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The Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland

© Gunnar Tómasson

4 July 2016

Pythagoras: ALL is NUMBER


Pythagoras and his students believed that everything was related to mathematics, and felt that everything could be predicted and measured in rhythmic cycles. The combination of mathematics and theology began with Pythagoras.

According to Bertrand Russell Pythagoreanism characterized the religious philosophy in Greece, in the Middle ages, and down through Kant. In Plato, Aquinas, Descartes, Spinoza and Kant there is a blending of religion and reason, of moral aspiration with logical admiration of what is timeless. Mathematics, so honored, became the model for other sciences. Thought became superior to the senses; intuition became superior to observation. Platonism was essentially Pythagoreanism. The whole concept of an eternal world revealed to intellect but not to the senses can be attributed from the teachings of Pythagoras.


I. Brennu-Njálssaga




6257 = Mörðr hét maðr. – A Man was named Mörðr.


Section on Christianity

12685 = Höfðingjaskipti varð í Nóregi. – There was a change of Chieftains in Norway.


Section on Christianity

11274 = Fara menn við þat heim af þingi. – At that men went home from Althing.


13530 = Ok lýk ek þar Brennu-Njálssögu. – And there I conclude Saga of Burnt Njáll.


II. The Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland

(Einar Pálsson – Gunnar Tómasson)

   345 = Soul’s Foundation

666 = Man-Beast

The Sacred Triangle

A Pagan’s Course Through Life

7196 = Bergþórshváll

6067 = Miðeyjarhólmr

3027 = Helgafell


Equinoctial Points Circle the Zodiac

25920 = Platonic Great Year

216 = Soul’s Resurrection

4000 = Flaming Sword

-4123 = Osiris “risen/dead” – Union with Isis

432 = Right Measure of Man


III. “Murder” of Invincible Truth/Snorri Sturluson

(Gunnar Tómasson)


4315 = Veritas

2307 = 23 September (7th month old-style)

1241 = 1241 A.D. – Date of Snorri’s “murder”

Dialogue at Snorri’s “Murder”

6033 = “Eigi skal höggva.“ – Thou shalt not strike.

3558 = “Högg þú.“ – Thou shalt strike.

6033 = “Eigi skal höggva.“ – Thou shalt not strike.

Truth In the Fulness of Time

13159 = Ártíð Snorra fólgsnarjarls – Anniversary of Snorri’s “murder”

7000 = Microcosmos – Creation/Man in God’s Image

100 = The End


IV. Quest of the Holy Grail and Kabbalah

(Gunnar Tómasson)


1796 = Graal

-1000 = Darkness

35850 = Kabbalah – God’s Manifestation at Level of Man¹

7000 = Microcosmos – Creation/Man in God’s Image

100 = The End


V. Snorri Sturluson’s Advice to Young Poets²

(Skáldskaparmál, Ch. 8)


16349 = En þetta er nú at segja ungum skáldum,

15868 = þeim er girnast at nema mál skáldskapar

16723 = ok heyja sér orðfjölða með fornum heitum

15251 = eða girnast þeir at kunna skilja þat,

8474 = er hulit er kveðit,

22969 = þá skili hann þessa bók til fróðleiks ok skemmtunar.

19899 = En ekki er at gleyma eða ósanna svá þessar frásagnir

17985 = at taka ór skáldskapinum fornar kenningar,

14787 = þær er höfuðskáld hafa sér líka látit.

19481 = En eigi skulu kristnir menn trúa á heiðin goð

17358 = ok eigi á sannyndi þessa sagna annan veg en svá

12776 = sem hér finnst í upphafi bókar.


VI. Snorri Sturluson: All Is One

(Gunnar Tómasson)


Poet Teacher and Student

11359 = Snorri Sturluson

9814 = Sturla Þórðarson

The beginning of this Book.

Sacrificial “Death” of Truth

       1 = Monad

3558 = “Högg þú.“ – Thou shalt strike.

At the End

Quest Concluded

-1796 = Graal


All Is One

174984 = I – IV = 4 x 43746 = 174984




Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:



¹Ten Sefiroth of Kabbalah

(History of God)

2638 = En Sof – Without End/Guð í alheims geimi

3025 = Kether – Crown/Höfuð

2852 = Hokhmah – Wisdom/Vizka

1559 = Binah – Intelligence/Greind

1953 = Hesed – Love or Mercy/Ást eða Miskunn

1219 = Din – Power/Máttur

4209 = Tifereth – Beauty/Dýrð

3301 = (a.k.a. – einnig): Rakhamim –Compassion/Samkennd

3514 = Netsakh – Lasting Endurance/Varanlegt þolgæði

1261 = Hod – Majesty/Virðing

2434 = Yesod – Foundation/Undirstaða

3816 = Malkuth – Kingdom/Ríki

3392 = (a.k.a. – einnig): Shekinah – Guð í sjálfum þér

   677 = EK – 13th Icelandic for EGO/Ég


Background on Kabbalah

The most influential Kabbalistic text was The Zohar, which was probably written in about 1275 by the Spanish mystic Moses of Leon [who] believed that God gives each mystic a unique and personal revelation, so there is no limit to the way the Torah can be interpreted: as the Kabbalist progresses, layer upon layer of significance is revealed. The Zohar shows the mysterious emanation of the ten sefiroth as a process whereby the impersonal En Sof becomes a personality. In the three highest sefiroth – Kether, Hokhmah and Binah – when, as it were, En Sof has only just „decided“ to express himself, the divine reality is called „he.“ As „he“ descends through the middle sefiroth – Hesed, Din, Tifereth, Netsakh, Hod and Yesod – „he“ becomes „you.“ Finally, when God becomes present in the world in the Shekinah, „he“ calls himself „I.“ It is at this point, where God has, as it were, become an individual and his self-expression is complete, that man can begin his mystical journey. Once the mystic has acquired an understanding of his own deepest self, he becomes aware of the Presence of God within him and can then ascend to the more impersonal higher spheres, transcending the limits of personality and egotism. It is a return to the unimaginable Source of our being and the hidden world of sense impression is simply the last and outer-most shell of the divine reality. (Karen Armstrong, A History of God, Ballantine Books, New York, 1993, p. 247)“

² This is the entire text of Ch. 8.

In it Snorri Sturluson offers advice to ‘young poets’ who desire to understand the language of poetry, build up a vocabulary of ancient names which might enablethem to understand that which is cast in terms of hidden poetry.

First they need to UNDERSTAND Edda and not shy away from using ancient terminology which major poets have been content to use.

But Christians shall not believe in heathen gods and not in the truthfulness of these stories otherwise than can be found at the beginning of this book.

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Gunnar Tómasson
Ég er fæddur (1940) og uppalinn á Melunum í Reykjavík. Stúdent úr Verzlunarskóla Íslands 1960 og með hagfræðigráður frá Manchester University (1963) og Harvard University (1965). Starfaði sem hagfræðingur við Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðinn frá 1966 til 1989. Var m.a. aðstoðar-landstjóri AGS í Indónesíu 1968-1969, og landstjóri í Kambódíu (1971-1972) og Suður Víet-Nam (1973-1975). Hef starfað sjálfstætt að rannsóknarverkefnum á ýmsum sviðum frá 1989, þ.m.t. peningahagfræði. Var einn af þremur stofnendum hagfræðingahóps (Gang8) 1989. Frá upphafi var markmið okkar að hafa hugsað málin í gegn þegar - ekki ef - allt færi á annan endann í alþjóðapeningakerfinu. Í október 2008 kom sú staða upp í íslenzka peninga- og fjármálakerfinu. Alla tíð síðan hef ég látið peninga- og efnahagsmál á Íslandi meira til mín taka en áður. Ég ákvað að gerast bloggari á pressan.is til að geta komið skoðunum mínum í þeim efnum á framfæri.
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