© Gunnar Tómasson
9 October 2016
I. First Creation – Rime-Giants¹
(Gylfaginning, Ch. 3)
10795 = Gangleri hóf svá mál sitt:
14764 = „Hverr er æðstr eða elztr allra goða?“
4786 = Hárr segir:
12067 = „Sá heitir Alföðr at váru máli,
17339 = en í Ásgarði inum forna átti hann tólf nöfn.
15278 = Eitt er Alföðr, annat er Herran eða Herjan,
22475 = þriðja er Nikarr eða Hnikarr, fjórða er Nikuðr eða Hnikuðr,
16789 = fimmta Fjölnir, sétta Óski, sjaunda Ómi,
23519 = átta Bifliði eða Biflindi, níunda Sviðurr, tíunda Sviðrir,
14101 = ellifta Viðrir, tólfta Jálg eða Jálkr.“
7912 = Þá spyrr Gangleri:
10785 = „Hvar er sá guð, eða hvat má hann,
14318 = eða hvat hefir hann unnit framaverka?“
4786 = Hárr segir:
22888 = „Lifir hann of allar aldir ok stjórnar öllu ríki sínu,
18632 = ok ræðr öllum hlutum, stórum ok smám.“
7134 = Þá mælti Jafnhárr:
20730 = „Hann smíðaði himin ok jörð ok loftin ok alla eign þeira.“
6510 = Þá mælti Þriði:
15844 = „Hitt er þó mest, er hann gerði manninn
18562 = ok gaf honum önd þá, er lifa skal ok aldri týnast,
20293 = þótt líkaminn fúni at moldu eða brenni at ösku,
21807 = ok skulu allir menn lifa, þeir er rétt eru siðaðir,
23893 = ok vera með honum sjálfum, þar sem heitir Gimlé eða Vingólf,
17586 = en vándir menn fara til heljar ok þaðan í Niflhel.
11377 = Þat er niðr í inn níunda heim.“
6961 = Þá mælti Gangleri:
20039 = „Hvat hafðist hann áðr at en himinn ok jörð væri ger?“
6720 = Þá svarar Hárr:
12665 = „Þá var hann með hrímþursum.“
Working on First Creation
1000 = Light of the World
666 = Man-Beast/Hrímþurs
Exiting Seat of Man-Beast’s Lower Emotions
-2487 = Anus
II. Saga Hero Archetype – Second Creation – Free Man²
(Njála, Ch. 78 – M)
Þeir Skarpheðinn ok Högni váru úti eitt kveld fyrir sunnan haug Gunnars; tunglskin var bjart, en stundum dró fyrir. Þeim sýndisk haugrinn opinn, ok hafði Gunnarr snúizk í hauginum ok sá í móti tunglinu; þeir þóttusk fjögur ljós sjá brenna í hauginum, ok bar hvergi skugga á. Þeir sá, at Gunnarr var kátligr ok með gleðimóti miklu. Hann kvað vísu ok svá hátt, at þó mátti heyra görla, þó at þeir væri firr:
7891 = Mætti daugla deilir,
7744 = dáðum rakkr, sá er háði
10175 = bjartr með beztu hjarta
7120 = benrögn, faðir Högna:
10163 = Heldr kvazk hjálmi faldinn
9278 = hjörþilju sjá vilja
9605 = vættidraugr en vægja,
9033 = val-Freyju stafr, deyja –
9033 = val-Freyju stafr, deyja.
Síðan lauksk aptr haugrinn.
“Myndir þú trúa,” segir Skarpheðinn, “fyrirburð þessum, ef Njáll segði þér?” “Trúa mynda ek, ef Njáll segði mér,” segir Högni, “því at þat er sagt, at hann ljúgi aldri.” “Mikit er um fyrirburði slíka,” segir Skarpheðinn, “er hann sjálfr vitrask okkr, at hann vildi heldr deyja en vægja fyrir óvinum sínum, ok kenndi hann okkr þau ráð.”
I + II = 440534 + 80042 = 520576
Message from a Friend – A Mathematical Expert
9 October 2016
“The bigness of the numbers that you are getting represents an embarrassment to persons who approve of gematria only for as long as the numbers which it generates have each no more than four digits. But of course we have to go further and grow up. A hugely important Hebrew-gematric number, relating to the precise encodement of the square and cube roots of two and three, is 198944.”
My plan had been to post today examples of the Saga Hero aspect in Shakespeare Myth, including:
Edward Oxenford
511378 – 1000 + 4000 + 6098 + 100 = 520576
Francis Bacon
509741 + 9953 – 1000 + 4000 – 2118 = 520576
Ben Jonson on Shakespeare
516432 + 1 + 3045 + 666 + 432 = 520576
The 46th Psalm
433745 + 7196 + 1000 – 5753 + 84288 + 100 = 520576
Here, instead, are examples of the Saga Hero aspect which include also the “hugely important Hebrew-gematria number” 198944.
III. Judeo-Christianity
198944 = Hebrew-gematria number
304805 = Torah – number of letters
Chief Advocates
Saga Christianity 1000 A.D.
(Njála; Saga of Christianity)
5827 = Snorri goði
11000 = Þorgeirr Tjörvason
IV. Francis Bacon – Of Truth
198944 = Hebrew-gematria number
33294 = What is Truth; said jesting Pilate; and would not stay for an Answer.
22422 = Surely the Wickednesse of Falshood, and Breach of Faith,
17402 = cannot possibly be so highly expressed,
13942 = as in that it shall be the last Peale,
24494 = to call the Iudgements of God, vpon the Generations of Men,
20293 = It being foretold, that when Christ commeth,
15732 = He shall not finde faith vpon the earth.
Christ Commeth
7524 = The Second Coming
5596 = Andlig spekðin – Spiritual wisdom
100 = THE END
Murder of William Peeter
6642 = Edward Drew
4000 = Flaming Sword
7482 = William Peeter
2511 = 25 January – 11th month old-style
1612 = 1612 A.D.
William Peeter In Memoriam
End of Time
(W. S. – Original spelling)
14718 = Since Time, and his predestinated end,
16856 = Abridg’d the circuit of his hope-full dayes;
20211 = Whiles both his Youth and Vertue did intend,
16907 = The good indeuor’s, of deseruing praise:
15453 = What memorable monument can last,
18496 = Whereon to build his neuer blemisht name?
24860 = But his owne worth, wherein his life was grac’t?
15085 = Sith as it euer hee maintain’d the same.
V. Saga Cipher and Shugborough Monument
198944 = Hebrew-gematria number
Reykjaholt Covenant Text³
18278 = Skrín þat es stendr á altara meþ helgo domo
19936 = gefa þeir Magn oc Snorre at helfninge hvar þeirra
21953 = oc es þetta kirkio fé umb fram of þat es áþr es talet.
Enciphered in Text
11931 = Saga Cipher
The Shugborough Monument
Symbolism and Text
1000 = Light of the World
-4000 = Dark Sword/Lights Tomb/Man-Beast/Hrímþurs
16290 = Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland – Bergþórshváll-Miðeyjarhólmr-Helgafell
25920 = Platonic Great Year
7582 = Les Bergers d’Arcadie
6852 = D.O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V.M
5497 = Et in Arcadia Ego
Shugborough Poem Read in Parliament
The Shugborough Hall Monument was constructed around 1748, featuring a mirror image of Poussin’s 17th century painting Les Bergers d’Arcadie and the letters D.O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V.M. On the death of George Anson of Shugborough Hall in 1762, an apparent reference was made to the monument’s imagery in the following poem which was read aloud in Parliament:
17361 = Upon that storied marble cast thine eye.
15188 = The scene commands a moralising sigh.
14189 = E’en in Arcadia’s bless’d Elysian plains,
22857 = Amidst the laughing nymphs and sportive swains,
18540 = See festal joy subside, with melting grace,
14427 = And pity visit the half-smiling face;
21938 = Where now the dance, the lute, the nuptial feast,
19696 = The passion throbbing in the lover’s breast,
16971 = Life’s emblem here, in youth and vernal bloom,
18127 = But reason’s finger pointing at the tomb.
Reason´s Finger Pointing
At Light’s Tomb/Man-Beast
The Last Judgement – Sistine Chapel
11099 = Il Giudizio Universale – Michelangelo
Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:
¹ Gangleri began his questioning thus: „Who is foremost, or oldest, of all the gods?“ Hárr [High] answered: „He is called in our speech Allfather, but in the Elder Ásgard he had twelve names: one is Allfather; the second is Lord, or Lord of Hosts; the third is Nikarr, or Spear-Lord; the fourth is Nikudr, or Striker; the fifth is Knower of Many Things; the sixth, Fulfiller of Wishes; the seventh, Far-Speaking One; the eighth, The Shaker, or He that Putteth the Armies to Flight; the ninth, The Burner; the tenth, The Destroyer; the eleventh, The Protector; the twelfth, Gelding.“ Then asked Gangleri: „Where is this god, or what power hath he, or what hath he wrought that is a glorious deed?“ Hárr made answer: „He lives throughout all ages and governs all his realm, and directs all things, great and small.“ Then said Jafnhárr [Equally High]: „He fashioned heaven and earth and air, and all things which are in them.“ Then. spake Thridi [Third]: „The greatest of all is this: that he made man, and gave him the spirit, which shall live and never perish, though the flesh-frame rot to mould, or burn to ashes; and all men shall live, such as are just in action, and be with himself in the place called Gimlé. But evil men go to Hel and thence down to the Misty Hel; and that is down in the ninth world.“ Then said Gangleri: „What did he before heaven and earth were made?“ And Hárr answered: „He was then with the Rime-Giants.“
² Now those two, Skarphedinn and Hogni, were out of doors one evening by Gunnar’s cairn on the south side. The moon and stars were shining clear and bright, but every now and then the clouds drove over them. Then all at once they thought they saw the cairn standing open, and lo! Gunnar had turned himself in the cairn and looked at the moon. They thought they saw four lights burning in the cairn, and none of them threw a shadow. They saw that Gunnar was merry, and he wore a joyful face. He sang a song, and so loud, that it might have been heard though they had been further off.
„He that lavished rings in largesse,
When the fights’ red rain-drips fell,
Bright of face, with heart-strings hardy,
Hogni’s father met his fate;
Then his brow with helmet shrouding,
Bearing battle-shield, he spake,
`I will die the prop of battle,
Sooner die than yield an inch,
Yes, sooner die than yield an inch.“
After that the cairn was shut up again.
„Wouldst thou believe these tokens if Njal or I told them to thee?“ says Skarphedinn. „I would believe them,“ he says, „if Njal told them, for it is said he never lies.“ „Such tokens as these mean much,“ says Skarphedinn, „when he shows himself to us, he who would sooner die than yield to his foes; and see how he has taught us what we ought to do.“
³ Translation: The shrine which stands on altar with holy relics is given by Magnus and Snorri, one-half each of them, and this church treasure is additional to that which is counted earlier.