© Gunnar Tómasson
29. ágúst 2017
Prisca theologia is the doctrine
that asserts that a single, true theology exists,
which threads through all religions,
and which was anciently given by God to man.
Prisca theologia – forn trú – er sú kenning að
ein, sönn trú endurspeglast
í öllum trúarbrögðum,
sem Guð gaf mannkyni í upphafi.
varðveitir þá fornu trú.
Var Haraldur hárfagri bara uppspuni Snorra Sturlusonar?
I. Facebook status G.T.
Spyr Sverrir Jakobsson á Vísindavef Háskóla Íslands¹, og segir þar í lokin:
„Í stuttu máli: Ef Haraldur hárfagri var til þá var hann að líklega danskur og hefði varla kannast við viðurnefni sitt. Hann bjó ekki til ríki í Noregi þótt söguleg yfirlitsrit haldi gjarnan öðru fram. Slíkt er ef til vill betri heimild um trúgirni og gagnrýnisleysi nútímasagnfræðinga heldur en hvernig Noregur varð til.”
Hér er (úldinn) fiskur undir steini hjá Snorra, sbr. eftirfarandi:
6092 = Haraldr hárfagri
1000 = Heimsljós
1659 = Pýþagórísk sköpunarmýta (345+666+216+432=1659)
7000 = Microcosmos – Maður sem Ímynd Guðs
100 = Sögulok
Í Sturlu þætti segir Konungur við Sturlu Þórðarson eftir að hafa hlýtt á kvæði Sturlu um föður Konungs:
15851 = „Þat ætla ek at þú kveðir betr en páfinn.”
Glöggir nútímasagnfræðingar gætu greint hér hulinn kveðskap um Harald hárfagra – og látið af þeim leiða sið að segja höfunda Íslendingasagna hafa verið kaþólska.
Hugmyndina Haraldr hárfagri, 6092, sem Umboðsmaður Guðs í Nóregi má væntalega útskýra svona:
2092 = Papey – Sbr. Papam – Páfi
4000 = Sköpunarmáttur Alheims
„Út vil ek”, sagð Snorri og hafði orð Noregskonungs að engu.
Kostaði hann reyndar lífið að sögn, en slíkt þótti ekki tiltökumál fram eftir öldum.
II. Umsögn Facebook Vinar:
Caesar þýðir ,,hárfagri“
III. Svar-status G.T.
Takk – þetta smellpassar!
Kali Yuga – Heimsaldur
4714 = Völuspá
418624 = Sjá hér að neðan
12062 = Et tu, Brute – then fall, Cæsar
-6092 = Haraldr hárfagri
2692 = Ísland
(Matt. 16:13-20, King James Bible, 1611)
23675 = When Iesus came into the coasts of Cesarea Philippi,
11616 = he asked his disciples, saying,
17235 = Whom doe men say, that I, the sonne of man, am?
22774 = And they said, Some say that thou art Iohn the Baptist,
23541 = some Elias, and others Ieremias, or one of the Prophets.
19313 = He saith vnto them, But whom say ye that I am?
14266 = And Simon Peter answered, and said,
19943 = Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God.
16129 = And Iesus answered, and said vnto him,
13647 = Blessed art thou Simon Bar Iona:
20799 = for flesh and blood hath not reueiled it vnto thee,
13923 = but my Father which is in heauen.
19578 = And I say also vnto thee, that thou art Peter,
19317 = and vpon this rocke I will build my Church:
20444 = and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it.
24422 = And I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen:
27217 = and whatsoeuer thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heauen:
28617 = whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heauen.
11853 = Then charged hee his disciples
26502 = that they should tel no man that he was Iesus the Christ.
Kristniþáttur Njálu
12685 = Höfðingjaskipti varð í Nóregi.
11274 = Fara menn við þat heim af þingi.
Sbr. Saul/Paul á Veginum til Damascus
-5975 = Simon Peter
5829 = Simon Bar Iona
IV. Goðsögn Kristniþáttar – Í stuttu máli
12685 = Höfðingjaskipti varð í Nóregi.
11274 = Fara menn við þat heim af þingi.
V. Goðsögn Kristniþáttar – Nánari útfærsla
(Platonic-Augustan-Saga-Shakespeare Myth)
The Same
271148 = Virgil²
1000 = Light of the World
10773 = Spiritus Sanctus
5596 = Andlig spekðin – Spiritual Wisdom
15851 = „Þat ætla ek at þú kveðir betr en páfinn.” – Konungr um kvæði Sturlu Þórðarsonar.
The Other
-262982 = Horace³
-10467 = Osiris-Isis-Horus
-6960 = Jarðlig skilning – Earthly Understanding
Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:
¹ https://www.visindavefur.is/svar.php?id=6206
²A New Breed of Men Sent Down From Heaven
Virgil, Fourth Eclogue
16609 = Ultima Cumaei venit iam carminis aetas;
20087 = Magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo.
18681 = Iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna,
18584 = Iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto.
20229 = Tu modo nascenti puero, quo ferrea primum
18431 = Desinet ac toto surget gens aurea mundo,
17698 = Casta fave Lucina: tuus iam regnat Apollo.
18480 = Teque adeo decus hoc aevi te consule, inibit,
18919 = Pollio, et incipient magni procedere menses;
22004 = Te duce, si qua manent sceleris vestigia nostri,
20495 = Inrita perpetua solvent formidine terras.
18330 = Ille deum vitam accipiet divisque videbit
20448 = Permixtos heroas et ipse videbitur illis
22153 = Pacatumque reget patriis virtutibus orbem.
²A New Breed of Men Sent Down From Heaven
Now the last age by Cumae’s Sibyl sung has come and gone, and the majestic roll of circling centuries begins anew: justice returns, returns old Saturn’s reign, with a new breed of men sent down from heaven. Only do thou, at the boy’s birth in whom the iron shall cease, the golden race arise, befriend him, chaste Lucina; ‘tis thine own Apollo reigns. And in thy consulate, this glorious age, O Pollio, shall begin, and the months enter on their mighty march. Under thy guidance, whatso tracks remain of our old wickedness, once done away, shall free the earth from never-ceasing fear. He shall receive the life of gods, and see heroes with gods commingling, and himself be seen of them, and with his father’s worth reign o’er a world of peace.
³Horace’s Monument
15415 = Exegi monumentum aere perennius
15971 = regalique situ pyramidum altius,
18183 = quod non imber edax, non Aquilo impotens
16667 = possit diruere aut innumerabilis
15808 = annorum series et fuga temporum.
16838 = Non omnis moriar multaque pars mei
17125 = vitabit Libitinam; usque ego postera
15977 = crescam laude recens. Dum Capitolium
16702 = scandet cum tacita virgine pontifex,
17493 = dicar, qua violens obstrepit Aufidus
17316 = et qua pauper aquae Daunus agrestium
19190 = regnavit populorum, ex humili potens,
14596 = princeps Aeolium carmen ad Italos
15421 = deduxisse modos. Sume superbiam
15021 = quaesitam meritis et mihi Delphica
15259 = lauro cinge volens, Melpomene, comam.
³Horace‘s Monument
I have created a monument more lasting than bronze and loftier than the royal pyramids, a monument which neither the biting rain nor the raging North Wind can destroy, nor can the countless years and the passing of the seasons. I will not entirely die and a great part of me will avoid Libitina, the goddess of Death; I will grow greater and greater in times to come, kept fresh by praise. So long as the high priest climbs the stairs of the Capitolium, accompanied by the silent Vestal Virgin, I, now powerful but from humble origins, will be said to be the first to have brought Aeolian song to Latin meter where the raging Aufidius roars and where parched Daunus ruled over the country folk. Embrace my pride, deservedly earned, Muse, and willingly crown me with Apollo’s laurel.