© Gunnar Tómasson
13 April 2018
Something is rotten in the State of Denmarke
(Hamlet, Act I, Sc. iv. First Folio)
17653 = He waxes desperate with imagination.
20590 = Let’s follow; ’tis not fit thus to obey him.
20333 = Haue after. To what issue will this come?
20033 = Something is rotten in the State of Denmarke.
10173 = Heauen will direct it.
13387 = Nay, let’s follow him. Exeunt.
The Promised Land
(Construction G. T.)
The Rotten State of Denmarke
– 1 = Sleep of Reason
Light of the World
(Matt. 1:23)
3635 = Emmanuel
Bacon like Moses
(VIII. below)
15954 = Bacon, like Moses, led us forth at last,
14024 = The barren wilderness he past,
11611 = Did on the very border stand
10762 = Of the blest promis‘d land,
21661 = And from the mountain‘s top of his exalted wit,
15154 = Saw it himself, and shew’d us it.
The Blest Promis’d Land
(Matt. 1:23)
6677 = God with us
2692 = Ísland – Iceland
I. The Judeo-Christian Tradition of Law and Grace
(Platonic-Augustan-Saga-Shakespeare Myth)
The Law of Moses
304805 = Torah, Number of letters
The Spirit of Jesus
4946 = Socrates
1654 = ION
3412 = Platon
14209 = Quintus Horatius Flaccus
12337 = Publius Virgilius Maro
11999 = Sextus Propertius
11249 = Publius Ovidius Naso
11359 = Snorri Sturluson
9814 = Sturla Þórðarson
5385 = Francis Bacon
7936 = Edward Oxenford
4692 = Ben Jonson
8525 = Gunnar Tómasson
12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir
Advent of Christianity
12685 = Höfðingjaskipti varð í Nóregi. – There was a change of Chieftains in Norway.
-2118 = Time, End of
11274 = Fara menn við þat heim af þingi. – Then people went home from Althingi.
II. Alpha and Omega
(Construction G. T.)
3450 = Þórðr*
-4000 = Dark Sword – Man-Beast
-9838 = Christopher Morley
11384 = Christopher Marlowe
*Grandson perishes with Njáll and Bergþóra in Fire.
Body found unscathed under ox-hide after Fire.
I + II = 446548 + 996 = 447544
(V + VI = 11565 + 435979 = 447544)
III. 1658168
IV + V + VI = 1210624 + 11565 + 435979 = 1658168
VII + VIII + IX = 367239 + 92706 + 509741 = 969686
X = 969686
III. The Murder of Hamlet‘s Father
(Act I, Sc. v, First Folio 1623)
9462 = Enter Ghost and Hamlet.
22112 = Where wilt thou lead me? speak; Ile go no further.
2883 = Marke me.
3756 = I will.
11748 = My hower is almost come,
22142 = When I to sulphurous and tormenting Flames
10942 = Must render up my selfe.
7778 = Alas poore Ghost.
19231 = Pitty me not, but lend thy serious hearing
10823 = To what I shall unfold.
9425 = Speake, I am bound to heare.
21689 = So art thou to revenge, when thou shalt heare.
3270 = What?
10539 = I am thy Fathers Spirit,
19489 = Doom’d for a certaine terme to walke the night;
15474 = And for the day confin’d to fast in Fiers,
19868 = Till the foule crimes done in my dayes of Nature
10839 = Are burnt and purg’d away?
7855 = But that I am forbid
18785 = To tell the secrets of my Prison-House,
20467 = I could a Tale unfold, whose lightest word
25179 = Would harrow up thy soule, freeze thy young blood,
27383 = Make thy two eyes like Starres, start from their Spheres,
16795 = Thy knotty and combined locks to part,
15570 = And each particular haire to stand an end,
20558 = Like Quilles upon the fretfull Porpentine:
17082 = But this eternall blason must not be
19562 = To eares of flesh and bloud; list Hamlet, oh list,
16884 = If thou didst ever thy deare Father love.
3459 = Oh Heaven!
22153 = Revenge his foule and most unnaturall Murther.
4660 = Murther?
18629 = Murther most foule, as in the best it is;
20891 = But this most foule, strange, and unnaturall.
11813 = Hast, hast me to know it,
15426 = That with wings as swift
17684 = As meditation, or the thoughts of Love,
11099 = May sweepe to my Revenge.
5591 = I finde thee apt;
20490 = And duller should’st thou be then the fat weede
18672 = That rots it selfe in ease, on Lethe Wharfe,
18843 = Would’st thou not stirre in this.
7499 = Now Hamlet heare:
19608 = It’s given out, that sleeping in mine Orchard,
21032 = A Serpent stung me: so the whole eare of Denmarke,
13077 = Is by a forged processe of my death
18982 = Rankly abus’d: But know thou Noble youth,
18951 = The Serpent that did sting thy Fathers life,
13593 = Now weares his Crowne.
15252 = O my Propheticke soule: mine Uncle?
19142 = I that incestuous, that adulterate Beast
29730 = With witchcraft of his wits, hath Traitorous guifts.
21415 = Oh wicked Wit, and Gifts, that have the power
22656 = So to seduce? Won to to this shamefull Lust
22351 = The will of my most seeming vertuous Queene.
17021 = Oh Hamlet, what a falling oft was there,
18901 = From me, whose love was of that dignity,
21371 = That it went hand in hand, even with the Vow
13881 = I made to her in Marriage; and to decline
25184 = Upon a wretch, whose Naturall gifts were poore
24348 = To those of mine. But Vertue, as it never wil be moved,
21122 = Though Lewdnesse court it in a shape of Heaven:
17577 = So Lust, though to a radiant Angell link’d,
20657 = Will sate it selfe in a Celestiall bed & prey on Garbage.
20310 = But soft, me thinkes I sent the Mornings Ayre;
18535 = Briefe let me be: Sleeping within mine Orchard,
17248 = My custome alwayes in the afternoone;
19016 = Upon my secure hower thy Uncle stole
17466 = With iuyce of cursed Hebenon in a Violl,
16672 = And in the Porches of mine eares did poure
18685 = The leaperous Distilment; whose effect
17290 = Holds such an enmity with bloud of Man,
25233 = That swift as Quick-silver, it courses through
15783 = The naturall Gates and Allies of the Body;
19585 = And with a sodaine vigour it doth posset
16801 = And curd, like aygre droppings into Milke,
18159 = The thin and wholsome blood: so did it mine;
15969 = And a most instant tetter bak’d about,
22687 = Most Lazar-like, with vile and loathsome crust,
7531 = All my smooth Body.
16992 = Thus was I, sleeping, by a Brothers hand,
19671 = Of Life, of Crowne, and Queene at once dispatcht;
18043 = Cut off even in the Blossomes of my Sinne,
16349 = Unhouzzled, disappointed, unnaneld,
18018 = No reckoning made, but sent to my account
15902 = With all my imperfections on my head;
16946 = Oh horrible, Oh horrible, most horrible;
17164 = If thou hast nature in thee beare it not;
13314 = Let not the Royall Bed of Denmarke be
15607 = A Couch for Luxury and damned Incest.
22022 = But howsoever thou pursuest this Act,
22240 = Taint not thy mind; nor let thy Soule contrive
19204 = Against thy Mother ought; leave her to heaven,
19764 = And to those Thornes that in her bosome lodge,
19266 = To pricke and sting her. Fare thee well at once;
22305 = The Glow-worme showes the Matine to be neere,
15555 = And gins to pale his uneffectuall Fire:
12486 = Adue, adue, Hamlet; remember me. Exit.
IV. I haue my reuenge made, in thy name
(Ben Jonson, Epigrammes I – X, 1616)
# I
5506 = To The Reader.
17877 = Pray thee, take care, that tak’st my booke in hand,
18317 = To reade it well: that is, to vnderstand.
# II
4663 = To My Booke.
20137 = It will be look’d for, booke, when some but see
13709 = Thy title, Epigrammes, and nam’d of mee,
20807 = Thou should’st be bold, licentious, full of gall,
26279 = Wormewood, and sulphure, sharpe, and tooth’d withall;
18428 = Become a petulant thing, hurle inke, and wit,
21395 = Deceiue their malice, who would wish it so.
17395 = And by thy wiser temper, let men know
19429 = Thou art not couetous of least selfe fame,
15171 = Made from the hazard of anothers shame:
22747 = Much lesse with lewd, prophane, and beastly phrase,
22976 = To catch the worlds loose laughter, or vaine gaze.
19499 = He that departs with his owne honesty
18282 = For vulgar praise, doth it too dearely buy.
7844 = To My Booke-seller.
20829 = Thou, that mak’st gaine thy end, and wisely well,
15933 = Call’st a booke good, or bad, as it doth sell,
18233 = Vse mine so, too: I giue thee leaue. But craue
20357 = For the lucks sake, it thus much fauour haue,
18402 = To lye vpon thy stall, till it be sought;
16313 = Not offer’d, as it made sute to be bought,
19607 = Nor haue my title-leafe on posts, or walls,
16994 = Or in cleft-sticks, aduanced to make calls
19559 = For termers, or some clarke-like seruing-man,
26273 = Who scarse can spell th’hard names: whose knight lesse can.
23297 = If, without these vile arts, it will not sell,
21536 = Send it to Bucklers-bury, there ‘twill, well.
# IV
5515 = To King Iames .
29985 = How, best of Kings, do’st thou a sceptre beare!
21875 = How, best of Poets, do’st thou laurell weare!
22827 = But two things, rare, the FATES had in their store,
19472 = And gaue thee both, to shew they could no more.
19579 = For such a Poet, while thy dayes were greene,
19411 = Thou wert, as chiefe of them are said t’have beene.
16868 = And such a Prince thou art, wee daily see,
20350 = As chiefe of those still promise they will bee.
21467 = Whom should my Muse then flie to, but the best
17309 = Of Kings for grace; of Poets for my test?
# V
5928 = On The Vnion.
21887 = When was there contract better driuen by Fate?
19129 = Or celebrated with more truth of state?
20481 = The world the temple was, the priest a king,
21458 = The spoused paire two realmes, the sea the ring.
# VI
7092 = To Alchymists.
17745 = If all you boast of your great art be true;
21512 = Sure, willing pouertie liues most in you
10519 = On The New Hot-hovse.
19319 = Where lately harbour’d many a famous whore,
17121 = A purging bill, now fix’d vpon the dore,
16418 = Tells you it is a hot-house: So it ma’,
18208 = And still be a whore-house. Th’are Synonima.
4489 = On A Robbery.
19692 = Ridway rob’d Dvncote of three hundred pound,
17787 = Ridway was tane, arraign’d, condemn’d to dye;
19702 = But, for this money was a courtier found,
20153 = Beg’d Ridwayes pardon; Dvncote, now, doth crye;
15978 = Rob’d both of money, and the lawes reliefe,
17758 = The courtier is become the greater thiefe.
# IX
12443 = To All, To Whom I Write.
20136 = May none, whose scatter’d names honor my booke,
19224 = For strict degrees of ranke, or title looke:
15364 = ‘Tis ‘gainst the manner of an Epigram:
9583 = And, I a Poet here, no Herald am.
# X
9129 = To My Lord Ignorant.
16365 = Thou call’st me Poet, as a terme of shame:
13552 = But I haue my reuenge made, in thy name.
V. I haue my reuenge made, in thy name
A Kind of Fighting in Ben‘s Heart
(Construction G. T.)
1000 = Light of the World
2534 = Satan
360 = Devil’s Circle
Ben Jonson’s Epitaph
Westminster Abbey
7671 = O Rare Ben Johnson
JHWH Holy Name
Restored in Creation
10565 = JHWH – Hebrew gematria, 10-5-6-5
Advent of Christianity
In Iceland
1000 = 1000 A.D.
VI. Abomination of Desolation¹
(Contemporary history)
Right Measure of Man
8525 = Gunnar Tómasson
12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir
Modes of Persecution
11587 = Character Assassination
5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity
7750 = Psychiatric Rape
6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander
16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice
Persecutors – Jesting Pilates
U.S. Government
12867 = William Jefferson Clinton – President
4496 = Janet Reno – Attorney General
International Monetary Fund
8899 = Jacques de Larosière – Managing Director
7678 = Michel Camdessus – Managing Director
5517 = William B. Dale – Deputy Managing Director
2713 = Dick Erb – Deputy Managing Director
6584 = Jacques J. Polak – Economic Counsellor
4734 = Tun Thin – Asian Department Director
9349 = W. John R. Woodley – Asian Department Deputy Director
3542 = Ken Clark – Director of Administration
3339 = Graeme Rea – Director of Administration
3227 = P. N. Kaul – Deputy Director of Administration
5446 = Nick Zumas – Grievance Committee Chairman
Harvard University
3625 = Derek C. Bok – President
8175 = Henry Rosovsky – Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
8566 = James S. Duesenberry – Chairman, Department of Economics
11121 = Paul Anthony Samuelson – Ph. D., Nobel Laureate in Economics
8381 = Walter S. Salant – Ph. D., Brookings Institution Senior Fellow
Iceland Government
10244 = Vigdís Finnbogadóttir – President
11361 = Salóme Þorkelsdóttir – Althing President
6028 = Davíd Oddsson – Prime Minister
10295 = Þorsteinn Pálsson – Minister of Justice
8316 = Jón Sigurdsson – Minister of Commerce
5940 = Jónas H. Haralz – World Bank Executive Director
Other Iceland
6648 = Jóhannes Nordal – Central Bank Governor
8864 = Bjarni Bragi Jónsson – Central Bank Chief Economist
14314 = Benjamín Jón Hafsteinn Eiríksson – Harvard Ph. D.
9720 = Matthías Jóhannessen – Editor, Morgunblaðið
10989 = Orenthal James Simpson
8015 = John & Patsy Ramsey
4953 = Osama bin Laden
Violent Crimes
3586 = Murder
6899 = Nicole Brown
4948 = Ron Goldman
6100 = Brentwood
1204 = 12 June (4th month old-style)
1994 = 1994 A.D.
3718 = Jonbenet
3503 = Boulder
2510 = 25 December (10th month old-style)
1996 = 1996 A.D.
5557 = The Pentagon
9596 = World Trade Center
1107 = 11 September (7th month old-style)
2001 = 2001 A.D.
7920 = Excelsior Hotel
5060 = Paula Jones
803 = 8 May (3rd month old-style)
1991 = 1991 A.D.
4014 = Kiss it!
8486 = The White House
7334 = Kathleen Willey
2909 = 29 November (9th month old-style)
1993 = 1993 A.D.
22091 = I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you.
6045 = The Oval Office
8112 = Monica Lewinsky
1509 = 15 November (9th month old-style)
1995 = 1995 A.D. = 438097¹
End of Time
-2118 = Time
VII. On Lord Bacon’s Sixtieth Birth-day.
(Ben Jonson)
16581 = Haile, happie Genius of this antient pile!
20279 = How comes it all things so about thee smile?
17198 = The fire, the wine, the men! and in the midst,
21508 = Thou stand’st as if some Mysterie thou did’st!
12154 = Pardon, I read it in thy face, the day
19469 = For whose returnes, and many, all these pray:
16418 = And so doe I. This is the sixtieth yeare
17016 = Since Bacon, and thy Lord was borne, and here;
18913 = Sonne to the grave wise Keeper of the Seale,
16059 = Fame, and foundation of the English Weale.
19651 = What then his Father was, that since is hee,
17241 = Now with a Title more to the Degree;
16620 = Englands high Chancellor: the destin’d heire
17009 = In his soft Cradle to his Fathers Chaire,
22240 = Whose even Thred the Fates spinne round, and full,
24638 = Out of their Choysest, and their whitest wooll.
17274 = ‘Tis a brave cause of joy, let it be knowne,
22882 = For ‘t were a narrow gladnesse, kept thine owne.
18137 = Give me a deep-crown’d-Bowle, that I may sing
15952 = In raysing him the wisdome of my King.
VIII. King Kristr – Bacon/Moses – The Promised Land
(Construction G. T.)
4335 = Kristr
-1000 = Darkness
Rotten State
-2487 = Anus – Seat of Man’s Lower Emotions
(Abraham Cowley)
15954 = Bacon, like Moses, led us forth at last,
14024 = The barren wilderness he past,
11611 = Did on the very border stand
10762 = Of the blest promis‘d land,
21661 = And from the mountain‘s top of his exalted wit,
15154 = Saw it himself, and shew’d us it.
The Promised Land
2692 = Ísland – Iceland
IX. Francis Bacon’s New Worke
(Essayes, Dedication 1625)
12189 = THE DVKE of Buckingham his Grace,
9271 = LO. High Admirall of England.
22090 = SALOMON saies; A good Name is as a precious oyntment;
8263 = And I assure my selfe,
22962 = such wil your Graces Name bee, with Posteritie.
21416 = For your Fortune, and Merit both, haue beene Eminent.
20248 = And you haue planted Things, that are like to last.
13223 = I doe now publish my Essayes;
25098 = Which, of all my other workes, haue beene most Currant:
9396 = For that, as it seemes,
19523 = they come home, to Mens Businesse, and Bosomes.
18429 = I haue enlarged them, both in Number, and Weight;
15649 = So that they are indeed a New Worke.
19918 = I thought it therefore agreeable, to my Affection,
25598 = and Obligation to your Grace, to prefix your Name before them,
10975 = both in English, and in Latine.
20651 = For I doe conceiue, that the Latine Volume of them,
13148 = (being in the Vniuersall Language)
12837 = may last, as long as Bookes last.
16577 = My Instauration, I dedicated to the King:
14781 = my Historie of HENRY the Seuenth
21369 = (which I haue now also translated into Latine)
23643 = and my Portions of Naturall History, to the Prince:
13053 = And these I dedicate to your Grace;
20322 = Being of the best Fruits, that by the good Encrease,
21295 = which God giues to my Pen and Labours, I could yeeld.
10530 = God leade your Grace by the Hand.
20801 = Your Graces most Obliged and faithfull Seruant,
4260 = FR. St. ALBAN
X. Ben Jonson’s Epigrammes
(Dedication 1616)
17752 = To The Great Example Of Honor And Vertve,
6625 = The Most Noble
15805 = William, Earle of Pembroke, L. Chamberlayne,
100 = &c. [c = 100 when combined with &]
3177 = My Lord.
16522 = While you cannot change your merit,
11802 = I dare not change your title:
12370 = It was that made it, and not I.
17687 = Vnder which name, I here offer to your Lo:
17687 = the ripest of my studies, my Epigrammes;
19735 = which, though they carry danger in the sound,
16695 = doe not therefore seeke your shelter:
8399 = For, when I made them,
11829 = I had nothing in my conscience,
17746 = to expressing of which I did need a cypher.
18345 = But, if I be falne into those times, wherein,
14205 = for the likenesse of vice, and facts,
21707 = euery one thinks anothers ill deeds obiected to him;
20514 = and that in their ignorant and guiltie mouthes,
18864 = the common voyce is (for their securitie)
7385 = Beware the Poet,
23308 = confessing, therein, so much loue to their diseases,
18752 = as they would rather make a partie for them,
13719 = then be either rid, or told of them:
13522 = I must expect, at your Lo: hand,
17342 = the protection of truth, and libertie,
24129 = while you are constant to your owne goodnesse.
9004 = In thankes whereof,
17970 = I returne you the honor of leading forth
10580 = so many good, and great names
18365 = as my verses mention on the better part)
18807 = to their remembrance with posteritie.
13576 = Amongst whom, if I haue praysed,
20608 = vnfortunately, any one, that doth not deserue;
16333 = or, if all answere not, in all numbers,
13034 = the pictures I haue made of them:
23367 = I hope it will be forgiuen me, that they are no ill pieces,
15943 = though they be not like the persons.
19615 = But I foresee a neerer fate to my booke, then this:
26225 = that the vices therein will be own’d before the vertues
18719 = (though, there, I haue auoyded all particulars,
7010 = as I haue done names)
19689 = and that some will be so readie to discredit me,
22557 = as they will haue the impudence to belye themselues.
13682 = For, if I meant them not, it is so.
11968 = Nor, can I hope otherwise.
23198 = For, why should they remit any thing of their riot,
23216 = their pride, their selfe-loue, and other inherent graces,
15427 = to consider truth or vertue;
15987 = but, with the trade of the world,
19671 = lend their long eares against men they loue not:
15713 = and hold their dear Mountebanke, or Iester,
19716 = in farre better condition, then all the studie,
12299 = or studiers of humanitie.
25583 = For such, I would rather know them by their visards,
19563 = still, then they should publish their faces,
18123 = at their perill, in my Theater, where Cato,
18224 = if he liu’d, might enter without scandall.
15499 = Your Lo: most faithfull honorer,
4692 = Ben. Ionson.
Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:
¹Abomination of Desolation
Message posted to friends on 26 February 2014:
While in Iceland last August, I met with Pétur Halldórsson at the Cafe Milano in Reykjavík. We discussed matters of mutual interest, including what my Saga Cipher work might “mean“.
I took a napkin and, for emphasis, wrote down the number 438097. This is the Cipher Sum of some three dozen names of persons, institutions, dates and events during the reference period, including two famous murder cases, a sex scandal in high places, and presumptive lies told in connection therewith.
I told Pétur (what I had long surmised) that I believed that this number was associated with a watershed event in human history whose final phase was upon our world.
An earth-shaking culmination of human and spiritual evolution.