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The Great Instauration

© Gunnar Tómasson

22 August 2016

I. Edward Oxenford‘s “Imperfet Booke“

(Letter to Robert Cecil)


   9205 = My very good brother,

11119 = yf my helthe hadd beene to my mynde

20978 = I wowlde have beene before this att the Coorte

16305 = as well to haue giuen yow thankes

15468 = for yowre presence at the hearinge

15274 = of my cause debated as to have moued her M

10054 = for her resolutione.

23461 = As for the matter, how muche I am behouldinge to yow

22506 = I neede not repeate but in all thankfulnes acknowlege,

13131 = for yow haue beene the moover &

14231 = onlye follower therofe for mee &

19082 = by yowre onlye meanes I have hetherto passed

13953 = the pykes of so many adversaries.

16856 = Now my desyre ys. Sythe them selues

15903 = whoo have opposed to her M ryghte

17295 = seeme satisfisde, that yow will make

7234 = the ende ansuerabel

22527 = to the rest of yowre moste friendlye procedinge.

12363 = For I am aduised, that I may passe

22634 = my Booke from her Magestie yf a warrant may be procured

21532 = to my Cosen Bacon and Seriant Harris to perfet yt.

25516 = Whiche beinge doone I know to whome formallye to thanke

16614 = but reallye they shalbe, and are from me, and myne,

23196 = to be sealed up in an aeternall remembran&e to yowreselfe.

18733 = And thus wishinge all happines to yow,

13574 = and sume fortunat meanes to me,

19549 = wherby I myght recognise soo diepe merites,

13775 = I take my leave this 7th of October

11101 = from my House at Hakney 1601.


15668 = Yowre most assured and louinge

4605 = Broother

   7936 = Edward Oxenford


II. Cause of Booke/Man-Beast‘s Imperfection

(Saga-Shakespeare Myth)


       -1 = Monad/Sleeping Reason

-3890 = Christ

3858 = The Devil


I + II = 511378 – 33 = 511345

III. Edward Oxenford‘s Means of Perfection

(Shakespeare Myth)



1539328 = Second Coming of Sweet Swan of Avon¹


-1027983 = “healthfull remedy, For men diseasd“ in Virgin‘s Well.²


IV. Ben Jonson Remembers Shakespeare



19116 = I remember, the Players have often mentioned it

22552 = as an honour to Shakespeare, that in his writing,

21394 = (whatsoever he penn’d) hee never blotted out line.

22406 = My answer hath beene, would he had blotted a thousand.

18121 = Which they thought a malevolent speech.

24813 = I had not told posterity this but for their ignorance,

15271 = who choose that circumstance

22022 = to commend their friend by, wherein he most faulted.

22162 = And to justifie mine owne candor, for I lov’d the man,

25930 = and doe honour his memory (on this side Idolatry) as much as any.

19837 = Hee was (indeed) honest, and of an open, and free nature;

10140 = had an excellent Phantsie;

17853 = brave notions, and gentle expressions;

18375 = wherein hee flow’d with that facility

23484 = that sometime it was necessary he should be stop’d:

23469 = Sufflaminandus erat; as Augustus said of Haterius.

18146 = His wit was in his owne power;

16400 = would the rule of it had beene so too.

27845 = Many times hee fell into those things, could not escape laughter:

24385 = As when hee said in the person of Cæsar, one speaking to him:

13195 = Cæsar thou dost me wrong.

3946 = Hee replyed:

21881 = Cæsar did never wrong, but with just cause:

18145 = and such like; which were ridiculous.

20502 = But hee redeemed his vices, with his vertues.

25042 = There was ever more in him to be praysed, then to be pardoned.


V. Edward de Vere (6149) – Man Diseasd

(Shakespeare Myth)


       -1 = Monad/Sleeping Reason

-3890 = Christ

3858 = The Devil

Diseasd Man‘s Healthfull Remedy

2082 = FAITH

4000 = Flaming Sword/General of Hot Desire

   100 = THE END


VI. The Great Instauration – The Booke Perfected

(Cosen Bacon)


11203 = The Great Instauration

Diseasd Man-Beast Healed

-6149 = Edward de Vere

Which beinge doone

I know to whom formallye to thanke

but reallye they shalbe,

and are from me, and myne.

511378 = Edward Oxenford‘s Book



Nicholas Rowe (1674-1718), Shakespeare‘s first “biographer“ and England‘s Poet Laureate, translated and published in 1707 a work entitled The Golden Verses of Pythagoras. The Cipher Value of the last part, which begins as follows: Man, wretched Man, thou shalt be taught to know, Who bears within himself the inborn Cause of Woe,“ is 658933.

The last line of Rowe‘s translations advises “wretched man“ to “scorn the dark Dominion of the Grave“, as in 658933 – Death/1825 – Hell/1612 – Wretched Man/Dark Sword 4000 = 651496.

As in 5656 + 129308 + 516432 + 100 = 651496, where 5656 = Anne Hathaway, 129308 = “Stay passenger etc.“ inscription at the Shakespeare Monument in Stratford‘s Holy Trinity Church, 516432 = Ben Jonson‘s “I remember etc.“ in # IV above, and 100 = The End.

Francisco Goya‘s Los Caprichos, published in 1799, comprised 80 etchings on the condition of “wretched man“. Their respective Cipher Values, 6892 and 583353, are parts of the following Cipher Sum: 7240 + 583353 + 4000 – 6892 + 63795 = 651496, where 7240 = Judas Iscariot, 4000 = Flaming Sword, and 63795 = The Workes of William Shakespeare, Containing all his Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies: Truely set forth, according to their first Originall.

In Verdi‘s opera AIDA, composed in 1871, the Cipher Values of the lyrics of the (i) Ritorna vincitur, and (ii) The Triumphal March sections are, respectively, 454271 + 197225 = 651496.


Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:


Reference Cipher Values

¹A – See Note, 21 August 2016.

1529523 = Ben Jonson’s Commemorative Ode

     -1000 = Darkness

   10805 = Sweet Swan of Avon


²B – See Note, 9 August 2016

Alpha and Omega Shakespeares Sonnets

271661 – I

261048 – II

248718 – CLIII

246556 – CLIV


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Gunnar Tómasson
Ég er fæddur (1940) og uppalinn á Melunum í Reykjavík. Stúdent úr Verzlunarskóla Íslands 1960 og með hagfræðigráður frá Manchester University (1963) og Harvard University (1965). Starfaði sem hagfræðingur við Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðinn frá 1966 til 1989. Var m.a. aðstoðar-landstjóri AGS í Indónesíu 1968-1969, og landstjóri í Kambódíu (1971-1972) og Suður Víet-Nam (1973-1975). Hef starfað sjálfstætt að rannsóknarverkefnum á ýmsum sviðum frá 1989, þ.m.t. peningahagfræði. Var einn af þremur stofnendum hagfræðingahóps (Gang8) 1989. Frá upphafi var markmið okkar að hafa hugsað málin í gegn þegar - ekki ef - allt færi á annan endann í alþjóðapeningakerfinu. Í október 2008 kom sú staða upp í íslenzka peninga- og fjármálakerfinu. Alla tíð síðan hef ég látið peninga- og efnahagsmál á Íslandi meira til mín taka en áður. Ég ákvað að gerast bloggari á pressan.is til að geta komið skoðunum mínum í þeim efnum á framfæri.
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