© Gunnar Tómasson
16 January 2018
A. Shakespeares Sonnets
271661 = # I
261048 = # II
248718 = # CLIII
246556 = # CLIV
B. Earl of Oxford and Francis Bacon
511378 = Oxenford’s Letter to Robert Cecil
7864 = Jesus Patibilis – The Passible Jesus
-1000 = Darkness
509741 = Francis Bacon – Essayes, Dedication
C. Quest of the Holy Grail
Two Brothers
666 = Man-Beast
432 = Right Measure of Man
The Mousetrap
468222 = Abomination of Desolation
515600 = The Mousetrap, First Folio
End of Quest
-1796 = Graal
Perfect Man
7284 = Jesus Christ
St. Peter‘s Basilica
Symbol of Perfect Man
37575 = Inscription on St. Peter‘s Facade
A. Shakespeares Sonnets
I and II
19985 = From fairest creatures we desire increase,
18119 = That thereby beauties Rose might neuer die,
16058 = But as the riper should by time decease,
15741 = His tender heire might beare his memory:
22210 = But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,
25851 = Feed’st thy lights flame with selfe substantiall fewell,
14093 = Making a famine where aboundance lies,
22081 = Thy selfe thy foe, to thy sweet selfe too cruell:
23669 = Thou that art now the worlds fresh ornament,
15027 = And only herauld to the gaudy spring,
21957 = Within thine own bud buriest thy content,
18648 = And, tender chorle, makst wast in niggarding:
20168 = Pitty the world, or else this glutton be,
18054 = To eate the worlds due, by the graue and thee. = 271661
22191 = When fortie Winters shall beseige thy brow,
16472 = And digge deep trenches in thy beauties field,
20500 = Thy youthes proud liuery so gaz’d on now,
19497 = Wil be a totter’d weed of smal worth held:
17451 = Then being askt, where all thy beautie lies,
19311 = Where all the treasure of thy lusty daies;
20498 = To say within thine owne deepe sunken eyes
21834 = How much more praise deseru’d thy beauties vse,
22077 = If thou couldst answere this faire child of mine
17540 = Shall sum my count, and make my old excuse
19210 = Proouing his beautie by succession thine.
21619 = This were to be new made when thou art ould,
22848 = And see thy blood warme when thou feel’st it could. = 261048
13228 = Cvpid laid by his brand and fell a sleepe,
13445 = A maide of Dyans this aduantage found,
18187 = And his loue-kindling fire did quickly steepe
18007 = In a could vallie-fountaine of that ground:
20891 = Which borrowd from this holie fire of loue,
16961 = A datelesse liuely heat still to indure,
19450 = And grew a seething bath which yet men proue,
18055 = Against strang malladies a soueraigne cure:
19283 = But at my mistres eie loues brand new fired,
21662 = The boy for triall needes would touch my brest
16374 = I sick withall the helpe of bath desired,
15780 = And thether hied a sad distemperd guest.
18172 = But found no cure, the bath for my helpe lies,
19223 = Where Cupid got new fire; my mistres eye. = 248718
15579 = The little Loue-God lying once a sleepe,
14878 = Laid by his side his heart inflaming brand,
22758 = Whilst many Nymphes that vou’d chast life to keep,
14399 = Came tripping by, but in her maiden hand,
17635 = The fayrest votary tooke vp that fire,
20156 = Which many Legions of true hearts had warm’d,
12929 = And so the Generall of hot desire,
15303 = Was sleeping by a Virgin hand disarm’d.
16961 = This brand she quenched in a coole Well by,
20944 = Which from loues fire tooke heat perpetuall,
14642 = Growing a bath and healthfull remedy,
18706 = For men diseasd, but I my Mistrisse thrall,
18170 = Came there for cure and this by that I proue,
23496 = Loues fire heates water, water cooles not loue. = 246556
B. Earl of Oxford and Francis Bacon
(Construction G. T.)
Edward Oxenford – Imperfect Booke
(Letter to Robert Cecil)
9205 = My very good brother,
11119 = yf my helthe hadd beene to my mynde
20978 = I wowlde have beene before this att the Coorte
16305 = as well to haue giuen yow thankes
15468 = for yowre presence at the hearinge
15274 = of my cause debated as to have moued her M
10054 = for her resolutione.
23461 = As for the matter, how muche I am behouldinge to yow
22506 = I neede not repeate but in all thankfulnes acknowlege,
13131 = for yow haue beene the moover &
14231 = onlye follower therofe for mee &
19082 = by yowre onlye meanes I have hetherto passed
13953 = the pykes of so many adversaries.
16856 = Now my desyre ys. Sythe them selues
15903 = whoo have opposed to her M ryghte
17295 = seeme satisfisde, that yow will make
7234 = the ende ansuerabel
22527 = to the rest of yowre moste friendlye procedinge.
12363 = For I am aduised, that I may passe
22634 = my Booke from her Magestie yf a warrant may be procured
21532 = to my Cosen Bacon and Seriant Harris to perfet yt.
25516 = Whiche beinge doone I know to whome formallye to thanke
16614 = but reallye they shalbe, and are from me, and myne,
23196 = to be sealed up in an aeternall remembran&e to yowreselfe.
18733 = And thus wishinge all happines to yow,
13574 = and sume fortunat meanes to me,
19549 = wherby I myght recognise soo diepe merites,
13775 = I take my leave this 7th of October
11101 = from my House at Hakney 1601.
15668 = Yowre most assured and louinge
4605 = Broother
7936 = Edward Oxenford = 511378
Light and Darkness
7864 = Jesus Patibilis – The Passible Jesus
-1000 = Darkness
Bacon’s Essayes – Perfecting the Book
(Dedication 1625)
18613 = MY VERY GOOD LO. THE DVKE of Buckingham his Grace,
9271 = LO. High Admirall of England.
22090 = SALOMON saies; A good Name is as a precious oyntment;
31225 = And I assure my selfe, such wil your Graces Name bee, with Posteritie.
21416 = For your Fortune, and Merit both, haue beene Eminent.
20248 = And you haue planted Things, that are like to last.
13223 = I doe now publish my Essayes;
25098 = Which, of all my other workes, haue beene most Currant:
15033 = For that, as it seemes, they come home,
13886 = to Mens Businesse, and Bosomes.
18429 = I haue enlarged them, both in Number, and Weight;
15649 = So that they are indeed a New Worke.
13471 = I thought it therefore agreeable,
18328 = to my Affection, and Obligation to your Grace,
24692 = to prefix your Name before them, both in English, and in Latine.
20651 = For I doe conceiue, that the Latine Volume of them,
13148 = (being in the Vniuersall Language)
12837 = may last, as long as Bookes last.
16577 = My Instauration, I dedicated to the King:
14781 = my Historie of HENRY the Seuenth
21369 = (which I haue now also translated into Latine)
23643 = and my Portions of Naturall History, to the Prince:
13053 = And these I dedicate to your Grace;
20322 = Being of the best Fruits, that by the good Encrease,
21295 = which God giues to my Pen and Labours, I could yeeld.
10530 = God leade your Grace by the Hand.
20801 = Your Graces most Obliged and faithfull Seruant,
4260 = FR. St. ALBAN = 509741
C. Quest of the Holy Grail
(Construction G. T.)
Two Brothers
666 = Man-Beast
432 = Right Measure of Man
Abomination of Desolation¹
(Contemporary history)
The Gates of Hell
13031 = International Monetary Fund
9948 = Harvard University
7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands = 30125
Right Measure of Man
8525 = Gunnar Tómasson
12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir
Modes of Persecution
11587 = Character Assassination
5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity
7750 = Psychiatric Rape
6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander
16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice
Persecutors – Jesting Pilates
U.S. Government
12867 = William Jefferson Clinton – President
4496 = Janet Reno – Attorney General
International Monetary Fund
8899 = Jacques de Larosière – Managing Director
7678 = Michel Camdessus – Managing Director
5517 = William B. Dale – Deputy Managing Director
2713 = Dick Erb – Deputy Managing Director
6584 = Jacques J. Polak – Economic Counsellor
4734 = Tun Thin – Asian Department Director
9349 = W. John R. Woodley – Asian Department Deputy Director
3542 = Ken Clark – Director of Administration
3339 = Graeme Rea – Director of Administration
3227 = P. N. Kaul – Deputy Director of Administration
5446 = Nick Zumas – Grievance Committee Chairman
Harvard University
3625 = Derek C. Bok – President
8175 = Henry Rosovsky – Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
8566 = James S. Duesenberry – Chairman, Department of Economics
11121 = Paul Anthony Samuelson – Ph. D., Nobel Laureate in Economics
8381 = Walter S. Salant – Ph. D., Brookings Institution Senior Fellow
Iceland Government
10244 = Vigdís Finnbogadóttir – President
11361 = Salóme Þorkelsdóttir – Althing President
6028 = Davíd Oddsson – Prime Minister
10295 = Þorsteinn Pálsson – Minister of Justice
8316 = Jón Sigurdsson – Minister of Commerce
5940 = Jónas H. Haralz – World Bank Executive Director
Other Iceland
6648 = Jóhannes Nordal – Central Bank Governor
8864 = Bjarni Bragi Jónsson – Central Bank Chief Economist
14314 = Benjamín Jón Hafsteinn Eiríksson – Harvard Ph. D.
9720 = Matthías Jóhannessen – Editor, Morgunblaðið
10989 = Orenthal James Simpson
8015 = John & Patsy Ramsey
4953 = Osama bin Laden
Violent Crimes
3586 = Murder
6899 = Nicole Brown
4948 = Ron Goldman
6100 = Brentwood
1204 = 12 June (4th month old-style)
1994 = 1994 A.D.
3718 = Jonbenet
3503 = Boulder
2510 = 25 December (10th month old-style)
1996 = 1996 A.D.
5557 = The Pentagon
9596 = World Trade Center
1107 = 11 September (7th month old-style)
2001 = 2001 A.D.
7920 = Excelsior Hotel
5060 = Paula Jones
803 = 8 May (3rd month old-style)
1991 = 1991 A.D.
4014 = Kiss it!
8486 = The White House
7334 = Kathleen Willey
2909 = 29 November (9th month old-style)
1993 = 1993 A.D.
22091 = I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you.
6045 = The Oval Office
8112 = Monica Lewinsky
1509 = 15 November (9th month old-style)
1995 = 1995 A.D. = 438097¹
Some must watch, while some must sleepe;
So runnes the world away.
(Hamlet, Act III, Sc. ii. First folio, 1623)
7583 = Enter Lucianus.
19072 = This is one Lucianus nephew to the King.
12427 = You are a good Chorus, my Lord.
21348 = I could interpret betweene you and your loue:
14896 = if I could see the Puppets dallying.
12893 = You are keene my Lord, you are keene.
20845 = It would cost you a groaning, to take off my edge.
11861 = Still better and worse.
11226 = So you mistake Husbands.
19156 = Begin Murderer. Pox, leaue thy damnable Faces, and begin.
21025 = Come, the croaking Rauen doth bellow for Reuenge.
11065 = Thoughts blacke, hands apt,
11381 = Drugges fit, and Time agreeing:
18259 = Confederate season, else, no Creature seeing:
22354 = Thou mixture ranke, of Midnight Weeds collected,
20066 = With Hecats ban, thrice blasted, thrice infected,
16669 = Thy naturall Magicke, and dire propertie,
17501 = On wholsome life, vsurpe immediately.
15543 = Powres the poyson in his eares.
16634 = He poysons him I’th Garden for’s estate:
7711 = His name’s Gonzago:
21814 = the Story is extant and writ in choyce Italian.
7610 = You shall see anon
24793 = how the Murtherer gets the loue of Gonzago’s wife.
6561 = The King rises.
14245 = What, frighted with false fire.
8414 = How fares my Lord?
6848 = Giue o’re the Play.
10045 = Giue me some Light. Away.
14262 = Lights, Lights, Lights. Exeunt.
8919 = Manet Hamlet & Horatio.
17145 = Why let the stricken Deere go weepe,
8782 = The Hart vngalled play:
22955 = For some must watch, while some must sleepe;
13692 = So runnes the world away. = 515600
World Run Away – End of Quest
-1796 = Graal
Perfect Man
7284 = Jesus Christ
St. Peter‘s Basilica
Symbol of Perfect Man
37575 = St. Peter‘s Façade²
Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:
¹Abomination of Desolation
Message posted to friends on 26 February 2014:
While in Iceland last August, I met with Pétur Halldórsson at the Cafe Milano in Reykjavík. We discussed matters of mutual interest, including what my Saga Cipher work might “mean“.
I took a napkin and, for emphasis, wrote down the number 438097. This is the Cipher Sum of some three dozen names of persons, institutions, dates and events during the reference period, including two famous murder cases, a sex scandal in high places, and presumptive lies told in connection therewith.
I told Pétur (what I had long surmised) that I believed that this number was associated with a watershed event in human history whose final phase was upon our world.
An earth-shaking culmination of human and spiritual evolution.
²Inscription on St. Peter‘sgros1804 Completion in 1612 A.D.