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Snorri Sturluson and Francis Bacon

© Gunnar Tómasson

3 February 2017

I. The King James Bible, 1611

(Dedication, see III.)


Snorri Sturluson’s Foundation

             1 = Monad

1237246 = Prologue to Edda, Ch. 1

Francis Bacon‘s Finished Edifice

1237246 = Edda Foundation

The First Folio

    16746 = The Workes of William Shakespeare,

17935 = Containing all his Comedies, Histories, and

13106 = Tragedies: Truly set forth

16008 = according to their first Originall.

Author‘s Signature

(Essayes, 1625)

      4260 = Fr. St. Alban


II. Snorri Sturluson – Formáli Eddu – Prologue to Edda¹

(1. kafli – Ch. 1)


    24844 = Almáttigr Guð skapaði í upphafi himin ok jörð ok alla þá hluti,

24337 = er þeim fylgja, ok síðast menn tvá, er ættir eru frá komnar,

4148 = Adam ok Evu,

22395 = ok fjölgaðist þeira kynslóð ok dreifðist um heim allan.


21027 = En er fram liðu stundir, þá ójafnaðist mannfólkit.

17122 = Váru sumir góðir ok rétttrúaðir,

22531 = en miklu fleiri snerust eftir girnðum heimsins

9616 = ok órækðu guðs boðorð,

20526 = ok fyrir því drekkði guð heiminum í sjóvargangi

16940 = ok öllum kykvendum heimsins nema þeim,

10481 = er í örkinni váru með Nóa.

[Setningum # 4 og 5 sleppt – Sentences # 4 and 5 omitted.]

    14369 = Svá kom, at þeir týndu guðs nafni,

17893 = ok víðast um veröldina fannst eigi sá maðr,

12339 = er deili kunni á skapara sínum.

24221 = En eigi at síðr veitti guð þeim jarðligar giftir, fé ok sælu,

15045 = er þeir skyldu við vera í heiminum.

8663 = Miðlaði hann ok spekðina,

15961 = svá at þeir skilðu alla jarðliga hluti

25234 = ok allar greinir, þær er sjá mátti loftsins ok jarðarinnar.


23975 = Þat hugsuðu þeir ok undruðust, hví þat myndi gegna,

28205 = er jörðin ok dýrin ok fuglarnir höfðu saman eðli í sumum hlutum

8674 = ok þó ólík at hætti.

22945 = Þat var eitt eðli, at jörðin var grafin í hám fjalltindum

12074 = ok spratt þar vatn upp,

26885 = ok þurfti þar eigi lengra at grafa til vatns en í djúpum dölum.

10407 = Svá var ok dýr ok fuglar,

16908 = at jafnlangt er til blóðs í höfði ok fótum.

13231 = Önnur náttúra er sú jarðar,

18093 = at á hverju ári vex á jörðunni gras ok blóm,

14371 = ok á sama ári fellr þat allt ok fölnar,

8564 = svá ok dýr ok fuglar,

17242 = at vex hár ok fjaðrar ok fellr af á hverju ári.

25015 = Þat er in þriðja náttúra jarðar, þá er hon er opnuð ok grafin,

20300 = þá grær gras á þeiri moldu, er efst er á jörðunni.

25781 = Björg ok steina þýddu þeir móti tönnum ok beinum kvikenda.

20902 = Af þessu skilðu þeir svá, at jörðin væri kvik

20814 = ok hefði líf með nökkurum hætti, ok vissu þeir,

23248 = at hon var furðuliga gömul at aldartali ok máttug í eðli.

21113 = Hon fæddi öll kykvendi, ok hon eignaðist allt þat, er dó.

26438 = Fyrir þá sök gáfu þeir henni nafn ok tölðu ætt sína til hennar.

21376 = Þat sama spurðu þeir af gömlum frændum sínum,

18631 = at síðan er talið váru mörg hundruð vetra,

17433 = þá var in sama jörð ok sól ok himintungl,

13656 = en gangr himintunglanna var ójafn.

15278 = Átti sum lengra gang, en sum skemmra.

14150 = Af þvílíkum hlutum grunaði þá,

22475 = at nökkurr myndi vera stjórnari himintunglanna,

18044 = sá er stilla myndi gang þeira at vilja sínum,

16068 = ok myndi sá vera ríkr mjök ok máttigr.

25045 = Ok þess væntu þeir, ef hann réði fyrir höfuðskepnunum,

19781 = at hann myndi ok fyrr verit hafa en himintunglin,

19270 = ok þat sá þeir, ef hann ræðr gangi himintunglanna,

19481 = at hann myndi ráða skini sólar ok dögg loftsins

15751 = ok ávexti jarðarinnar, er því fylgir,

28819 = ok slíkt sama vindinum loftsins ok þar með stormi sævarins.

26365 = Þá vissu þeir eigi, hvar ríki hans var, en því trúðu þeir,

18743 = at hann réð öllum hlutum á jörðu ok í lofti,

20986 = himins ok himintunglum, sævarins ok veðranna.


20868 = En til þess at heldr mætti frá segja eða í minni festa,

21124 = þá gáfu þeir nöfn með sjálfum sér öllum hlutum,

19750 = ok hefir þessi átrúnaðr á marga lund breytzt,

27139 = svá sem þjóðirnar skiptust ok tungurnar greindust.

20128 = En alla hluti skilðu þeir jarðligri skilningu,

16085 = því at þeim var eigi gefin andlig spekðin.

    27923 = Svá skilðu þeir, at allir hlutir væri smíðaðir af nökkuru efni.


III. The King James Bible

(Dedication, 1611)


     17083 = To the most high and mightie Prince, James

14782 = by the grace of God King of Great Britaine,

13600 = France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. [c = 100 in &c]

16142 = The Translators of The Bible, wish        

23471 = Grace, Mercie, and Peace, through Iesvs Christ our Lord.


25844 = Great and manifold were the blessings (most dread Soueraigne)

18175 = which Almighty GOD, the Father of all Mercies,

27472 = bestowed vpon vs the people of ENGLAND, when first he sent

26231 = your Maiesties Royall person to rule and raigne ouer vs.

20761 = For whereas it was the expectation of many,

20349 = who wished not well vnto our SION,

17198 = that vpon the setting of that bright

15710 = Occidentall Starre Queene ELIZABETH

9424 = of most happy memory,

18376 = some thicke and palpable cloudes of darkenesse

18648 = would so haue ouershadowed this land,

13878 = that men should haue bene in doubt

15782 = which way they were to walke,

15261 = and that it should hardly be knowen,

19547 = who was to direct the vnsetled State:

12947 = the appearance of your MAIESTIE,

14404 = as of the Sunne in his strength.

27059 = instantly dispelled those supposed and surmised mists,

17924 = and gaue vnto all that were well affected

22864 = exceeding cause of comfort; especially when we beheld

20399 = the gouernment established in your HIGHNESSE,

18518 = and your hopefull Seed, by an vndoubted Title,

9996 = and this also accompanied

19326 = with Peace and tranquillitie, at home and abroad.

12121 = But amongst all our Ioyes,

20593 = there was no one that more filled our hearts,

12579 = then the blessed continuance

21601 = of the Preaching of GODS sacred word amongst vs,

17008 = which is that inestimable treasure,

18678 = which excelleth all the riches of the earth,

19597 = because the fruit thereof extendeth it selfe,

27323 = not onely to the time spent in this transitory world,

14104 = but directeth and disposeth men

24591 = vnto that Eternall happinesse which is aboue in Heauen.


21523 = Then, not to suffer this to fall to the ground,

30913 = but rather to take it vp, and to continue it in that state, wherein

24340 = the famous predecessour of your HIGHNESSE did leaue it;

27586 = Nay, to goe forward with the confidence and resolution of a man

16494 = in maintaining the trueth of CHRIST,

12944 = and propagating it farre and neere,

19426 = is that which hath so bound and firmely knit

17031 = the hearts of all your MAIESTIES loyall

14221 = and Religious people vnto you,

19655 = that your very Name is precious among them,

18171 = their eye doeth behold you with comfort,

26424 = and they blesse you in their hearts, as that sanctified person,

29842 = who vnder GOD, is the immediate authour of their true happinesse.

24171 = And this their contentment doeth not diminish or decay,

19250 = but euery day increaseth and taketh strength,

22410 = when they obserue that the zeale of your Maiestie

26020 = towards the house of GOD, doth not slacke or goe backward,

22020 = but is more and more kindled, manifesting it selfe abroad

18605 = in the furthest parts of Christendome,

15825 = by writing in defence of the Trueth,

23901 = (which hath giuen such a blow vnto that man of Sinne,

8430 = as will not be healed)

21881 = and euery day at home, by Religious and learned discourse,

13424 = by frequenting the house of GOD,

25817 = by hearing the word preached, by cherishing the teachers therof,

9916 = by caring for the Church

18829 = as a most tender and louing nourcing Father.


19308 = There are infinite arguments of this right

22543 = Christian and Religious affection in your MAIESTIE:

22020 = but none is more forcible to declare it to others,

17320 = then the vehement and perpetuated desire

22604 = of the accomplishing and publishing of this Worke,

32321 = which now with all humilitie we present vnto your MAIESTIE.

23846 = For when your Highnesse had once out of deepe judgment

17057 = apprehended, how conuenient it was,

18847 = That out of the Originall sacred tongues,

19144 = together with comparing of the labours,

21033 = both in our owne, and other forreigne Languages,

19731 = of many worthy men who went before vs,

12929 = there should be one more exact

29045 = Translation of the holy Scriptures into the English tongue;

17764 = your MAIESTIE did neuer desist, to vrge

21746 = and to excite those to whom it was commended,

14331 = that the worke might be hastened,

24488 = and that the businesse might be expedited in so decent a maner,

24495 = as a matter of such importance might iustly require.


14074 = And now at last, by the Mercy of GOD,

15651 = and the continuance of our Labours,

30488 = it being brought vnto such a conclusion, as that we haue great hope

23456 = that the Church of England shall reape good fruit thereby;

23807 = we hold it our duety to offer it to your MAIESTIE,

17329 = not onely as to our King and Soueraigne,

26260 = but as to the principall moouer and Author of the Worke.

19776 = Humbly crauing of your most Sacred Maiestie,

16010 = that since things of this quality

17125 = haue euer bene subiect to the censures

17049 = of ill meaning and discontented persons,

16624 = it may receiue approbation and Patronage

25494 = from so learned and iudicious a Prince as your Highnesse is,

21401 = whose allowance and acceptance of our Labours

15850 = shall more honour and incourage vs,

11761 = then all the calumniations

23605 = and hard interpretations of other men shall dismay vs.


10548 = So that, if on the one side

23984 = we shall be traduced by Popish persons at home or abroad,

15346 = who therefore will maligne vs,

28146 = because we are poore Instruments to make GODS holy Trueth

20859 = to be yet more and more knowen vnto the people,

25267 = whom they desire still to keepe in ignorance and darknesse:

9729 = or if on the other side,

18634 = we shall be maligned by selfe-conceited brethren,

28157 = who runne their owne wayes, and giue liking vnto nothing

25716 = but what is framed by themselues, and hammered on their Anuile;

32015 = we may rest secure, supported within by the trueth and innocencie

7810 = of a good conscience,

24170 = hauing walked the wayes of simplicitie and integritie,

7044 = as before the Lord;

12205 = And sustained without,

29877 = by the powerfull Protection of your Maiesties grace and fauour,

16674 = which will euer giue countenance

16584 = to honest and Christian endeuours

25197 = against bitter censures, and vncharitable imputations.


10393 = The LORD of Heauen and earth

19648 = blesse your Maiestie with many and happy dayes,

21799 = that as his Heauenly hand hath enriched your Highnesse

20534 = with many singular, and extraordinary Graces;

24271 = so you may be the wonder of the world in this later age,

14503 = for happinesse and true felicitie,

24291 = to the honour of that Great GOD, and the good of his Church,

    24380 = through IESVS CHRIST our Lord and onely Sauiour.



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¹ Edda Prologue, Ch. 1

Transl. Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur [1916]

IN the beginning God created heaven and earth and all those things which are in them; and last of all, two of human kind, Adam and Eve, from whom the races are descended. And their offspring multiplied among themselves and were scattered throughout the earth. But as time passed, the races of men became unlike in nature: some were good and believed on the right; but many more turned after the lusts of the world and slighted God’s command. Wherefore, God drowned the world in a swelling of the sea, and all living things, save them alone that were in the ark with Noah. [After Noah’s flood eight of mankind remained alive, who peopled the earth; and the races descended from them. And it was even as before: when the earth was full of folk and inhabited of many, then all the multitude of mankind began to love greed, wealth, and worldly honor, but neglected the worship of God. Now accordingly it came to so evil a pass that they would not name God; and who then could tell their sons of God’s mighty wonders?] Thus it happened that they lost the name of God; and throughout the wideness of the world the man was not found who could distinguish in aught the trace of his Creator. But not the less did God bestow upon them the gifts of the earth: wealth and happiness, for their enjoyment in the world; He increased also their wisdom, so that they knew all earthly matters, and every phase of whatsoever they might see in the air and on the earth.

One thing they wondered and pondered over: what it might mean, that the earth and the beasts and the birds had one nature in some ways, and yet were unlike in manner of life. In this was their nature one: that the earth was cleft into lofty mountain-peaks, wherein water spurted up, and it was not needful to dig longer for water there than in the deep valleys; so it is also with beasts and birds: it is equally far to the blood in the head and the feet. Another quality of the earth is, that in each year grass and flowers grow upon the earth, and in the same year all that growth falls away and withers; it is even so with beasts and birds: hair and feathers grow and fall away each year. This is the third nature of the earth, that when it is opened and dug up, the grass grows straightway on the soil which is uppermost on the earth. Boulders and stones they likened to the teeth and bones of living beings. Thus they recognized that the earth was quick, and had life with some manner of nature of its own; and they understood that she was wondrous old in years and mighty in kind: she nourished all that lived, and she took to herself all that died. Therefore they gave her a name, and traced the number of their generations from her. The same thing, moreover, they learned from their aged kinsmen: that many hundreds of years have been numbered since the same earth yet was, and the same sun and stars of the heavens; but the courses of these were unequal, some having a longer course, and some a shorter.

From things like these the thought stirred within them that there might be some governor of the stars of heaven: one who might order their courses after his will; and that he must be very strong and full of might. This also they held to be true: that if he swayed the chief things of creation, he must have been before the stars of heaven; and they saw that if he ruled the courses of the heavenly bodies, he must also govern the shining of the sun, and the dews of the air, and the fruits of the earth, whatsoever grows upon it; and in like manner the winds of the air and the storms of the sea. They knew not yet where his kingdom was; but this they believed: that he ruled all things on earth and in the sky, the great stars also of the heaven, and the winds of the sea. Wherefore, not only to tell of this fittingly, but also that they might fasten it in memory, they gave names out of their own minds to all things. This belief of theirs has changed in many ways, according as the peoples drifted asunder and their tongues became severed one from another. But all things they discerned with the wisdom of the earth, for the understanding of the spirit was not given to them; this they perceived, that all things were fashioned of some essence. http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/pre/index.htm

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Gunnar Tómasson
Ég er fæddur (1940) og uppalinn á Melunum í Reykjavík. Stúdent úr Verzlunarskóla Íslands 1960 og með hagfræðigráður frá Manchester University (1963) og Harvard University (1965). Starfaði sem hagfræðingur við Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðinn frá 1966 til 1989. Var m.a. aðstoðar-landstjóri AGS í Indónesíu 1968-1969, og landstjóri í Kambódíu (1971-1972) og Suður Víet-Nam (1973-1975). Hef starfað sjálfstætt að rannsóknarverkefnum á ýmsum sviðum frá 1989, þ.m.t. peningahagfræði. Var einn af þremur stofnendum hagfræðingahóps (Gang8) 1989. Frá upphafi var markmið okkar að hafa hugsað málin í gegn þegar - ekki ef - allt færi á annan endann í alþjóðapeningakerfinu. Í október 2008 kom sú staða upp í íslenzka peninga- og fjármálakerfinu. Alla tíð síðan hef ég látið peninga- og efnahagsmál á Íslandi meira til mín taka en áður. Ég ákvað að gerast bloggari á pressan.is til að geta komið skoðunum mínum í þeim efnum á framfæri.
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