hjá því komist.
17060 = Stjórnmál eru furðulegt fyrirbæri.
28401 = Ekki hvað síst hér á Íslandi þar sem menn veigra sér oft ekki við því
13333 = að snúa hlutum algjörlega á haus.
30814 = Ég greip með afgerandi hætti inn í atburðarásina í íslenskum stjórnmálum
25576 = og boðaði fordæmalausar aðgerðir til að verja hagsmuni almennings,
32876 = aðgerðir sem um leið voru til þess fallnar að rýra hagsmuni eiginkonu minnar.
22442 = Það sem ég boðaði var kallað galið, óframkvæmanlegt lýðskrum.
38158 = Ég var sagður búa til óraunhæfar væntingar og tala fyrir einhverju sem stæðist ekki lög,
30047 = tala fyrir eignaupptöku og aðgerðum sem leiða myndu til margra ára málaferla.
17412 = Ég mætti mótspyrnu í hverju skrefi
22949 = bæði af hálfu vogunarsjóðanna og málsvara þeirra hér á landi.
29466 = Málsvararnir kölluðu mig popúlista, ekki hvað síst eftir að ég boðaði
22425 = að ef kröfuhafar létu ekki undan ætti að skella á þá skatti.
26590 = Sigur hafðist þó í málinu þrátt fyrir mikla mótspyrnu.
28015 = Það náðist niðurstaða sem vakið hefur athygli og undrun alþjóðlega
20638 = fyrir hvað hún var óvenjuleg og góð fyrir Ísland.
27944 = Niðurstaða sem Lee Buchheit kallaði einstaka í fjármálasögu heimsins.
29451 = Sú niðurstaða að vogunarsjóðirnir, sem komu til að græða á falli bankanna,
21047 = voru látnir borga fyrir að fá eignir sínar afhentar.
15845 = Þeir þurftu að borga fyrir að fá peninga
31065 = sem formaður eins af stjórnarandstöðuflokkunum minnti reglulega á
11958 = að væri lögvarin eign þeirra.
21823 = Til að gera þetta mögulegt var fólk, eins og konan mín,
26694 = sem þegar hafði tapað miklu á að láta bankana geyma peningana sína fyrir hrun,
10521 = látið taka á sig enn meira tap.
20933 = Nú þegar búið er að klára það sem sagt var ómögulegt
30568 = og ná niðurstöðunni sem reyndist „einstök í fjármálasögu heimsins“,
21890 = stíga þeir fram sem sögðu mig hafa lofað því ómögulega
22839 = og segja mig vanhæfan til að ná þessum árangri vegna þess
23171 = að með því hafi ég verið að fórna hagsmunum eigin fjölskyldu.
22578 = Og það sem meira sé, ég hafi ekki einu sinni látið vita af því
18628 = að ég væri að fórna hagsmunum fjölskyldunnar.
32311 = Ekkert af þessu fólki hafði talið sig vanhæft eða séð ástæðu til að gera grein fyrir
26618 = eigin hagsmunum og hagsmunum fjölskyldna sinna á liðnum árum
13155 = þegar verið var að taka ákvarðanir
25862 = sem ekki fórnuðu þeirra eigin hagsmunum heldur vörðu þá.
36236 = Svo eru þeir til sem sjá þessa umræðu alla sem tilefni til að ráðast á eiginkonu mína,
26751 = rægja hana og fjölskyldu hennar og dreifa óhróðri um þetta góða fólk,
16392 = allt væntanlega í þeim tilgangi að vega að mér.
21811 = Blanda þannig í málið fólki sem á svo sannarlega ekki skilið
36571 = að vera dregið inn í óþverraumræðuna sem allt of oft fylgir stjórnmálum nú til dags.
31157 = Þannig varð því miður til sú staða að óhjákvæmilegt reyndist fyrir mig
16276 = að fara að tjá mig um málefni eiginkonu minnar
17062 = en til þessa hef ég fylgt þeirri stefnu
29116 = að leyfa mönnum ekki að blanda konu minni eða fjölskyldu inn í pólitísk átök.
26370 = Þegar ég vék frá þeirri reglu gerðist það sem við mátti búast
24620 = að menn nýta allt sem sagt er sem tilefni til að þvæla málið áfram.
18535 = Ástæðulaust er að eltast við þá sem það gera.
20507 = Hins vegar hef ég fullan skilning á að við umfjöllun
21078 = eins og þá sem boðið hefur verið upp á að undanförnu
16456 = vakni ýmsar spurningar hjá almenningi.
29947 = Slíkt er eðlilegt þegar umræða um stjórnmál og fjármál er annars vegar.
30476 = Við hjónin erum þakklát fyrir þann mikla stuðning sem við höfum fengið
29377 = frá ótrúlegum fjölda fólks sem skilur hvernig þetta mál er vaxið.
34142 = Það er þó sjálfsagt mál að veita þeim sem telja einhverjum spurningum ósvarað
25063 = eða vilja fá betri yfirsýn yfir málið greinargóðar upplýsingar.
26520 = Við settumst því niður saman og skrifuðum samantekt
29408 = með svörum við öllum þeim álitamálum sem varpað hefur verið upp
19882 = í umræðunni að undanförnu og öðrum atriðum
26162 = sem við höfum orðið vör við að fólk hafi verið að velta fyrir sér.
19605 = Fyrir áhugasama læt ég samantektina fylgja hér að neðan.
What is up and down?
Happy Easter to all of you.
It is hardly appropriate to talk much politics at Easter but this time it can probably not be avoided.
Politics is a strange phenomenon. Not least here in Iceland where people often do not flinch from turning things completely upside down.
I intervened decisively in the course of events in Icelandic politics and proposed unprecedented measures to defend the interests of the general public, measures which at the same time were conducive to impairing the interests of my wife.
What I proposed was called crazy, unworkable demagogy. I was said to be creating unrealistic expectations and advocating something which was contrary to law, advocating expropriation of assets and measures which would entail many years of litigation. I met resistance at every step both by the hedge funds and their spokesmen in this country. The spokesmen called me a populist, not least after I proposed that, if the creditors would not yield, then they would be hit with a tax.
Still, victory was achieved despite great opposition. The outcome has attracted international attention and surprise because how unusual and good for Iceland it was.
An outcome which Lee Buchheit called unique in the world’s financial history. An outcome where the hedge funds, that came to Iceland to profit from the collapse of the banks, were made to pay to have their assets released. They had to pay for getting money which the chairman of one of the opposition parties pointed out on a regular basis was their legally protected asset.
This became possible because people such as my wife, who had already lost much by having the banks safeguard their money before the collapse, were made to absorb a further loss.
Now that the supposedly impossible has happened in a manner “unique in the world’s financial history”, those who said I had promised the unattainable, step up and say that I was disqualified to work towards this result because in doing so I was sacrificing the interests of my own family. And what is more, I had not even revealed that I was sacrificing its interests. None of these people have considered themselves disqualified or seen any reason to reveal their own interests and those of their families in years past when decisions were taken which defended rather than sacrificed their own interests.
And then there are those who view this debate as an occasion to attack my wife, slander her and her family and spread calumny about these good folks, presumably for the purpose of attacking me. They should certainly should not be dragged into the filthy debate which far too often is a part of politics these days.
Thus the unfortunate situation arose that it was unavoidable for me to comment on the private matters of my wife, but it has been my policy until now not to let people drag my wife or family into political clashes. But when I deviated from that policy, people began, not unexpectedly, to utilise everything that was said as an occasion to continue gabbling about the matter.
There is no point in arguing with those who do so. However, I fully understand that discussions such as those that have taken place recently will raise various questions for the general public. That is normal when politics and finances are being discussed.
My wife and I are grateful for the strong support we have received from an incredibly large number of people who understand what this matter is about. However, it is natural to give further information to those who consider that some questions remain to be answered or want to have a better understanding of the matter. Therefore we sat down together and wrote a summary with answers to all those issues which have come up in the recent discussion as well as other issues which we know that people have been thinking about. For those interested I am attaching the summary below.
¹The mouth and the tongue form the playfield of the words. On that field are raised the letters which comprise all speech and which some equate to harp strings or keys locked in a symphony.
²Original text.
³ Iceland’s Prime Minister, 23 May 2013 – 7 April 2016.
Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at: