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Daniel the Prophet and Abomination of Desolation

© Gunnar Tómasson

2 March 2018

Reference Cipher Values

(23 February 2018)


Isaiah, Ch. 29, KJB 1611

1603819 = And the vnderstanding of their prudent men shall be hid

Francis Bacon, Essay Of Truth, 1625

1927965 = […] when Christ commeth, He shall not finde faith vpon the earth.



III + IV + V + VI = 2246396 + 304364 + 810889 + 170135 = 3531784


I. Who so readeth, let him vnderstand

(Matt. 24:15, King James Bible 1611)



24897 = When yee therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,

22005 = spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the holy place,

15840 = (who so readeth, let him vnderstand.)



Mythical William Peeter

(Shakespeare Myth/Prophecy)



7482 = William Peeter

Abomination of Desolation

11587 = Character Assassination

5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity

7750 = Psychiatric Rape

6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander

16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice

End of Time

7000 = Microcosmos – Man in God’s Image



William Peeter – A Funerall Elegie

 (W. S. 1612 – Opening lines)


62742 = William Peeter No More

A Funerall Elegie

14718 = Since Time, and his predestinated end,

16856 = Abridg’d the circuit of his hope-full dayes;

20211 = Whiles both his Youth and Vertue did intend,

16907 = The good indeuor’s, of deseruing praise:

15453 = What memorable monument can last,

18496 = Whereon to build his neuer blemisht name?

24860 = But his owne worth, wherein his life was grac’t?

15085 = Sith as it euer hee maintain’d the same.



Get thee behind mee, Satan

(Matt. 16:21-23, KJB 1611)



29661 = From that time foorth began Iesus to shew vnto his disciples,

18499 = how that he must goe vnto Hierusalem,

26389 = and suffer many things of the Elders and chiefe Priests & Scribes,

14138 = and be killed, and be raised againe the third day.


19850 = Then Peter tooke him, and began to rebuke him, saying,

22014 = Be it farre from thee Lord: This shal not be vnto thee.


14777 = But he turned, and said vnto Peter,

20644 = Get thee behind mee, Satan, thou art an offence vnto me:

23056 = for thou sauourest not the things that be of God,

9994 = but those that be of men.

Temporal Strife

-1000 = Darkness

Things of God vs. Things of Men

 10773 = Spiritus Sanctus

-10467 = Osiris-Isis-Horus

End of Time

 7000 = Microcosmos – Man in God’s Image


II. If any man will come after me, let him denie himselfe,

and take vp his crosse, and follow me.

(Matt. 16:24, KJB 1611)



16638 = Then said Iesus vnto his disciples,

19428 = If any man will come after me, let him denie himselfe,

15967 = and take vp his crosse, and follow me.



Jesus and Disciples’ Crosse



  1000 = Light of the World

Disciples’ Cross

  8856 = Money-Power-Sex

The Gates of Hell

13031 = International Monetary Fund

9948 = Harvard University

7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands – Central Bank of Iceland


Michael Stands Vp

  8486 = The White House

Settlement of Iceland

Ultima Thule

  2692 = Ísland – Iceland

    874 = 874 A.D. – Mythical Year of Settlement



III. Tell vs, when shall these things be?

 (Matt. Ch. 24, King James Bible, 1611)



21627 = And Iesus went out, and departed from the temple,

11513 = and his Disciples came to him

19631 = for to shew him the buildings of the temple.


11050 = And Iesus said vnto them,

21937 = See yee not all these things?  Verily I say vnto you,

22490 = there shall not be left heere one stone vpon another,

16199 = that shall not be throwen downe.


17198 = And as he sate vpon the mount of Oliues,

19738 = the Disciples came vnto him priuately, saying,

15937 = Tell vs, when shall these things be?

16985 = And what shall be the signe of thy coming,

10941 = and of the end of the world?


16855 = And Jesus answered, and said vnto them,

12204 = Take heed that no man deceiue you.


13693 = For many shall come in my name, saying,

12491 = I am Christ: and shall deceiue many.


22747 = And yee shall heare of warres, and rumors of warres:

11450 = See that yee be not troubled:

28146 = for all these things must come to passe, but the end is not yet.


16211 = For nation shall rise against nation,

10997 = and kingdome against kingdome,

16054 = and there shall be famines, and pestilences,

14024 = and earthquakes in diuers places.


17757 = All these are the beginning of sorrowes.


25907 = Then shall they deliuer you vp to be afflicted, and shall kill you:

19326 = and yee shall bee hated of all nations for my names sake.


20887 = And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another,

9927 = and shall hate one another.


22016 = And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceiue many.


13386 = And because iniquitie shal abound,

13830 = the loue of many shall waxe cold.


24244 = But he that shall endure vnto the end, the same shall be saued.


13182 = And this Gospell of the kingdome

13490 = shall be preached in all the world,

25439 = for a witnesse vnto al nations, and then shall the end come.


24897 = When yee therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,

22005 = spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the holy place,

15840 = (who so readeth, let him vnderstand.)


23765 = Then let them which be in Iudea, flee into the mountaines.


23585 = Let him which is on the house top, not come downe,

15224 = to take any thing out of his house:


15601 = Neither let him which is in the field,

14843 = returne backe to take his clothes.


17841 = And woe unto them that are with child,

17636 = and to them that giue sucke in those dayes.


22968 = But pray yee that your flight bee not in the winter,

9622 = neither on the Sabbath day:


15317 = For then shall be great tribulation,

29204 = such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time,

8202 = no, nor euer shall be.


17978 = And except those dayes should be shortned,

12419 = there should no flesh be saued:

22480 = but for the elects sake, those dayes shall be shortned.


13939 = Then if any man shall say vnto you,

18522 = Loe, heere is Christ, or there: beleeue it not.


24033 = For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets,

17987 = and shal shew great signes and wonders:

30121 = insomuch that (if it were possible,) they shall deceiue the very elect.


10844 = Behold, I have told you before.


17089 = Wherefore, if they shall say vnto you,

16966 = Behold, he is in the desert, goe not foorth:

19582 = Behold, he is in the secret chambers, beleeue it not.


19775 = For as the lightening commeth out of the East,

15207 = and shineth euen vnto the West:

18948 = so shall also the coming of the Sonne of man be.


15516 = For wheresoeuer the carkeise is,

17943 = there will the Eagles bee gathered together.


20432 = Coming after the tribulation of those dayes,

25488 = shall the Sunne be darkned, and the Moone shall not giue her light,

15502 = and the starres shall fall from heauen,

18659 = and the powers of the heauens shall be shaken.


23015 = And then shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man in heauen:

19995 = and then shall all the Tribes of the earth mourne,

16614 = and they shall see the Sonne of man coming

23456 = in the clouds of heauen, with power and great glory.


25713 = And hee shall send his Angels with a great sound of a trumpet,

27450 = and they shall gather together his Elect from the foure windes,

14273 = from one end of heauen to the other.


13828 = Now learne a parable of the figtree:

25538 = when his branch is yet tender, and putteth foorth leaues,

13746 = yee know that Summer is nigh:


22165 = So likewise yee, when ye shall see all these things,

18601 = know that it is neere, euen at the doores.


24831 = Verely I say vnto you, this generation shall not passe,

13855 = till all these things be fulfilled.


13309 = Heauen and earth shall passe away,

17433 = but my wordes shall not passe away.


17368 = But of that day and houre knoweth no man,

18918 = no, not the Angels of heauen, but my Father onely.


11908 = But as the dayes of Noe were,

18948 = so shall also the coming of the Sonne of man be.


18772 = For as in the dayes that were before the Flood,

23712 = they were eating, and drinking, marrying, and giuing in mariage,

18545 = vntill the day that Noe entred into the Arke,


24596 = And knew not vntill the Flood came, and tooke them all away:

18948 = so shall also the coming of the Sonne of man be.


12462 = Then shall two be in the field,

14761 = the one shalbe taken, and the other left.


18257 = Two women shall be grinding at the mill:

15265 = the one shall be taken, and the other left.


8061 = Watch therfore,

23579 = for ye know not what houre your Lord doth come.


8184 = But know this,

18214 = that if the good man of the house had knowen

28728 = in what watch the thiefe would come, he would haue watched,

24006 = and would not haue suffered his house to be broken vp.


9700 = Therefore be yee also ready:

27529 = for in such an houre as you thinke not, the sonne of man commeth.


19521 = Who then is a faithfull and wise seruant,

22523 = whom his Lord hath made ruler ouer his houshold,

13063 = to giue them meat in due season?


26174 = Blessed is that seruant, whome his Lord when he commeth,

7845 = shall finde so doing.


10109 = Verely I say vnto you,

19136 = that hee shal make him ruler ouer all his goods.


21284 = But and if that euill seruant shal say in his heart,

11368 = My Lord delayeth his coming,


20611 = And shall begin to smite his fellow seruants,

16445 = and to eate and drinke with the drunken:


17458 = The Lord of that seruant shall come in a day

12964 = when hee looketh not for him,

16102 = and in an houre that hee is not ware of:


10645 = And shall cut him asunder,

23699 = and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites:

17677 = there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


IV. And at that time shall Michael stand vp

(Dan. 12:1-4. KJB 1611)



15544 = And at that time shall Michael stand vp,

27354 = the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people,

12973 = and there shalbe a time of trouble,

20603 = such as neuer was since there was a nation,

9709 = euen to that same time:

17012 = and at that time thy people shalbe deliuered,

21705 = euery one that shalbe found written in the booke.


20959 = And many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth

16366 = shall awake, some to euerlasting life,

18676 = and some to shame and euerlasting contempt.


8905 = And they that be wise

20026 = shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament,

20216 = and they that turne many to righteousnesse,

14239 = as the starres for euer and euer.


18611 = But thou, O Daniel, shut vp the wordes,

17360 = and seale the booke euen to the time of the ende:

11314 = many shall runne to and fro,

12792 = and knowledge shall bee increased.


V. Blessed art thou Simon Bar Iona

(Matt. 16:13-27, KJB, 1611)



23675 = When Iesus came into the coasts of Cesarea Philippi,

11616 = he asked his disciples, saying,

17235 = Whom doe men say, that I, the sonne of man, am?


22774 = And they said, Some say that thou art Iohn the Baptist,

23541 = some Elias, and others Ieremias, or one of  the Prophets.


19313 = He saith vnto them, But whom say ye that I am?


14266 = And Simon Peter answered, and said,

19943 = Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God.


16129 = And Iesus answered, and said vnto him,

13647 = Blessed art thou Simon Bar Iona:

20799 = for flesh and blood hath not reueiled it vnto thee,

13923 = but my Father which is in heauen.


19578 = And I say also vnto thee, that thou art Peter,

19317 = and vpon this rocke I will build my Church:

20444 = and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it.


24422 = And I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen:

27217 = and whatsoeuer thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heauen:

28617 = whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heauen.


11853 = Then charged hee his disciples

26502 = that they should tel no man that he was Iesus the Christ.


29661 = From that time foorth began Iesus to shew vnto his disciples,

18499 = how that he must goe vnto Hierusalem,

26389 = and suffer many things of the Elders and chiefe Priests & Scribes,

14138 = and be killed, and be raised againe the third day.


19850 = Then Peter tooke him, and began to rebuke him, saying,

22014 = Be it farre from thee Lord: This shal not be vnto thee.


14777 = But he turned, and said vnto Peter,

20644 = Get thee behind mee, Satan, thou art an offence vnto me:

23056 = for thou sauourest not the things that be of God,

9994 = but those that be of men.


16638 = Then said Iesus vnto his disciples,

19428 = If any man will come after me, let him denie himselfe,

15967 = and take vp his crosse, and follow me.


23087 = For whosoeuer will saue his life, shall lose it:

26153 = and whosoeuer will lose his life for my sake, shall finde it.


26176 = For what is a man profited, if hee shal gaine the whole world,

11444 = and lose his owne soule?

21248 = Or what shall a man giue in exchange for his soule?


23180 = For the sonne of man shall come in the glory of his father,

7914 = with his Angels:

25821 = and then he shall reward euery man according to his works.


VI. Light of the World and Disciples’ Cross

(Myth, Prophecy, Reality)


The Light Shineth in Darknesse

(John 1:5, KJB 1611)

  1000 = Light of the World

-4000 = Dark Sword – Man-Beast

And the darknesse comprehended it not –

Crucified Light of the World

(KJB 1611)


9442 = THE KING OF THE IEWES – Mark 15:26

13383 = THIS IS THE KING OF THE IEWES – Luke 23:38


Light of the World’s Path

Through Hell to Holy Mountain:

Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland

 (Construction G.T.: Einar Pálsson)

7196 = Bergþórshváll

6067 = Miðeyjarhólmr

3027 = Helgafell – Holy Mountain

Cross of Christ‘s Disciples

The Gates of Hell

13031 = International Monetary Fund

9948 = Harvard University

7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands – Central Bank of Iceland


Right Measure of Man

 8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

Modes of Persecution

11587 = Character Assassination

5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity

7750 = Psychiatric Rape

6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander

16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice



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Gunnar Tómasson
Ég er fæddur (1940) og uppalinn á Melunum í Reykjavík. Stúdent úr Verzlunarskóla Íslands 1960 og með hagfræðigráður frá Manchester University (1963) og Harvard University (1965). Starfaði sem hagfræðingur við Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðinn frá 1966 til 1989. Var m.a. aðstoðar-landstjóri AGS í Indónesíu 1968-1969, og landstjóri í Kambódíu (1971-1972) og Suður Víet-Nam (1973-1975). Hef starfað sjálfstætt að rannsóknarverkefnum á ýmsum sviðum frá 1989, þ.m.t. peningahagfræði. Var einn af þremur stofnendum hagfræðingahóps (Gang8) 1989. Frá upphafi var markmið okkar að hafa hugsað málin í gegn þegar - ekki ef - allt færi á annan endann í alþjóðapeningakerfinu. Í október 2008 kom sú staða upp í íslenzka peninga- og fjármálakerfinu. Alla tíð síðan hef ég látið peninga- og efnahagsmál á Íslandi meira til mín taka en áður. Ég ákvað að gerast bloggari á pressan.is til að geta komið skoðunum mínum í þeim efnum á framfæri.
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