© Gunnar Tómasson
19 March 2017
The 46th Psalm – Background
(Anthony Burgess)
It would be pleasant to think that Shakespeare was responsible, in part, for the majesty of the following [original 1611 spelling, Preface, and Saga Cipher Values inserted]:
18037 = The confidence which the Church hath in God.
12358 = An exhortation to behold it.
19864 = To the chiefe Musician for the sonnes of Korah,
8535 = a song upon Alamoth. = 58794
27783 = God is our refuge and strength; a very present helpe in trouble.
25140 = Therfore will not we feare, though the earth be removed:
25186 = and though the mountaines be caried into the midst of the sea,
21736 = Though the waters thereof roare, and be troubled,
29088 = though the mountaines shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.
7214 = There is a river,
21306 = the streames wherof shall make glad the citie of God:
19776 = the holy place of the Tabernacles of the most High.
18882 = God is in the midst of her: she shal not be moved:
15090 = God shall helpe her, and that right early.
17597 = The heathen raged, the kingdomes were moved:
15907 = he uttered his voyce, the earth melted.
15221 = The Lord of hosts is with us,
14069 = the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.
15149 = Come, behold the Workes of the Lord,
17919 = what desolations hee hath made in the earth.
21932 = He maketh warres to cease unto the end of the earth:
23023 = hee breaketh the bow, and cutteth the speare in sunder,
14120 = he burneth the chariot in the fire.
12080 = Be stil, and know that I am God:
13996 = I will bee exalted among the heathen,
12241 = I will be exalted in the earth.
15221 = The Lord of hosts is with us,
14069 = the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. = 433745
Whether he had anything to do with it or not, he is in it. It is the forty-sixth Psalm. The forty-sixth word from the beginning is SHAKE, and the forty-sixth word from the end, if we leave out the cadential ‘Selah’, is SPEAR[E]. And, in 1610, Shakespeare was forty-six years old. If this is mere chance, fancy must allow us to think that it is happy chance. The greatest prose-work of all time has the name of the greatest poet set cunningly in it.“ (Anthony Burgess, Shakespeare, Penguin Books, 1972, pp. 233-234)
I. William Shakespeare in The King James Bible
(Summaries, Gen. Chs. I and II. Rev. Chs. XXI and XXII)
24236 = The creation of Heauen and Earth, of the light, of the firmament,
25297 = of the earth separated from the waters, and made fruitfull,
21236 = of the Sunne, Moone, and Starres, of fish and fowle,
16946 = of beasts and cattell, of Man in the Image of God.
17830 = The first Sabbath. The maner of the creation.
21665 = The planting of the garden of Eden, and the riuer thereof.
15698 = The tree of knowledge onely forbidden.
11890 = The naming of the creatures.
20583 = The making of woman, and institution of Mariage.
11703 = A newe heauen and a newe earth.
25307 = The heauenly Ierusalem, with a full description thereof.
20433 = She needeth no sunne, the glory of God is her light.
21834 = The kings of the earth bring their riches vnto her.
19687 = The riuer of the water of life. The tree of life.
15962 = The light of the Citie of God is himselfe.
15948 = The Angel will not be worshipped.
24480 = Nothing may bee added to the word of God, nor taken therefrom. = 330735
King James Bible Dedication
17083 = To the most high and mightie Prince, James
14782 = by the grace of God King of Great Britaine,
13600 = France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. [c = 100 in &c]
16142 = The Translators of The Bible, wish
23471 = Grace, Mercie, and Peace, through Iesvs Christ our Lord.
10393 = The LORD of Heauen and earth
19648 = blesse your Maiestie with many and happy dayes,
21799 = that as his Heauenly hand hath enriched your Highnesse
20534 = with many singular, and extraordinary Graces;
24271 = so you may be the wonder of the world in this later age,
14503 = for happinesse and true felicitie,
24291 = to the honour of that Great GOD, and the good of his Church,
24380 = through IESVS CHRIST our Lord and onely Sauiour. = 244897
Unknown Author
9322 = William Shakespeare
III and IV = 584954
II. Platonic-Augustan-Saga-Shakespeare Authors
And 46th Psalm Text
‘Slain’ Light of the World
(Saga Myth)
5710 = Jón murtr – Little John
-1000 = Darkness
Platonic-Augustan-Saga-Shakespeare Authors
1654 = ION
3412 = Platon
4946 = Socrates
14209 = Quintus Horatius Flaccus
12337 = Publius Virgiliun Maro
11999 = Sextus Propertius
11249 = Publius Ovidius Naso
11359 = Snorri Sturluson
9814 = Sturla Þórðarson
5385 = Francis Bacon
7936 = Edward Oxenford
Light of the World´s Resurrection/Exit
4000 = Flaming Sword
King James Bible
330735 = Alpha and Omega – # I.
III. Snorri Sturluson – Saga Cipher – Archetypal Shake-Speare
46th Psalm Preface and Text and KJB Dedication
46th Psalm
58794 = Preface
Chief Musician
11359 = Snorri Sturluson
Reykholtsmáldagi – Reykjaholt Covenant
18278 = Skrín þat es stendr á altara meþ helgo domo
19936 = gefa þeir Magn oc Snorre at helfninge hvar þeirra
21953 = oc es þetta kirkio fé umb fram of þat es áþr es talet.
Saga Cipher Encrypted
In Reykjaholt Covenant
11931 = Saga Cipher
Man-Beast – Shake-Speare
1 = Monad
1000 = Light of the World
-4000 = Dark Sword – Man-Beast
Risen Man-Beast’s Death
-4951 = Shake-Speare
In Virgin’s Well On
6783 = Mons Veneris
46th Psalm
433745 = Text
New Man – Brave New World
10125 = Sannr Maðr ok Sannr Guð¹
Francisco Goya – Los Caprichos
© http://a-r-t.com/goya/
Los Caprichos, a set of eighty etchings by Spanish artist Francisco de Goya y Lucientes published in 1799, is one of the most influential series of graphic images in the history of Western art. …
Enigmatic and controversial, Los Caprichos was created in a time of social repression and economic crisis in Spain. Influenced by Enlightenment thinking, Goya set out to analyze the human condition and denounce social abuses and superstitions. Los Caprichos was his passionate declaration that the chains of social backwardness had to be broken if humanity was to advance. The series attests to the artist‘s political liberalism and to his revulsion at ignorance and intellectual oppression, mirroring his ambivalence toward authority and the church.
Los Caprichos deals with such themes as the Spanish Inquisition, the corruption of the church and the nobility, witchcraft, child rearing, avarice, and the frivolity of young women. Its subhuman cast includes goblins, monks, aristocrats, procuresses, prostitutes, and animals acting like human fools; these personages populate a world on the margins of reason, where no clear boundaries distinguish reality from fantasy.
“Capricho” can be translated as a “whim,” a “fantasy or an expression of imagination.” In Goya’s use of the term for this series of prints, however, the meaning has deepened, binding an ironical cover of humor over one of the most profound indictments of human vice ever set on paper.
IV. 46th Psalm Preface and Text and KJB Dedication
Francisco Goya’s Los Caprichos
1 = Monad
-1000 = Darkness
583353 = Los Caprichos²
2600 = FINIS
Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:
¹ True Man and True God – 13th Century Icelandic for Jesus Christ
²Los Caprichos
14017 = 1 Fran co Goya y Lucientes, Pintor.
21442 = 2 El si pronuncian y la mano alargan Al primero que llega.
7296 = 3 Que viene el Coco.
5553 = 4 El de la rollona.
5446 = 5 Tal para qual.
5659 = 6 Nadie se conoce.
7930 = 7 Ni asi la distingue.
7956 = 8 Que se la llevaron.
3725 = 9 Tantalo.
7521 = 10 El amor y la muerte.
7454 = 11 Muchachos al avio.
5709 = 12 A caza de dientes.
6984 = 13 Estan calientes.
6855 = 14 Que sacrificio.
7691 = 15 Bellos consejos.
11478 = 16 Dios la perdone. Y era su madre.
5998 = 17 Bien tirada esta.
6911 = 18 Ysele quema la Casa.
5577 = 19 Todos Caeran.
7970 = 20 Ya van desplumados.
7184 = 21 Qual la descanonan.
5274 = 22 Pobrecitas.
8103 = 23 Aquellos polbos.
6459 = 24 Nohubo remedio.
9165 = 25 Si quebro el Cantaro.
7214 = 26 Ya tienen asiento.
7605 = 27 Quien mas rendido.
3402 = 28 Chiton.
8880 = 29 Esto si que es leer.
10247 = 30 Porque esconderlos.
5869 = 31 Ruega por ella.
9435 = 32 Por que fue sensible.
6618 = 33 Al Conde Palatino.
7775 = 34 Las rinde el Sueno.
4474 = 35 Le descanona.
3474 = 36 Mala noche.
10759 = 37 Si sabra mas el discipulo.
4074 = 38 Brabisimo.
6340 = 39 Asta su abuelo.
6861 = 40 De que mal morira.
6394 = 41 Ni mas ni menos.
8257 = 42 Tu que no puedes.
19212 = 43 El sueno de la razón produce monstruos.
4187 = 44 Hilan delgado
9148 = 45 Mucho hay que chupar.
5082 = 46 Correcion.
9652 = 47 Obsequio a el maestro.
5096 = 48 Soplones.
5777 = 49 Duendecitos .
7106 = 50 Los Chinchillas.
5106 = 51 Se repulen.
10779 = 52 Lo que puede un Sastre.
6758 = 53 Que pico de Oro.
7594 = 54 El Vergonzoso.
6609 = 55 Hasta la muerte.
5140 = 56 Subir y bajar.
4392 = 57 La filiacion.
6005 = 58 Tragala perro.
5960 = 59 Y aun no se van.
3747 = 60 Ensayos.
6625 = 61 Volaverunt.
7150 = 62 Quien lo creyera.
6991 = 63 Miren que grabes.
3862 = 64 Buen Viage.
4159 = 65 Donde va mama.
3960 = 66 Alla va eso.
8875 = 67 Aguarda que te unten.
5352 = 68 Linda maestra.
2816 = 69 Sopla.
8285 = 70 Devota profesion.
8728 = 71 Si amanece, nos Vamos.
6572 = 72 No te escaparas.
6559 = 73 Mejor es holgar.
7995 = 74 No grites, tonta.
9742 = 75 No hay quien nos desate.
16473 = 76 Està Um..pues, Como digo..eh! Cuidado! Si no…
7107 = 77 Unos à otros .
10218 = 78 Despacha, que dispiertan.
7947 = 79 Nadie nos ha visto.
3552 = 80 Ya es hora.