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For Francis Bacon‘s Friends of the Rosicrosse

© Gunnar Tómasson

1 March 2018


On Lord Bacon‘s Sixtieth Birthday

(Alfred Dodd)

On 22 January 1621 the Lord Chancellor made a great feast.  It was his sixtieth birthday.  To it he invited all his special friends that were of the Rosicrosse, the Rosicrucians and the Masonic Fraternities – all those privileged ones who were in the secret of Francis Bacon’s labours and over whom he reigned like Solomon King of Israel, Hyram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abif.  The gathering was held at York House.  Some of the best men in the land sat at his table that day.  We know that it was a meeting of the Brethren because Ben Jonson recited an ode – as yet unnoticed by anyone, even scholarly members of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge having hitherto failed to see its significance – which is replete with Masonic asides and esoteric information.  The poem conveys nothing to the “uninstructed world”, and is just as subtle and enigmatical as the prefatory lines Ben Jonson wrote to “Shakespeare” in the 1623 Folio.

Haile, happie Genius of this antient pile!

How comes it all things so about thee smile?

The fire, the wine, the men! And in the midst,

Thou stand’st as if some Mysterie thou did’st!

Pardon, I read it in thy face, the day

For whose returnes, and many, all these pray:

And so doe I. This is the sixtieth yeare

Since Bacon, and thy Lord was borne, and here;

Sonne to the grave wise Keeper of the Seale,

Fame, and foundation of the English Weale.

What then his Father was, that since is hee,

Now with a Title more to the Degree;

Englands high Chancellor: the destin’d heire

In his soft Cradle to his Fathers Chaire,

Whose even Thred the Fates spinne round, and full,

Out of their Choysest, and their whitest wooll.

‘Tis a brave cause of joy, let it be knowne,

For ‘t were a narrow gladnesse, kept thine owne.

Give me a deep-crown’d-Bowle, that I may sing

In raysing him the isdom of my King.

To Ben Jonson’s first four lines I call the particular attention of all Freemasons.  He gave the toast of the evening to Francis Bacon as the Head of the Brethren [my emphasis. G.T.] and the poem Ben recited was the conclusion of his speech:


On Francis Bacon’s Sixtieth Birthday

Hail!  Happy Genius of this Antient Pile!

How comes it all things so about thee smile?

The Fire?  The Wine?  The MEN? And in the MIDST

Thou STAND’ST as if some MYSTERY thou didst.


This is an intriguing verse and the attention of all Fellow-Crafts is drawn to it by the first word: “Hail” means more than a call, it is a sign.

“Pile” has a meaning other than a pile of buildings; it also means a spear; and there was but one “Happy Genius” who could wield the “Ancient Spear” of Pallas-Athena the Spear-Shaker – Francis Bacon.

“Smiles” are to be found always when there is good fellowship, especially when men “stand to”.

“The Fire” means something far more than a wood blaze and refers to the ancient Masonic habit of “Firing” with their glasses.

“The Wine” indicates something that goes with “Firing Glasses” – the toasts.

“The Men” mentioned particularly shows that the company was composed of males, as they would be indeed at such a banquet.

The “Happy Genius” (note the Masonic significance of the word “Happy”) stood in their “Midst”, as, indeed, he would do as the Father, Founder and Creator of Ethical Symbolism – in fact in the Centre.

He “Stands” in a certain manner, says Ben Jonson.  Of course!  Because it would be improper to stand in any other way under the circumstances.

“Thou Stand’st as if some MYSTERY thou didst.”  And this last word “MYSTERY” explains the riddle to those who can read what was at the back of Ben Jonson’s mind; the verse is unintelligible without it; for the word refers to the Modern Mystery of Ancient Freemasonry that is to be found in our midst today.  (Francis Bacon’s Personal Life-story, Rider and Company, London, ISBN 0-7126-1260-2, 1986, pp. 502-503)


I. On Lord Bacon’s Sixtieth Birth-day.

 (Ben Jonson)


16581 = Haile, happie Genius of this antient pile!

20279 = How comes it all things so about thee smile?

17198 = The fire, the wine, the men! and in the midst,

21508 = Thou stand’st as if some Mysterie thou did’st!

12154 = Pardon, I read it in thy face, the day

19469 = For whose returnes, and many, all these pray:

16418 = And so doe I. This is the sixtieth yeare

17016 = Since Bacon, and thy Lord was borne, and here;

18913 = Sonne to the grave wise Keeper of the Seale,

16059 = Fame, and foundation of the English Weale.

19651 = What then his Father was, that since is hee,

17241 = Now with a Title more to the Degree;

16620 = Englands high Chancellor: the destin’d heire

17009 = In his soft Cradle to his Fathers Chaire,

22240 = Whose even Thred the Fates spinne round, and full,

24638 = Out of their Choysest, and their whitest wooll.

17274 = ‘Tis a brave cause of joy, let it be knowne,

22882 = For ‘t were a narrow gladnesse, kept thine owne.

18137 = Give me a deep-crown’d-Bowle, that I may sing

15952 = In raysing him the wisdome of my King.


II. Genius of this antient pile

(Construction G. T.)


4946 = Socrates

1654 = ION

3412 = Platon

14209 = Quintus Horatius Flaccus

12337 = Publius Virgilius Maro

11999 = Sextus Propertius

11249 = Publius Ovidius Naso


11359 = Snorri Sturluson

9814 = Sturla Þórðarson

5385 = Francis Bacon

7936 = Edward Oxenford



III. Happie Genius … and in the Midst

Thou stand’st as if some Mysterie thou did’st!

(Construction G.T.)

6783 = Mons Veneris


I + II + III = 367239 + 94300 + 6783 = 468322

IV + V = 468222 + 100 = 468322

IV. Abomination of Desolation

(Contemporary history)


The Gates of Hell

13031 = International Monetary Fund

9948 = Harvard University

7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands – Central Bank of Iceland = 30125

Right Measure of Man


  8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

Modes of Persecution

11587 = Character Assassination

5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity

7750 = Psychiatric Rape

6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander

16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice

Persecutors – Jesting Pilates

U.S. Government

12867 = William Jefferson Clinton – President

4496 = Janet Reno – Attorney General

International Monetary Fund

8899 = Jacques de Larosière – Managing Director

7678 = Michel Camdessus – Managing Director

5517 = William B. Dale – Deputy Managing Director

2713 = Dick Erb – Deputy Managing Director

6584 = Jacques J. Polak – Economic Counsellor

4734 = Tun Thin – Asian Department Director

9349 = W. John R. Woodley – Asian Department Deputy Director

3542 = Ken Clark – Director of Administration

3339 = Graeme Rea – Director of Administration

3227 = P. N. Kaul – Deputy Director of Administration

5446 = Nick Zumas – Grievance Committee Chairman

Harvard University

3625 = Derek C. Bok – President

8175 = Henry Rosovsky – Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

8566 = James S. Duesenberry – Chairman, Department of Economics

11121 = Paul Anthony Samuelson – Ph. D., Nobel Laureate in Economics

8381 = Walter S. Salant – Ph. D., Brookings Institution Senior Fellow

Iceland Government

10244 = Vigdís Finnbogadóttir – President

11361 = Salóme Þorkelsdóttir – Althing President

6028 = Davíd Oddsson – Prime Minister

10295 = Þorsteinn Pálsson – Minister of Justice

8316 = Jón Sigurdsson – Minister of Commerce

5940 = Jónas H. Haralz – World Bank Executive Director

Other Iceland

6648 = Jóhannes Nordal – Central Bank Governor

8864 = Bjarni Bragi Jónsson – Central Bank Chief Economist

14314 = Benjamín Jón Hafsteinn Eiríksson – Harvard Ph. D.

9720 = Matthías Jóhannessen – Editor, Morgunblaðið


10989 = Orenthal James Simpson

8015 = John & Patsy Ramsey

4953 = Osama bin Laden

Violent Crimes

3586 = Murder


6899 = Nicole Brown

4948 = Ron Goldman

6100 = Brentwood

1204 = 12 June (4th month old-style)

1994 = 1994 A.D.


3718 = Jonbenet

3503 = Boulder

2510 = 25 December (10th month old-style)

1996 = 1996 A.D.


5557 = The Pentagon

9596 = World Trade Center

1107 = 11 September (7th month old-style)

2001 = 2001 A.D.


7920 = Excelsior Hotel

5060 = Paula Jones

803 = 8 May (3rd month old-style)

1991 = 1991 A.D.

4014 = Kiss it!


8486 = The White House

7334 = Kathleen Willey

2909 = 29 November (9th month old-style)

1993 = 1993 A.D.

22091 = I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you.


6045 = The Oval Office

8112 = Monica Lewinsky

1509 = 15 November (9th month old-style)

1995 = 1995 A.D.  = 438097¹


V. “Circumcision“ of MAN Standing

In the Midst of VIRGIN‘s “Hymen“ on Mons Veneris



Pagan/Prick Decapitated At Saga’s End

Head Speaks Ten As if Flies off the Body

Ten = King/Father

-10000 = Kolr Þorsteinsson

Christian Law-Speaker Stands Up

From Under Ox-Hide/Foreskin

And Proclaims Christianity Law of the Land

  11000 = Þorgeirr Tjörvason



Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:

¹Abomination of Desolation

Message posted to friends on 26 February 2014:

While in Iceland last August, I met with Pétur Halldórsson at the Cafe Milano in Reykjavík. We discussed matters of mutual interest, including what my Saga Cipher work might “mean“.

I took a napkin and, for emphasis, wrote down the number 438097. This is the Cipher Sum of some three dozen names of persons, institutions, dates and events during the reference period, including two famous murder cases, a sex scandal in high places, and presumptive lies told in connection therewith.

I told Pétur (what I had long surmised) that I believed that this number was associated with a watershed event in human history whose final phase was upon our world.

An earth-shaking culmination of human and spiritual evolution.


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Gunnar Tómasson
Ég er fæddur (1940) og uppalinn á Melunum í Reykjavík. Stúdent úr Verzlunarskóla Íslands 1960 og með hagfræðigráður frá Manchester University (1963) og Harvard University (1965). Starfaði sem hagfræðingur við Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðinn frá 1966 til 1989. Var m.a. aðstoðar-landstjóri AGS í Indónesíu 1968-1969, og landstjóri í Kambódíu (1971-1972) og Suður Víet-Nam (1973-1975). Hef starfað sjálfstætt að rannsóknarverkefnum á ýmsum sviðum frá 1989, þ.m.t. peningahagfræði. Var einn af þremur stofnendum hagfræðingahóps (Gang8) 1989. Frá upphafi var markmið okkar að hafa hugsað málin í gegn þegar - ekki ef - allt færi á annan endann í alþjóðapeningakerfinu. Í október 2008 kom sú staða upp í íslenzka peninga- og fjármálakerfinu. Alla tíð síðan hef ég látið peninga- og efnahagsmál á Íslandi meira til mín taka en áður. Ég ákvað að gerast bloggari á til að geta komið skoðunum mínum í þeim efnum á framfæri.
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