© Gunnar Tómasson
4 July 2017
Et tu, Brute ——— Then fall Cæsar.
(Cæsar, Act III, Sc. i. First Folio)
1796 = GRAAL – Quest of the Holy Grail
3263 = Beatrice – Object of Dante’s Quest
-7 = Man-Beast of Seventh Day Decapitated
10 = Head Speaks Ten as it flies off the body
7000 = Micrcocosmos – Man in God’s Image
4252 = Celeste Aida
9802 = Ritorna Vincitur
6960 = Jarðlig skilning – Earthly Understanding
-5596 = Andlig spekðin – Spiritual Wisdom
-1000 = Darkness
-9356 = Gaius Julius Cæsar
7000 = Microcosmos – Man in God’s Image
4654 = Brutus
-1000 = Darkness
-666 = Man-Beast
4000 = Flaming Sword – Cosmic Creative Power
432 = Right Measure of Man
4642 = Mörðr gígja (fiddle) – Divine Wisdom personified – Brennu-Njálssaga
1796 = GRAAL
-1000 = Darkness
I. Celeste Aida
8193 = Se quel guerrier
11037 = Io fossi! se il mio sogno
15621 = S’avverasse!… Un esercito di prodi
15574 = Da me guidato… e la vittoria… e il plauso
11844 = Di Menfi tutta! E a te, mia dolce Aida,
10315 = Tornar di lauri cinto…
18797 = Dirti: per te ho pugnato, per to ho vinto!
9299 = Celeste Aida, forma divina.
13047 = Mistico serto di luce e fior,
12956 = Del mio pensiero tu sei regina,
13231 = Tu di mia vita sei lo splendor.
13995 = Il tuo bel cielo vorrei redarti,
14127 = Le dolci brezze del patrio suol;
15504 = Un regal serta sul crin posarti,
15036 = Ergerti un trono vicino al sol.
II. Ritorna Vincitor
9513 = Ritorna vincitor!
12935 = E dal mio labbro usci l’empia parola!
12363 = Vincitor del padre mio di lui
9486 = Che impugna l’armi per me
10882 = Per ridonarmi una patria,
12194 = Una reggia e il nome illustre
8975 = Che qui celar m’è forza!
16660 = Vincitor de’miei fratelli ond’io lo vegga,
9768 = Tinto del sangue amato,
17767 = Trionfar nel plauso dell’Egizie coorti!
7263 = E dietro il carro,
13892 = Un Re, mio padre di catene avvinto!
13300 = L’insana parola o Numi sperdete!
12539 = Al seno d’un padre la figlia rendete,
21832 = Struggete le squadre dei nostri oppressor!
10773 = Ah! sventurata! Che dissi?
4455 = E l’amor mio?
22198 = Dunque scordar poss’io questo fervido amore
9462 = Che, oppressa e schiava,
11768 = Come raggio di sol qui mi beava?
11915 = Imprechero la morte a Radamès
9652 = a lui ch’amo pur tanto!
14337 = Ah! non fu interra mai da più crudeli
10990 = Angoscie un core affranto!
10598 = I sacri nomi di padre d’amante,
15138 = Nè profferir poss’io nè ricordar
17159 = Per l’un per l’altro confusa tremante
11292 = Io piangere vorrei pregar.
13416 = Ma la mia prece in bestemmia si muta
16900 = Delitto è il pianto a me colpa il sospir
13648 = In notte cupa la mente è perduta
14418 = E nell’ansia crudel vorrei morir
11594 = Numi, pietà del mio soffrir!
11685 = Speme non v’ha pel mio dolor
10474 = Amor fatal tremendo amore
13030 = Spezzami il cor, fammi morir!
III. What is The Quest for the Holy Grail?
A Quest To Free Spirit from its Spatio-Temporal
“Mortal Coil”
(Construction G.T.)
2118 = TIME
796 = Aida
5596 = Andlig spekðin – Spiritual Wisdom
-6960 = Jarðlig skilning – Earthly Understanding
100 = The End, of TIME
I + II + III = 198576 + 454271 + 1650 = 654497
Celeste Aida is the object of Radamès‘ Quest
As Beatrice was that of Dante‘s Quest.
And Ophelia of Hamlet‘s Quest.
As in:
796 = Aida
2858 = Radamès‘
3263 = Beatrice
2018 = Dante
2949 = Ophelia
2646 = Hamlet
GRAAL and Brennu-Njálssaga.
Tri-Unite Female/Male Light of the World, 1000, is the anonymous author of Brennu-Njálssaga that is referred to as EK (Latin EGO) in the Saga’s Omega sentence:
13530 = Ok lýk ek þar Brennu-Njálssögu. – And there I conclude Saga of Burnt Njáll.
1000 = Light of the World
The Killing of Höskuldr Hvítanessgoði –
Symbolizes the Light of the World’s murder…
The sub-total 11884 of the first FIVE components – as in number of Wounds of Christ – is also the Cipher Value of Höskuldr’s dying words when ambushed by the sons of Njáll as he sowed corn in his field: 11884 = ”Guð hjálpi mér en fyrirgefi yðr.” –”God help me but forgive you.”
alias that of Snorri Sturluson at Reykjaholt
on 23 September 1241 as indicated by:
4884 = Reykjaholt
7000 = Microcosmos – Mythical Man in God’s Image
Höskuldr Hvítanessgoði‘s widow poured his blood over Flosi to challenge him to avenge the killing. As foretold by Njáll, this lead to his death and of his family in the Burning of Njáll by Flosi. In the context, the fateful blood of Höskuldr/Snorri represented the Blood of Christ.
The stage is set for the next part of a Cipher Play between key parts of Aida and Saga-Shakespeare Myth.
IV. Hvernig skal Krist kenna? – How shall Christ be taught?
(Skáldskaparmál, 65. kafli)
11017 = Hvernig skal Krist kenna?
21714 = Svá, at kalla hann skapara himins ok jarðar, engla ok sólar,
15742 = stýranda heims ok himinríkis ok engla,
12377 = konung himna ok sólar ok engla
14733 = ok Jórsala ok Jórdánar ok Gríklands,
12859 = ráðandi postula ok heilagra manna.
20258 = Forn skáld hafa kennt hann við Urðarbrunn ok Róm,
12907 = sem kvað Eilífr Guðrúnarson:
20237 = Setbergs, kveða sitja sunnr at Urðarbrunni,
23264 = svá hefir rammr konungr remmðan Róms banda sig löndum.
13200 = Svá kvað Skafti Þóroddsson:
22516 = Máttr er munka dróttins mestr, aflar goð flestu.
24159 = Kristr skóp ríkr ok reisti Rúms höll veröld alla.
13419 = Himna konungr, sem Markús kvað:
22067 = Gramr skóp grund ok himna glyggranns sem her dyggvan,
18321 = einn stillir má öllu aldar Kristr of valda.
12482 = Svá kvað Eilífr kúlnasveinn:
20684 = Hróts lýtr helgum krúzi heims ferð ok lið beima.
23078 = Sönn er en öll dýrð önnur einn sólkonungr hreinni.
13172 = Máríu sonr, enn sem Eilífr kvað:
17816 = Hirð lýtr himna, dýrðar, hrein Máríu sveini,
23441 = mátt vinnr mildingr dróttar, maðr er hann ok goð, sannan.
13457 = Engla konungr, enn sem Eilífr kvað:
19900 = Máttr er en menn of hyggi mætr goðs vinar betri.
18410 = Þó er engla gramr öllu örr helgari ok dýrri.
16159 = Jórdánar konungr, sem kvað Sighvatr:
15320 = Endr réð engla senda Jórdánar gramr fjóra,
19323 = fors þó hans á hersi heilagt skoft, ór lofti.
14436 = Grikkja konungr, sem Arnórr kvað:
16968 = Bænir hefi ek fyr beini bragna falls við snjallan
17094 = Grikkja vörð ok Garða. Gjöf launak svá jöfri.
12482 = Svá kvað Eilífr kúlnasveinn:
21742 = Himins dýrð lofar hölða, hann er alls konungr, stilli.
17476 = Hér kallaði hann fyrst Krist konung manna
11273 = ok annat sinn alls konung.
10995 = Enn kvað Einarr Skúlason:
20216 = Lét, sá er landfolks gætir, líknbjartr himinríki
19783 = umgeypnandi opna alls heims fyr gram snjöllum.
V. AIDA Final Scene – End of Man‘s Quest
(Act IV, Sc. ii)
10584 = La scena è divisa in due piani.
28968 = Il piano superiore rappresenta l’interno del tempio di Vulcano
26548 = splendente d’oro e di luce: il piano inferiore un sotterraneo.
28412 = Lunghe file d’arcate si perdono nell’oscurità. Statue colossali
25976 = d’Osiride colle mani incrociate sostengono i pilastri della
3109 = vôlta.
23634 = Radamès è nel sotterraneo sui gradini della scala, per cui è
22654 = disceso — Al di sopra, due Sacerdoti intenti a chiudere la
10912 = pietra del sotterraneo.
14401 = La fatal pietra sovra me si chiuse…
10031 = Ecco la tomba mia. — Del di la luce
15518 = Più non vedro… Non rivedro più Aida…
13710 = — Aida, ove sei tu? Possa tu almeno
14261 = Viver felice e la mia sorte orrenda
16502 = Sempre ignorar! — Qual gemito!… Una larva…
15398 = Una vision… No! forma umana è questa…
3062 = Cielo!… Aida!
3210 = Son io…
9019 = Tu… in questa tomba!
13439 = Presago il core della tua condanna,
15003 = In questa tomba che per te s’apriva
9460 = Io penetrai furtiva…
14762 = E qui lontana da ogni umano sguardo
12308 = Nelle tue braccia desiai morire.
8769 = Morir! si pura e bella!
8320 = Morir per me d’amore…
10020 = Degli anni tuoi nel fiore
6077 = Fuggir la vita!
12340 = T’avea il cielo per l’amor creata,
12453 = Ed io t’uccido per averti amata!
6369 = No, non morrai!
7551 = Troppo io t’amai!…
7404 =Troppo sei bella!
4421 = [vaneggiando]
8514 = Vedi?… di morte l’angelo
10738 = Radiante a noi si appressa…
8635 = Ne adduce a eterni gaudii
11045 = Sovra i suoi vanni d’ôr.
12376 = Su noi già il ciel dischiudesi…
8834 = Ivi ogni affanno cessa…
9336 = Ivi comincia l’estasi
8557 = D’un immortale amor.
17830 = Canti e danze delle Sacerdotesse nel Tempio.
6890 = Triste canto!…
6040 = Il tripudio
5578 = Dei Sacerdoti…
11505 = Il nostro inno di morte…
20886 = [cercando di smuovere la pietra del sotterraneo]
8244 = Nè le mie forti braccia
17250 = Smuovere ti potranno, o fatal pietra!
10046 = Invan!… tutto è finite
9178 = Sulla terra per noi…
12117 = [con desolata rassegnazione]
5772 = E vero! è vero!…
11436 = [si avvicina ad Aida e la sorregge]
12748 = O terra, addio; addio valle di pianti…
14246 = Sogno di gaudio che in dolor svani…
15305 = A noi si schiude il cielo e l’alme errant
12161 = Volano al raggio dell’eterno di.
12568 = [Aida cade dolcemente far le braccie di Rad.]
25235 = [in abito di lutto apparisce nel tempio e va a prostrarsi
17515 = sulla pietra che chiude il sotterraneo]
11587 = Pace, t’imploro — salma adorata…
11800 = Isi placata — ti schiuda il ciel!
I + II + V = 198576 + 454271 + 798577 = 1451424
VI + VII = 10225 + 1441199 = 1451424
VI. Hamlet ends his Quest by “shuffling off“ his “Mortal Coil“
in “a consummation devoutly to be wish‘d“
with Ophelia – HIS OWN VIRGIN SOUL – to become
True Man and True God
(Construction G.T.)
10125 = Sannr Maðr ok Sannr Guð* – True Man and True God
100 = THE END
Fortinbras has Hamlet‘s
“Dying Voice“ as:
7000 = Microcosmos – Man in God‘s Image
As in:
2646 = Hamlet – become:
5589 = Fortinbras – alias
8990 = Brave New World
* Jesús Kristr in 13th century Icelandic.
In 1707 Nicholas Rowe, author of the first “biography“ of Stratfordian Will Shakspere, published in translation The Golden Verses of Pythagoras. At the end, “wretched man“ was advised of the great transformation that awaited him if only he let “best reason ever hold the rein“:
16695 = Then if this mortal Body thou forsake,
16669 = And thy glad Flight to the pure Æther take,
17175 = Among the Gods exalted shalt thou shine,
14884 = Immortal, Incorruptible, Divine:
19453 = The Tyrant Death securely shalt thou brave,
16300 = And scorn the dark Dominion of the Grave.
As in:
1000 = Light of the World – Best Reason
7240 = Judas Iscariot – Wretched Man/Mortal Body
-6960 = Jarðlig skilning – Earthly Understanding
5596 = Andlig spekðin – Spiritual Wisdom
4946 = Socrates
1654 = ION
3412 = Platon
14209 = Quintus Horatius Flaccus
12337 = Publius Virgilius Maro
11999 = Sextus Propertius
11249 = Publius Ovidius Naso
11359 = Snorri Sturluson
9814 = Sturla Þórðarson
5385 = Francis Bacon
7936 = Edward Oxenford
The Killing of Cæsar in Act III, Sc. i of Shakespeare’s play is analogous to the ”death” of Hamlet in that it represents “death” from the globe’s “rotten state” as conveyed by the Soothsayer’s words in response to Cæsar’s opening remark: The Ides of March are come:
8887 = I Cæsar, but not gone.
And Christos, 888 in Greek gematria, will reveal Himself from within Man-Beast of Seventh Day, 7, before the day is done, as in 888 and 7 and 8887.
VII. The Ides of March are come – I Cæsar, but not gone
(Julius Cæsar, Act III, Sc. i. First Folio 1623)
4916 = Flourish.
24433 = Enter Cæsar, Brutus, Cassius, Caska, Decius, Metellus,
25886 = Trebonius, Cynna, Antony, Lepidus, Artimedorus, Publius,
8352 = and the Soothsayer.
9508 = The Ides of March are come.
8887 = I Cæsar, but not gone.
11592 = Haile Cæsar: Read this Scedule.
17267 = Trebonius doth desire you to ore-read
20518 = (At your best leysure) this his humble suite.
17809 = O Cæsar, reade mine first: for mine’s a suite
19816 = That touches Cæsar neerer. Read it great Cæsar,
22379 = What touches vs our selfe, shall be last seru’d.
14149 = Delay not, Cæsar, read it instantly.
11037 = What, is the fellow mad?
6900 = Sirra, giue place.
22754 = What, vrge you your Petitions in the street?
9210 = Come to the Capitoll.
19963 = I wish your enterprize to day may thriue.
15019 = What enterprize Popillius?
6575 = Fare you well.
11992 = What said Popillius Lena?
22191 = He wisht to day our enterprize might thriue:
15837 = I feare our purpose is discouered.
15806 = Looke how he makes to Cæsar: marke him.
16942 = Caska be sodaine, for we feare preuention,
20350 = Brutus what shall be done? If this be knowne,
18558 = Cassius or Cæsar neuer shall turne backe,
10528 = For I will slay my selfe.
9990 = Cassius be constant:
21899 = Popillius Lena speakes not of our purposes,
18125 = For looke he smiles, and Cæsar doth not change.
24829 = Trebonius knowes his time: for look you Brutus
17249 = He drawes Mark Antony out of the way.
16210 = Where is Metellus Cimber, let him go,
19500 = And presently preferre his suite to Cæsar.
16379 = He is addrest: presse neere, and second him.
19433 = Caska, you are the first that reares your hand.
16879 = Are we all ready? What is now amisse,
17969 = That Cæsar and his Senate must redresse?
21506 = Most high, most mighty, and most puisant Cæsar
19567 = Metellus Cymber throwes before thy Seate
5778 = An humble heart.
12472 = I must preuent thee Cymber:
21733 = These couchings, and these lowly courtesies
14345 = Might fire the blood of ordinary men,
16504 = And turne pre-Ordinance, and first Decree
14255 = Into the lane of Children. Be not fond,
18986 = To thinke that Cæsar beares such Rebell blood
20290 = That will be thaw’d from the true quality
27136 = With that which melteth Fooles, I meane sweet words,
22347 = Low-crooked-curtsies, and base Spaniell fawning:
12618 = Thy Brother by decree is banished:
17586 = If thou doest bend, and pray, and fawne for him,
18113 = I spurne thee like a Curre out of my way:
25524 = Know, Cæsar doth not wrong, nor without cause
8655 = Will he be satisfied.
21609 = Is there no voyce more worthy then my owne,
20385 = To sound more sweetly in great Cæsars eare,
15686 = For the repealing of my banish’d Brother?
18142 = I kisse thy hand, but not in flattery, Cæsar:
16107 = Desiring thee, that Publius Cymber may
12806 = Haue an immediate freedome of repeale.
7924 = What, Brutus!
11142 = Pardon, Cæsar; Cæsar, pardon:
19425 = As lowe as to thy foote doth Cassius fall,
19052 = To begge infranchisement for Publius Cymber.
16379 = I could be well mou’d if I were as you,
22538 = If I could pray to mooue, Prayers would mooue me:
19543 = But I am constant as the Northerne Starre,
19698 = Of whose true fixt, and resting quality
16134 = There is no fellow in the Firmament.
21305 = The Skies are painted with vnnumbred sparkes,
15567 = They are all Fire and every one doth shine:
18563 = But, there’s but one in all doth hold his place.
23070 = So, in the World; ‘Tis furnish’d well with Men,
15675 = And Men are Flesh and Blood, and apprehensiue;
15653 = Yet in the number I do know but One
15556 = That vnassayleable holds on his Ranke,
13067 = Vnshak’d of Motion: and that I am he,
16339 = Let me a little shew it, euen in this,
19864 = That I was constant Cymber should be banish’d,
15998 = And constant do remaine to keepe him so.
3200 = O Cæsar, –
16936 = Hence: Wilt thou lift up Olympus!
4910 = Great Cæsar, –
16307 = Doth not Brutus bootlesse kneele?
7232 = Speake, hands, for me!
6500 = They stab Cæsar.
13836 = Et tu, Brute? _______ Then fall Cæsar. Dyes
Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:
Celeste Aida
What if ’tis I am chosen?
Ah my dream be now accomplished
Of a glorious army
I the chosen leader — mine glorious victory —
By Memphis received in triumph!
To thee returned, Aida, my brow entwined with laurel —
Tell thee, for thee I battled, for thee I conquered!
Heav’nly Aida, beauty resplendent,
Radiant flower blooming and bright;
Queenly thou reignest o’er me transcendent,
Bathing my spirit in beauty’s light.
Would that thy bright skies once more beholding,
Breathing the soft airs of thy native land;
Round thy fair brow a diadem folding,
Thine were a throne next the sun to stand.
Ritorna Vincitor
Return victorious!
And from my lips came the impious word!
Victorious over my father
And his troops wielding their weapons for me
To rescue me and tack me back to my homeland,
My royal palace and my illustrious name
That here I am forced to conceal!
Victorious over my brothers I may see him,
Blood stained loved,
Triumph in the acclamation by Egypt’s forces!
And behind his chariot,
A King, my father in chains!
These insane words, oh gods, please forget!
Let the daughter return to her father’s breast,
Destroy the squadrons of our oppressor!
Ah! unfortunate! What did I say?
And my love?
Can I then forget this ardent love
That, oppressed and enslaved,
is like the blessed rays of the sun?
I curse the death of Radames
to him whom I love so much though!
Ah! there has never been anything as cruel as this
Anguish of a broken heart!
The sacred names of my father and my lover,
Neither of which I can call upon
I am confused for each one, I am trembling
I cry, I pray.
But my prayer changes to cursing
Crime is the fault of my tears and sighs
In the dark night, my mind is lost
And I would die in this cruel world.
Gods, have pity on my suffering!
There is no hope for my sorrow
Fatal love, tremendous love
Break my heart and let me die!
AIDA Final Scene
The scene is divided into two floors.
The upper floor represents the interior of the temple of Vulcan, resplendent with gold and glittering light; the lower floor is a Crypt. — Long Arcades vanishing in the gloom. — Colossal Statues of Osiris with crossed hands support the pillars of the vault.
Radames is discovered in the Crypt, on the steps of the staircase leading into the vault. — Above, two Priests in the act of letting down the stone which closes the subterranean.
The fatal stone upon me now is closing,
Now has the tomb engulfed me. I never more
The light shall behold. Ne’er more see gentle Aida.
Dear Aida, where now art thou? whate’er befalls me
May’st thou be happy. Ne’er may my frightful doom
Reach thy gentle ear. What groan was that? Tis a phantom!
Some vision dread. No! sure that form is human!
Heaven! ’tis Aida.
Yes! Aida!
Thou, with me here buried!
My heart forboded this thy dreadful sentence,
And to this tomb that shuts on thee its portal
I crept unseen by mortal.
Here from all where none can behold us,
Clasped in thy arms I resolved to perish.
To perish! so pure and lovely!
To die, thine own self dooming,
In all thy beauty blooming,
Fade thus forever!
Thou whom the heav’n only for love created
But to destroy thee was my love then fated!
Ah no! those eyes
So dear I prize
For death are too lovely!
[transported] See’st thou where death in angel guise
With heavenly radiance beaming,
Would waft us to eternal joys
On golden wings above!
See heaven’s gates are open wide
Where tears are never streaming,
Where only bliss and joy reside
And never fading love!
Singing and dancing of the Priestesses in the Temple.
That sad chanting!
‘Tis the sacred dance
Of the Priesthood!
It is our death chant resounding!
[trying to displace the stone closing the vault]
Cannot my lusty sinews
Move from its place this fatal stone?
‘Tis vain! all is over
Hope on earth have we none!
[with sad resignation]
I fear it! I fear it!
[approaches Aida and supports her]
Farewell, O earth! farewell thou vale of sorrow!
Brief dream of joy condemned to end in woe!
See, brightly opens the sky, an endless morrow
There all unshadowed eternal shall glow!
[Aida drops in the arms of Radames]
[appears, habited in mourning, in the temple, and throws
herself on the stone closing the vault]
Peace everlasting, lov’d one, mayst thou know
Isis, relenting, greet thee on high!
Hvernig skal Krist kenna? – How shall Christ be taught?
How should one periphrase Christ? Thus: by calling Him Fashioner of Heaven and Earth, of Angels, and of the Sun; Governor of the World and of the Heavenly Kingdom and of Jerusalem and Jordan and the Land of the Greeks; Counsellor of the Apostles and of the Saints. Ancient skalds have written of Him in metaphors of Urdr’s Well and Rome; as Eilífr Gudrúnarson sang:
So has Rome’s Mighty Ruler
In the Rocky Realms confirmèd
His power; they say He sitteth
South, at the Well of Urdr.
Thus sang Skapti Thóroddssen:
The King of Monks is greatest
Of might, for God all governs;
Christ’s power wrought this earth all,
And raised the Hall of Rome.
King of the Heavens, as Markús sang:
The King of the Wind-House fashioned
Earth, sky, and faithful peoples;
Christ, sole Prince of Mortals,
Hath power o’er all that liveth.
Thus sang Eilífr Kúlnasveinn:
The Host of the beaming World’s Roof
And the Band of Illustrious bow down
To the Holy Cross; than all glory
Else the Sole Sun’s King is brighter.
Son of Mary, as Eilífr sang further:
The bright Host of Heaven boweth
To Mary’s Bairn: He winneth,
The Gentle Prince, of glory
The true might, God and man both.
King of Angels, as Eilífr sang again:
The goodly might of God’s friend
Is better than men guess of;
Yet the Gracious King of Angels
Is dearer than all, and holier.
King of Jordan, as Sigvatr sang:
Four angels the King of Jordan
Sent long ago through aether
To earthward; and the stream washed
The holy head of the World’s Lord.
King of Greeks, as Arnórr sang:
I have lodged for the hero’s ashes
Prayers with the Lordly Warder
Of Greeks and men of Gardar:
Thus I pay my Prince for good gifts.
Thus sang Eilífr Kúlnasveinn:
The Glory of Heaven praises
Man’s Prince: He is King of all things.
Here he called Christ, first, King of Men, and again, King of All. Eínarr Skúlason sang:
He who compasseth, Bright in Mercy,
All the world, and gently careth
For all, caused the realm of Heaven
To ope for the valiant ruler.