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Prince Hamlet’s Fiery Revenge

© Gunnar Tómasson

15 December 2016

I. Murther most foule, as in the best it is

(Hamlet, Act I, Sc. v, First folio, 1623)


    9462 = Enter Ghost and Hamlet.


22112 = Where wilt thou lead me?  speak; Ile go no further.


2883 = Marke me.


3756 = I will.


11748 = My hower is almost come,

22142 = When I to sulphurous and tormenting Flames

10942 = Must render up my selfe.


7778 = Alas poore Ghost.


19231 = Pitty me not, but lend thy serious hearing

10823 = To what I shall unfold.


9425 = Speake, I am bound to heare.


21689 = So art thou to revenge, when thou shalt heare.


3270 = What?


10539 = I am thy Fathers Spirit,

19489 = Doom’d for a certaine terme to walke the night;

15474 = And for the day confin’d to fast in Fiers,

19868 = Till the foule crimes done in my dayes of Nature

10839 = Are burnt and purg’d away?

7855 = But that I am forbid

18785 = To tell the secrets of my Prison-House,

20467 = I could a Tale unfold, whose lightest word

25179 = Would harrow up thy soule, freeze thy young blood,

27383 = Make thy two eyes like Starres, start from their Spheres,

16795 = Thy knotty and combined locks to part,

15570 = And each particular haire to stand an end,

20558 = Like Quilles upon the fretfull Porpentine:

17082 = But this eternall blason must not be

19562 = To eares of flesh and bloud; list Hamlet, oh list,

16884 = If thou didst ever thy deare Father love.


3459 = Oh Heaven!


22153 = Revenge his foule and most unnaturall Murther.


4660 = Murther?


18629 = Murther most foule, as in the best it is;

20891 = But this most foule, strange, and unnaturall.


11813 = Hast, hast me to know it,

15426 = That with wings as swift

17684 = As  meditation, or the thoughts of Love,

  11099 = May sweepe to my Revenge.


I = 563404 = IV

II. Where is this sight? What is it ye would see;

If ought of woe, or wonder, cease your search.

(Hamlet, Act V, Sc. ii. First folio, 1623)


  16923 = Enter Fortinbras and English Ambassador,

18137 = with Drumme, Colours, and Attendants.


10437 = Where is this sight?


12180 = What is it ye would see;

21128 = If ought of woe, or wonder, cease your search.


18987 = His quarry cries on hauocke.  Oh proud death,

20646 = What feast is toward in thine eternall Cell.

17251 = That thou so many Princes, at a shoote,

11980 = So bloodily hast strooke.


8962 = The sight is dismall,

17034 = And our affaires from England come too late,

22958 = The eares are senselesse that should giue vs hearing,

17106 = To tell him his command’ment is fulfill’d

17885 = That Rosincrance and Guildensterne are dead:

16857 = Where should we haue our thankes?


9607 = Not from his mouth,

15062 = Had it th’abilitie of life to thanke you:

16660 = He neuer gaue command’ment for their death.

22657 = But since so jumpe vpon this bloodie question,

20905 = You from the Polake warres, and you from England

18723 = Are heere arriued.  Giue order that these bodies

14365 = High on a stage be placed to the view,

20828 = And let me speake to th’yet vnknowing world,

20781 = How these things came about.  So shall you heare

16187 = Of carnall, bloudie, and vnnaturall acts,

20116 = Of accidentall iudgements, casuall slaughters

17748 = Of death’s put on by cunning, and forc’d cause,

19567 = And in this vpshot, purposes mistooke,

17470 = Falne on the Inuentors heads.  All this can I

    7002 = Truly deliuer.


III. All this can I Truly deliuer

(Prophecy. Contemporary history)


Sybil’s Prophecy

    4714 = Völuspá


    5829 = Simon bar Iona

-4000 = Dark Sword – Man-Beast


  25920 = Platonic Great Year

Book of Icelanders

    5464 = Íslendingabók


    8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

Where is this sight?

  13031 = International Monetary Fund

9948 = Harvard University

7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands – Central Bank of Iceland

So shall you hear

Of carnall, bloudie, and vnnaturall acts,

Of accidentall iudgements, casuall slaughters etc.

Non-violent Crimes

  11587 = Character Assassination

5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity

7750 = Psychiatric Rape

6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander

16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice


U.S. Government

  12867 = William Jefferson Clinton – President

4496 = Janet Reno – Attorney General


    8899 = Jacques de Larosière – Managing Director

7678 = Michel Camdessus – Managing Director

5517 = William B. Dale – Deputy Managing Director

2713 = Dick Erb – Deputy Managing Director

6584 = Jacques J. Polak – Economic Counsellor

4734 = Tun Thin – Asian Department Director

9349 = W. John R. Woodley – Asian Department Deputy Director

3542 = Ken Clark – Director of Administration

3339 = Graeme Rea – Director of Administration

3227 = P. N. Kaul – Deputy Director of Administration

5446 = Nick Zumas – Grievance Committee Chairman


    3625 = Derek C. Bok – President

8175 = Henry Rosovsky – Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

8566 = James S. Duesenberry – Chairman, Department of Economics

11121 = Paul Anthony Samuelson – Ph. D., Nobel Laureate in Economics

8381 = Walter S. Salant – Ph. D., Brookings Institution Senior Fellow


  10244 = Vigdís Finnbogadóttir – President

11361 = Salóme Þorkelsdóttir – Althing President

6028 = Davíd Oddsson – Prime Minister

10295 = Þorsteinn Pálsson – Minister of Justice

8316 = Jón Sigurdsson – Minister of Commerce

5940 = Jónas H. Haralz – World Bank Executive Director

Other Iceland

    6648 = Jóhannes Nordal – Central Bank Governor

8864 = Bjarni Bragi Jónsson – Central Bank Chief Economist

14314 = Benjamín Jón Hafsteinn Eiríksson – Harvard Ph. D.

9720 = Matthías Jóhannessen – Editor, Morgunblaðið


  10989 = Orenthal James Simpson

8015 = John & Patsy Ramsey

4953 = Osama bin Laden

Violent Crimes

    3586 = Murder


6899 = Nicole Brown

4948 = Ron Goldman

6100 = Brentwood

1204 = 12 June (4th month old-style)

1994 = 1994 A.D.


3718 = Jonbenet

3503 = Boulder

2510 = 25 December (10th month old-style)

1996 = 1996 A.D.


5557 = The Pentagon

9596 = World Trade Center

1107 = 11 September (7th month old-style)

2001 = 2001 A.D.


    7920 = Excelsior Hotel

5060 = Paula Jones

803 = 8 May (3rd month old-style)

1991 = 1991 A.D.

4014 = Kiss it!


8486 = The White House

7334 = Kathleen Willey

2909 = 29 November (9th month old-style)

1993 = 1993 A.D.

22091 = I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you.


6045 = The Oval Office

8112 = Monica Lewinsky

1509 = 15 November (9th month old-style)

    1995 = 1995 A.D.


IV. Prince Hamlet’s Fiery Revenge



Prince Hamlet

The Once and Future King

          1 = Monad

The Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland

(Einar Pálsson)

    7196 = Bergþórshváll

6067 = Miðeyjarhólmr

3027 = Helgafell

At Triangle‘s Pinnacle

Helgafell/Holy Mountain

   1000 = FIRE of Spirit

The Last Judgement

(Sistine Chapel)

  11099 = Il Giudizio Universale

The Servants of Hell

Seated at this Shameful Scene

(Medieval “Eyewitness” Account)

  12510 = When the servants of Hell

16668 = were all seated at this shameful scene,

24450 = the Chief of that wicked troop said to his satellites,

21582 = “Let the proud man be violently dragged from his seat,

12031 = and let him sport before us.”

13096 = After he had been dragged from his seat

10371 = and clothed in a black garment,

12926 = he, in the presence of the devils

12176 = who applauded him in turn,

23138 = imitated all the gestures of a man proud beyond measure;

22602 = he stretched his neck, elevated his face, cast up his eyes,

11712 = with the brows arched,

21464 = imperiously thundered forth lofty words,

11397 = shrugged his shoulders,

17518 = and scarcely could he bear his arms for pride:

7314 = his eyes glowed,

20751 = he assumed a threatening look, rising on tiptoe,

13718 = he stood with crossed legs,

16279 = expanded his chest, stretched his neck,

24573 = glowed in his face, showed signs of anger in his fiery eyes,

17722 = and striking his nose with his finger,

15275 = gave impression of great threats;

19375 = and thus swelling with inward pride,

25990 = he afforded ready subject of laughter to the inhuman spirits.

20831 = And whilst he was boasting about his dress,

16471 = and was fastening gloves by sewing,

20700 = his garments on a sudden were turned to fire,

23472 = which consumed the entire body of the wretched being;

18423 = lastly the devils, glowing with anger,

14336 = tore the wretch limb from limb

  16143 = with prongs and fiery iron hooks.



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Gunnar Tómasson
Ég er fæddur (1940) og uppalinn á Melunum í Reykjavík. Stúdent úr Verzlunarskóla Íslands 1960 og með hagfræðigráður frá Manchester University (1963) og Harvard University (1965). Starfaði sem hagfræðingur við Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðinn frá 1966 til 1989. Var m.a. aðstoðar-landstjóri AGS í Indónesíu 1968-1969, og landstjóri í Kambódíu (1971-1972) og Suður Víet-Nam (1973-1975). Hef starfað sjálfstætt að rannsóknarverkefnum á ýmsum sviðum frá 1989, þ.m.t. peningahagfræði. Var einn af þremur stofnendum hagfræðingahóps (Gang8) 1989. Frá upphafi var markmið okkar að hafa hugsað málin í gegn þegar - ekki ef - allt færi á annan endann í alþjóðapeningakerfinu. Í október 2008 kom sú staða upp í íslenzka peninga- og fjármálakerfinu. Alla tíð síðan hef ég látið peninga- og efnahagsmál á Íslandi meira til mín taka en áður. Ég ákvað að gerast bloggari á pressan.is til að geta komið skoðunum mínum í þeim efnum á framfæri.
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