© Gunnar Tómasson
3 October 2017
1960727 = Woe vnto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites. Matt. Ch. 23
2246396 = Christ Foretelleth the Destruction of the Temple. Matt. Ch. 24
1927965 = Of Truth. Francis Bacon‘s Essay, 1625.
468222 = Abomination of Desolation. Contemporary history.
1338633 = Lady Macbeth‘s Sleep-walking Scene.
472303 = Prisca Theologia. William Shakespeare and Jesus.
The Saga Cipher
The numerical values in A and B are calculated by copying texts, line-by-line, and pasting them into the Saga Cipher Calculator at http://www.light-of-truth.com/ciphersaga.htm.
The Saga Cipher assigns a constant numerical value to each letter of the alphabet. To the best of my knowledge the Cipher has never been made public but there is reason to believe that it has been known for over 2000 years.
In 1977 I discovered the Saga Cipher embedded in one sentence in the oldest Icelandic skin manuscript – a single-page document – named after the estate of Snorri Sturluson (d. 1241).
Prisca Theologia
Prisca theologia is the doctrine that asserts that a single, true theology exists,which threads through all religions, and which was anciently given by God to man. (Wikipedia)
I. Woe vnto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites
(Matt. Ch. 23. King James Bible, 1611)
25475 = Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples,
23671 = Saying, The Scribes and the Pharises sit in Moses seate:
21353 = All therefore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue,
8173 = that obserue and doe,
25205 = but doe not ye after their workes: for they say, and doe not.
21805 = For they binde heauie burdens, and grieuous to be borne,
12957 = and lay them on mens shoulders,
32647 = but they themselues will not mooue them with one of their fingers.
21985 = But all their workes they doe, for to be seene of men:
13943 = they make broad their phylacteries,
17004 = and enlarge the borders of their garments,
19224 = And loue the vppermost roomes at feasts,
15268 = and the chiefe seats in the Synagogues,
12060 = And greetings in the markets,
10163 = and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.
8671 = But be not ye called Rabbi:
24551 = for one is your Master, euen Christ, and all ye are brethren.
17180 = And call no man your father vpon the earth:
18367 = for one is your father which is in heauen.
27675 = Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, euen Christ.
25067 = But hee that is greatest among you, shall be your seruant.
20474 = And whosoeuer shall exalt himselfe, shall be abased:
18214 = and he that shall humble himselfe, shall be exalted.
25119 = But woe vnto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites;
20136 = for yee shut vp the kingdom of heauen against men:
14980 = For yee neither goe in your selues,
20823 = neither suffer ye them that are entring, to goe in.
23131 = Woe vnto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites;
16942 = for yee deuoure widowes houses,
13236 = and for a pretence make long prayer,
19909 = therefore ye shall receiue the greater damnation.
22903 = Woe vnto you Scribes and Pharises, hypocrites;
20209 = for yee compasse Sea and land to make one Proselyte,
7159 = and when hee is made,
25865 = yee make him two fold more the childe of hell then your selues.
18607 = Woe vnto you, yee blind guides, which say,
24905 = whosoeuer shall sweare by the Temple, it is nothing:
24059 = but whosoeuer shal sweare by the gold of the Temple,
4539 = he is a debter,
6592 = Ye fooles and blind:
14597 = for whether is greater, the gold,
17224 = or the Temple that sanctifieth the gold?
25058 = And whosoeuer shall sweare by the Altar, it is nothing:
31702 = but whosoeuer sweareth by the gift that is vpon it, he is guiltie.
6592 = Ye fooles and blind:
14841 = for whether is greater, the gift,
16754 = or the Altar that sanctifieth the gift?
27351 = Who so therefore shall sweare by the Altar, sweareth by it,
9808 = and by all things thereon.
24362 = And who so shall sweare by the Temple, sweareth by it,
13502 = and by him that dwelleth therein.
13227 = And he that shall sweare by heauen,
26788 = sweareth by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon.
23131 = Woe vnto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites;
18305 = for yee pay tithe of mint, and annise, and cummine,
22948 = and haue omitted the weightier matters of the Law,
10056 = iudgement, mercie and faith:
25747 = these ought ye to haue done, and not to leaue the other vndone.
25127 = Ye blind guides, which straine at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
23131 = Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites;
23870 = for yee make cleane the outside of the cup, and of the platter,
23902 = but within they are full of extortion and excesse.
8477 = Thou blind Pharisee,
26683 = cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter,
16938 = that the outside of them may bee cleane also.
23131 = Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites,
18581 = for yee are like vnto whited sepulchres,
18718 = which indeed appeare beautifull outward,
25419 = but are within full of dead mens bones, and of all vncleannesse.
25854 = Euen so, yee also outwardly appeare righteous vnto men,
22960 = but within ye are full of hypocrisie and iniquitie.
23131 = Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites,
18445 = because ye build the tombes of the Prophets,
19984 = and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous.
18713 = And say, If wee had beene in the dayes of our fathers,
22167 = wee would not haue bene partakers with them
12428 = in the blood of the Prophets.
23386 = Wherefore ye bee witnesses vnto your selues,
25092 = that yee are the children of them which killed the Prophets.
18261 = Fil ye vp then the measure of your fathers.
16774 = Yee serpents, yee generation of vipers,
15606 = How can yee escape the damnation of hell?
7654 = Wherefore behold,
23099 = I send vnto you Prophets, and wisemen, and Scribes,
16221 = and some of them yee shall kill and crucifie,
22964 = and some of them shall yee scourge in your synagogues,
17132 = and persecute them from citie to citie:
10109 = That vpon you may come
18910 = all the righteous blood shed vpon the earth,
13469 = from the blood of righteous Abel,
19187 = vnto the blood of Zacharias, sonne of Barachias,
21724 = whom yee slew betweene the temple and the altar.
10306 = Verily I say vnto you,
21276 = All these things shal come vpon this generation.
26673 = O Hierusalem, Hierusalem, thou that killest the Prophets,
20149 = and stonest them which are sent vnto thee,
24890 = how often would I haue gathered thy children together,
22058 = euen as a hen gathereth her chickens vnder her wings,
8136 = and yee would not?
20206 = Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
8720 = For I say vnto you,
19179 = yee shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say,
19648 = Blessed is he that commeth in the Name of the Lord.
II. Christ Foretelleth the Destruction of the Temple
(Matt. Ch. 24, King James Bible, 1611)
21627 = And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple,
11513 = and his Disciples came to him
19631 = for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
11050 = And Jesus said vnto them,
21937 = See yee not all these things? Verily I say vnto you,
22490 = there shall not be left heere one stone vpon another,
16199 = that shall not be throwen downe.
17198 = And as he sate vpon the mount of Oliues,
19738 = the Disciples came vnto him priuately, saying,
15937 = Tell vs, when shall these things be?
16985 = and what shall be the signe of thy comming,
10941 = and of the end of the world?
16855 = And Jesus answered, and said vnto them,
12204 = Take heed that no man deceiue you.
13693 = For many shall come in my name, saying,
12491 = I am Christ: and shall deceiue many.
22747 = And yee shall heare of warres, and rumors of warres:
11450 = See that yee be not troubled:
28146 = for all these things must come to passe, but the end is not yet.
16211 = For nation shall rise against nation,
10997 = and kingdome against kingdome,
16054 = and there shall be famines, and pestilences,
14024 = and earthquakes in diuers places.
17757 = All these are the beginning of sorrowes.
25907 = Then shall they deliuer you vp to be afflicted, and shall kill you:
19326 = and yee shall bee hated of all nations for my names sake.
20887 = And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another,
9927 = and shall hate one another.
22016 = And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceiue many.
13386 = And because iniquitie shal abound,
13830 = the loue of many shall waxe cold.
24244 = But he that shall endure vnto the end, the same shall be saued.
13182 = And this Gospell of the kingdome
13490 = shall be preached in all the world,
25439 = for a witnesse vnto al nations, and then shall the end come.
24897 = When yee therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,
22005 = spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the holy place,
15840 = (who so readeth, let him vnderstand.)
23765 = Then let them which be in Judea, flee into the mountaines.
23585 = Let him which is on the house top not come downe,
15224 = to take any thing out of his house:
15601 = Neither let him which is in the field,
14843 = returne backe to take his clothes.
17841 = And woe unto them that are with child,
17636 = and to them that giue sucke in those dayes.
22968 = But pray yee that your flight bee not in the winter,
9622 = neither on the Sabbath day:
15317 = For then shall be great tribulation,
29204 = such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time,
8202 = no, nor euer shall be.
17978 = And except those dayes should be shortned,
12419 = there should no flesh be saued:
22480 = but for the elects sake, those dayes shall be shortned.
13939 = Then if any man shall say vnto you,
18522 = Loe, heere is Christ, or there: beleeue it not.
24033 = For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets,
17987 = and shal shew great signes and wonders:
30121 = insomuch that (if it were possible,) they shall deceiue the very elect.
10844 = Behold, I have told you before.
17089 = Wherefore, if they shall say vnto you,
16966 = Behold, he is in the desert, goe not foorth:
19582 = Behold, he is in the secret chambers, beleeue it not.
19775 = For as the lightening commeth out of the East,
15207 = and shineth euen vnto the West:
18948 = so shall also the comming of the Sonne of man be.
15516 = For wheresoeuer the carkeise is,
17943 = there will the Eagles bee gathered together.
20432 = Immediatly after the tribulation of those dayes,
25488 = shall the Sunne be darkned, and the Moone shall not giue her light,
15502 = and the starres shall fall from heauen,
18659 = and the powers of the heauens shall be shaken.
23015 = And then shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man in heauen:
19995 = and then shall all the Tribes of the earth mourne,
16614 = and they shall see the Sonne of man comming
23456 = in the clouds of heauen, with power and great glory.
25713 = And hee shall send his Angels with a great sound of a trumpet,
27450 = and they shall gather together his Elect from the foure windes,
14273 = from one end of heauen to the other.
13828 = Now learne a parable of the figtree:
25538 = when his branch is yet tender, and putteth foorth leaues,
13746 = yee know that Summer is nigh:
22165 = So likewise yee, when ye shall see all these things,
18601 = know that it is neere, euen at the doores.
24831 = Verely I say vnto you, this generation shall not passe,
13855 = till all these things be fulfilled.
13309 = Heauen and earth shall passe away,
17433 = but my wordes shall not passe away.
17368 = But of that day and houre knoweth no man,
18918 = no, not the Angels of heauen, but my Father onely.
11908 = But as the dayes of Noe were,
18948 = so shall also the comming of the Sonne of man be.
18772 = For as in the dayes that were before the Flood,
23712 = they were eating, and drinking, marrying, and giuing in mariage,
18545 = vntill the day that Noe entred into the Arke.
24596 = And knew not vntill the Flood came, and tooke them all away:
18948 = so shall also the comming of the Sonne of man be.
12462 = Then shall two be in the field,
14761 = the one shalbe taken, and the other left.
18257 = Two women shall be grinding at the mill:
15265 = the one shall be taken, and the other left.
8061 = Watch therfore,
23579 = for ye know not what houre your Lord doth come.
8184 = But know this,
18214 = that if the good man of the house had knowen
28728 = in what watch the thiefe would come, he would haue watched,
24006 = and would not haue suffered his house to be broken vp.
9700 = Therefore be yee also ready:
27529 = for in such an houre as you thinke not, the sonne of man commeth.
19521 = Who then is a faithfull and wise seruant,
22523 = whom his Lord hath made ruler ouer his houshold,
13063 = to giue them meat in due season:
26174 = Blessed is that seruant, whome his Lord when he commeth,
7845 = shall finde so doing.
10109 = Verely I say vnto you,
19136 = that hee shal make him ruler ouer all his goods.
21284 = But and if that euill seruant shal say in his heart,
11368 = My Lord delayeth his comming,
20611 = And shall begin to smite his fellow seruants,
16445 = and to eate and drinke with the drunken:
17458 = The Lord of that seruant shall come in a day
12964 = when hee looketh not for him,
16102 = and in an houre that hee is not ware of:
10645 = And shall cut him asunder,
23699 = and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites:
17677 = there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I + II = 1960727 + 2246396 = 4207123
III + IV + V + VI = 1927965 + 468222 + 1338633 + 472303 = 4207123
III. Of Truth. Francis Bacon‘s Essay.
16829 = What is Truth; said jesting Pilate;
16465 = and would not stay for an Answer.
18074 = Certainly there be, that delight in Giddinesse
13235 = And count it a Bondage, to fix a Beleefe;
22340 = Affecting Free-will in Thinking as well as in Acting.
24810 = And though the Sects of Philosophers of that Kinde be gone,
21536 = yet there remaine certaine discoursing Wits,
12152 = which are of the same veines,
18070 = though there be not so much Bloud in them,
14517 = as was in those of the Ancients.
19835 = But it is not onely the Difficultie, and Labour
17822 = which Men take in finding out of Truth;
14466 = Nor againe, that when it is found,
16605 = it imposeth vpon mens Thoughts;
13519 = that doth bring Lies in fauour,
24851 = But a naturall, though corrupt Loue, of the Lie it selfe.
16509 = One of the later Schoole of the Grecians,
19915 = examineth the matter, and is at a stand, to thinke
21204 = what should be in it, that men should loue Lies;
24494 = Where neither they make for Pleasure, as with Poets;
26333 = Nor for Aduantage, as with the Merchant; but for the Lies sake.
7815 = But I cannot tell:
17572 = This same Truth, is a Naked, and Open day light,
21950 = that doth not shew, the Masques, and Mummeries,
20056 = and Triumphs of the world, halfe so Stately,
10902 = and daintily, as Candlelights.
19942 = Truth may perhaps come to the price of a Pearle,
10647 = that sheweth best by day:
26281 = But it will not rise, to the price of a Diamond or Carbuncle,
16547 = that sheweth best in varied lights.
16697 = A mixture of a Lie doth euer adde Pleasure.
18306 = Doth any man doubt, that if there were taken
15728 = out of Mens Mindes, Vaine Opinions,
15926 = Flattering Hopes, False valuations,
16567 = Imaginations as one would, and the like;
13966 = but it would leaue the Mindes,
17950 = of a Number of Men, poore shrunken Things;
16165 = full of Melancholy, and Indisposition,
13441 = and vnpleasing to themselues?
15790 = One of the Fathers, in great Seuerity,
12325 = called Poesie, Vinum Dæmonum;
14068 = because it filleth the Imagination,
18552 = and yet it is, but with the shadow of a Lie.
23809 = But it is not the Lie, that passeth through the Minde,
19114 = but the Lie that sinketh in, and setleth in it,
20452 = that doth the hurt, such as we spake of before.
19135 = But howsoeuer these things are thus,
17631 = in mens depraued Iudgements, and Affections,
19303 = yet Truth, which onely doth iudge it selfe,
16947 = teacheth, that the Inquirie of Truth,
19407 = which is the Loue-making, or Wooing of it;
24317 = The Knowledge of Truth, which is the Presence of it;
21439 = and the Beleefe of Truth, which is the Enioying of it;
17137 = is the Soueraigne Good of humane Nature.
23316 = The first Creature of God, in the workes of the Dayes,
12236 = was the Light of the Sense;
15062 = The last, was the Light of Reason;
13986 = And his Sabbath Worke, euer since,
16231 = is the Illumination of his Spirit.
24837 = First he breathed Light, vpon the Face, of the Matter or Chaos;
15511 = Then he breathed Light, into the Face of Man;
15000 = and still he breatheth and inspireth
13512 = Light, into the Face of his Chosen.
14216 = The Poet, that beautified the Sect,
22778 = that was otherwise inferiour to the rest,
12983 = saith yet excellently well:
18762 = It is a pleasure to stand vpon the shore
16065 = and to see ships tost vpon the Sea;
21011 = A pleasure to stand in the window of a Castle,
22322 = and to see a Battaile, and the Aduentures thereof, below:
14652 = But no pleasure is comparable, to
21546 = the standing, vpon the vantage ground of Truth
9474 = (A hill not to be commanded,
19050 = and where the Ayre is alwaies cleare and serene;)
17193 = And to see the Errours and Wandrings,
18416 = and Mists, and Tempests, in the vale below:
23256 = So alwaies, that this prospect, be with Pitty,
15853 = and not with Swelling, or Pride.
14791 = Certainly, it is Heauen vpon Earth,
14444 = to haue a Mans Minde moue in Charitie,
9099 = Rest in Prouidence,
16653 = and Turne vpon the Poles of Truth.
24147 = To pass from Theologicall and Philosophicall Truth,
16506 = to the Truth of ciuill Businesse;
26945 = It will be acknowledged, euen by those, that practize it not,
24509 = that cleare and Round dealing, is the Honour of Mans Nature;
12692 = And that Mixture of Falshood,
15180 = is like Allay in Coyne of Gold and Siluer,
18979 = which may make the Metall worke the better,
8066 = but it embaseth it.
18111 = For these winding, and crooked courses,
12669 = are the Goings of the Serpent;
23514 = which goeth basely vpon the belly, and not vpon the Feet.
23313 = There is no Vice, that doth so couer a Man with Shame,
14034 = as to be found false, and perfidious.
18522 = And therefore Mountaigny saith prettily,
24123 = when he enquired the reason, why the word of the Lie,
20405 = should be such a Disgrace, and such an Odious Charge?
12538 = Saith he, If it be well weighed,
16568 = To say that a man lieth, is as much to say,
25983 = as that he is braue towards God, and a Coward towards men.
15156 = For a Lie faces God, and shrinkes from Man.
19395 = Surely the Wickednesse of Falshood, and Breach
20429 = of Faith, cannot possibly be so highly expressed,
18582 = as in that it shall be the last Peale, to call the
19854 = Iudgements of God, vpon the Generations of Men,
20293 = It being foretold, that when Christ commeth,
15732 = He shall not finde faith vpon the earth.
IV. Abomination of Desolation
(Contemporary history)
Gates of Hell
13031 = International Monetary Fund
9948 = Harvard University
7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands – Central Bank of Iceland = 30125
Right Measure of Man
8525 = Gunnar Tómasson
12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir
Modes of Persecution
11587 = Character Assassination
5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity
7750 = Psychiatric Rape
6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander
16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice
Persecutors – Jesting Pilates
U.S. Government
12867 = William Jefferson Clinton – President
4496 = Janet Reno – Attorney General
International Monetary Fund
8899 = Jacques de Larosière – Managing Director
7678 = Michel Camdessus – Managing Director
5517 = William B. Dale – Deputy Managing Director
2713 = Dick Erb – Deputy Managing Director
6584 = Jacques J. Polak – Economic Counsellor
4734 = Tun Thin – Asian Department Director
9349 = W. John R. Woodley – Asian Department Deputy Director
3542 = Ken Clark – Director of Administration
3339 = Graeme Rea – Director of Administration
3227 = P. N. Kaul – Deputy Director of Administration
5446 = Nick Zumas – Grievance Committee Chairman
Harvard University
3625 = Derek C. Bok – President
8175 = Henry Rosovsky – Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
8566 = James S. Duesenberry – Chairman, Department of Economics
11121 = Paul Anthony Samuelson – Ph. D., Nobel Laureate in Economics
8381 = Walter S. Salant – Ph. D., Brookings Institution Senior Fellow
Iceland Government
10244 = Vigdís Finnbogadóttir – President
11361 = Salóme Þorkelsdóttir – Althing President
6028 = Davíd Oddsson – Prime Minister
10295 = Þorsteinn Pálsson – Minister of Justice
8316 = Jón Sigurdsson – Minister of Commerce
5940 = Jónas H. Haralz – World Bank Executive Director
Other Iceland
6648 = Jóhannes Nordal – Central Bank Governor
8864 = Bjarni Bragi Jónsson – Central Bank Chief Economist
14314 = Benjamín Jón Hafsteinn Eiríksson – Harvard Ph. D.
9720 = Matthías Jóhannessen – Editor, Morgunblaðið
10989 = Orenthal James Simpson
8015 = John & Patsy Ramsey
4953 = Osama bin Laden
Violent Crimes
3586 = Murder
6899 = Nicole Brown
4948 = Ron Goldman
6100 = Brentwood
1204 = 12 June (4th month old-style)
1994 = 1994 A.D.
3718 = Jonbenet
3503 = Boulder
2510 = 25 December (10th month old-style)
1996 = 1996 A.D.
5557 = The Pentagon
9596 = World Trade Center
1107 = 11 September (7th month old-style)
2001 = 2001 A.D.
7920 = Excelsior Hotel
5060 = Paula Jones
803 = 8 May (3rd month old-style)
1991 = 1991 A.D.
4014 = Kiss it!
8486 = The White House
7334 = Kathleen Willey
2909 = 29 November (9th month old-style)
1993 = 1993 A.D.
22091 = I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you.
6045 = The Oval Office
8112 = Monica Lewinsky
1509 = 15 November (9th month old-style)
1995 = 1995 A.D. = 438097¹
V. Lady Macbeth‘s Sleep-walking Scene.
(Macbeth, Act V, Sc. I – First Folio)
23553 = Enter a Doctor of Physicke, and a Wayting Gentlewoman.
17408 = I haue too Nights watch’d with you,
20296 = but can perceiue no truth in your report.
14559 = When was it shee last walk’d?
17165 = Since his Maiesty went into the Field,
12297 = I haue seene her rise from her bed,
17142 = throw her Night-Gown vppon her,
20925 = vnlocke her Closset, take foorth paper, folde it,
20294 = write vpon’t, read it, afterwards Seale it,
9251 = and againe returne to bed;
17740 = yet all this while in a most fast sleepe.
14191 = A great perturbation in Nature,
15598 = to receyue at once the benefit of sleep,
12556 = and do the effects of watching.
12263 = In this slumbry agitation,
22287 = besides her walking, and other actuall performances,
15653 = what (at any time) haue you heard her say?
21760 = That Sir, which I will not report after her.
19124 = You may to me, and ’tis most meet you should.
11761 = Neither to you, nor any one,
19398 = hauing no witnesse to confirme my speech.
10419 = Enter Lady with a Taper.
19966 = Lo you, heere she comes: This is her very guise,
11154 = and vpon my life fast asleepe:
10746 = obserue her, stand close.
11115 = How came she by that light?
9377 = Why it stood by her:
20143 = she ha’s light by her continually, ’tis her command.
9850 = You see her eyes are open.
12269 = I but their sense are shut.
12347 = What is it she do’s now?
13625 = Looke how she rubbes her hands.
16623 = It is an accustom’d action with her,
14975 = to seeme thus washing her hands:
25514 = I haue knowne her continue in this a quarter of an houre.
7588 = Yet heere’s a spot.
6672 = Heark, she speaks,
19161 = I will set downe what comes from her,
20219 = to satisfie my remembrance the more strongly.
11907 = Out damned spot: out I say.
18146 = One: Two: Why then ’tis time to doo’t:
6119 = Hell is murky.
12691 = Fye, my Lord, fie, a Souldier, and affear’d?
17263 = what need we feare? who knowes it,
19800 = when none can call our powre to accompt:
14904 = yet who would haue thought
16585 = the olde man to haue had so much blood in him.
7327 = Do you marke that?
18946 = The Thane of Fife, had a wife: where is she now?
15632 = What will these hands ne’re be cleane?
16047 = No more o’that my Lord, no more o’that:
16797 = you marre all with this starting.
25555 = Go too, go too: You haue knowne what you should not.
23695 = She ha’s spoke what shee should not, I am sure of that:
17611 = Heauen knowes what she ha’s knowne.
14867 = Heere’s the smell of the blood still:
27589 = all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.
3108 = Oh, oh, oh.
20106 = What a sigh is there? The hart is sorely charg’d.
18666 = I would not haue such a heart in my bosome,
14174 = for the dignity of the whole body.
9402 = Well, well, well.
7046 = Pray God it be sir.
14600 = This disease is beyond my practise:
26386 = yet I haue knowne those which haue walkt in their sleep,
13789 = who haue dyed holily in their beds.
28871 = Wash your hands, put on your Night-Gowne, looke not so pale:
14684 = I tell you yet againe Banquo’s buried;
12779 = he cannot come out on’s graue.
3530 = Euen so?
15743 = To bed, to bed: there’s knocking at the gate:
14311 = Come, come, come, come, giue me your hand:
12635 = What’s done, cannot be vndone.
10277 = To bed, to bed, to bed. Exit Lady.
11095 = Will she go now to bed?
4000 = Directly.
20766 = Foule whisp’rings are abroad: vnnaturall deeds
19751 = Do breed vnnaturall troubles: infected mindes
25556 = To their deafe pillowes will discharge their Secrets:
18663 = More needs she the Diuine, then the Physitian:
15295 = God, God forgiue vs all. Looke after her,
16865 = Remoue from her the meanes of all annoyance,
18042 = And still keepe eyes vpon her: So goodnight,
14578 = My minde she ha’s mated, and amaz’d my sight.
11439 = I thinke, but dare not speake.
14011 = Good night good Doctor. Exeunt.
VI. Prisca Theologia. William Shakespeare and Jesus
(Construction G. T.)
Prisca Theologia
7521 = Prisca Theologia.
William Shakespeare
First Published Work
(Venus and Adonis, Dedication 1593)
20084 = Henrie Vvriothesley, Earle of Southampton,
8814 = and Baron of Titchfield.
21943 = Right Honourable, I know not how I shall offend
23463 = in dedicating my vnpolisht lines to your Lordship,
25442 = nor how the worlde vvill censure mee for choosing
25266 = so strong a proppe to support so vveake a burthen,
17161 = onelye if your Honour seeme but pleased,
13387 = I account my selfe highly praised,
18634 = and vowe to take aduantage of all idle houres,
23217 = till I haue honoured you vvith some grauer labour.
23437 = But if the first heire of my inuention proue deformed,
15796 = I shall be sorie it had so noble a god-father:
12970 = and neuer after eare so barren a land,
16690 = for feare it yeeld me still so bad a haruest,
17496 = l leaue it to your Honourable suruey,
18884 = and your Honor to your hearts content,
27199 = vvhich I wish may alvvaies answere your ovvne vvish,
17766 = and the vvorlds hopefull expectation.
11662 = Your Honors in all dutie,
9322 = William Shakespeare
The Crucifixion
(KJB 1611)
9442 = THE KING OF THE IEWES – Mark 15:26
13383 = THIS IS THE KING OF THE IEWES – Luke 23:38
The Cross – Man-Beast
-4000 = Dark Sword – Man-Beast
Come and Gone
(Matt. 10:34, KJB 1611)
19148 = Thinke not that I am come to send peace on earth:
15592 = I came not to send peace, but a sword.
End of Time
-2118 = TIME
Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:
¹Abomination of Desolation
Message posted to friends on 26 February 2014:
While in Iceland last August, I met with Pétur Halldórsson at the Cafe Milano in Reykjavík. We discussed matters of mutual interest, including what my Saga Cipher work might “mean“.
I took a napkin and, for emphasis, wrote down the number 438097. This is the Cipher Sum of some three dozen names of persons, institutions, dates and events during the reference period, including two famous murder cases, a sex scandal in high places, and presumptive lies told in connection therewith.
I told Pétur (what I had long surmised) that I believed that this number was associated with a watershed event in human history whose final phase was upon our world.
An earth-shaking culmination of human and spiritual evolution.