© Gunnar Tómasson
8 May 2017
I. The Murder of Höskuldr Hvítanessgoði¹
(Brennu-Njálssaga, Ch. 110 – M)
21332 = Þat var einn dag, at Mörðr kom til Bergþórshváls.
17216 = Þeir gengu þegar á tal, Njálssynir ok Kári.
26931 = Mörðr rægir Höskuld at vanda ok hefir þá enn margar nýjar sögur
20280 = ok eggjar einart Skarpheðin ok þá at drepa Höskuld
26849 = ok kvað hann mundu verða skjótara, ef þeir færi eigi þegar at honum.
20920 = „Gera skal ek þér kost á þessu,” segir Skarpheðinn,
17017 = „ef þú vill fara með oss ok gera at nökkut.”
14675 = „Þat vil ek til vinna,” segir Mörðr.
27603 = Ok bundu þeir þat fastmælum, ok skyldi hann þar koma um kveldit.
18125 = Bergþóra spurði Njál: „Hvat tala þeir úti?”
14097 = „Ekki em ek í ráðagerð með þeim,” segir Njáll;
19309 = „sjaldan var ek þá frá kvaddr, er in góðu váru ráðin.”
30054 = Skarpheðinn lagðisk ekki til svefns um kveldit ok ekki bræðr hans né Kári.
14925 = Þessa nótt ina sömu kom Mörðr
32206 = ok tóku þeir Njálssynir þá vápn sín ok hesta ok riðu síðan í braut allir.
30966 = Þeir fóru þar til, er þeir komu í Ossabæ, ok biðu þar hjá garði nökkurum.
15026 = Veðr var gott ok sól upp komin.
19363 = Í þenna tíma vaknaði Höskuldr Hvítanessgoði;
24055 = hann fór í klæði sín ok tók yfir sik skikkjuna Flosanaut;
16982 = hann tók kornkippu ok sverð í aðra hönd
20203 = ok ferr til gerðissins ok sár niðr korninu.
17335 = Þeir Skarpheðinn höfðu þat mælt með sér,
14922 = at þeir skyldu allir á honum vinna.
19238 = Skarpheðinn sprettr upp undan garðinum.
18269 = En er Höskuldr sá hann, vildi hann undan snúa;
16854 = þá hljóp Skarpheðinn at honum ok mælti:
16896 = „Hirð eigi þú at opa á hæl, Hvítanessgoðinn.”
24233 = – ok höggr til hans, ok kom í höfuðit, ok fell Höskuldr á knéin.
7352 = Hann mælti þetta:
11884 = „Guð hjálpi mér, en fyrirgefi yðr!”
20723 = Hljópu þeir þá at honum allir ok unnu á honum.
17588 = Eptir þat mælti Mörðr: “Ráð kemr mér í hug.”
14274 = „Hvert er þat?” segir Skarpheðinn.
11825 = „Þat, at ek mun fara heim fyrst,
15189 = en síðan mun ek fara upp til Grjótár
19297 = ok segja þeim tíðendin ok láta illa yfir verkinu.
17752 = En ek veit víst, at Þorgerðr mun biðja mik,
14425 = at ek lýsa víginu, ok mun ek þat gera,
18266 = því at þeim megu þat mest málaspell verða.
14436 = Ek mun ok senda mann í Ossabæ ok vita,
15354 = hversu skjótt þau taki til ráða,
12867 = ok mun sá spyrja þar tíðendin,
15345 = ok mun ek láta sem ek taka af þeim tíðendin.”
17166 = „Far þú svá með víst,” segir Skarpheðinn.
11844 = Þeir bræðr fóru heim ok Kári.
19763 = Ok er þeir kómu heim, sögðu þeir Njáli tíðendin.
23469 = „Hörmulig tíðendi,“ segir Njáll, „ok er slíkt illt at vita,
25887 = því at þat er sannligt at segja, at svá fellr mér nær um trega,
19522 = at mér þætti betra at hafa látit tvá sonu mína
10197 = ok væri Höskuldr á lífi.“
20771 = „Þat er nú nökkur várkunn, “ segir Skarpheðinn;
17725 = „þú ert maðr gamall, ok er ván, at þér falli nær.“
13966 = „“Eigi er þat síðr,“ segir Njáll, „en elli,
18779 = at ek veit görr en þér, hvat eptir mun koma.“
17194 = „Hvat mun eptir koma?“ segir Skarpheðinn.
22967 = „Dauði minn,“ segir Njáll, „ok konu minnar ok allra sona minna.“
15497 = „Hvat spár þú fyrir mér?“ segir Kári.
26703 = „Erfitt mun þeim veita at ganga í móti giptu þinni,“ segir Njáll,
19785 = „því at þú munt öllum þeim verða drjúgari.“
18720 = Sjá einn hlutr var svá, at Njáll fell svá nær,
15993 = at hann mátti aldri óklökkvandi um tala.
II + III = 1073687 + 64719 = 1138406
IV + V = 127751 + 1010655 = 1138406
II. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
(Revelation, Ch. 6, King James Bible 1611)
19795 = And I sawe when the Lambe opened one of the seales,
17848 = and I heard as it were the noise of thunder,
16815 = one of the foure beasts, saying, Come and see.
14039 = And I saw, and behold, a white horse,
12335 = and hee that sate on him had a bowe,
15372 = and a crowne was given vnto him,
21931 = and hee went foorth conquering, and to conquere.
14520 = And when hee had opened the second seale,
14430 = I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
22660 = And there went out another horse that was red:
21666 = and power was giuen to him that sate thereon
11173 = to take peace from the earth,
15713 = and that they should kill one another:
20193 = and there was giuen vnto him a great sword.
14263 = And when hee had opened the third seale,
14173 = I heard the third beast say, Come and see.
10101 = And I beheld, and loe, a blacke horse:
19450 = and hee that sate on him had a paire of balances in his hand.
21500 = And I heard a voice in the midst of the foure beastes say,
12453 = A measure of wheate for a penie,
15160 = and three measures of barley for a penie,
19206 = and see thou hurt not the oyle and the wine.
15507 = And when hee had opened the fourth seale,
20600 = I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
11536 = And I looked, and behold, a pale horse:
14788 = & his name that sate on him was Death,
12408 = and hell followed with him:
31282 = and power was giuen vnto them, ouer the fourth part of the earth
24791 = to kill with sword, & with hunger, and with death,
14269 = and with the beastes of the earth.
13411 = And when hee had opened the fift seale,
18679 = I saw vnder the altar, the soules of them
17217 = that were slaine for the word of God,
16560 = and for the testimony which they held.
17373 = And they cried with a lowd voice, saying,
13615 = How long, O Lord, holy and true,
17978 = doest thou not iudge and auenge our blood
14129 = on them that dwell on the earth?
23332 = And white robes were giuen vnto euery one of them,
11871 = and it was sayd vnto them,
20969 = that they should rest yet for a little season,
25936 = vntill their fellow seruants also, and their brethren
22543 = that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
16629 = And I beheld when he had opened the sixt seale,
15035 = and loe, there was a great earthquake,
17904 = and the Sunne became blacke as sackecloth of haire,
9823 = and the Moone became as blood.
18990 = And the starres of heauen fell vnto the earth,
18593 = euen as a figge tree casteth her vntimely figs
15862 = when she is shaken of a mighty winde.
27887 = And the heauen departed as a scrowle when it is rolled together,
26877 = and euery mountaine and Island were moued out of their places.
21858 = And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men,
15453 = and the chiefe captaines, and the mighty men,
12536 = and euery bondman, and euery free man,
27229 = hid themselues in the dennes and in the rockes of the mountaines,
15800 = And said to the mountaines and rockes,
15564 = Fall on vs, and hide vs from the face of him
26050 = that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lambe:
16319 = For the great day of his wrath is come;
11688 = and who shall be able to stand?
III. In the beginning was the Word
(John 1:1 and 1:5, KJB 1611)
And the light shineth in darknesse
3045 = LOGOS
-1000 = Darkness
25920 = Platonic Great Year
And the darknesse comprehended it not
6529 = The Gates of Hell
12031 = International Monetary Fund
9948 = Harvard University
7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands
100 = The End
IV. There is a diuinity that shapes our ends,
Rough-hew them how we will.
(Prince Hamlet in Act V, Sc. ii)
105113 = Platonic World Soul
1 = Monad
10347 = Our Ever-living Poet
-4000 = Dark Sword – Man-Beast
The Sacred Triangle of Heathen Iceland
Man-Beast‘s Path to Transformation
And Christianity at Helgafell
(Saga Myth)
7196 = Bergþórshválll
6067 = Miðeyjarhólmr
3027 = Helgafell
V. And fire came downe from God out of heauen
(Revelation, Ch. 20, KJB 1611)
16462 = And I saw an Angel come down from heauen,
23798 = hauing the key of the bottomles pit, & a great chaine in his hand.
18152 = And hee laid hold on the dragon that old serpent,
24679 = which is the devill and Satan, and bound him a thousand yeres.
17262 = And cast him into the bottomlesse pit,
16106 = and shut him vp, and set a seale vpon him,
18363 = that he should deceiue the nations no more,
19471 = till the thousand yeeres should bee fulfilled:
20053 = and after that hee must be loosed a little season.
18501 = And I saw thrones, and they sate vpon them,
15814 = and iudgement was giuen vnto them:
11966 = & I saw the soules of them
20864 = that were beheaded for the witnesse of Jesus,
9919 = and for the word of God,
24735 = and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image,
21033 = neither had receiued his marke upon their foreheads,
7387 = or in their hands;
23920 = and they liued and reigned with Christ a thousand yeeres.
15782 = But the rest of the dead liued not againe
19502 = untill the thousand yeeres were finished.
16608 = This is the first resurrection.
26313 = Blessed & holy is he that hath part in ye first resurrection:
17545 = on such the second death hath no power,
19366 = but they shall be Priests of God, and of Christ,
18351 = and shall reigne with him a thousand yeeres.
17712 = And when the thousand yeeres are expired,
17632 = Satan shall be loosed out of his prison.
16922 = And shall goe out to deceiue the nations
23719 = which are in the foure quarters of the earth, Gog & Magog,
21376 = to gather them together to battell:
18422 = the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
17557 = And they went vp on the breadh² of the earth,
25750 = and compassed the campe of the Saints about, and the beloued citie:
24137 = and fire came downe from God out of heauen, and deuoured them.
12046 = And the deuil that deceiued them
19317 = was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone,
17190 = where the beast and the false prophet are,
19976 = and shall be tormented day and night for euer and euer
23231 = And I saw a great white throne, and him that sate on it,
19877 = from whose face the earth and the heauen fled away;
15999 = and there was found no place for them.
18655 = And I sawe the dead, small and great, stand before God:
22166 = and the books were opened: & another booke was opened,
10872 = which is the booke of life:
18771 = and the dead were iudged out of those things
30864 = which were written in the books, according to their works.
18117 = And the sea gaue vp the dead which were in it:
22676 = and death and hell deliuered vp the dead which were in them:
25282 = and they were iudged euery man according to their works.
18749 = And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire:
10320 = this is the second death.
28098 = And whosoeuer was not found written in the booke of life,
13270 = was cast into the lake of fire.
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¹Internet Translation
It happened one day that Mörðr came to Bergþórshváll. He and Kári and Njáll’s sons fell a-talking at once, and Mörðr slanders Höskuldr after his wont, and has now many new tales to tell, and does naught but egg Skarpheðinn and them on to slay Höskuldr, and said he would be beforehand with them if they did not fall on him at once. „I will let thee have thy way in this,“ says Skarpheðinn, „if thou wilt fare with us, and have some hand in it.“ „That I am ready to do,“ says Mörðr, and so they bound that fast with promises, and he was to come there that evening. Bergþóra asked Njáll – „What are they talking about out of doors?“ „I am not in their counsels,“ says Njáll, „but I was seldom left out of them when their plans were good.“
Skarpheðinn did not lie down to rest that evening, nor his brothers, nor Kari. That same night, when it was well-nigh spent, came Mörðr Valgarðsson, and Njáll’s sons and Kári took their weapons and rode away. They fared till they came to Ossabæ, and bided there by a fence. The weather was good, and the sun just risen. About that time Höskuldr, the Priest of Whiteness, awoke; he put on his clothes, and threw over him his cloak, Flosi’s gift. He took his corn-sieve, and had his sword in his other hand, and walks towards the fence, and sows the corn as he goes.
Skarpheðinn and his band had agreed that they would all give him a wound. Skarpheðinn sprang up from behind the fence, but when Höskuldr saw him he wanted to turn away, then Skarpheðinn ran up to him and said – „Don’t try to turn on thy heel, Whiteness priest,“ and hews at him, and the blow came on his head, and he fell on his knees. Höskuldr said these words when he fell – „God help me, and forgive you!“ Then they all ran up to him and gave him wounds.
After that Mörðr said – „A plan comes into my mind.“ „What is that?“ says Skarpheðinn. „That I shall fare home as soon as I can, but after that I will fare up to Grjótá, and tell them the tidings, and say ’tis an ill deed; but I know surely that Þorgerðr will ask me to give notice of the slaying, and I will do that, for that will be the surest way to spoil their suit. I will also send a man to Ossabæ, and know how soon they take any counsel in the matter, and that man will learn all these tidings thence, and I will make believe that I have heard them from him.“ „Do so by all means,“ says Skarpheðinn.
Those brothers fared home, and Kári with them, and when they came home they told Njáll the tidings. „Sorrowful tidings are these,“ says Njáll, „and such are ill to hear, for sooth to say this grief touches me so nearly, that methinks it were better to have lost two of my sons and that Höskuldr lived.“ „It is some excuse for thee,“ says Skarpheðinn, „that thou art an old man, and it is to be looked for that this touches thee nearly.“ „But this,“ says Njáll, „no less than old age, is why I grieve, that I know better than thou what will come after.“ „What will come after?“ says Skarpheðinn. „My death,“ says Njáll, „and the death of my wife and of all my sons.“
„What dost thou foretell for me?“ says Kári. „They will have hard work to go against thy good fortune, for thou wilt be more than a match for all of them.“ This one thing touched Njáll so nearly that he could never speak of it without shedding tears.
² Actual spelling in KJB 1611.