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To euery thing there is a season

© Gunnar Tómasson

28 February 2018

Reference Cipher Values

(23 February 2018)


Isaiah, Ch. 29, KJB 1611

1603819 = And the vnderstanding of their prudent men shall be hid

Francis Bacon, Essay Of Truth, 1625

1927965 = […] when Christ commeth, He shall not finde faith vpon the earth.



I + II + III + IV + V = 1016319 + 460613 + 1660301 + 123403 + 271148 = 3531784

I. And a time to euery purpose vnder the heauens.

(Eccl., Ch. 3, King James Bible, 1611)



14144 = To euery thing there is a season,

18954 = and a time to euery purpose vnder the heauen.


11333 = A time to be borne, and a time do die:

6526 = a time to plant,

19652 = and a time to pluck vp that which is planted.


11706 = A time to kill, and a time to heale:

17761 = a time to breake downe, and a time to build vp.


13907 = A time to weepe, and a time to laugh:

13728 = a time to mourne, and a time to dance.


12756 = A time to cast away stones,

16043 = and a time to gather stones together:

6428 = a time to imbrace,

14144 = and a time to refraine from imbracing.


12179 = A time to get, and a time to lose:

15041 = a time to keepe, and a time to cast away.


14410 = A time to rent, and a time to sow:

16087 = a time to keepe silence, and a time to speake.


12356 = A time to loue, and a time to hate:

12641 = a time of warre, and a time of peace.


17525 = What profite hath hee that worketh,

13088 = in that wherein he laboureth.


9723 = I haue seene the trauaile

18190 = which God hath giuen to the sonnes of men,

8787 = to be exercised in it.


18454 = He hath made euery thing beautifull in his time:

18583 = also hee hath set the world in their heart,

23298 = so that no man can finde out the worke that God maketh

11518 = from the beginning to the end.


16355 = I know that there is no good in them,

19396 = but for a man to reioyce, and to doe good in his life.


17776 = And also that euery man should eate and drinke,

13417 = and enioy the good of all his labour:

8309 = it is the gift of God.


24503 = I know that whatsoeuer God doeth, it shalbe for euer;

22401 = nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it:

18169 = and God doth it, that men should feare before him.


13384 = That which hath beene, is now:

15628 = and that which is to be, hath alreadie beene,

17333 = and God requireth that which is past.


25649 = And moreouer, I sawe vnder the Sunne the place of iudgement,

14229 = that wickednesse was there;

26573 = and the place of righteousnesse, that iniquitie was there.


26136 = I said in mine heart, God shall iudge the righteous and the wicked:

29107 = for there is a time there, for euery purpose and for euery worke.


24862 = I said in my heart concerning the estate of the sonnes of men,

12106 = that God might manifest them,

23328 = and that they might see that they themselues are beasts.


25048 = For that which befalleth the sonnes of men, befalleth beastes,

11355 = euen one thing befalleth them:

14398 = as the one dieth, so dieth the other;

9379 = yea they haue all one breath,

17766 = so that a man hath no preheminence aboue a beast;

7760 = for all is vanitie.


16457 = All goe vnto one place, all are of the dust,

11707 = and all turne to dust againe.


25322 = Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth vpward;

28210 = and the spirit of the beast that goeth downeward to the earth?


23259 = Wherefore I perceiue that there is nothing better,

23492 = then that a man should reioyce in his owne workes:

11820 = for that is his portion;

  22723 = for who shall bring him to see what shalbe after him?


II. Victor Hugo – The Vast Dawn of Jesus Christ

(William Shakespeare, 1864)


14764 = While in the engulfing process

16973 = the flaming pleiad of the men of brutal force

15919 = descends deeper and deeper into the abyss

25085 = with the sinister pallor of approaching disappearance,

14338 = at the other extremity of space,

19166 = where the last cloud is about to fade away,

22942 = in the deep heaven of the future, henceforth to be azure,

22452 = rises in radiancy the sacred group of true stars –

21752 = Orpheus, Hermes, Job, Homer, Æschylus, Isaiah, Ezekiel,

27914 = Hippocrates, Phidias, Socrates, Sophocles, Plato, Aristotle,

31754 = Archimedes, Euclid, Pythagoras, Lucretius, Plautus, Juvenal, Tacitus,

28351 = Saint Paul, John of Patmos, Tertullian, Pelagius, Dante, Gutenberg,

30624 = Joan of Arc, Christopher Columbus, Luther, Michael, Angelo, Copernicus,

26702 = Galileo, Rabelais, Calderon, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Rembrandt, Kepler,

28664 = Milton, Moliѐre. Newton, Descartes, Kant, Piranesi, Beccaria, Diderot,

25406 = Voltaire, Beethoven, Fulton, Montgolfier, Washington.

31241 = And this marvellous constellation, at each instant more luminous,

29467 = dazzling as a glory of celestial diamonds, shines in the clear horizon,

27099 = and ascending mingles with the vast dawn of Jesus Christ.


III. Snorri Sturluson – Alpha¹

(Edda, Gylfaginning, Chs. 1-3)


Ch. 1

 23114 = Gylfi konungr réð þar löndum, er nú heitir Svíþjóð.

20040 = Frá honum er þat sagt, at hann gaf einni farandi konu

26249 = at launum skemmtunar sinnar eitt plógsland í ríki sínu,

17871 = þat er fjórir öxn drægi upp dag ok nótt.

11005 = En sú kona var ein af ása ætt.

7311 = Hon er nefnd Gefjun.

19134 = Hon tók fjóra öxn norðan ór Jötunheimum,

21604 = en þat váru synir jötuns nökkurs ok hennar,

10449 = ok setti þá fyrir plóg,

25903 = en plógrinn gekk svá breitt ok djúpt, at upp leysti landit,

15893 = ok drógu öxninir þat land út á hafit

19514 = ok vestr ok námu staðar í sundi nökkuru.

20733 = Þar setti Gefjun landit ok gaf nafn ok kallaði Selund.

22661 = Ok þar sem landit hafði upp gengit, var þar eftir vatn.

15936 = Þat er nú Lögrinn kallaðr í Svíþjóð,

19295 = ok liggja svá víkr í Leginum sem nes í Selundi.

10389 = Svá segir Bragi skáld gamli:


7278 = Gefjun dró frá Gylfa

8617 = glöð djúpröðul óðla,

10236 = svá at af rennirauknum

7482 = rauk, Danmarkar auka.

7307 = Báru öxn ok átta

10170 = ennitungl, þars gengu

9537 = fyrir vineyjar víðri

9976 = valrauf, fjögur haufuð.

Ch. 2.

20018 = Gylfi konungr var maðr vitr ok fjölkunnigr.

22647 = Hann undraðist þat mjök, er ásafólk var svá kunnigt,

15559 = at allir hlutir gengu at vilja þeira.

23380 = Þat hugsaði hann, hvárt þat myndi vera af eðli sjálfra þeira

19856 = eða myndi því valda goðmögn þau, er þeir blótuðu.

18601 = Hann byrjaði ferð sína til Ásgarðs ok fór með leynð

18001 = ok brá á sik gamals manns líki ok dulðist svá.

20885 = En æsir váru því vísari, at þeir höfðu spádóm,

14335 = ok sá þeir ferð hans, fyrr en hann kom,

17150 = ok gerðu í móti honum sjónhverfingar.

19257 = Ok er hann kom inn í borgina, þá sá hann þar háva höll,

14248 = svá at varla mátti hann sjá yfir hana.

23123 = Þak hennar var lagt gylldum skjöldum, svá sem spánþak.

30082 = Svá segir Þjóðólfr inn hvinverski, at Valhöll var skjöldum þökð:


5732 = Á baki létu blíkja,

8852 = barðir váru grjóti,

8436 = Sváfnis salnæfrar

6188 = seggir hyggjandi.


19542 = Gylfi sá mann í hallardurum, ok lék at handsöxum

21792 = ok hafði sjau senn á lofti.  Sá spurði hann fyrr at nafni.

19981 = Hann nefndist Gangleri ok kominn af refilstigum

28821 = ok beiddist at sækja til náttstaðar ok spurði, hverr höllina átti.


16790 = Hann svarar, at þat var konungr þeira, –

10075 = „en fylgja má ek þér at sjá hann.

15096 = Skaltu þá sjálfr spyrja hann nafns,” –

25986 = ok snerist sá maðr fyrir honum inn í höllina, en hann gekk eftir,

15061 = ok þegar laukst hurðin á hæla honum.


14186 = Þar sá hann mörg gólf ok margt fólk,

28969 = sumt með leikum, sumir drukku, sumir með vápnum ok börðust.

32407 = Þá litaðist hann umb ok þótti margir hlutir ótrúligir, þeir er hann sá.

5278 = Þá mælti hann:


5465 = Gáttir allar,

4557 = áðr gangi fram,

8597 = um skyggnask skyli,

11561 = því at óvíst er at vita

8810 = hvar óvinir sitja

5215 = á fleti fyrir.


19223 = Hann sá þrjú hásæti ok hvert upp frá öðru,

15480 = ok sátu þrír menn sinn í hverju.

19704 = Þá spurði hann, hvert nafn höfðingja þeira væri.


12798 = Sá svarar, er hann leiddi inn, at sá,

17402 = er í inu neðsta hásæti sat, var konungr, –

20360 = „ok heitir Hárr, en þar næst sá, er heitir Jafnhárr,

11669 = en sá ofast, er Þriði heitir.”


21399 = Þá spyrr Hárr komandann, hvárt fleira er erendi hans,

25186 = en heimill er matr ok drykkr honum sem öllum þar í Háva höll.

15920 = Hann segir, at fyrst vill hann spyrja,

12741 = ef nökkurr er fróðr maðr inni.


14757 = Hárr segir, at hann komi eigi heill út,

7433 = nema hann sé fróðari,      –


7517 = „ok stattu fram,

5737 = meðan þú fregn;

9377 = sitja skal sá, er segir.”

Ch. 3

10795 = Gangleri hóf svá mál sitt:

14764 = „Hverr er æðstr eða elztr allra goða?“

4786 = Hárr segir:

12067 = „Sá heitir Alföðr at váru máli,

17339 = en í Ásgarði inum forna átti hann tólf nöfn.

15278 = Eitt er Alföðr, annat er Herran eða Herjan,

22475 = þriðja er Nikarr eða Hnikarr, fjórða er Nikuðr eða Hnikuðr,

16789 = fimmta Fjölnir, sétta Óski, sjaunda Ómi,

23519 = átta Bifliði eða Biflindi, níunda Sviðurr, tíunda Sviðrir,

14101 = ellifta Viðrir, tólfta Jálg eða Jálkr.“

7912 = Þá spyrr Gangleri:

10785 = „Hvar er sá guð, eða hvat má hann,

14318 = eða hvat hefir hann unnit framaverka?“

4786 = Hárr segir:

22888 = „Lifir hann of allar aldir ok stjórnar öllu ríki sínu,

18632 = ok ræðr öllum hlutum, stórum ok smám.“

7134 = Þá mælti Jafnhárr:

20730 = „Hann smíðaði himin ok jörð ok loftin ok alla eign þeira.“

6510 = Þá mælti Þriði:

15844 = „Hitt er þó mest, er hann gerði manninn

18562 = ok gaf honum önd þá, er lifa skal ok aldri týnast,

20293 = þótt líkaminn fúni at moldu eða brenni at ösku,

21807 = ok skulu allir menn lifa, þeir er rétt eru siðaðir,

23893 = ok vera með honum sjálfum, þar sem heitir Gimlé eða Vingólf,

17586 = en vándir menn fara til heljar ok þaðan í Niflhel.

11377 = Þat er niðr í inn níunda heim.“

6961 = Þá mælti Gangleri:

20039 = „Hvat hafðist hann áðr at en himinn ok jörð væri ger?“

6720 = Þá svarar Hárr:

12665 = „Þá var hann með hrímþursum.“


IV. Myth and Reality – Omega

(Construction G. T.)



Creation Myth

3045 = LOGOS

Venus and Adonis


20165 = Vilia miretur vulgus; mihi flavus Apollo

16408 = Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua.*

Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland

(Einar Pálsson)

7196 = Bergþórshváll

6067 = Miðeyjarhólmr

3027 = Helgafell – Holy Mountain

Cosmic Time

25920 = Platonic Great Year

Coming of Christ

4000 = Flaming Sword

Perfect Creation

(St. Peter’s Basilica²)



*Ovid’s Amores

Let base conceited wits admire vile things;

Fair Phoebus lead me to the Muses’ springs



Hebrew Man of Seventh Day

      7 = Man of Seventh Day

Keepers of the Flame

(Post, 27 February 2018)

4946 = Socrates

1654 = ION

3412 = Platon

14209 = Quintus Horatius Flaccus

12337 = Publius Virgilius Maro

11999 = Sextus Propertius

11249 = Publius Ovidius Naso

11359 = Snorri Sturluson

9814 = Sturla Þórðarson

8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

Knowledge Increased

-6960 = Jarðlig skilning – Earthly Understanding

5596 = Andlig spekðin – Spiritual Wisdom

New Man

(Shakespeare Myth)

  9550 = The Compleat Gentelman



Francis Bacon – Guiding Spirit

(Abraham Cowley, Ode to The Royal Society)



1000 = Light of the World


15954 = Bacon, like Moses, led us forth at last,

14024 = The barren wilderness he past,

11611 = Did on the very border stand

10762 = Of the blest promis’d land,

21661 = And from the mountain’s top of his exalted wit,

15154 = Saw it himself, and shew’d us it.

Shew’d us

The blest Promis’d Land

 8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

The Promis‘d Land:

A State of Mind

5327 = Brennu-Njáll – Burnt Njáll

7000 = Microcosmos – Man in God’s Image


V. Dawn of Eighth Day of Jesus Christ

A New Breed of Men Sent Down From Heaven³

(Virgil, Fourth Eclogue)


16609 = Ultima Cumaei venit iam carminis aetas;

20087 = Magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo.

18681 = Iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna,

18584 = Iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto.

20229 = Tu modo nascenti puero, quo ferrea primum

18431 = Desinet ac toto surget gens aurea mundo,

17698 = Casta fave Lucina: tuus iam regnat Apollo.

18480 = Teque adeo decus hoc aevi te consule, inibit,

18919 = Pollio, et incipient magni procedere menses;

22004 = Te duce, si qua manent sceleris vestigia nostri,

20495 = Inrita perpetua solvent formidine terras.

18330 = Ille deum vitam accipiet divisque videbit

20448 = Permixtos heroas et ipse videbitur illis

22153 = Pacatumque reget patriis virtutibus orbem.



Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:


¹Snorri Sturluson – Alpha

(Translation below)

 ²Façade Inscription at completion

of the Basilica in 1612.

Paul V Borghèse, pape, a fait ceci en l’an 1612,

en l’honneur du prince des apôtres.


³A New Breed of Men Sent Down from Heaven

Now the last age by Cumae’s Sibyl sung has come and gone, and the majestic roll of circling centuries begins anew: justice returns, returns old Saturn’s reign, with a new breed of men send down from heaven.  Only do thou, at the boy’s birth in whom the iron shall cease, the golden race arise, befriend him, chaste Lucina; ‘tis thine own Apollo reigns.  And in thy consulate, this glorious age, O Pollio, shall begin, and the months enter on their mighty march.  Under thy guidance, whatso tracks remain of our old wickedness, once done away, shall free the earth from never-ceasing fear.  He shall receive the life of gods, and see heroes with gods commingling, and himself be seen of them, and with his father’s worth reign o’er a world of peace.

Snorri Sturluson – Alpha

Ch. 1

King Gylfi ruled the land that men now call Sweden. It is told of him that he gave to a wandering woman, in return for her merry-making, a plow-land in his realm, as much as four oxen might turn up in a day and a night. But this woman was of the kin of the Æsir; she was named Gefjun. She took from the north, out of Jötunheim, four oxen which were the soils of a certain giant and, herself, and set them before the plow. And the plow cut so wide and so deep that it loosened up the land; and the oxen drew the land out into the sea and to the westward, and stopped in a certain sound. There Gefjun set the land, and gave it a name, calling it Selund. And from that time on, the spot whence the land had been torn up is water: it is now called the Lögr in Sweden; and bays lie in that lake even as the headlands in Selund. Thus says Bragi, the ancient skald:

Gefjun drew from Gylfi | gladly the wave-trove’s free-hold,
Till from the running beasts | sweat reeked, to Denmark’s increase;
The oxen bore, moreover, | eight eyes, gleaming brow-lights,
O’er the field’s wide: booty, | and four heads in their plowing.

Ch. 2

King Gylfi was a wise man and skilled in magic; he was much troubled that the Æsir-people were so cunning that all things went according to their will. He pondered whether this might proceed from their own nature, or whether the divine powers which they worshipped might ordain such things. He set out on his way to Ásgard, going secretly, and- clad himself in the likeness of an old man, with which he dissembled. But the Æsir were wiser in this matter, having second sight; and they saw his journeying before ever he came, and prepared against him deceptions of the eye. When he came into the town, he saw there a hall so high that he could not easily make out the top of it: its thatching was laid with golden shields after the fashion of a shingled roof. So also says Thjódólfr of Hvin, that Valhall was thatched with shields:

On their backs they let beam, | sore battered with stones,
Odin’s hall-shingles, | the shrewd sea-farers.

In the hall-doorway Gylfi saw a man juggling with anlaces, having seven in the air at one time. This man asked of him his name. He called himself Gangleri, and said he had come by the paths of the serpent, and prayed for lodging for the night, asking: „Who owns the hall?“ The other replied that it was their king; „and I will attend thee to see him; then shalt thou thyself ask him concerning his; name;“ and the man wheeled about before him into the hall, and he went after, and straightway the door closed itself on his heels. There he saw a great room and much people, some with games, some drinking; and some had weapons and were fighting. Then he looked about him, and thought unbelievable many things which he saw; and he said:

All the gateways | ere one goes out
Should one scan:
For ‘t is uncertain | where sit the unfriendly
On the bench before thee.

He saw three high-seats, each above the other, and three men sat thereon,-one on each. And he asked what might be the name of those lords. He who had conducted him in answered that the one who, sat on the nethermost high-seat was a king, „and his name is Hárr;[High] but the next is named Jafnhárr;[Equally High] and he who is uppermost is called Thridi.“[Third] Then Hárr asked the newcomer whether his errand were more than for the meat and drink which were always at his command, as for every one there in the Hall of the High One. He answered that he first desired to learn whether there were any wise man there within. Hárr said, that he should not escape whole from thence unless he were wiser.

And stand thou forth | who speirest;
Who answers, | he shall sit.

 Ch. 3

Gangleri began his questioning thus: „Who is foremost, or oldest, of all the gods?“ Hárr answered: „He is called in our speech Allfather, but in the Elder Ásgard he had twelve names: one is Allfather; the second is Lord, or Lord of Hosts; the third is Nikarr, or Spear-Lord; the fourth is Nikudr, or Striker; the fifth is Knower of Many Things; the sixth, Fulfiller of Wishes; the seventh, Far-Speaking One; the eighth, The Shaker, or He that Putteth the Armies to Flight; the ninth, The Burner; the tenth, The Destroyer; the eleventh, The Protector; the twelfth, Gelding.“

Then asked Gangleri: „Where is this god, or what power hath he, or what hath he wrought that is a glorious deed?“ Hárr made answer: „He lives throughout all ages and governs all his realm, and directs all things, great and small.“ Then said Jafnhárr: „He fashioned heaven and earth and air, and all things which are in them.“ Then. spake Thridi: „The greatest of all is this: that he made man, and gave him the spirit, which shall live and never perish, though the flesh-frame rot to mould, or burn to ashes; and all men shall live, such as are just in action, and be with himself in the place called Gimlé. But evil men go to Hel and thence down to the Misty Hel; and that is down in the ninth world.“ Then said Gangleri: „What did he before heaven and earth were made?“ And Hárr answered: „He was then with the Rime-Giants.“


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Gunnar Tómasson
Ég er fæddur (1940) og uppalinn á Melunum í Reykjavík. Stúdent úr Verzlunarskóla Íslands 1960 og með hagfræðigráður frá Manchester University (1963) og Harvard University (1965). Starfaði sem hagfræðingur við Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðinn frá 1966 til 1989. Var m.a. aðstoðar-landstjóri AGS í Indónesíu 1968-1969, og landstjóri í Kambódíu (1971-1972) og Suður Víet-Nam (1973-1975). Hef starfað sjálfstætt að rannsóknarverkefnum á ýmsum sviðum frá 1989, þ.m.t. peningahagfræði. Var einn af þremur stofnendum hagfræðingahóps (Gang8) 1989. Frá upphafi var markmið okkar að hafa hugsað málin í gegn þegar - ekki ef - allt færi á annan endann í alþjóðapeningakerfinu. Í október 2008 kom sú staða upp í íslenzka peninga- og fjármálakerfinu. Alla tíð síðan hef ég látið peninga- og efnahagsmál á Íslandi meira til mín taka en áður. Ég ákvað að gerast bloggari á til að geta komið skoðunum mínum í þeim efnum á framfæri.
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