Laugardagur 12.5.2018 - 00:02 - FB ummæli ()

Svá er enn um Flosa ráð sem fari kefli

© Gunnar Tómasson

11. maí 2018

Einar Ól. Sveinsson

Glæsilegust frásögn af fyrirburði er án efa sagan af gandreiðinni

Í 125. kap.;  skortir þar ekkert á, enda er engu ofaukið.

(Brennu-Njálssaga, formáli, bls. CXXXII)




479491 = Sagan af gandreiðinni – # I

641534 = Munu vér nú verða at gera annat ráð fyrir oss – # IV

    3231 = Jarðneskt hugvit – # V




986734 = Nú skulu vér at hyggja, hvat þeir taka til ráðs – # III

137522 = Skip Flosa týnist í hafi – # VI



Svá er enn um Flosa ráð sem fari kefli


468222 = Abomination of Desolation – # VII

509741 = Francis Bacon’s New Worke – # VIII

  8771 = Upp skalt á kjöl klífa – Nýr Flosi – Ný Jörð – rís úr Ægi  – # IX



I. Sagan af gandreiðinni

(Njála 125. kafli – M)


22898 = At Reykjum á Skeiðum bjó Runólfr Þorsteinsson.

10662 = Hildiglúmr hét son hans.

13427 = Hann gekk út dróttinsnótt,

16469 = þá er tólf vikur váru til vetrar.

10050 = Hann heyrði brest mikinn,

17977 = ok þótti honum skjálfa bæði jörð ok himinn.

13311 = Síðan leit hann í vestrættina,

16692 = ok þóttisk hann sjá hring ok eldslit á

12970 = ok í hringinum mann á grám hesti.

15484 = Hann bar skjótt yfir, ok fór hann hart;

9452 = hann hafði loganda brand í hendi.

9991 = Hann reið svá nær honum,

10833 = at hann mátti görla sjá hann;

19316 = honum sýndisk hann svartr sem bik ok heyrði,

15429 = at hann kvað vísu með mikilli raust:


4996 = Ek ríð hesti

3690 = hélugbarða,

5542 = úrigtoppa,

5020 = ills valdanda.

5765 = Eldr er í endum,

6437 = eitr er í miðju;

7995 = svá er um Flosa ráð

5161 = sem fari kefli,

9104 = ok svá er um Flosa ráð

5161 = sem fari kefli. = 58871


25837 = Þá þótti honum hann skjóta brandinum austr til fjallanna,

19577 = ok þótti honum hlaupa upp eldr svá mikill,

18431 = at hann þóttisk ekki sjá til fjallanna fyrir.

26181 = Honum sýndisk sjá maðr ríða austr undir eldinn ok hvarf þar.

15744 = Síðan gekk hann inn ok til rúms síns

17677 = ok fekk langt óvit ok rétti við ór því.

17962 = Hann munði allt þat, er fyrir hann hafði borit,

9374 = ok sagði föður sínum,

13742 = en hann bað hann segja Hjalta Skeggjasyni;

9502 = hann fór ok sagði honum.

5421 = Hjalti mælti:

26211 = „Þú hefir sét gandreið, ok er þat ávallt fyrir stórtíðendum.“


II. Gandreiðarkvæðið

(Túlkun G. T.)


Eldr í Endum


  1000 = Eldur Heilags Anda


  4000 = Logandi Sverð – Sköpunarmáttur Alheims


10125 = Sannr Maðr ok Sannr Guð



  6257 = Mörðr hét maðr.

Eitr í Miðju

12685 = Höfðingjaskipti varð í Nóregi.

11274 = Fara menn við þat heim af þingi.


13530 = Ok lýk ek þar Brennu-Njálssögu.


III. Nú skulu vér at hyggja, hvat þeir taka til ráðs

(Njála, 128. kafli)


13618 = Nú er þar til at taka, er Flosi er.

4242 = Hann mælti:

28543 = „Nú munu vér ríða til Bergþórshváls ok koma þar fyrir náttmál.”

7280 = Þeir gera nú svá.

26489 = Dalr er í hválinum, ok riðu þeir þangat ok bundu þar hesta sína

20861 = ok dvölðusk þar, til þess er mjök leið á kveldit.


5465 = Flosi mælti:

13672 = „Nú skulu vér ganga heim at bænum

22688 = ok ganga þröngt ok fara seint ok sjá, hvat þeir taka til.”

23100 = Njáll stóð úti ok synir hans ok Kári ok allir heimamenn

13001 = ok skipuðusk fyrir á hlaðinu,

14263 = ok var þat nær þrim tigum manna.

10769 = Flosi nam staðar ok mælti:

20311 = „Nú skulu vér at hyggja, hvat þeir taka til ráðs,

20017 = því at mér lízk svá, ef þeir standa úti fyrir,

14759 = sem vér munim þá aldri sótta geta.”

11995 = „Þá er vár för ill,” segir Grani,

14816 = „ef vér skulum eigi þora at sækja þá.”

13889 = „Þat skal ok eigi vera,” segir Flosi,

20449 = „ok skulu vér at ganga, þótt þeir standi úti.

10825 = En þat afráð munu vér gjalda,

22788 = at margr mun eigi kunna frá at segja, hvárir sem sigrask.”


10980 = Njáll mælti til sinna manna:

18912 = „Hvat segið þér frá, hversu mikit lið þeir hafa?”

17624 = „Þeir hafa harðsnúit lið,” segir Skarpheðinn,

18471 = „ok þó mikit, en því nema þeir þó nú staðar,

21785 = at þeim þykkir sem muni illa sækjask at vinna oss.”

20148 = „Þat mun ekki,” segir Njáll, „ok vil ek, at menn gangi inn,

20731 = því at illa sóttisk þeim Gunnarr at Hlíðarenda,

9107 = ok var hann einn fyrir.

15151 = Eru hér hús rammlig, sem þar váru,

12869 = ok munu þeir eigi sótt geta.”

21083 = „Þetta er ekki þann veg at skilja,” segir Skarpheðinn;

26190 = „Gunnar sóttu heim þeir höfðingjar, er svá váru vel at sér,

16861 = at heldr vildu frá hverfa en brenna hann inni.

14968 = En þessir munu sækja oss með eldi,

9712 = ef þeir megu eigi annan veg,

24013 = því at þeir munu allt til vinna, at yfir taki við oss.

17459 = Munu þeir þat ætla, sem eigi er ólíkligt,

16823 = at þat muni þeira bani, ef oss dregr undan.

9185 = Em ek ok ófúss þess

16294 = at láta svæla mik inni sem melrakka í greni.”

4770 = Njáll mælti:

19870 = „Nú mun sem optar, at þér munuð bera mik ráðum,

13379 = synir mínir, ok virða mik engis.

19606 = En þá er þér váruð yngri, þá gerðuð þér ekki svá,

7430 = ok fór yðr þá betr.”

4553 = Helgi mælti:

12862 = „Geru vér sem faðir várr vill;

10312 = þat mun oss bezt gegna.”

17726 = „Eigi veit ek þat víst,” segir Skarpheðinn,

9531 = „því at hann er nú feigr.

14952 = En þó má ek gera þetta til skaps hans

9451 = at brenna inni með honum,

14309 = því at ek em ekki hræddr við dauða minn.”

7297 = Hann mælti við Kára:

10240 = „Fylgjumsk vér vel, mágr,

13276 = svá at engi várr skili við annan.”

11097 = „Þat hefi ek ætlat,” segir Kári,

9950 = „en ef annars verðr auðit,

11712 = þá mun þat verða fram at koma,

8934 = ok mun ekki mega við gera.”

13182 = „Hefn þú vár,” segir Skarpheðinn,

17297 = „en vér skulum þín, ef vér lifum eptir.”

12372 = Kári segir, at svá skyldi vera.

20420 = Gengu þeir þá inn allir ok skipuðusk í dyrrin.


IV. Munu vér nú verða at gera annat ráð fyrir oss

(Njála, 128. kafli, frh.)


 5465 = Flosi mælti:

17033 = „Nú eru þeir feigir, er þeir hafa inn gengit.

17110 = Skulu vér nú heim ganga sem skjótast

15084 = ok skipa sem þykkast ok geyma þess,

9271 = at engi komisk í braut,

11261 = hvárki Kári né Njálssynir;

8124 = ella er þat várr bani.”

23885 = Þeir Flosi kómu heim ok skipuðusk umbergis húsin,

12260 = ef nökkurar væri laundyrr á.

17741 = Flosi gekk framan at húsunum ok hans menn.

27084 = Hróaldr Özurarson hljóp at þar sem Skarpheðinn var fyrir,

6427 = ok lagði til hans;

21390 = Skarpheðinn hjó spjótit af skapti fyrir honum

14185 = ok hljóp at honum ok hjó til hans,

12166 = ok kom öxin ofan í skjöldinn,

15026 = ok bar at honum þegar allan skjöldinn,

12851 = en hyrnan fremri tók andlitit,

13200 = ok fell hann á bak aptr ok þegar dauðr.

4463 = Kári mælti:

16942 = „Lítt dró enn undan við þik, Skarpheðinn;

10825 = þú ert vár fræknastr.”

14533 = „Eigi veit ek þat,” segir Skarpheðinn;

17172 = „sá ek, at hann brá við grönum ok glotti við.”

24627 = Þeir Kári ok Grímr ok Helgi lögðu út mörgum spjótum

8043 = ok særðu marga menn,

13510 = en þeir Flosi gátu ekki at gört.


5465 = Flosi mælti:

19498 = „Vér höfum fengit mikinn skaða á mönnum várum;

26340 = eru margir sárir, en sá veginn, er vér myndim sízt til kjósa.

23088 = Nú er þat sét, at vér getum þá eigi með vápnum unnit.

22899 = Er sá nú margr, at eigi gengr jafnskarpliga at sem ætluðu

8395 = en þó eggjuðu mest;

19042 = mæli ek þetta mest til Grana Gunnarssonar

20600 = ok Gunnars Lambasonar, er sér létu verst eira.

22199 = En þó munu vér nú verða at gera annat ráð fyrir oss.

19015 = Eru nú tveir kostir, ok er hvárrgi góðr;

16726 = sá annarr at hverfa frá, ok er þat várr bani,

15322 = en hinn annarr at bera eld ok brenna þá inni,

29991 = ok er þat þó stór ábyrgð fyrir guði, er vér erum kristnir sjálfir.

18346 = En þó munu vér láta taka eld sem skjótast

4930 = ok bera hann at.”


V. Fallvalt jarðneskt hugvit

Dim light of Nature

(Túlkun G. T.)


1000 = Ljóstýra

2131 = Jörð

 100 = Kvæðislok


VI. Skip Flosa týnist í hafi

(Njála, 159. kafli – M)


16317 = Þat segja menn, at þau yrði ævilok Flosa,

17694 = at hann færi utan, þá er hann var orðinn gamall,

22025 = at sækja sér húsavið, ok var hann í Nóregi þann vetr.

14746 = En um sumarit varð hann síðbúinn.

15727 = Ræddu menn um, at vánt væri skipit.

20892 = Flosi sagði, at væri ærit gott gömlum ok feigum,

9605 = ok sté á skip ok lét í haf,

20516 = ok hefir til þess skips aldri spurzk síðan.


VII. Abomination of Desolation¹

(Contemporary history)


The Gates of Hell

13031 = International Monetary Fund

9948 = Harvard University

7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands – Central Bank of Iceland = 30125

Right Measure of Man


 8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

Modes of Persecution

11587 = Character Assassination

5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity

7750 = Psychiatric Rape

6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander

16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice

Persecutors – Jesting Pilates

U.S. Government

12867 = William Jefferson Clinton – President

4496 = Janet Reno – Attorney General

International Monetary Fund

8899 = Jacques de Larosière – Managing Director

7678 = Michel Camdessus – Managing Director

5517 = William B. Dale – Deputy Managing Director

2713 = Dick Erb – Deputy Managing Director

6584 = Jacques J. Polak – Economic Counsellor

4734 = Tun Thin – Asian Department Director

9349 = W. John R. Woodley – Asian Department Deputy Director

3542 = Ken Clark – Director of Administration

3339 = Graeme Rea – Director of Administration

3227 = P. N. Kaul – Deputy Director of Administration

5446 = Nick Zumas – Grievance Committee Chairman

Harvard University

3625 = Derek C. Bok – President

8175 = Henry Rosovsky – Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

8566 = James S. Duesenberry – Chairman, Department of Economics

11121 = Paul Anthony Samuelson – Ph. D., Nobel Laureate in Economics

8381 = Walter S. Salant – Ph. D., Brookings Institution Senior Fellow

Iceland Government

10244 = Vigdís Finnbogadóttir – President

11361 = Salóme Þorkelsdóttir – Althing President

6028 = Davíð Oddsson – Prime Minister

10295 = Þorsteinn Pálsson – Minister of Justice

8316 = Jón Sigurðsson – Minister of Commerce

5940 = Jónas H. Haralz – World Bank Executive Director

Other Iceland

6648 = Jóhannes Nordal – Central Bank Governor

8864 = Bjarni Bragi Jónsson – Central Bank Chief Economist

14314 = Benjamín Jón Hafsteinn Eiríksson – Harvard Ph. D.

9720 = Matthías Jóhannessen – Editor, Morgunblaðið


10989 = Orenthal James Simpson

8015 = John & Patsy Ramsey

4953 = Osama bin Laden

Violent Crimes

3586 = Murder


6899 = Nicole Brown

4948 = Ron Goldman

6100 = Brentwood

1204 = 12 June (4th month old-style)

1994 = 1994 A.D.


3718 = Jonbenet

3503 = Boulder

2510 = 25 December (10th month old-style)

1996 = 1996 A.D.


5557 = The Pentagon

9596 = World Trade Center

1107 = 11 September (7th month old-style)

2001 = 2001 A.D.


7920 = Excelsior Hotel

5060 = Paula Jones

803 = 8 May (3rd month old-style)

1991 = 1991 A.D.

4014 = Kiss it!


8486 = The White House

7334 = Kathleen Willey

2909 = 29 November (9th month old-style)

1993 = 1993 A.D.

22091 = I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you.


6045 = The Oval Office

8112 = Monica Lewinsky

1509 = 15 November (9th month old-style)

1995 = 1995 A.D.  = 438097¹


VIII. Francis Bacon’s New Worke

(Essayes, Dedication 1625)



12189 = THE DVKE of Buckingham his Grace,

9271 = LO. High Admirall of England.                                           



22090 = SALOMON saies; A good Name is as a precious oyntment;

8263 = And I assure my selfe,

22962 = such wil your Graces Name bee, with Posteritie.

21416 = For your Fortune, and Merit both, haue beene Eminent.

20248 = And you haue planted Things, that are like to last.

13223 = I doe now publish my Essayes;

25098 = Which, of all my other workes, haue beene most Currant:

9396 = For that, as it seemes,

19523 = they come home, to Mens Businesse, and Bosomes.

18429 = I haue enlarged them, both in Number, and Weight;

15649 = So that they are indeed a New Worke.

19918 = I thought it therefore agreeable, to my Affection,

25598 = and Obligation to your Grace, to prefix your Name before them,

10975 = both in English, and in Latine.

20651 = For I doe conceiue, that the Latine Volume of them,

13148 = (being in the Vniuersall Language)

12837 = may last, as long as Bookes last.

16577 = My Instauration, I dedicated to the King:

14781 = my Historie of HENRY the Seuenth

21369 = (which I haue now also translated into Latine)

23643 = and my Portions of Naturall History, to the Prince:

13053 = And these I dedicate to your Grace;

20322 = Being of the best Fruits, that by the good Encrease,

21295 = which God giues to my Pen and Labours, I could yeeld.


10530 = God leade your Grace by the Hand.

20801 = Your Graces most Obliged and faithfull Seruant,

4260 = FR. St. ALBAN


IX. Upp skalt á kjöl klífa

Nýr Flosi – Ný Jörð – rís úr Ægi

(Túlkun G. T.)



       1 = Monad

2770 = Flosi


-1000 = Myrkur


Ný Sköpun

Maður sem Ímynd Guðs

 7000 = Míkrókosmos



Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:

¹Abomination of Desolation

Message posted to friends on 26 February 2014:

While in Iceland last August, I met with Pétur Halldórsson at the Cafe Milano in Reykjavík. We discussed matters of mutual interest, including what my Saga Cipher work might “mean“.

I took a napkin and, for emphasis, wrote down the number 438097. This is the Cipher Sum of some three dozen names of persons, institutions, dates and events during the reference period, including two famous murder cases, a sex scandal in high places, and presumptive lies told in connection therewith.

I told Pétur (what I had long surmised) that I believed that this number was associated with a watershed event in human history whose final phase was upon our world.

An earth-shaking culmination of human and spiritual evolution.


Flokkar: Óflokkað

Fimmtudagur 10.5.2018 - 23:42 - FB ummæli ()

The Booke of the Generation of Jesus Christ

© Gunnar Tómasson

10 May 2018

Reference Cipher Value

 (We are such stuffe as dreames are made on, 8 May 2018)



As in

I + II + III = 1019996 + 536105 + 262237 = 1818338


I + IV + V + VI + III = 1019996 + 38370 + 468222 + 29513 + 262237 = 1818338


I. The Sonne of Dauid, the Sonne of Abraham

(Matt. Ch. 1-25, King James Bible, 1611)



19162 = The booke of the generation of Iesus Christ,

14759 = the sonne of Dauid, the sonne of Abraham.


12282 = Abraham begate Isaac; and Isaac begate Iacob,

13697 = and Iacob begate Iudas and his brethren;


15086 = And Iudas begate Phares and Zara of Thamar,

16400 = and Phares begate Esrom, and Esrom begate Aram.


6365 = And Aram begate Aminadab,

18332 = and Aminadab begate Naasson, and Naasson begate Salmon;


11189 = And Salmon begate Boos of Rachab,

16997 = and Boos begate Obed of Ruth, and Obed begate Iesse.


10625 = And Iesse begate Dauid the King,

13718 = & Dauid the King begat Solomon of her

12551 = that had bin the wife of Urias.


9895 = And Solomon begat Roboam,

10808 = and Roboam begate Abia; and Abia begate Asa.


7911 = And Asa begate Iosaphat,

17819 = and Iosaphat begate Ioram, and Ioram begate Ozias.


8752 = And Ozias begat Ioatham,

15719 = and Ioatham begate Achas, and Achas begate Ezekias.


10326 = And Ezekias begate Manasses,

16756 = and Manasses begate Amon, and Amon begate Iosias.


16882 = And Iosias begate Iechonias and his brethren,

20229 = about the time they were caried away to Babylon.


16540 = And after they were brought to Babylon,

20802 = Jechonias begat Salathiel, and Salathiel begate Zorobabel.


8592 = And Zorobabel begat Abiud,

15020 = and Abiud begat Eliakim, and Eliakim begate Azor.


7483 = And Azor begat Sadoc,

12561 = & Sadoc begat Achim, and Achim begat Eliud.


8112 = And Eliud begate Eleazar,

17222 = and Eleazar begate Matthan, and Matthan begate Iacob.


15288 = And Iacob begate Ioseph the husband of Mary,

23204 = of whom was borne Iesus, who is called Christ.


17743 = So all the generations from Abraham to Dauid,

11730 = are fourteene generations:

21069 = and from David vntill the carying away into Babylon,

11730 = are fourteene generations:

22289 = and from the carying away into Babylon vnto Christ,

11730 = are fourteene generations.


25707 = Now the birth of Iesus Christ was on this wise:

23631 = when as his mother Mary was espoused to Ioseph

10066 = (before they came together)

20729 = shee was found with childe of the holy Ghost.


16106 = Then Ioseph her husband, being a iust man,

19942 = and not willing to make her a publique example,

17345 = was minded to put her away priuily.


20286 = But while hee thought on these things, behold,

21263 = the Angel of the Lord appeared vnto him in a dreame, saying,

11940 = Ioseph thou sonne of Dauid,

18320 = feare not to take vnto thee Mary thy wife:

24445 = for that which is conceiued in her, is of the holy Ghost.


13036 = And she shall bring forth a sonne,

14580 = and thou shalt call his Name Iesus:

20444 = for hee shall saue his people from their sinnes.


21864 =  (Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled

23713 = which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet, saying,


14222 = Behold, a Virgin shall be with childe,

12196 = and shall bring foorth a sonne,

13446 = and they shall call his name Emmanuel,

19259 = which being interpreted, is, God with us.)


14770 = Then Ioseph, being raised from sleepe,

13557 = did as the Angel of the Lord had bidden him,

11897 = & tooke vnto him his wife:


7816 = And knewe her not,

22084 = till shee had brought forth her first borne sonne,

9957 = and he called his name Iesus.


II. Prisca Theologia and Jesus Christ

World Age of Degeneration

(Construction G. T.)


  7521 = Prisca Theologia¹


 -4000 = Dark Sword


  -1000 = Darkness


  7284 = Jesus Christ

Light of the World‘s


4946 = Socrates

1654 = ION

3412 = Platon

14209 = Quintus Horatius Flaccus

12337 = Publius Virgilius Maro

11999 = Sextus Propertius

11249 = Publius Ovidius Naso

11359 = Snorri Sturluson

9814 = Sturla Þórðarson

5385 = Francis Bacon

7936 = Edward Oxenford

World Age of Degeneration

(Ancient/Saga Myth)

432000 = Kali Yuga


III. The First Folio

(1623 A. D.)


16746 = The Workes of William Shakespeare,

17935 = Containing all his Comedies, Histories, and

13106 = Tragedies: Truely set forth,

16008 = according to their first Originall.


22800 = The names of the principall actors in all these playes.


9322 = William Shakespeare

19171 = Samuel Gilburne, Richard Burbadge, Robert Armin,

24169 = John Hemmings, William Ostler, Augustine Phillips,

19711 = Nathan Field, William Kempt, John Underwood,

18327 = Thomas Poope, Nicholas Tooley, George Bryan,

21737 = William Ecclestone, Henry Condell, Joseph Taylor,

19699 = William Slye, Robert Benfield, Richard Cowly,

20652 = Robert Goughe, John Lowine, Richard Robinson,

22854 = Samuell Crosse, John Shancke, Alexander Cooke, John Rice.


IV, The Quest of the Holy Grail

(Venus and Adonis, 1593)



20165 = Vilia miretur vulgus; mihi flavus Apollo

16408 = Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua.*

The Quest

1796 = Graal

The Holy Grail

      1 = ONE


*Ovid’s Amores

Let base conceited wits admire vile things;

Fair Phoebus lead me to the Muses’ springs.

V. Abomination of Desolation

(Contemporary history)


The Gates of Hell

13031 = International Monetary Fund

9948 = Harvard University

7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands – Central Bank of Iceland = 30125

Right Measure of Man


8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

Modes of Persecution

11587 = Character Assassination

5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity

7750 = Psychiatric Rape

6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander

16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice

Persecutors – Jesting Pilates

U.S. Government

12867 = William Jefferson Clinton – President

4496 = Janet Reno – Attorney General

International Monetary Fund

8899 = Jacques de Larosière – Managing Director

7678 = Michel Camdessus – Managing Director

5517 = William B. Dale – Deputy Managing Director

2713 = Dick Erb – Deputy Managing Director

6584 = Jacques J. Polak – Economic Counsellor

4734 = Tun Thin – Asian Department Director

9349 = W. John R. Woodley – Asian Department Deputy Director

3542 = Ken Clark – Director of Administration

3339 = Graeme Rea – Director of Administration

3227 = P. N. Kaul – Deputy Director of Administration

5446 = Nick Zumas – Grievance Committee Chairman

Harvard University

3625 = Derek C. Bok – President

8175 = Henry Rosovsky – Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

8566 = James S. Duesenberry – Chairman, Department of Economics

11121 = Paul Anthony Samuelson – Ph. D., Nobel Laureate in Economics

8381 = Walter S. Salant – Ph. D., Brookings Institution Senior Fellow

Iceland Government

10244 = Vigdís Finnbogadóttir – President

11361 = Salóme Þorkelsdóttir – Althing President

6028 = Davíð Oddsson – Prime Minister

10295 = Þorsteinn Pálsson – Minister of Justice

8316 = Jón Sigurðsson – Minister of Commerce

5940 = Jónas H. Haralz – World Bank Executive Director

Other Iceland

6648 = Jóhannes Nordal – Central Bank Governor

8864 = Bjarni Bragi Jónsson – Central Bank Chief Economist

14314 = Benjamín Jón Hafsteinn Eiríksson – Harvard Ph. D.

9720 = Matthías Jóhannessen – Editor, Morgunblaðið


10989 = Orenthal James Simpson

8015 = John & Patsy Ramsey

4953 = Osama bin Laden

Violent Crimes

3586 = Murder


6899 = Nicole Brown

4948 = Ron Goldman

6100 = Brentwood

1204 = 12 June (4th month old-style)

1994 = 1994 A.D.


3718 = Jonbenet

3503 = Boulder

2510 = 25 December (10th month old-style)

1996 = 1996 A.D.


5557 = The Pentagon

9596 = World Trade Center

1107 = 11 September (7th month old-style)

2001 = 2001 A.D.


7920 = Excelsior Hotel

5060 = Paula Jones

803 = 8 May (3rd month old-style)

1991 = 1991 A.D.

4014 = Kiss it!


8486 = The White House

7334 = Kathleen Willey

2909 = 29 November (9th month old-style)

1993 = 1993 A.D.

22091 = I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you.


6045 = The Oval Office

8112 = Monica Lewinsky

1509 = 15 November (9th month old-style)

1995 = 1995 A.D.  = 438097²


VI. Brennu-Njálssaga – Saga of Burnt Njáll

(Construction G. T.)



Burning of Njáll

1000 = FIRE of Spirit

-4000 = Dark Sword – Man- Beast


5327 = Brennu-Njáll – Burnt Njall

Man in God’s Image

7000 = Microcosmos

King of Norway (Christ)

to Sturla Þórðarson

 (Sturlu þáttur, Ch.2)

4335 = Kristr – Christ in Icelandic

15851 = „Þat ætla ek, at þú kveðir betr en páfinn.”*


* “I consider you a better poet than The Pope.”

In an allegorical account in Sturlu þáttur, the King delivers

this judgement after Sturla has presented to him his “poem“

about the King‘s Father – my construction of the scene is

that King and Poem symbolize Christ and Brennu-Njálssaga.


Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:

¹ Prisca Theologia


Prisca theologia is the doctrine that asserts that a single, true, theology exists, which threads through all religions, and which was given by God to man in antiquity.

²Abomination of Desolation

Message posted to friends on 26 February 2014:

While in Iceland last August, I met with Pétur Halldórsson at the Cafe Milano in Reykjavík. We discussed matters of mutual interest, including what my Saga Cipher work might “mean“.

I took a napkin and, for emphasis, wrote down the number 438097. This is the Cipher Sum of some three dozen names of persons, institutions, dates and events during the reference period, including two famous murder cases, a sex scandal in high places, and presumptive lies told in connection therewith.

I told Pétur (what I had long surmised) that I believed that this number was associated with a watershed event in human history whose final phase was upon our world.

An earth-shaking culmination of human and spiritual evolution.




Flokkar: Óflokkað

Fimmtudagur 10.5.2018 - 17:57 - FB ummæli ()

Gylfaginning – Abomination of Desolation

© Gunnar Tómasson

10. maí 2018


Sturla Þórðarson og Stjörnu-Oddi

 (10. maí 2018)



I + II + III = 1218946 + 468222 + 131170 = 1818338


I. Snorri Sturluson – Gylfaginning

(1. og 2. kafli)


  1. kafli

23114 = Gylfi konungr réð þar löndum, er nú heitir Svíþjóð.

20040 = Frá honum er þat sagt, at hann gaf einni farandi konu

26249 = at launum skemmtunar sinnar eitt plógsland í ríki sínu,

17871 = þat er fjórir öxn drægi upp dag ok nótt.

11005 = En sú kona var ein af ása ætt.

7311 = Hon er nefnd Gefjun.

19134 = Hon tók fjóra öxn norðan ór Jötunheimum,

21604 = en þat váru synir jötuns nökkurs ok hennar,

10449 = ok setti þá fyrir plóg,

25903 = en plógrinn gekk svá breitt ok djúpt, at upp leysti landit,

15893 = ok drógu öxninir þat land út á hafit

19514 = ok vestr ok námu staðar í sundi nökkuru.

20733 = Þar setti Gefjun landit ok gaf nafn ok kallaði Selund.

22661 = Ok þar sem landit hafði upp gengit, var þar eftir vatn.

15936 = Þat er nú Lögrinn kallaðr í Svíþjóð,

19295 = ok liggja svá víkr í Leginum sem nes í Selundi.

10389 = Svá segir Bragi skáld gamli:


7278 = Gefjun dró frá Gylfa

8617 = glöð djúpröðul óðla,

10236 = svá at af rennirauknum

7482 = rauk, Danmarkar auka.

7307 = Báru öxn ok átta

10170 = ennitungl, þars gengu

9537 = fyrir vineyjar víðri

9976 = valrauf, fjögur haufuð.

  1. kafli

20018 = Gylfi konungr var maðr vitr ok fjölkunnigr.

22647 = Hann undraðist þat mjök, er ásafólk var svá kunnigt,

15559 = at allir hlutir gengu at vilja þeira.

23380 = Þat hugsaði hann, hvárt þat myndi vera af eðli sjálfra þeira

19856 = eða myndi því valda goðmögn þau, er þeir blótuðu.

18601 = Hann byrjaði ferð sína til Ásgarðs ok fór með leynð

18001 = ok brá á sik gamals manns líki ok dulðist svá.

20885 = En æsir váru því vísari, at þeir höfðu spádóm,

14335 = ok sá þeir ferð hans, fyrr en hann kom,

17150 = ok gerðu í móti honum sjónhverfingar.

19257 = Ok er hann kom inn í borgina, þá sá hann þar háva höll,

14248 = svá at varla mátti hann sjá yfir hana.

23123 = Þak hennar var lagt gylldum skjöldum, svá sem spánþak.

30082 = Svá segir Þjóðólfr inn hvinverski, at Valhöll var skjöldum þökð:


5732 = Á baki létu blíkja,

8852 = barðir váru grjóti,

8436 = Sváfnis salnæfrar

6188 = seggir hyggjandi.


19542 = Gylfi sá mann í hallardurum, ok lék at handsöxum

21792 = ok hafði sjau senn á lofti.  Sá spurði hann fyrr at nafni.

19981 = Hann nefndist Gangleri ok kominn af refilstigum

28821 = ok beiddist at sækja til náttstaðar ok spurði, hverr höllina átti.


16790 = Hann svarar, at þat var konungr þeira, –

10075 = „en fylgja má ek þér at sjá hann.

15096 = Skaltu þá sjálfr spyrja hann nafns,” –

25986 = ok snerist sá maðr fyrir honum inn í höllina, en hann gekk eftir,

15061 = ok þegar laukst hurðin á hæla honum.


14186 = Þar sá hann mörg gólf ok margt fólk,

28969 = sumt með leikum, sumir drukku, sumir með vápnum ok börðust.

32407 = Þá litaðist hann umb ok þótti margir hlutir ótrúligir, þeir er hann sá.

5278 = Þá mælti hann:


5465 = Gáttir allar,

4557 = áðr gangi fram,

8597 = um skyggnask skyli,

11561 = því at óvíst er at vita

8810 = hvar óvinir sitja

5215 = á fleti fyrir.


19223 = Hann sá þrjú hásæti ok hvert upp frá öðru,

15480 = ok sátu þrír menn sinn í hverju.

19704 = Þá spurði hann, hvert nafn höfðingja þeira væri.


12798 = Sá svarar, er hann leiddi inn, at sá,

17402 = er í inu neðsta hásæti sat, var konungr, –

20360 = „ok heitir Hárr, en þar næst sá, er heitir Jafnhárr,

11669 = en sá ofast, er Þriði heitir.”


21399 = Þá spyrr Hárr komandann, hvárt fleira er erendi hans,

25186 = en heimill er matr ok drykkr honum sem öllum þar í Háva höll.

15920 = Hann segir, at fyrst vill hann spyrja,

12741 = ef nökkurr er fróðr maðr inni.


14757 = Hárr segir, at hann komi eigi heill út,

7433 = nema hann sé fróðari,      –


7517 = „ok stattu fram,

5737 = meðan þú fregn;

9377 = sitja skal sá, er segir.”


II. Abomination of Desolation¹

Óvíst er at vita hvar óvinir sitja á fleti fyrir

(Contemporary history)


The Gates of Hell

13031 = International Monetary Fund

9948 = Harvard University

7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands – Central Bank of Iceland = 30125

Right Measure of Man


8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

Modes of Persecution

11587 = Character Assassination

5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity

7750 = Psychiatric Rape

6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander

16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice

Persecutors – Jesting Pilates

U.S. Government

12867 = William Jefferson Clinton – President

4496 = Janet Reno – Attorney General

International Monetary Fund

8899 = Jacques de Larosière – Managing Director

7678 = Michel Camdessus – Managing Director

5517 = William B. Dale – Deputy Managing Director

2713 = Dick Erb – Deputy Managing Director

6584 = Jacques J. Polak – Economic Counsellor

4734 = Tun Thin – Asian Department Director

9349 = W. John R. Woodley – Asian Department Deputy Director

3542 = Ken Clark – Director of Administration

3339 = Graeme Rea – Director of Administration

3227 = P. N. Kaul – Deputy Director of Administration

5446 = Nick Zumas – Grievance Committee Chairman

Harvard University

3625 = Derek C. Bok – President

8175 = Henry Rosovsky – Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

8566 = James S. Duesenberry – Chairman, Department of Economics

11121 = Paul Anthony Samuelson – Ph. D., Nobel Laureate in Economics

8381 = Walter S. Salant – Ph. D., Brookings Institution Senior Fellow

Iceland Government

10244 = Vigdís Finnbogadóttir – President

11361 = Salóme Þorkelsdóttir – Althing President

6028 = Davíð Oddsson – Prime Minister

10295 = Þorsteinn Pálsson – Minister of Justice

8316 = Jón Sigurðsson – Minister of Commerce

5940 = Jónas H. Haralz – World Bank Executive Director

Other Iceland

6648 = Jóhannes Nordal – Central Bank Governor

8864 = Bjarni Bragi Jónsson – Central Bank Chief Economist

14314 = Benjamín Jón Hafsteinn Eiríksson – Harvard Ph. D.

9720 = Matthías Jóhannessen – Editor, Morgunblaðið


10989 = Orenthal James Simpson

8015 = John & Patsy Ramsey

4953 = Osama bin Laden

Violent Crimes

3586 = Murder


6899 = Nicole Brown

4948 = Ron Goldman

6100 = Brentwood

1204 = 12 June (4th month old-style)

1994 = 1994 A.D.


3718 = Jonbenet

3503 = Boulder

2510 = 25 December (10th month old-style)

1996 = 1996 A.D.


5557 = The Pentagon

9596 = World Trade Center

1107 = 11 September (7th month old-style)

2001 = 2001 A.D.


7920 = Excelsior Hotel

5060 = Paula Jones

803 = 8 May (3rd month old-style)

1991 = 1991 A.D.

4014 = Kiss it!


8486 = The White House

7334 = Kathleen Willey

2909 = 29 November (9th month old-style)

1993 = 1993 A.D.

22091 = I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you.


6045 = The Oval Office

8112 = Monica Lewinsky

1509 = 15 November (9th month old-style)

1995 = 1995 A.D.  = 438097¹



III. Spirit of Jesus Crucified

(King James Bible, 1611)




9442 = THE KING OF THE IEWES – Mark 15:26

13383 = THIS IS THE KING OF THE IEWES – Luke 23:38


The Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland

Pagans’ Path to Perdition

7196 = Bergþórshváll

6067 = Miðeyjarhólmr

3027 = Helgafell – Holy Mountain/Rock of Christ’s Church

Sword of Christ

4000 = Flaming Sword – Cosmic Creative Power

Conceited Wits Confounded

-6960 = Jarðlig skilning – Earthly Understanding

5596 = Andlig spekðin – Spiritual Wisdom


Four Captaines/Royal Stars

Heralds of Christ Consciousness²

2682 = Aldebaran

4672 = Regulus

3583 = Antares

4385 = Fomalhaut

Christ Consciousness

(Construction G. T.)

4642 = Mörðr gígja³

Jesus Come and Gone

(Matt. 10:34)

19148 = Thinke not that I am come to send peace on earth;

15592 = I came not to send peace but a sword.



Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at: 

¹Abomination of Desolation

Message posted to friends on 26 February 2014:

While in Iceland last August, I met with Pétur Halldórsson at the Cafe Milano in Reykjavík. We discussed matters of mutual interest, including what my Saga Cipher work might “mean“.

I took a napkin and, for emphasis, wrote down the number 438097. This is the Cipher Sum of some three dozen names of persons, institutions, dates and events during the reference period, including two famous murder cases, a sex scandal in high places, and presumptive lies told in connection therewith.

I told Pétur (what I had long surmised) that I believed that this number was associated with a watershed event in human history whose final phase was upon our world.

An earth-shaking culmination of human and spiritual evolution.

²Four Royal Stars

The Four Royal Stars also called Archangel Stars are; Aldebaran (Michael), Regulus (Raphael), Antares (Uriel), and Fomalhaut (Gabriel). They are the brightest stars in their constellations and are considered the four guardians of the heavens. They mark seasonal changes of the year at the equinoxes and solstices. Aldebaran watches the Eastern sky and is the dominant star in the Taurus constellation. Regulus watches the North and is the dominant star in the Leo constellation. Antares watches the West and is the alpha star in Scorpio. Fomalhaut watches the Southern sky as the brightest star in Piscis Austrinus.

Cosmic Time Cycle

The East-West Axis of Aldebaran (Taurus) and Antares (Scorpio) as a pair, form the demarcation points of East and West that make the circuit through the Precession of the Equinoxes. This point is measured through the alignments made between these two stars and the Sun’s path, at their axis of rotation made around the Galactic Center. When these two stars are paired in the rotational measurement of equal axis alignment, this event marks the opening of the cosmic time cycle. When The Golden Gate activated recently, this reversed the positional movement of the East –West axis as per directed in the Divine Infinite Calculus. This is saying that these stars have changed their positions in the Galaxy from their previous time cycle, from the perspective of Cosmic Time. These stars form the Four Cardinal Directions (N-S-E-W) measured in the Cosmic Time Cycle, which are being adjusted to the Cosmic Compass designed by Divine Infinite Calculus. The new celestial direction in the cosmic time cycle form the Crown of the Magi, which is a type of Cosmic Celestial Time Calendar that opens Infinity. This is why they are referred to as the Four Royal Stars. At the end of the Precession of Equinoxes, they adjust position and form the Crown of the Magi. Those that wear this Celestial Crown are able to contact infinity, however, they must be embodied Christ Consciousness.

³Mörðr gígja


1 = Monad

10773 = Spiritus Sanctus

-10467 = Osiris-Isis-Horus

   4335 = Kristr


Flokkar: Óflokkað

Fimmtudagur 10.5.2018 - 15:25 - FB ummæli ()

Sturla Þórðarson og Stjörnu-Oddi

© Gunnar Tómasson

10. maí 2018


Snorri Sturluson og Stjörnu-Oddi

(9. maí 2018)



I + II + III + IV + V = 297975 + 160771 + 553002 + 29513 + 777077 = 1818338


I. Um þenna mann, Odda, gerðist undarligr atburðr

(Stjörnu-Odda Draumr, 1. kafli)


15253 = Frá því er at segja, at um þenna mann, Odda,

12483 = gerðist undarligr atburðr.

13047 = Hann fór heiman út til Flateyjar,

10629 = er Þórðr, húsbóndi hans,

13003 = sendi hann þessa ferð á vit fiska,

23848 = ok er eigi annars getit en þeim fórst vel til eyjarinnar.

9784 = Þar var hann í góðum beina.

14506 = Ekki er frá því sagt, hverr þar bjó.

23873 = En frá því er at segja, at um kveldit, er menn fóru í rekkju,

16364 = var vel búit um Odda ok hægliga, en við þat,

20912 = er Oddi var farmóðr ok veittr hógligr umbúnaðr,

16700 = þá sofnar hann brátt, ok dreymði hann þegar,

17627 = at hann þóttist staddr vera heima í Múla,

27465 = ok svá þótti honum sem þar væri kominn maðr til gistingar,

22405 = ok þótti honum sem menn færi í rekkju um kveldit.

21025 = Þótti honum gestrinn vera beðinn skemmtanar,

19052 = en hann tók til ok sagði sögu ok hóf á þessa leið:


II. Hann tók til ok sagði sögu ok hóf á þessa leið:

(Íslendinga saga, 138. kafli)


18475 = Sturla vaknaði, þá er skammt var sól farin.

22791 = Hann settist upp ok var sveittr um andlitit.

17458 = Hann strauk hendinni um kinnina ok mælti:

9582 = „Ekki er mark at draumum.”

17618 = Síðan stóð hann upp ok gekk til salernis

12704 = ok Illugi prestr með honum.

13626 = En er hann kom aftr, lá hann litla hríð,

11351 = áðr maðr kom í skálann ok kallaði:

14442 = „Nú ríðr flokkrinn Sunnlendinga

6230 = ok er herr manna.”

16494 = Hljópu menn þá þegar upp ok til vápna. 


III. Sögulok á Örlygsstaðafundi

(Íslendinga saga, 138. kafli)


29625 = Þessir menn létust á Örlygsstaðafundi með þeim er ór sárum dóu:

22464 = Sturla Sighvatsson vestan, Árni Auðunarson,

28882 = Snorri Þórðarson, Vigfúss Ívarsson, Ormr Halldórsson,

32913 = Marteinn Þorkelsson, Markús Þorgilsson, Gizurr Þórarinsson,

22820 = Hermundr Hermundarson, Þórir Steinfinnsson,

22748 = Valdi ok Áskell Skeggjasynir, Bersi Þorsteinsson,

23920 = – ór Vestfjörðum:  Krákr ok Sveinbjörn Hrafnssynir,

27408 = Markús Magnússon, Helgi Sveinsson, Þórðr Guðmundarson,

19253 = Eindriði smiðr, Þórðr Hallkelsson ok Ámundi,

23047 = Ögmundr Kolbeinsson, Jón kaupi, Dálkr Þorgilsson,

29008 = – en norðan: Sighvatr Sturluson, Þórðr ok Markús, synir hans,

23230 = Sighvatr Runólfsson, Ingjaldr stami, Þórðr daufi,

27632 = Einarr Ingjaldsson, Björn Gizurarson, Björn Þórarinsson,

26634 = Eyjólfr, Guðmundr Halldórsson, Sámr, Þórðr Eysteinsson,

21764 = Eiríkr Þorsteinsson, Björn Þorgrímsson,

23985 = – en lengra norðan:  Kolbeinn Sighvatsson, Páll Magnússon,

22645 = Þorgeirr Bjarnarson, Oddr Kárason, Skeggi Hallsson,

21445 = Sigurður Guðmundarson, Brandr Þorkelsson,

17678 = Brandr Einarsson, Ljótr, Loðinn Helgason;

24363 = – þessir létust af Gizuri:  Játgeirr Þórarinsson,

27260 = Sigfúss Tófason, Þorlákr Barkarson, Þorgils Steinason,

34278 = Þórðr Snorrason, Þorbjörn, Þóroddr, húskarl Teits Þorvaldssonar.


IV. Brennu-Njálssaga

(Túlkun G. T.)



1000 = Eldur Anda/Njálsbrenna

-4000 = Myrkt Sverð – Mannskepna


5327 = Brennu-Njáll

Maður sem Ímynd Guðs

7000 = Míkrókosmos


um kvæði Sturlu Þórðarsonar

(Sturlu þáttur, 2. kafli)

4335 = Kristr

15851 = „Þat ætla ek, at þú kveðir betr en páfinn.”


V. Ævikvöld Sturlu Þórðarsonar

(Sturlu þáttr, 3. kafli)


11406 = Þat er frá Sturlu sagt,

14494 = at hann fór til Íslands með lögbók þá,

13578 = er Magnús konungr hafði skipat.

17800 = Var hann þá skipaðr lögmaðr yfir allt Ísland.

11754 = Váru þá lagaskipti á Íslandi.

21286 = Tók hann þá við búi um haustit í Fagradal af Skeggja bónda.

20331  = Þann vetr var með Sturlu Þórðr Narfason.

14695 = Þat var eitt sinn um vetrinn,

27438 = at þangat kom til Sturlu Bárðr, sonr Einars Ásgrímssonar.

6304 = Hann fór á skipi.

15913 = En þann dag eftir, er þeir fóru á brott,

13830 = laust á veðri miklu fyrir þeim,

15178 = ok uggðu menn, at þeir myndi týnast.

18754 = Þórðr gekk út ok inn, hugði at, ef veðr minnkaði.

18778 = Ok eitt sinn, er hann kom inn, mælti Sturla:

9586 = „Vertu kátr, Þórðr,

20412 = eigi mun Bárðr, frændi þinn, drukkna í þessari ferð.”

16414 = „Þat muntu aldri vita,” segir Þórðr.

19352 = En þat fréttist þá síðar, sem Sturla sagði.

19458 = Nökkuru síðar um várit tók Bárðr sótt.

13487 = Þá spurði Þórðr Sturlu,

21258 = hvárt Bárðr myndi upp standa ór sóttinni eða eigi.

21614 = „Skil ek nú,” segir Sturla, “hví þú spyrr þessa,

11233 = en fá mér nú vaxspjöld mín.”

8919 = Lék hann þar at um hríð.

12606 = Litlu síðar mælti Sturla:

16020 = „Ór þessari sótt mun Bárðr andast.”

5603 = Þat fór svá.


18556 = Sturla fór þá til Staðarhóls búi sínu

18391 = ok hafði lögsögn, þar til er hófust deilur

15807 = milli kennimanna ok leikmanna um staðamál.

13251 = Lét Sturla þá lögsögn lausa

22601 = ok settist hjá öllum vandræðum, er þar af gerðust.

16332 = Margir menn heyrðu Árna byskup þat mæla, –

11524 = ok þótti þat merkiligt, –

21134 = at Sturla myndi nökkurs mikils góðs at njóta,

11589 = er hann gekk frá þessum vanda.

22005 = Tók þá lögsögn Jón Einarsson ok Erlendr sterki.


9837 = Sturla gerði bú í Fagrey,

22273 = en fekk Snorra, syni sínum, land á Staðarhóli til ábúðar.

23388 = Sat Sturla þá í góðri virðing, þar til er hann andaðist

14525 = einni nótt eftir Óláfsmessudag.

16437 = Var hann ok Óláfsmessudag fyrst í heim

11099 = ok Óláfsmessudag síðast.

17523 = Hann var þá nær sjautugr, er hann andaðist.

13252 = Var líkami hans færðr á Staðarhól

18342 = ok jarðaðr þar at kirkju Pétrs postula,

11438 = er hann hafði mesta elsku á haft

10272 = af öllum helgum mönnum.




Reiknivél sem umbreytir bókstöfum í tölugildi er hér:

Flokkar: Óflokkað

Fimmtudagur 10.5.2018 - 00:05 - FB ummæli ()

Snorri Sturluson og Stjörnu-Oddi

© Gunnar Tómasson

9. maí 2018


Vpon this rocke I will build my Church

(9. maí 2018)



III + IV + V = 401006 + 332037 + 1085295 = 1818338 


I. Snorri Sturluson fæddist upp í Odda

(Íslendinga saga, 10. kafli)


18562 = Snorri Sturluson fæddist upp í Odda

13745 = með Jóni Loftssyni, meðan hann lifði.

19121 = Var Snorri þá nítján vetra, er Jón andaðist.

19065 = Var hann þá með Sæmundi, fóstbróður sínum,

29224 = þar til er þeir Þórðr Sturluson báðu til handa honum Herdísar,

16623 = dóttur Bersa ins auðga frá Borg á Mýrum.

13348 = Hann átti átta hundruð hundraða.

11659 = 10763 = En Snorri var þá félauss,

21920 = því at móðir hans hafði eytt fjórum tigum hundraða,

14867 = þeim er hann tók eftir föður sinn.

21595 = Lagði Guðný þá Hvammsland til kvánarmundar Snorra

13019 = ok var brúðkaup þeira í Hvammi.

21100 = Var mælt, at Snorri skyldi eiga bú við móður sína.

18983 = En þau Herdís fóru um haustit suðr í Odda

11742 = ok sátu þar um vetrinn.


II. En þau Herdís fóru um haustit suðr í Odda

ok sátu þar um vetrinn

(Stjörnu-Odda Draumr, 1. kafli)


18946 = Þórðr hét maðr, er bjó í Múla norðr í Reykjardal.

13647 = Þar var á vist með honum sá maðr,

10694 = er Oddi hét ok var Helgason.

12857 = Hann var kallaðr Stjörnu-Oddi.

8767 = Hann var rímkænn maðr,

11368 = svá at engi maðr var hans maki

12060 = honum samtíða á öllu Íslandi,

14951 = ok at mörgu var hann annars vitr.

11412 = Ekki var hann skáld né kvæðinn.

15611 = Þess er ok einkum getit um hans ráð,

19220 = at þat höfðu menn fyrir satt, at hann lygi aldri,

11449 = ef hann vissi satt at segja,

14557 = ok at öllu var hann ráðvandr kallaðr

11285 = ok tryggðarmaðr inn mesti.

16845 = Félítill var hann ok ekki mikill verkmaðr.

Hulit kveðit

(Túlkun G. T.)

Hver er þar?

        1 = Monad

1000 = Heimsljós

7 = Maður Sjöunda Dags

Dráp Heimsljóss

(Njála, 111. k.)

11884 = „Guð hjálpi mér, en fyrirgefi yðr.”

Upphaf vetrar

2307 = 23. september

1241 = 1241 A.D.


4385 = Hagia Sophia – Guðleg vizka


25920 = Stórár Platons


13159 = Ártíð Snorra fólgsnarjarls


1000 = 1000 A.D.


III. Dráp Snorra Sturlusonar

(Íslendingasaga, 151. kafli)


29224 = Gizurr kom í Reykjaholt um nóttina eftir Mauritíusmessu.

20587 = Brutu þeir upp skemmuna, er Snorri svaf í.

23045 = En hann hljóp upp ok ór skemmunni í in litlu húsin,

9688 = er váru við skemmuna.

19023 = Fann hann þar Arnbjörn prest ok talaði við hann.

17663 = Réðu þeir þat, at Snorri gekk í kjallarann,

17668 = er var undir loftinu þar í húsunum.

21242 = Þeir Gizurr fóru at leita Snorra um húsin.

28547 = Þá fann Gizurr Arnbjörn prest ok spurði, hvar Snorri væri.

8875 = Hann kvaðst eigi vita.

22694 = Gizurr kvað þá eigi sættast mega, ef þeir fyndist eigi.

15638 = Prestr kvað vera mega, at hann fyndist,

12692 = ef honum væri griðum heitit.

22884 = Eftir þat urðu þeir varir við, hvar Snorri var.

25600 = Ok gengu þeir í kjallarann Markús Marðarson, Símon knútr,

26492 = Árni beiskr, Þorsteinn Guðinason, Þórarinn Ásgrímsson.

13048 = Símon knútr bað Árna höggva hann.

12169 = „Eigi skal höggva,” sagði Snorri.

8594 = „Högg þú,” sagði Símon.

12169 = „Eigi skal höggva,” sagði Snorri.

16079 = Eftir þat veitti Árni honum banasár,

17385 = ok báðir þeir Þorsteinn unnu á honum.


IV. Draumsvefn Stjörnu-Odda

(Túlkun G. T.)


6778 = Stjörnu-Oddi


     -1 = Monad

Upphaf vetrar

2307 = 23. September

1241 = 1241 A.D.


4385 = Hagia Sophia – Guðleg vizka


25920 = Stórár Platons


13159 = Ártíð Snorra fólgsnarjarls

Ný Manngerð

Send niður af himni ofan¹

(Virgil, Fourth Eclogue)

16609 = Ultima Cumaei venit iam carminis aetas;

20087 = Magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo.

18681 = Iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna,

18584 = Iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto.

20229 = Tu modo nascenti puero, quo ferrea primum

18431 = Desinet ac toto surget gens aurea mundo,

17698 = Casta fave Lucina: tuus iam regnat Apollo.

18480 = Teque adeo decus hoc aevi te consule, inibit,

18919 = Pollio, et incipient magni procedere menses;

22004 = Te duce, si qua manent sceleris vestigia nostri,

20495 = Inrita perpetua solvent formidine terras.

18330 = Ille deum vitam accipiet divisque videbit

20448 = Permixtos heroas et ipse videbitur illis

22153 = Pacatumque reget patriis virtutibus orbem.¹


7000 = Microcosmos – Maður sem Ímynd Guðs

  100 = Kvæðislok


V. Síðan hugði Oddi at um draum sinn

ok mundi gersamliga drauminn allan

(Stjörnu-Odda Draumr, 9. kafli)


13579 = Síðan hugði Oddi at um draum sinn

13927 = ok mundi gersamliga drauminn allan,

12510 = bæði inn fyrri ok svá inn síðara,

12035 = ok minntist síðan á drápuna,

15751 = þá er hann þóttist síðar kveðit hafa,

13437 = ok mundi hann eigi fleira í kvæðinu

23962 = heldr en þessar ellifu vísur, sem nú eru hér ritnar

9273 = ok þetta er upphaf at:


8445 = Geirviðr of nam greiða

10973 = gang, svát skreið ór þangi,

8063 = ok byrsóta beitti

6146 = barð út of lágarða,

10885 = ok seglhættu sóttu

10233 = snarpir meðr ór veðri,

8599 = blés við hún, und Höfða,

8599 = harðan vegg of seggjum.


7400 = Skeið náði þá skríða

11269 = skjót of bylgjur ljótar.

8675 = Fóru dyggir drengir

7257 = á dýrmörum hlýra.

7690 = Þar sák frægra fyrða

10418 = för prúðligsta görva.

10034 = Þó er gotneskra gumna

11031 = Geirviðr konungr þeira.


10479 = Sigldum Hofs fyrir höfða

9069 = herðendr skipa ferðum

8680 = göndul, grams, með landi,

12158 = gótt ráð var þat dróttar,

8224 = unz í Síldasundi

9617 = sigrgöfgaðir vigrum

10817 = hjuggu horskir seggir

9665 = hjörs andskota börva.


8419 = Ok skjaldmeyja skjóma

10037 = skerðendr ok svá gerðu,

7563 = at varfærir véar

6400 = í vág fyrir lágu.

7247 = Gátu ljónar líta

8968 = leiðangrs flota breiðan.

9022 = Hilmis fór und hjálmi

13032 = hirð, sú er vörn of firrðisk.


10920 = Brátt vöknuðu virðar

7248 = at vígboði þjóðar,

9776 = þá er Hlégunnar hestar

11057 = hafrastar mjök þustu

10184 = ok snarráðir sóttu

10916 = siklings vinir þingat.

10034 = Þó er gotneskra gumna

11031 = Geirviðr konungr þeira.


7761 = Ok hnigsólar Högna

7698 = hríð æxti þá síðan

6982 = blóðísunga beiðir,

6768 = bragna konr, af magni,

5947 = en vígroða víða

10144 = varp af rómu snarpri.

9838 = Sjár varð dökkr af dreyra,

12390 = drótt þá er hríðmál sótti.


12849 = Svipun gerðisk þar sverða,

9542 = saman kómu þar rómu,

11915 = göndul varð fyrir grundu,

14937 = grams drótt þvít vel sótti.

8410 = Geirviðr of vá geiri,

10056 = geirvaldr, í hlökk þeiri.

6400 = Blóðár sá ek í blóði.

10959 = Blóð stökk of skör þjóða.


7260 = Gerði hríð af hörðu

11365 = hirð sú, er fylkir stýrði.

8443 = Margr er gramr af gengi

8938 = göfugr tíginna jöfra.

9402 = Spyrkat ek frægra fyrða

8145 = ferð snjallari verða.

10034 = Þó er gotneskra gumna

11031 = Geirviðr konungr þeira.


9862 = Hlégunnar leit ek hingat

5937 = harðráðar ódáðir.

6049 = Ýfð með ylgjar höfði

7936 = eiskranlig réð geisa.

10678 = Trölls kjafta sá ek tyggja

10166 = tönnum hold af mönnum.

9257 = Með hnitgeirum hváfta

7266 = herða sókn of gerði.


7944 = Annat sté ek af öðru

6033 = Áta skíð of víði,

8111 = unz glæsimar Gylfa

9052 = gekk með hilmis rekkum,

7845 = ok ek siklingi sagðak,

8068 = sýslu ægis geisla

9056 = hvé grimmhuguð gerði

7121 = Gerðr of vígaferði,


10912 = Gramr leit hitt, hvar hafði

12656 = Hörn hvergymis stjörnu

8246 = höfuð á hauka stofni

8021 = heiðingja sér brúðar.

6022 = Ásynju lét elda

10111 = örvígr konungr hníga

7385 = flóðs af fyllar meiði

9317 = frægr, hinn er ekki vægði.


23290 = Nú er draum þessum lokit, er Stjörnu-Oddi dreymði,

25217 = eftir því sem hann sjálfr hefir sagt, ok má víst undarligr

16184 = ok fáheyrðr þykkja þessi fyrirburðr.

25060 = En þó þykkir flestum líkligt, at hann muni þat eina sagt hafa,

18467 = er honum hafi svá þótt verða í drauminum,

21215 = því at Oddi var reiknaðr bæði fróðr ok sannsögull.

22731 = Má ok ekki undrast, þótt kveðskaprinn sé stirðr,

12112 = því at í svefni var kveðit.




Reiknivél sem umbreytir bókstöfum í tölugildi er hér:

¹A New Breed of Men is Sent Down from Heaven

Now the last age by Cumae’s Sibyl sung has come and gone, and the majestic roll of circling centuries begins anew: justice returns, returns old Saturn’s reign, with a new breed of men sent down from heaven.  Only do thou, at the boy’s birth in whom the iron shall cease, the golden race arise, befriend him, chaste Lucina; ‘tis thine own Apollo reigns.  And in thy consulate, this glorious age, O Pollio, shall begin, and the months enter on their mighty march.  Under thy guidance, whatso tracks remain of our old wickedness, once done away, shall free the earth from never-ceasing fear.  He shall receive the life of gods, and see heroes with gods commingling, and himself be seen of them, and with his father’s worth reign o’er a world of peace.


Flokkar: Óflokkað

Miðvikudagur 9.5.2018 - 15:58 - FB ummæli ()

Vpon this Rock I will build my Church

© Gunnar Tómasson

9 May 2018

Reference Cipher Value

 (We are such stuffe as dreames are made on, 8 May 2018)



As in

I + II + III + IV = 810899 + 529042 + 468222 + 10175 = 1818338

I. Get thee behind mee, Satan;

thou art an offence vnto me

 (Matt. 16:13-27, KJB, 1611)



23675 = When Iesus came into the coasts of Cesarea Philippi,

11616 = he asked his disciples, saying,

17235 = Whom doe men say, that I, the sonne of man, am?


22774 = And they said, Some say that thou art Iohn the Baptist,

23541 = some Elias, and others Ieremias, or one of  the Prophets.


19313 = He saith vnto them, But whom say ye that I am?


14266 = And Simon Peter answered, and said,

19943 = Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God.


16129 = And Iesus answered, and said vnto him,

13647 = Blessed art thou Simon Bar Iona:

20799 = for flesh and blood hath not reueiled it vnto thee,

13923 = but my Father which is in heauen.


19578 = And I say also vnto thee, that thou art Peter,

19317 = and vpon this rocke I will build my Church:

20444 = and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it.


24422 = And I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen:

27217 = and whatsoeuer thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heauen:

28617 = whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heauen.


11853 = Then charged hee his disciples

26502 = that they should tel no man that he was Iesus the Christ.


29661 = From that time foorth began Iesus to shew vnto his disciples,

18499 = how that he must goe vnto Hierusalem,

26389 = and suffer many things of the Elders and chiefe Priests & Scribes,

14138 = and be killed, and be raised againe the third day.


19850 = Then Peter tooke him, and began to rebuke him, saying,

22014 = Be it farre from thee Lord: This shal not be vnto thee.


14777 = But he turned, and said vnto Peter,

20644 = Get thee behind mee, Satan, thou art an offence vnto me:

23056 = for thou sauourest not the things that be of God,

9994 = but those that be of men.


16638 = Then said Iesus vnto his disciples,

19428 = If any man will come after me, let him denie himselfe,

15967 = and take vp his crosse, and follow me.


23087 = For whosoeuer will saue his life, shall lose it:

26153 = and whosoeuer will lose his life for my sake, shall finde it.


26176 = For what is a man profited, if hee shal gaine the whole world,

11444 = and lose his owne soule?

21248 = Or what shall a man giue in exchange for his soule?


23180 = For the sonne of man shall come in the glory of his father,

7914 = with his Angels:

25821 = and then he shall reward euery man according to his works.


II. Get thee hence, Satan

 (Matt. Ch. 4:1-11, KJB, 1611)



28613 = Then was Iesus led vp of the Spirit into the Wildernesse,

11214 = to bee tempted of the deuill.


20530 = And when hee had fasted forty dayes and forty nights,

13181 = hee was afterward an hungred.


16482 = And when the tempter came to him, hee said,

10566 = If thou be the Sonne of God,

15281 = command that these stones bee made bread.


18472 = But he answered, and said, It is written,

11833 = Man shall not liue by bread alone,

26509 = but by euery Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.


20924 = Then the deuill taketh him vp into the holy Citie,

16520 = and setteth him on a pinacle of the Temple,


8004 = And saith vnto him,

20580 = If thou bee the Sonne of God, cast thy selfe downe:

28489 = For it is written, He shall giue his Angels charge concerning thee,

15292 = & in their handes they shall beare thee vp,

22323 = lest at any time thou dash thy foote against a stone.


19606 = Iesus said vnto him, It is written againe,

17802 = Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.


25356 = Againe the Deuill taketh him vp into an exceeding high mountaine,

20642 = and sheweth him all the kingdomes of the world

8143 = and the glory of them:


22688 = And saith vnto him, All these things will I give thee

19710 = if thou wilt fall downe and worship me.


12627 = Then saith Iesus vnto him,

17837 = Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written,

18110 = Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God,

13398 = and him onely shalt thou serue.


11082 = Then the deuill leaveth him,

17228 = and behold, Angels came and ministred vnto him.


III. Abomination of Desolation¹

The sonne of man shall come in the glory

of his father, with his Angels

(Contemporary history)


The Gates of Hell

13031 = International Monetary Fund

9948 = Harvard University

7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands – Central Bank of Iceland = 30125

Right Measure of Man


8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

Modes of Persecution

11587 = Character Assassination

5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity

7750 = Psychiatric Rape

6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander

16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice

Persecutors – Jesting Pilates

U.S. Government

12867 = William Jefferson Clinton – President

4496 = Janet Reno – Attorney General

International Monetary Fund

8899 = Jacques de Larosière – Managing Director

7678 = Michel Camdessus – Managing Director

5517 = William B. Dale – Deputy Managing Director

2713 = Dick Erb – Deputy Managing Director

6584 = Jacques J. Polak – Economic Counsellor

4734 = Tun Thin – Asian Department Director

9349 = W. John R. Woodley – Asian Department Deputy Director

3542 = Ken Clark – Director of Administration

3339 = Graeme Rea – Director of Administration

3227 = P. N. Kaul – Deputy Director of Administration

5446 = Nick Zumas – Grievance Committee Chairman

Harvard University

3625 = Derek C. Bok – President

8175 = Henry Rosovsky – Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

8566 = James S. Duesenberry – Chairman, Department of Economics

11121 = Paul Anthony Samuelson – Ph. D., Nobel Laureate in Economics

8381 = Walter S. Salant – Ph. D., Brookings Institution Senior Fellow

Iceland Government

10244 = Vigdís Finnbogadóttir – President

11361 = Salóme Þorkelsdóttir – Althing President

6028 = Davíð Oddsson – Prime Minister

10295 = Þorsteinn Pálsson – Minister of Justice

8316 = Jón Sigurðsson – Minister of Commerce

5940 = Jónas H. Haralz – World Bank Executive Director

Other Iceland

6648 = Jóhannes Nordal – Central Bank Governor

8864 = Bjarni Bragi Jónsson – Central Bank Chief Economist

14314 = Benjamín Jón Hafsteinn Eiríksson – Harvard Ph. D.

9720 = Matthías Jóhannessen – Editor, Morgunblaðið


10989 = Orenthal James Simpson

8015 = John & Patsy Ramsey

4953 = Osama bin Laden

Violent Crimes

3586 = Murder


6899 = Nicole Brown

4948 = Ron Goldman

6100 = Brentwood

1204 = 12 June (4th month old-style)

1994 = 1994 A.D.


3718 = Jonbenet

3503 = Boulder

2510 = 25 December (10th month old-style)

1996 = 1996 A.D.


5557 = The Pentagon

9596 = World Trade Center

1107 = 11 September (7th month old-style)

2001 = 2001 A.D.


7920 = Excelsior Hotel

5060 = Paula Jones

803 = 8 May (3rd month old-style)

1991 = 1991 A.D.

4014 = Kiss it!


8486 = The White House

7334 = Kathleen Willey

2909 = 29 November (9th month old-style)

1993 = 1993 A.D.

22091 = I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you.


6045 = The Oval Office

8112 = Monica Lewinsky

1509 = 15 November (9th month old-style)

1995 = 1995 A.D.  = 438097¹


IV. And then he shall reward euery man

according to his works

(Construction G. T.)


Day of Wrath

  3321 = Dies Irae

Man rewarded

according to his works

 -5975 = Simon Peter

Christ‘s Church

  5829 = Simon bar Iona

  7000 = Microcosmos – Man in God‘s Image



Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at: 

¹Abomination of Desolation

Message posted to friends on 26 February 2014:

While in Iceland last August, I met with Pétur Halldórsson at the Cafe Milano in Reykjavík. We discussed matters of mutual interest, including what my Saga Cipher work might “mean“.

I took a napkin and, for emphasis, wrote down the number 438097. This is the Cipher Sum of some three dozen names of persons, institutions, dates and events during the reference period, including two famous murder cases, a sex scandal in high places, and presumptive lies told in connection therewith.

I told Pétur (what I had long surmised) that I believed that this number was associated with a watershed event in human history whose final phase was upon our world.

An earth-shaking culmination of human and spiritual evolution.



Flokkar: Óflokkað

Miðvikudagur 9.5.2018 - 03:23 - FB ummæli ()

We are such stuffe as dreames are made on

© Gunnar Tómasson

8 May 2018


Saga-Shakespeare Myth and Prophecy


878864 = The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke – First Folio

223972 = We are such stuff as dreames are made on/Rich gifts wax poore etc.

152980 = Völuspá – Sybil’s Prophecy (Stratfordian Myth)

94300 = Spiritual Wisdom Incarnate – Platonic-Augustan-Saga-Shakespeare Authors

468222 = Francis Bacon’s Coming of Christ Prophecy/Abomination of Desolation


13th Century Saga


              1 = Monad – All is One

1818337 = Draumur Stjörnu-Odda – Dream of Stjörnu-Oddi/Star Point



To one familiar with the imagery of Saga-Shakespeare Myth, the curious story told in Chs. 1 and 4 of Draumur Stjörnu-Odda reads like a brilliant literary synthesis of the essential aspects of the Cipher Story which is set forth in the thematically related texts shown in detail below.

I have not translated the text because it would be of limited use to readers who are not famiiar with the imagery of Saga-Shakespeare Myth.

However, interested readers can ascertain by use of the Saga Cipher calculator that the Cipher Value of the two chapters of Draumur Stjörnu-Odda matches the Cipher Sum texts written centuries later – in the Shakespeare period and in recent decades.


I. To be or not to be, that is the question

(Hamlet, Act III, Sc. i. First Folio)


5415 = Enter Hamlet.


18050 = To be, or not to be, that is the Question:

19549 = Whether ’tis Nobler in the minde to suffer

23467 = The Slings and Arrowes of outragious Fortune,

17893 = Or to take Armes against a Sea of troubles,

16211 = And by opposing end them: to dye, to sleepe

13853 = No more; and by a sleepe, to say we end

20133 = The Heart-ake, and the thousand Naturall shockes

19800 = That Flesh is heyre too?  ‘Tis a consummation

17421 = Deuoutly to be wish’d. To dye to sleepe,

19236 = To sleepe, perchance to Dreame; I, there’s the rub,

19794 = For in that sleepe of death, what dreames may come,

21218 = When we haue shufflel’d off this mortall coile,

20087 = Must giue vs pawse. There’s the respect

13898 = That makes Calamity of so long life:

24656 = For who would beare the Whips and Scornes of time,

24952 = The Oppressors wrong, the poore mans Contumely,

18734 = The pangs of dispriz’d Loue, the Lawes delay,

16768 = The insolence of Office, and the Spurnes

20720 = That patient merit of the vnworthy takes,

17879 = When he himselfe might his Quietus make

21696 = With a bare Bodkin? Who would these Fardles beare

17807 = To grunt and sweat vnder a weary life,

17426 = But that the dread of something after death,

21935 = The vndiscouered Countrey, from whose Borne

20927 = No Traueller returnes, Puzels the will,

19000 = And makes vs rather beare those illes we haue,

20119 = Then flye to others that we know not of.

20260 = Thus Conscience does make Cowards of vs all,

18787 = And thus the Natiue hew of Resolution

21086 = Is sicklied o’re, with the pale cast of Thought,

17836 = And enterprizes of great pith and moment,

22968 = With this regard their Currants turne away,

18723 = And loose the name of Action.  Soft you now,

16746 = The faire Ophelia? Nimph, in thy Orizons

9726 = Be all my sinnes remembred.


5047 = Good my Lord,

17675 = How does your Honor for this many a day?


17391 = I humbly thanke you: well, well, well.


15437 = My Lord, I haue Remembrances of yours,

14927 = That I haue longed long to re-deliuer.

12985 = I pray you now, receiue them.


12520 = No, no, I neuer gaue you ought.


19402 = My honor’d Lord, I know right well you did,

24384 = And with them words of so sweet breath compos’d,

19172 = As made the things more rich, then perfume left:

14959 = Take these againe, for to the Noble minde

24436 = Rich gifts wax poore, when giuers proue vnkinde.

5753 = There my Lord.


II. We are such stuffe as dreames are made on

And our little life is rounded with a sleepe

(The Tempest, Act IV, Sc. i. First Folio)



15483 = You doe looke (my son) in a mou’d sort,

16757 = As if you were dismaid:  be cheerefull Sir,

20683 = Our Reuels now are ended: These our actors,

17926 = (As I foretold you) were all Spirits, and

14313 = Are melted into Ayre, into thin Ayre,

18400 = And like the baselesse fabricke of this vision

22618 = The Clowd-capt Towres, the gorgeous Pallaces,

18377 = The solemne Temples, the great Globe it selfe

17582 = Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolue

16848 = And like this insubstantiall Pageant faded

17878 = Leave not a racke behinde. We are such stuffe

15647 = As dreames are made on, and our little life

11460 = Is rounded with a sleepe.


III. My Lord, I haue Remembrances of yours

(Hamlet, Act III, Sc. i. First Folio)



15437 = My Lord, I haue Remembrances of yours,

14927 = That I haue longed long to re-deliuer.

12985 = I pray you now, receiue them.


12520 = No, no, I neuer gaue you ought.


19402 = My honor’d Lord, I know right well you did,

24384 = And with them words of so sweet breath compos’d,

19172 = As made the things more rich, then perfume left:

14959 = Take these againe, for to the Noble minde

24436 = Rich gifts wax poore, when giuers proue vnkinde.

5753 = There my Lord.

Take these againe, for to the Noble minde

Rich gifts was poore, when giuers proue vnkinde

(Construction G. T.)


-4000 = Dark Sword – Man-Beast

8583 = What is truth? – Pontius Pilate, John 18:38

The Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland

Pagans’ Path to Perdition

 7196 = Bergþórshváll

6067 = Miðeyjarhólmr

3027 = Helgafell – Holy Mountain/Rock of Christ’s Church

Cosmic Time

25920 = Platonic Great Year


Four Captaines/Royal Stars

Heralds of Christ Consciousness¹

2682 = Aldebaran

4672 = Regulus

3583 = Antares

4385 = Fomalhaut

Our Little Life

-2118 = TIME, End of


III. Völuspá – Sybil’s Prophecy

(Saga-Shakespeare Myth)



4714 = Völuspá – (Edda Cosmogonic Poem)

1000 = Light of the World

Light of the World Incarnate

(Stratford, Holy Trinity Church)







Four Captaines/Royal Stars

Heralds of Christ Consciousness¹

2682 = Aldebaran

4672 = Regulus

3583 = Antares

4385 = Fomalhaut


4000 = Flaming Sword – Coming of Christ


-6960 = Jarðlig skilning – Earthly Understanding

5596 = Andlig spekðin – Spiritual Wisdom


IV. Spiritual Wisdom Incarnate

(Construction G. T.)


4946 = Socrates

1654 = ION

3412 = Platon

14209 = Quintus Horatius Flaccus

12337 = Publius Virgilius Maro

11999 = Sextus Propertius

11249 = Publius Ovidius Naso

11359 = Snorri Sturluson

9814 = Sturla Þórðarson

5385 = Francis Bacon

7936 = Edward Oxenford


V. Francis Bacon’s Coming-of-Christ Prophecy

(Essay, Of Truth, 1625. Omega)


19395 = Surely the Wickednesse of Falshood, and Breach

20429 = of Faith, cannot possibly be so highly expressed,

18582 = as in that it shall be the last Peale, to call the

19854 = Iudgements of God, vpon the Generations of Men,

20293 = It being foretold, that when Christ commeth,

15732 = He shall not finde faith vpon the earth.


-1000 = Darkness

Shakespeare‘s First Work

(Venus and Adonis, 1593)


20084 = Henrie Vvriothesley, Earle of Southampton,

8814 = and Baron of Titchfield.


21943 = Right Honourable, I know not how I shall offend

23463 = in dedicating my vnpolisht lines to your Lordship,

25442 = nor how the worlde vvill censure mee for choosing

25266 = so strong a proppe to support so vveake a burthen,

17161 = onelye if your Honour seeme but pleased,

13387 = I account my selfe highly praised,

18634 = and vowe to take aduantage of all idle houres,

23217 = till I haue honoured you vvith some grauer labour.

23437 = But if the first heire of my inuention proue deformed,

15796 = I shall be sorie it had so noble a god-father:

12970 = and neuer after eare so barren a land,

16690 = for feare it yeeld me still so bad a haruest,

17496 = l leaue it to your Honourable suruey,

18884 = and your Honor to your hearts content,

27199 = vvhich I wish may alvvaies answere your ovvne vvish,

17766 = and the vvorlds hopefull expectation.


11662 = Your Honors in all dutie,

9322 = William Shakespeare

Deformed First Heire

(Hamlet, 1894)

-23684 = Hamlet, Son to the late and Nephew to the present King

Hamlet‘s Father – William Shakespeare

(Hamlet, Act I, Sc. ii – 1769 Jubilee)

Take him for all in all

         1 = Monad






20293 = It being foretold, that when Christ commeth,

15732 = He shall not finde faith vpon the earth.



Christ Consciousness


        1 = Monad

15322 = Four Royal Stars

Christ Consciousness

7524 = The Second Coming

4000 = Flaming Sword – Cosmic Creative Power

9178 = Gaukr Trandilsson – Male/Female Embodiment of Christ Consciousnes



Our Little Life


8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

Rounded with Sleep

4335 = Kristr – Christ

1000 = Light of the World

804 = 8 June – 4th month old-style

1976 = 1976 A.D.

7000 = Microcosmos – Man in God’s Image




VII. Abomination of Desolation²

He shall not finde faith vpon the earth.

(Contemporary history)


The Gates of Hell

13031 = International Monetary Fund

9948 = Harvard University

7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands – Central Bank of Iceland = 30125

Right Measure of Man


8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

Modes of Persecution

11587 = Character Assassination

5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity

7750 = Psychiatric Rape

6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander

16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice

Persecutors – Jesting Pilates

U.S. Government

12867 = William Jefferson Clinton – President

4496 = Janet Reno – Attorney General

International Monetary Fund

8899 = Jacques de Larosière – Managing Director

7678 = Michel Camdessus – Managing Director

5517 = William B. Dale – Deputy Managing Director

2713 = Dick Erb – Deputy Managing Director

6584 = Jacques J. Polak – Economic Counsellor

4734 = Tun Thin – Asian Department Director

9349 = W. John R. Woodley – Asian Department Deputy Director

3542 = Ken Clark – Director of Administration

3339 = Graeme Rea – Director of Administration

3227 = P. N. Kaul – Deputy Director of Administration

5446 = Nick Zumas – Grievance Committee Chairman

Harvard University

3625 = Derek C. Bok – President

8175 = Henry Rosovsky – Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

8566 = James S. Duesenberry – Chairman, Department of Economics

11121 = Paul Anthony Samuelson – Ph. D., Nobel Laureate in Economics

8381 = Walter S. Salant – Ph. D., Brookings Institution Senior Fellow

Iceland Government

10244 = Vigdís Finnbogadóttir – President

11361 = Salóme Þorkelsdóttir – Althing President

6028 = Davíð Oddsson – Prime Minister

10295 = Þorsteinn Pálsson – Minister of Justice

8316 = Jón Sigurðsson – Minister of Commerce

5940 = Jónas H. Haralz – World Bank Executive Director

Other Iceland

    6648 = Jóhannes Nordal – Central Bank Governor

8864 = Bjarni Bragi Jónsson – Central Bank Chief Economist

14314 = Benjamín Jón Hafsteinn Eiríksson – Harvard Ph. D.

9720 = Matthías Jóhannessen – Editor, Morgunblaðið


10989 = Orenthal James Simpson

8015 = John & Patsy Ramsey

4953 = Osama bin Laden

Violent Crimes

3586 = Murder


6899 = Nicole Brown

4948 = Ron Goldman

6100 = Brentwood

1204 = 12 June (4th month old-style)

1994 = 1994 A.D.


3718 = Jonbenet

3503 = Boulder

2510 = 25 December (10th month old-style)

1996 = 1996 A.D.


5557 = The Pentagon

9596 = World Trade Center

1107 = 11 September (7th month old-style)

2001 = 2001 A.D.


7920 = Excelsior Hotel

5060 = Paula Jones

803 = 8 May (3rd month old-style)

1991 = 1991 A.D.

4014 = Kiss it!


8486 = The White House

7334 = Kathleen Willey

2909 = 29 November (9th month old-style)

1993 = 1993 A.D.

22091 = I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you.


6045 = The Oval Office

8112 = Monica Lewinsky

1509 = 15 November (9th month old-style)

1995 = 1995 A.D.  = 438097²


VIII. Draumur Stjörnu-Odda – Stjörnu-Oddi’s Dream

(13th century Icelandic Saga)



      1 = Monad – All is One

The Dream


Ch. 1

18946 = Þórðr hét maðr, er bjó í Múla norðr í Reykjardal.

13647 = Þar var á vist með honum sá maðr,

10694 = er Oddi hét ok var Helgason.

12857 = Hann var kallaðr Stjörnu-Oddi.

8767 = Hann var rímkænn maðr,

11368 = svá at engi maðr var hans maki

12060 = honum samtíða á öllu Íslandi,

14951 = ok at mörgu var hann annars vitr.

11412 = Ekki var hann skáld né kvæðinn.

15611 = Þess er ok einkum getit um hans ráð,

19220 = at þat höfðu menn fyrir satt, at hann lygi aldri,

11449 = ef hann vissi satt at segja,

14557 = ok at öllu var hann ráðvandr kallaðr

11285 = ok tryggðarmaðr inn mesti.

16845 = Félítill var hann ok ekki mikill verkmaðr.


15253 = Frá því er at segja, at um þenna mann, Odda,

12483 = gerðist undarligr atburðr.

13047 = Hann fór heiman út til Flateyjar,

10629 = er Þórðr, húsbóndi hans,

13003 = sendi hann þessa ferð á vit fiska,

23848 = ok er eigi annars getit en þeim fórst vel til eyjarinnar.

9784 = Þar var hann í góðum beina.

14506 = Ekki er frá því sagt, hverr þar bjó.

23873 = En frá því er at segja, at um kveldit, er menn fóru í rekkju,

16364 = var vel búit um Odda ok hægliga, en við þat,

20912 = er Oddi var farmóðr ok veittr hógligr umbúnaðr,

16700 = þá sofnar hann brátt, ok dreymði hann þegar,

17627 = at hann þóttist staddr vera heima í Múla,

27465 = ok svá þótti honum sem þar væri kominn maðr til gistingar,

22405 = ok þótti honum sem menn færi í rekkju um kveldit.

21025 = Þótti honum gestrinn vera beðinn skemmtanar,

19052 = en hann tók til ok sagði sögu ok hóf á þessa leið:

Ch. 4

20846 = En þegar þessi maðr, Dagfinnr, var nefndr í sögunni,

17452 = þá er frá því at segja, er mjök er undarligt,

13601 = at þá brá því við í drauminum Odda,

23187 = at hann Oddi sjálfr þóttist vera þessi maðr, Dagfinnr,

2987 = en gestrinn, sá er söguna sagði,

4645 = er nú ór sögunni ok drauminum,

20853 = en þá þóttist hann sjálfr sjá ok vita allt þat,

9447 = er heðan af er í drauminum.

14586 = En nú síðan er drauminn svá at segja

19258 = sem honum þótti sjálfum fyrir sik bera, Odda,

13619 = þá þóttist hann vera Dagfinnr

17995 = ok ráðast í ferðina með konunginum Geirviði.


10492 = En er þeir váru albúnir,

19453 = þá riðu þeir tveir saman með vápnum sínum,

16099 = til þess er þeir kómu á Jöruskóg,

13772 = þangat sem illvirkjanna var ván,

11362 = en þar var svá við vaxit,

11432 = at gata var breið um skóginn,

23755 = ok er þeir kómu mjök langt í skóginn, þá er þess getit,

16957 = at þar varð fyrir þeim hóll einn mjök hár.

12355 = Hann var brattr öllum megin.

12472 = Síðan gengu þeir upp á hólinn

14207 = ok vildu þaðan sjást um ok vita,

18155 = hverra tíðenda þeir mætti vissir verða.

15664 = Margt smágrjót var á hóli þessum.

6901 = Þaðan sá þeir víða.


15705 = Þeir geta at líta, hvar ganga tveir menn.

11898 = Þeir váru miklir vexti

13782 = ok gengu þegar þangat at hólinum,

12058 = sem þeir konungr stóðu.

16048 = Þessir menn váru báðir vel vápnaðir.

20200 = En þegar þeir konungr ok Dagfinnr sá þessa menn,

23428 = þá þóttust þeir vita, at þar váru þeir komnir,

5972 = Garpr ok Gnýr.

6983 = Þá mælti Dagfinnr:

12001 = „Herra, ek vil yðr kunnigt gera,

14761 = at ek er eigi mjök vanr vápnaskipti,

20931 = ok kann ek lítt at treysta hug mínum né vápnfimi.

26706 = Nú vil ek, at þér kjósið um tvá kosti, hvárt þér vilið heldr,

21901 = at ek ráðist mót berserkjunum með þér, eða villtu,

17462 = at ek sjá til yðvarrar sameignar af hólinum

15545 = ok kunna ek frá at segja öðrum mönnum.“


7975 = Konungr svarar:

18688 = „Ef þér lér nökkut tveggja huga um þetta mál,

20680 = þá þykkir mér einsætt, at þú sér hér á hólinum

14582 = ok sjáir heðan til sameignar várrar

16690 = ok komir eigi nær við vár vápnaskipti.“

17454 = Dagfinnr tekr þat ráð, sem konungr mælti,

20073 = ok dvaldist eftir á hólinum ok kemr hvergi nær,

13993 = ok þykkir honum þat allráðligt,

18842 = en konungrinn sjálfr ræðst ofan af hólinum

9448 = í móti stigamönnum.

12468 = Þar kann eigi glöggliga frá at segja,

11733 = hversu högg fóru með þeim,

14545 = ok mun ek þar gera skjóta frásögu,

15294 = því at þat er þar frá lykðum at segja,

13205 = at svá skipti hamingjan með þeim,

15555 = því at konungi var lagit líf ok lykka,

13367 = at hann bar af báðum illvirkjunum,

16359 = ok létust þeir af stórum sárum,

12341 = er konungr hafði þeim veitt.


19943 = Ok eftir þat er illvirkjarnir váru fallnir,

22345 = þá gengu þeir konungr ok Dagfinnr fram á götuna lengra

8993 = ok kómu þar at farandi,

20080 = er stígr lítill lá af þjóðbrautinni í skóginn.

22373 = Þeir höfðu litla stund gengit þann inn litla stíg,

20495 = áðr brátt gerðist rjóðr mjök mikit í mörkinni,

10350 = ok stóð þar eitt hús.

13662 = Þat hús var hátt ok rammgert

15938 = ok læst ok grafinn lykill í dyrigætti.

18612 = Þeir luku upp húsinu ok gengu þar inn.

12282 = Þat hús var vel innan búit

16084 = ok var náliga fullt af alls kyns auðæfum.

12639 = Þar váru þeir um nóttina,

18862 = ok skorti þar hvárki góðan drykk né dýran mat,

16579 = en um morgininn fóru þeir heimleiðis,

14069 = ok hulðu áðr hræ útilegumannanna.


18627 = En er konungrinn kom heim til ríkis síns,

14401 = þá varð hann frægr mjök víða um lönd

15801 = af sínu þrekvirki ok ágætum sigri,

25756 = ok urðu allir vinir konungsins ok frændr honum fegnir,

15034 = er hann kom heim með göfugligum sigri,

20034 = ok þóttust menn hann náliga ór helju heimt hafa,

3509 = sem var.



Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:

¹Four Royal Stars

The Four Royal Stars also called Archangel Stars are; Aldebaran (Michael), Regulus (Raphael), Antares (Uriel), and Fomalhaut (Gabriel). They are the brightest stars in their constellations and are considered the four guardians of the heavens. They mark seasonal changes of the year at the equinoxes and solstices. Aldebaran watches the Eastern sky and is the dominant star in the Taurus constellation. Regulus watches the North and is the dominant star in the Leo constellation. Antares watches the West and is the alpha star in Scorpio. Fomalhaut watches the Southern sky as the brightest star in Piscis Austrinus.

Cosmic Time Cycle

The East-West Axis of Aldebaran (Taurus) and Antares (Scorpio) as a pair, form the demarcation points of East and West that make the circuit through the Precession of the Equinoxes. This point is measured through the alignments made between these two stars and the Sun’s path, at their axis of rotation made around the Galactic Center. When these two stars are paired in the rotational measurement of equal axis alignment, this event marks the opening of the cosmic time cycle. When The Golden Gate activated recently, this reversed the positional movement of the East –West axis as per directed in the Divine Infinite Calculus. This is saying that these stars have changed their positions in the Galaxy from their previous time cycle, from the perspective of Cosmic Time. These stars form the Four Cardinal Directions (N-S-E-W) measured in the Cosmic Time Cycle, which are being adjusted to the Cosmic Compass designed by Divine Infinite Calculus. The new celestial direction in the cosmic time cycle form the Crown of the Magi, which is a type of Cosmic Celestial Time Calendar that opens Infinity. This is why they are referred to as the Four Royal Stars. At the end of the Precession of Equinoxes, they adjust position and form the Crown of the Magi. Those that wear this Celestial Crown are able to contact infinity, however, they must be embodied Christ Consciousness.

²Abomination of Desolation

Message posted to friends on 26 February 2014:

While in Iceland last August, I met with Pétur Halldórsson at the Cafe Milano in Reykjavík. We discussed matters of mutual interest, including what my Saga Cipher work might “mean“.

I took a napkin and, for emphasis, wrote down the number 438097. This is the Cipher Sum of some three dozen names of persons, institutions, dates and events during the reference period, including two famous murder cases, a sex scandal in high places, and presumptive lies told in connection therewith.

I told Pétur (what I had long surmised) that I believed that this number was associated with a watershed event in human history whose final phase was upon our world.

An earth-shaking culmination of human and spiritual evolution.


Flokkar: Óflokkað

Þriðjudagur 8.5.2018 - 01:46 - FB ummæli ()

Pagans‘ Path to Perdition – Myth and History

© Gunnar Tómasson

7 May 2018

I. Double, double, toile and trouble,

Fire burne and Cauldron bubble

(Macbeth, Act IV, Sc. i. First Folio)


16158 = Thunder. Enter the three Witches.

First Witch

13444 = Thrice the brinded cat hath mew’d.

Second Witch

14383 = Thrice, and once the Hedge-Pigge whin’d.

Third Witch

14970 = Harpier cries, ‘tis time, ‘tis time.

First Witch

11758 = Round about the Caldron go:

15984 = In the poysond Entrailes throw

12082 = Toad, that vnder cold stone,

12923 = Dayes and Nights, ha’s thirty one:

14437 = Sweltred Venom sleeping got,

14895 = Boyle thou first i’ th’ charmed pot.


13172 = Double, double, toile and trouble;

11588 = Fire burne, and Cauldron bubble.

Second Witch

8178 = Fillet of a Fenny Snake,

10437 = In the Cauldron boyle and bake:

11711 = Eye of Newt, and Toe of Frogge,

13512 = Wooll of Bat, and tongue of Dogge:

16028 = Adders Forke, and Blinde-wormes Sting,

15217 = Lizards legge, and Howlets wing.

16006 = For a Charme of powrefull trouble,

11016 = Like a Hell-broth, boyle and bubble.


13172 = Double, double, toyle and trouble,

11588 = Fire burne, and Cauldron bubble.

Third Witch

13830 = Scale of Dragon, Tooth of Wolfe,

14094 = Witches Mummey, Maw and Gulfe

11970 = Of the rauin’d salt Sea Sharke:

12718 = Roote of Hemlocke, digg’d i’ th’ darke,

11160 = Liuer of Blaspheming Iew,

13238 = Gall of Goate, and Slippes of Yew,

13986 = Sliuer’d in the Moones Ecclipse:

14573 = Nose of Turke, and Tartars lips:

11356 = Finger of Birth-strangled Babe,

7852 = Ditch-deliuer’d by a Drab,

12633 = Make the Grewell thicke and slab.

13672 = Adde thereto a Tigers Chawdron,

15627 = For th’Ingredience of our Cawdron.


13172 = Double, double, toyle and trouble,

11588 = Fire burne, and Cauldron bubble.

Third Witch

13027 = Coole it with a Baboones blood,

12471 = Then the Charme is firme and good.


17991 = Enter Hecat, and the other Three Witches.


17845 = O well done: I commend your paines,

13962 = And euery one shall share i’ th’ gaines:

14707 = And now about the Cauldron sing

11638 = Like Elues and Fairies in a ring,

13662 = Inchanting all that you put in.


14316 = Musicke and a Song. Blacke Spirits, &c. [&c.=100]


II. Pagans’ Path to Perdition and Christ’s Church

(King James Bible and Saga-Shakespeare Myth)


Get thee behind mee, Satan

(Matt. 16:13-23, KJB 1611)


23675 = When Iesus came into the coasts of Cesarea Philippi,

11616 = he asked his disciples, saying,

17235 = Whom doe men say, that I, the sonne of man, am?


22774 = And they said, Some say that thou art Iohn the Baptist,

23541 = some Elias, and others Ieremias, or one of  the Prophets.


19313 = He saith vnto them, But whom say ye that I am?


14266 = And Simon Peter answered, and said,

19943 = Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God.


16129 = And Iesus answered, and said vnto him,

13647 = Blessed art thou Simon Bar Iona:

20799 = for flesh and blood hath not reueiled it vnto thee,

13923 = but my Father which is in heauen.


19578 = And I say also vnto thee, that thou art Peter,

19317 = and vpon this rocke I will build my Church:

20444 = and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it.


24422 = And I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen:

27217 = and whatsoeuer thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heauen:

28617 = whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heauen.


11853 = Then charged hee his disciples

26502 = that they should tel no man that he was Iesus the Christ.


29661 = From that time foorth began Iesus to shew vnto his disciples,

18499 = how that he must goe vnto Hierusalem,

26389 = and suffer many things of the Elders and chiefe Priests & Scribes,

14138 = and be killed, and be raised againe the third day.


19850 = Then Peter tooke him, and began to rebuke him, saying,

22014 = Be it farre from thee Lord: This shal not be vnto thee.


14777 = But he turned, and said vnto Peter,

20644 = Get thee behind mee, Satan, thou art an offence vnto me:

23056 = for thou sauourest not the things that be of God,

9994 = but those that be of men.

Thou – Simon Peter – art an offence vnto me

4988 = The Vatican

The Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland

Pagans’ Path to Perdition

7196 = Bergþórshváll

6067 = Miðeyjarhólmr

3027 = Helgafell – Holy Mountain/Rock of Christ’s Church

Conceited Wits


-6960 = Jarðlig skilning – Earthly Understanding

5596 = Andlig spekðin – Spiritual Wisdom


 III. By the pricking of my thumbes

Something wicked this way comes

(Macbeth, Act IV, Sc. i – cont.)


Second Witch

12156 = By the pricking of my Thumbes,

16409 = Something wicked this way comes:

14186 = Open Lockes, who euer knockes.


5476 = Enter Macbeth


18711 = How now you secret, black, & midnight Hags?

8433 = What is’t you do?


8618 = A deed without a name.


19651 = I coniure you, by that which you Professe,

19886 = (How ere you come to know it) answer me:

21430 = Though you vntye the Windes, and let them fight

21432 = Against the Churches; Though the yesty Waues,

18289 = Confound and swallow Nauigation vp:

20413 = Though bladed Corne be lodg’d, & Trees blown downe,

22021 = Though Castles topple on their Warders heads:

15832 = Though Pallaces, and Pyramids do slope

25236 = Their heads to their Foundations: Though the treasure

16938 = Of Natures Germaine tumble altogether,

19669 = Euen till destruction sicken: Answer me

8958 = To what I aske you.

First Witch

2557 = Speake.

Second Witch

1862 = Demand.

Third Witch

7343 = Wee’l answer.

First Witch

21524 = Say, if th’hadst rather heare it from our mouthes,

10598 = Or from our Masters.


6847 = Call ‘em: let me see ‘em.

First Witch

18091 = Powre in Sowes blood, that hath eaten

18549 = Her nine Farrow: Greaze that’s sweaten

16177 = From the Murderers Gibbet, throw

5736 = Into the Flame.


7924 = Come high or low:

17648 = Thy Selfe and office deaftly show. Thunder.


8768 = 1. Apparition, an Armed Head.


16018 = Tell me, thou vnknowne power.

First Witch

11560 = He knowes thy thought.

16375 = Heare his speech, but say thou nought.

1. Apparition

8121 = Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth:

6400 = Beware Macduffe.

17638 = Beware the Thane of Fife: dismisse me. Enough.

4320 = He descends.


21966 = What ere thou art, for thy good caution, thanks

22199 = Thou hast harp’d my feare aright. But one word more.

First Witch

16371 = He will not be commanded: heere’s another

17301 = More potent then the first.   Thunder.                


10205 = 2. Apparition, a Bloody Childe.

2. Apparition

   8121 = Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth.


10556 = Had I three eares, Il’d heare thee.

2. Apparition

9648 = Be bloody, bold, & resolute:

7433 = Laugh to scorne

18819 = The powre of man: For none of woman borne

10816 = Shall harme Macbeth.         Descends.


16518 = Then liue Macduffe: what need I feare of thee?

16543 = But yet Ile make assurance: double sure,

16575 = And take a Bond of Fate: thou shalt not liue,

15317 = That I may tell pale-hearted Feare, it lies;

17383 = And sleepe in spight of Thunder.    Thunder.      


22294 = 3. Apparition. A Childe Crowned, with a Tree in his hand.

22085 = What is this, that rises like the issue of a King,

18545 = And weares vpon his Baby-brow, the round

10372 = And top of Soueraignty?


13408 = Listen, but speake not too’t.

3. Apparition

13830 = Be Lyon metled, proud and take no care:

23930 = Who chafes, who frets, or where Conspirers are:

17305 = Macbeth shall neuer vanquish’d be, vntill

17304 = Great Byrnam Wood to high Dunsmane Hill

11679 = Shall come against him.   Descend.


8993 = That will neuer bee:

19398 = Who can impresse the Forrest, bid the Tree

23450 = Vnfixe his earth-bound Root? Sweet boadments, good:

18573 = Rebellious dead, rise neuer till the Wood

15328 = Of Byrnan rise, and our high-plac’d Macbeth

17838 = Shall liue the Lease of Nature, pay his breath

17978 = To time and mortall Custome. Yet my Hart

21337 = Throbs to know one thing: Tell me, if your Art

19128 = Can tell so much, shall Banquo’s issue euer

9633 = Reigne in this Kingdome?


10668 = Seeke to know no more.


13313 = I will be satisfied. Deny me this,

19332 = And an eternall Curse fall on you: Let me know.

26057 = Why sinkes that Cauldron? & what noise is this?  Hoboyes.

First Witch

3398 = Shew.

Second Witch

3398 = Shew.

Third Witch

3398 = Shew.


14408 = Shew his Eyes, and greeue his Hart,

26308 = A shew of eight Kings, and Banquo last, with a glasse in his hand.  



21708 = Thou art too like the Spirit of Banquo: Down:

18327 = Thy Crowne do’s seare my Eye-bals. And thy haire

21448 = Thou other Gold-bound brow, is like the first:

15815 = A third, is like the former. Filthy Hagges,

21906 = Why do you shew me this? ______  A fourth? Start eyes!

25613 = What will the Line stretch out to’th’cracke of Doome?

15530 = Another yet? A seauenth? Ile see no more:

18223 = And yet the eight appeares, who beares a glasse,

17646 = Which shewes me many more: and some I see,

21287 = That two-fold Balles, and trebble Scepters carry.

16965 = Horrible sight: Now I see ‘tis true,

19194 = For the Blood-bolter’d Banquo smiles vpon me,

20318 = And points at them for his. What? Is this so?

First Witch

13832 = I Sir, all this is so. But why

12597 = Stands Macbeth thus amazedly?

20094 = Come Sisters, cheere we vp his sprights,

15232 = And shew the best of our delights.

13602 = Ile Charme the Ayre to giue a sound

19749 = While you performe your Antique round:

14084 = That this great King may kindly say

18276 = Our duties, did his welcome pay.  Musicke.

12421 = The Witches Dance, and vanish.



8407 = Where are they? Gone?

13888 = Let this pernitious houre,

13120 = Stand aye accursed in the Kalender.

17351 = Come in, without there.  Enter Lenox.


13144 = What’s your Graces will?


15183 = Saw you the Weyard Sisters?


4406 = No, my Lord.


7971 = Came they not by you?


6306 = No indeed my Lord.


15181 = Infected be the Ayre whereon they ride,

18567 = And damn’d all those that trust them. I did heare

18761 = The gallopping of Horse. Who was’t came by?


23148 = ‘Tis two or three my Lord, that bring you word:

9477 = Macduff is fled to England.


5318 = Fled to England?


5472 = I, my good Lord.


19264 = Time, thou anticipat’st my dread exploits:

18455 = The flighty purpose neuer is o’re-tooke

21050 = Vnlesse the deed go with it. From this moment,

17049 = The very firstlings of my heart shall be

16719 = The firstlings of my hand. And euen now

25295 = To Crown my thoughts with Acts: be it thoght & done:

18026 = The Castle of Macduff, I will surprize,

19229 = Seize vpon Fife; giue to th’edge o’th’ Sword

20689 = His Wife, his Babes and all vnfortunate Soules

19781 = That trace him in his Line. No boasting like a Foole,

17947 = This deed Ile do, before this purpose coole,

20749 = But no more sights. Where are these Gentlemen?

15445 = Come bring me where they are.             Exeunt.


I/II + III = 613747 + 2088770 = 2702517

IV + V = 1436308 + 1266209 = 2702517

VI + VII + VIII = 878864 + 493649 + 63795 = 1436308



A Doctor of Physicke


4669 = Cosen Bacon

8687 = A Doctor of Physicke


As in

4000 = Flaming Sword – Cosmic Creative Power

9356 = Gaius Julius Caesar



IV. Where are these Gentlemen?

(Construction G. T.)


True Religion

  7521 = Prisca Theologia¹


 -4000 = Dark Sword – Man-Beast

Revelation – Transformation

-5975 = Simon Peter

5829 = Simon bar Iona


Complete Gentlemen

(Saga-Shakespeare Authors)

4946 = Socrates

1654 = ION

3412 = Platon

14209 = Quintus Horatius Flaccus

12337 = Publius Virgilius Maro

11999 = Sextus Propertius

11249 = Publius Ovidius Naso

11359 = Snorri Sturluson

9814 = Sturla Þórðarson

5385 = Francis Bacon

7936 = Edward Oxenford

A Doctor of Physicke

At Lady Macbeth’s Sleep-Walking Scene

(Macbeth, Act V, Sc. i.)

23553 = Enter a Doctor of Physicke, and a Wayting Gentlewoman.


17408 = I haue too Nights watch’d with you,

20296 = but can perceiue no truth in your report.

14559 = When was it shee last walk’d?


17165 = Since his Maiesty went into the Field,

12297 = I haue seene her rise from her bed,

17142 = throw her Night-Gown vppon her,

20925 = vnlocke her Closset, take foorth paper, folde it,

20294 = write vpon’t, read it, afterwards Seale it,

9251 = and againe returne to bed;

17740 = yet all this while in a most fast sleepe.


14191 = A great perturbation in Nature,

15598 = to receyue at once the benefit of sleep,

12556 = and do the effects of watching.

12263 = In this slumbry agitation,

22287 = besides her walking, and other actuall performances,

15653 = what (at any time) haue you heard her say?


21760 = That Sir, which I will not report after her.


19124 = You may to me, and ’tis most meet you should.


11761 = Neither to you, nor any one,

19398 = hauing no witnesse to confirme my speech.


10419 = Enter Lady with a Taper.

19966 = Lo you, heere she comes: This is her very guise,

11154 = and vpon my life fast asleepe:

10746 = obserue her, stand close.


11115 = How came she by that light?


9377 = Why it stood by her:

20143 = she ha’s light by her continually, ’tis her command.


9850 = You see her eyes are open.


12269 = I but their sense are shut.


12347 = What is it she do’s now?

13625 = Looke how she rubbes her hands.


16623 = It is an accustom’d action with her,

14975 = to seeme thus washing her hands:

25514 = I haue knowne her continue in this a quarter of an houre.


7588 = Yet heere’s a spot.


6672 = Heark, she speaks,

19161 = I will set downe what comes from her,

20219 = to satisfie my remembrance the more strongly.


11907 = Out damned spot: out I say.

18146 = One: Two: Why then ’tis time to doo’t:

6119 = Hell is murky.

12691 = Fye, my Lord, fie, a Souldier, and affear’d?

17263 = what need we feare? who knowes it,

19800 = when none can call our powre to accompt:

14904 = yet who would haue thought

16585 = the olde man to haue had so much blood in him.


7327 = Do you marke that?


18946 = The Thane of Fife, had a wife: where is she now?

15632 = What will these hands ne’re be cleane?

16047 = No more o’that my Lord, no more o’that:

16797 = you marre all with this starting.


25555 = Go too, go too: You haue knowne what you should not.


23695 = She ha’s spoke what shee should not, I am sure of that:

17611 = Heauen knowes what she ha’s knowne.


14867 = Heere’s the smell of the blood still:

27589 = all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.

3108 = Oh, oh, oh.


20106 = What a sigh is there? The hart is sorely charg’d.


18666 = I would not haue such a heart in my bosome,

14174 = for the dignity of the whole body.


9402 = Well, well, well.


7046 = Pray God it be sir.


14600 = This disease is beyond my practise:

26386 = yet I haue knowne those which haue walkt in their sleep,

13789 = who haue dyed holily in their beds.


28871 = Wash your hands, put on your Night-Gowne, looke not so pale:

14684 = I tell you yet againe Banquo’s buried;

12779 = he cannot come out on’s graue.


3530 = Euen so?


15743 = To bed, to bed: there’s knocking at the gate:

14311 = Come, come, come, come, giue me your hand:

12635 = What’s done, cannot be vndone.

10277 = To bed, to bed, to bed.             Exit Lady.


11095 = Will she go now to bed?


4000 = Directly.


20766 = Foule whisp’rings are abroad: vnnaturall deeds

19751 = Do breed vnnaturall troubles: infected mindes

25556 = To their deafe pillowes will discharge their Secrets:

18663 = More needs she the Diuine, then the Physitian:

15295 = God, God forgiue vs all. Looke after her,

16865 = Remoue from her the meanes of all annoyance,

18042 = And still keepe eyes vpon her: So goodnight,

14578 = My minde she ha’s mated, and amaz’d my sight.

11439 = I thinke, but dare not speake.


14011 = Good night good Doctor.  Exeunt.


V. Macbeth: Where are these Gentlemen?

Come bring me where they are.

(Macbeth, Act V, Sc. vii.)


  5476 = Enter Macbeth.


15484 = They haue tied me to a stake, I cannot flye,

21429 = But Beare-like I must fight the course.  What’s he

18595 = That was not borne of Woman?  Such a one

7765 = Am I to feare, or none.


10263 = Enter young Seyward.

Young Seyward

7727 = What is thy name?


11523 = Thou’lt be affraid to heare it.

Young Seyward

19453 = No: though thou call’st thy selfe a hoter name

7090 = Then any is in hell.


5982 = My name’s Macbeth.

Young Seyward

21449 = The diuell himselfe could not pronounce a Title

10790 = More hatefull to mine eare.


9407 = No: nor more fearefull.

Young Seyward

22027 = Thou lyest abhorred Tyrant, with my Sword

14238 = Ile proue the lye thou speak’st.


13390 = Fight, and young Seyward slaine.


13779 = Thou was’t borne of woman;

23840 = But Swords I smile at, Weapons laugh to scorne,

18390 = Brandish’d by man that’s of a Woman borne.     Exit.


9663 = Alarums.  Enter Macduffe.


20208 = That way the noise is:  Tyrant shew thy face,

21181 = If thou beest slaine, and with no stroake of mine,

23482 = My Wife and Childrens Ghosts will haunt me still:

23363 = I cannot strike at wretched Kernes, whose armes

21372 = Are hyr’d to beare their Staues: either thou Macbeth,

19129 = Or else my Sword with an vnbattered edge

19124 = I sheath againe vndeeded.  There thou should’st be,

18651 = By this great clatter, one of greatest note

16640 = Seemes bruited.  Let me finde him Fortune,

13369 = And more I begge not.      Exit.     Alarums.


11704 = Enter Malcolme and Seyward.

19780 = This way my Lord, the Castles gently rendred:

18336 = The Tyrants people, on both sides do fight,

17032 = The Noble Thanes do brauely in the Warre,

18681 = The day almost it selfe professes yours,

8163 = And little is to do.


11136 = We haue met with Foes

10000 = That strike beside vs.


16388 = Enter Sir, the Castle.         Exeunt.    Alarum.


5476 = Enter Macbeth.


16693 = Why should I play the Roman Foole, and dye

24275 = On mine owne sword?  whiles I see liues, the gashes

9054 = Do better vpon them.


5805 = Enter Macduffe.


11371 = Turne, Hell-hound, turne.


11812 = Of all men else I haue auoyded thee:

18887 = But get thee backe, my soule is too much charg’d

11602 = With blood of thine already.


7780 = I haue no words,

21684 = My voice is in my Sword, thou bloodier Villaine

18408 = Then tearmes can giue thee out.              Fight: Alarum


10798 = Thou loosest labour;

17585 = As easie may’st thou the intrenchant Ayre

20599 = With thy keene Sword impresse, as make me bleed:

16274 = Let fall thy blade on vulnerable Crests,

16716 = I beare a charmed Life, which must not yeeld

10121 = To one of woman borne.


7989 = Dispaire thy Charme,

21275 = And let the Angell whom thou still hast seru’d

21484 = Tell thee, Macduffe was from his Mothers womb

7417 = Vntimely ript.


17783 = Accursed be that tongue that tels mee so;

16929 = For it hath Cow’d my better part of man:

15970 = And be these Iugling Fiends no more beleeu’d,

17113 = That palter with vs in a double sence,

19805 = That keepe the word of promise to our eare,

21110 = And breake it to our hope.  Ile not fight with thee.


9587 = Then yeeld thee Coward,

16489 = And liue to be the shew, and gaze o’ th’ time.

19059 = Wee’l haue thee, as our rarer Monsters are

15861 = Painted vpon a pole, and vnder-writ,

11568 = Heere may you see the Tyrant.


7518 = I will not yeeld

20881 = To kisse the ground before young Malcolmes feet,

16030 = And to be baited with the Rabbles curse,

18162 = Though Byrnane wood be come to Dunsinane,

17555 = And thou oppos’d, being of no woman borne,

16155 = Yet I will try the last.  Before my body,

18389 = I throw my warlike Shield:  Lay on Macduffe,

17524 = And damn’d be him, that first cries hold, enough.

11426 = Exeunt, fighting.  Alarums.


12691 = Enter Fighting, and Macbeth slaine.


VI. Prince Hamlet‘s Quest of Self-Discovery

(Act III, Sc. i, First Folio, 1623)


5415 = Enter Hamlet.


18050 = To be, or not to be, that is the Question:

19549 = Whether ’tis Nobler in the minde to suffer

23467 = The Slings and Arrowes of outragious Fortune,

17893 = Or to take Armes against a Sea of troubles,

16211 = And by opposing end them: to dye, to sleepe

13853 = No more; and by a sleepe, to say we end

20133 = The Heart-ake, and the thousand Naturall shockes

19800 = That Flesh is heyre too?  ‘Tis a consummation

17421 = Deuoutly to be wish’d. To dye to sleepe,

19236 = To sleepe, perchance to Dreame; I, there’s the rub,

19794 = For in that sleepe of death, what dreames may come,

21218 = When we haue shufflel’d off this mortall coile,

20087 = Must giue vs pawse. There’s the respect

13898 = That makes Calamity of so long life:

24656 = For who would beare the Whips and Scornes of time,

24952 = The Oppressors wrong, the poore mans Contumely,

18734 = The pangs of dispriz’d Loue, the Lawes delay,

16768 = The insolence of Office, and the Spurnes

20720 = That patient merit of the vnworthy takes,

17879 = When he himselfe might his Quietus make

21696 = With a bare Bodkin? Who would these Fardles beare

17807 = To grunt and sweat vnder a weary life,

17426 = But that the dread of something after death,

21935 = The vndiscouered Countrey, from whose Borne

20927 = No Traueller returnes, Puzels the will,

19000 = And makes vs rather beare those illes we haue,

20119 = Then flye to others that we know not of.

20260 = Thus Conscience does make Cowards of vs all,

18787 = And thus the Natiue hew of Resolution

21086 = Is sicklied o’re, with the pale cast of Thought,

17836 = And enterprizes of great pith and moment,

22968 = With this regard their Currants turne away,

18723 = And loose the name of Action.  Soft you now,

16746 = The faire Ophelia? Nimph, in thy Orizons

9726 = Be all my sinnes remembred.


5047 = Good my Lord,

17675 = How does your Honor for this many a day?


17391 = I humbly thanke you: well, well, well.


15437 = My Lord, I haue Remembrances of yours,

14927 = That I haue longed long to re-deliuer.

12985 = I pray you now, receiue them.


12520 = No, no, I neuer gaue you ought.


19402 = My honor’d Lord, I know right well you did,

24384 = And with them words of so sweet breath compos’d,

19172 = As made the things more rich, then perfume left:

14959 = Take these againe, for to the Noble minde

24436 = Rich gifts wax poore, when giuers proue vnkinde.

5753 = There my Lord.


VII. Abomination of Desolation²

Come bring me where they are

(Contemporary history)


The Gates of Hell

13031 = International Monetary Fund

9948 = Harvard University

7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands – Central Bank of Iceland = 30125

Right Measure of Man


8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

Modes of Persecution

11587 = Character Assassination

5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity

7750 = Psychiatric Rape

6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander

16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice

Persecutors – Jesting Pilates

U.S. Government

12867 = William Jefferson Clinton – President

4496 = Janet Reno – Attorney General

International Monetary Fund

8899 = Jacques de Larosière – Managing Director

7678 = Michel Camdessus – Managing Director

5517 = William B. Dale – Deputy Managing Director

2713 = Dick Erb – Deputy Managing Director

6584 = Jacques J. Polak – Economic Counsellor

4734 = Tun Thin – Asian Department Director

9349 = W. John R. Woodley – Asian Department Deputy Director

3542 = Ken Clark – Director of Administration

3339 = Graeme Rea – Director of Administration

3227 = P. N. Kaul – Deputy Director of Administration

5446 = Nick Zumas – Grievance Committee Chairman

Harvard University

3625 = Derek C. Bok – President

8175 = Henry Rosovsky – Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

8566 = James S. Duesenberry – Chairman, Department of Economics

11121 = Paul Anthony Samuelson – Ph. D., Nobel Laureate in Economics

8381 = Walter S. Salant – Ph. D., Brookings Institution Senior Fellow

Iceland Government

10244 = Vigdís Finnbogadóttir – President

11361 = Salóme Þorkelsdóttir – Althing President

6028 = Davíð Oddsson – Prime Minister

10295 = Þorsteinn Pálsson – Minister of Justice

8316 = Jón Sigurðsson – Minister of Commerce

5940 = Jónas H. Haralz – World Bank Executive Director

Other Iceland

6648 = Jóhannes Nordal – Central Bank Governor

8864 = Bjarni Bragi Jónsson – Central Bank Chief Economist

14314 = Benjamín Jón Hafsteinn Eiríksson – Harvard Ph. D.

9720 = Matthías Jóhannessen – Editor, Morgunblaðið


10989 = Orenthal James Simpson

8015 = John & Patsy Ramsey

4953 = Osama bin Laden

Violent Crimes

3586 = Murder


6899 = Nicole Brown

4948 = Ron Goldman

6100 = Brentwood

1204 = 12 June (4th month old-style)

1994 = 1994 A.D.


3718 = Jonbenet

3503 = Boulder

2510 = 25 December (10th month old-style)

1996 = 1996 A.D.


5557 = The Pentagon

9596 = World Trade Center

1107 = 11 September (7th month old-style)

2001 = 2001 A.D.


7920 = Excelsior Hotel

5060 = Paula Jones

803 = 8 May (3rd month old-style)

1991 = 1991 A.D.

4014 = Kiss it!


8486 = The White House

7334 = Kathleen Willey

2909 = 29 November (9th month old-style)

1993 = 1993 A.D.

22091 = I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you.


6045 = The Oval Office

8112 = Monica Lewinsky

1509 = 15 November (9th month old-style)

1995 = 1995 A.D.  = 438097¹

The Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland

Pagans’ Path to Perdition

7196 = Bergþórshváll

6067 = Miðeyjarhólmr

3027 = Helgafell – Holy Mountain/Rock of Christ’s Church


5137 = Judgement Day

4000 = Flaming Sword – Cosmic Creative Power


VIII. The Workes of William Shakespeare

(First Folio, 1623)


16746 = The Workes of William Shakespeare,

22079 = Containing all his Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies:

24970 = Truely set forth according to their first Originall.



Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:

¹Prisca Theologia


Prisca theologia is the doctrine that asserts that a single, true theology exists, which threads through all religions, and which was given by God to man in antiquity.

²Abomination of Desolation

Message posted to friends on 26 February 2014.

While in Iceland last August, I met with Pétur Halldórsson at the Cafe Milano in Reykjavík. We discussed matters of mutual interest, including what my Saga Cipher work might “mean“.

I took a napkin and, for emphasis, wrote down the number 438097. This is the Cipher Sum of some three dozen names of persons, institutions, dates and events during the reference period, including two famous murder cases, a sex scandal in high places, and presumptive lies told in connection therewith.

I told Pétur (what I had long surmised) that I believed that this number was associated with a watershed event in human history whose final phase was upon our world.

An earth-shaking culmination of human and spiritual evolution.







Flokkar: Óflokkað

Sunnudagur 6.5.2018 - 23:56 - FB ummæli ()

Hamlet and the Sealed Books of Isaiah and Daniel

© Gunnar Tómasson

6 May 2018

I. A little more then kin, and lesse then kinde

(Hamlet, Act I, Sc. ii. First Folio 1623)


22106 = Enter Claudius, King of Denmarke, Gertrude the Queene,

21367 = Hamlet, Polonius, Laertes, and his Sister Ophelia,

8508 = Lords, Attendants.


19602 = Though yet of Hamlet our deere Brothers death

17196 = The memory be greene: and that it vs befitted

22291 = To beare our hearts in greefe, and our whole Kingdome

16924 = To be contracted in one brow of woe:

23432 = Yet so farre hath Discretion fought with Nature,

24607 = That we with wisest sorrow thinke on him,

19799 = Together with remembrance of our selues.

24830 = Therefore our sometimes Sister, now our Queen,

22581 = Th’imperiall Ioyntresse of this warlike State,

16439 = Haue we, as ’twere, with a defeated ioy,

19080 = With one Auspicious, and one Dropping eye,

22451 = With mirth in Funerall, and with Dirge in Marriage,

16233 = In equall Scale weighing Delight and Dole

17394 = Taken to Wife; nor haue we heerein barr’d

21287 = Your better Wisdomes, which haue freely gone

19354 = With this affaire along, for all our Thankes.

25184 = Now followes, that you know young Fortinbras,

19934 = Holding a weake supposall of our worth;

18637 = Or thinking by our late deere Brothers death

18241 = Our State to be disioynt, and out of Frame,

17491 = Colleagued with the dreame of his Aduantage;

20033 = He hath not fayl’d to pester vs with Message,

18753 = Importing the surrender of those Lands

18516 = Lost by his Father: with all Bonds of Law

21476 = To our most valiant Brother.  So much for him.


13810 = Enter Voltemand andCornelius.

21020 = Now for our selfe, and for this time of meeting.

23211 = Thus much the businesse is. We have heere writ

18190 = To Norway, Vncle of young Fortinbras,

17708 = Who Impotent and Bedrid, scarsely heares

23151 = Of this his Nephewes purpose, to suppresse

18570 = His further gate heerein. In that the Leuies,

19352 = The Lists, and full proportions are all made

18084 = Out of his subiect: and we heere dispatch

16979 = You good Cornelius, and you Voltemand,

19150 = For bearing of this greeting to old Norway,

21495 = Giuing to you no further personall power

22493 = To businesse with the King, more then the scope

14157 = Of these dilated Articles allow.

20778 = Farewell and let your hast commend your duty.


22558 = In that, and all things, will we shew our duty.


18510 = We doubt it nothing, heartily farewell.

13635 = Exit Voltemand and Cornelius.


22835 = And now Laertes, what’s the newes with you?

22070 = You told vs of some suite. What is’t Laertes?

16231 = You cannot speake of Reason to the Dane,

25956 = And loose your voyce. What would’st thou beg Laertes,

17003 = That shall not be my Offer, not thy Asking?

16851 = The Head is not more Natiue to the Heart,

19507 = The Hand more Instrumentall to the Mouth,

18614 = Then is the Throne of Denmarke to thy Father.

17532 = What would’st thou haue Laertes?


4749 = Dread my Lord,

19571 = Your leaue and fauour to returne to France.

21679 = From whence, though willingly I came to Denmarke,

18128 = To shew my duty in your Coronation.

19148 = Yet now I must confesse, that duty done,

22733 = My thoughts and wishes bend againe towards France

20526 = And bow them to your gracious leaue and pardon.


12099 = Haue you your Fathers leaue?

11638 = What sayes Pollonius?


5529 = He hath, my Lord:

13685 = I do beseech you giue him leaue to go.


16919 = Take thy faire houre Laertes, time be thine,

17546 = And thy best graces spend it at thy will:


17432 = But now my Cousin Hamlet, and my Sonne,?


16981 = A little more then kin, and lesse then kinde.


20966 = How is it that the Clouds still hang on you?


16622 = Not so my Lord, I am too much i’ th’ Sun.


17401 = Good Hamlet cast thy nightly colour off,

17021 = And let thine eye looke like a Friend on Denmarke.

16984 = Do not for euer with thy veyled lids

15816 = Seeke for thy Noble Father in the dust;

24535 = Thou know’st ’tis common, all that liues must dye,

17985 = Passing through Nature, to Eternity.


7971 = I madam, it is common.


2402 = If it be;

19719 = Why seemes it so particular with thee?


17380 = Seemes Madam?  Nay, it is: I know not Seemes.

17048 = ‘Tis not alone my Inky Cloake (good Mother)

18496 = Nor Customary suites of solemne Blacke,

18834 = Nor windy suspiration of forc’d breath,

17097 = No, nor the fruitfull Riuer in the Eye,

16129 = Nor the deiected hauiour of the Visage,

23381 = Together with all Formes, Moods, shewes of Griefe,

17284 = That can denote me truly. These indeed Seeme,

16663 = For they are actions that a man might play:

22379 = But I haue that Within, which passeth show;

22006 = These, but the Trappings, and the Suites of woe.


11420 = ‘Tis sweet and commendable

10058 = In your Nature Hamlet,

21811 = To giue these mourning duties to your Father:

22231 = But you must know, your Father lost a Father;

23615 = That father lost, lost his, and the Suruiuer bound

15228 = In filiall Obligation, for some terme

23198 = To do obsequious Sorrow. But to perseuer

16761 = In obstinate Condolement, is a course

21382 = Of impious stubbornnesse. ‘Tis vnmanly greefe,

21646 = It shewes a will most incorrect to Heauen,

15142 = A Heart vnfortified, a Minde impatient,

16872 = An Vnderstanding simple, and vnschool’d:

20971 = For, what we know must be, and is as common

16776 = As any the most vulgar thing to sence,

22456 = Why should wee in our peeuish Opposition

17020 = Take it to heart?  Fye ’tis a fault to Heauen,

16322 = A fault against the Dead, a fault to Nature,

20781 = To Reason most absurd, whose common Theame

18642 = Is death of Fathers, and who still hath cried,

18976 = From the first Coarse, till he that dyed to day,

22674 = This must be so.  We pray you throw to earth

18553 = This vnpreuayling woe, and thinke of us

17802 = As of a Father: For let the world take note,

18905 = You are the most immediate to our Throne;

15803 = And with no lesse Nobility of Loue

21151 = Then that which deerest Father beares his Sonne,

20565 = Do I impart towards you.  For your intent

17419 = In going backe to Schoole in Wittenberg,

17651 = It is most retrograde to our desire:

15189 = And we beseech you, bend you to remaine

16195 = Heere, in the cheere and comfort of our eye.

20537 = Our cheefest Courtier Cosin, and our Sonne.


19387 = Let not thy Mother lose her Prayers Hamlet:

23069 = I prythee stay with vs, go not to Wittenberg.


7983 = I shall in all my best

4918 = Obey you Madam.


13881 = Why ’tis a louing, and a faire Reply,

13347 = Be as our selfe in Denmarke.  Madam, come,

16490 = This gentle and vnforc’d accord of Hamlet

19183 = Sits smiling to my heart; in grace whereof,

18046 = No iocond health that Denmarke drinkes to day,

21028 = But the great Cannon to the Clowds shall tell,

20519 = And the Kings Rouce, the Heauens shall bruite againe,

20401 = Respeaking earthly Thunder.  Come away.          Exeunt.


II + III + IV = 2329353 + 96818 + 61511 = 2487682

V + VI + VII + VIII = 1603819 + 304364 + 468222 + 111277 = 2487682

II. But breake my heart, I must hold my tongue

(Hamlet, Act I, Sc. ii –cont.)


4981 = Manet Hamlet.


21869 = Oh that this too too solid Flesh, would melt,

16913 = Thaw, and resolue it selfe into a Dew:

16721 = Or that the Euerlasting had not fixt

18773 = His Cannon ‘gainst Selfe-slaughter.  O God, O God!

17891 = How weary, stale, flat, and vnprofitable

18621 = Seemes to me all the vses of this world?

15679 = Fie on’t?  Oh fie, fie  ’tis an vnweeded Garden,

24959 = That growes to Seed: Things rank, and grosse in Nature

23042 = Possesse it meerely.  That it should come to this:

22910 = But two months dead: Nay, not so much; not two,

17413 = So excellent a King, that was to this,

20297 = Hiperion to a Satyre: so louing to my Mother,

19298 = That he might not beteene the windes of heauen

18092 = Visit her face too roughly.  Heauen and Earth

19611 = Must I remember: why she would hang on him,

15457 = As if encrease of Appetite had growne

17328 = By what it fed on; and yet within a month?

21354 = Let me not thinke on’t: Frailty, thy name is woman.

20771 = A little Month; or ere those shooes were old,

22657 = With which she followed my poore Fathers body,

15527 = Like Niobe, all teares. Why she, euen she.

21787 = (O Heauen!  A beast that wants discourse of Reason

23955 = Would haue mourn’d longer) married with mine Vnkle,

19261 = My Fathers Brother: but no more like my Father,

16542 = Then I to Hercules. Within a Moneth?

21032 = Ere yet the salt of most vnrighteous Teares

14921 = Had left the flushing of her gauled eyes,

18995 = She married.  O most wicked speed, to post

23582 = With such dexterity to Incestuous sheets:

16794 = It is not, nor it cannot come to good.

19178 = But breake my heart, for I must hold my tongue.


15238 = Enter Horatio, Barnard, and Marcellus.                          


10634 = Haile to your Lordship.


10270 = I am glad to see you well:

13079 = Horatio, or I do forget my selfe.


6443 = The same my Lord,

13459 = And your poore Seruant euer.


7532 = Sir my good friend,

12540 = Ile change that name with you.

20165 = And what make you from Wittenberg Horatio?

4966 = Marcellus.


5047 = My good Lord.


15545 = I am very glad to see you: good euen Sir.

20625 = But what in faith make you from Wittemberge?


16165 = A truant disposition, good my Lord.


16236 = I would not haue your Enemy say so;

16971 = Nor shall you doe mine eare that violence,

21075 = To make it truster of your owne report

20924 = Against your selfe.  I know you are no Truant:

17473 = But what is your affaire in Elsenour?

19097 = Wee’l teach you to drinke deepe, ere you depart.


18219 = My Lord, I came to see your Fathers Funerall.


19109 = I pray thee doe not mock me (fellow Student)

19853 = I thinke it was to see my Mothers Wedding.


15745 = Indeed my Lord, it followed hard vpon.


21127 = Thrift, thrift, Horatio:  the Funerall Bakt-meats

18603 = Did coldly furnish forth the Marriage Tables;

15979 = Would I had met my dearest foe in heauen,

13707 = Ere I had euer seene that day Horatio.

13759 = My father, me thinkes I see my father.


7764 = Oh where my Lord?


9437 = In my minds eye (Horatio).


14652 = I saw him once; he was a goodly King.


12666 = He was a man, take him for all in all:

15060 = I shall not look vpon his like againe.


17346 = My Lord, I thinke I saw him yesternight.


5801 = Saw? Who?


12033 = My Lord, the King your Father.


6968 = The King my Father?


16183 = Season your admiration for a while

16454 = With an attent eare, till I may deliuer,

18163 = Vpon the witnesse of these Gentlemen,

9858 = This maruell to you.


11577 = For Heauens loue let me heare.


18920 = Two nights together, had these Gentlemen,

16912 = (Marcellus and Barnardo) on their Watch,

15168 = In the dead wast and middle of the night,

20407 = Beene thus encountred. A figure like your Father,

13703 = Arm’d at all points exactly, Cap a Pe,

18973 = Appeares before them, and with sollemne march

21189 = Goes slow and stately: By them thrice he walkt

18629 = By their opprest and feare-surprized eyes,

25969 = Within his Truncheons length; whilst they bestil’d

16441 = Almost to Ielly with the Act of feare,

18221 = Stand dumbe and speake not to him.  This to me

14826 = In dreadfull secrecie impart they did,

21427 = And I with them the third Night kept the Watch,

15938 = Whereas they had deliuer’d, both in time,

19082 = Forme of the thing; each word made true and good,

18767 = The Apparition comes.  I knew your Father:

11921 = These hands are not more like.


11026 = But where was this?


22603 = My Lord vpon the platforme where we watcht.


10549 = Did you not speake to it?


4477 = My Lord, I did;

19927 = But answere made it none: yet once me thought

14050 = It lifted vp its head, and did addresse

19567 = It selfe to motion, like as it would speake:

20414 = But euen then, the Morning Cocke crew lowd;

18056 = And at the sound it shrunke in hast away,

12761 = And vanisht from our sight.


8502 = Tis very strange.


17215 = As I doe liue my honourd Lord ’tis true;

21779 = And we did thinke it writ downe in our duty

11141 = To let you know of it.


17313 = Indeed, indeed Sirs; but this troubles me.

13246 = Hold you the watch to Night?


6416 = We doe my lord.


5089 = Arm’d, say you?


4838 = Arm’d, my Lord.


7968 = From top to toe?


10726 = My Lord, from head to foote.


11881 = Then saw you not his face?


15341 = O yes, my Lord, he wore his Beauer vp.


13551 = What, lookt he frowningly?


19846 = A countenance more in sorrow then in anger.


4243 = Pale, or red?


4978 = Nay very pale.


11887 = And fixt his eyes vpon you?


9012 = Most constantly.


9705 = I would I had beene there.


13567 = It would haue much amaz’d you.


14006 = Very like, very like: staid it long?


22694 = While one with moderate hast might tell a hundred.


6214 = Longer, longer.


9438 = Not when I saw’t.


10652 = His Beard was grisly? no.


14865 = It was, as I haue seene it in his life,

5938 = A Sable Siluer’d.


21548 = Ile watch to Night; perchance ’twill wake againe.


12316 = I warrant you it will.


16145 = If it assume my noble Fathers person,

20274 = Ile speake to it, though Hell it selfe should gape

12338 = And bid me hold my peace.  I pray you all,

17824 = If you haue hitherto conceald this sight;

16795 = Let it bee treble in your silence still:

17233 = And whatsoeuer els shall hap to night,

17585 = Giue it an vnderstanding but no tongue;

20942 = I will requite your loues; so, fare ye well:

22597 = Vpon the Platforme twixt eleuen and twelue,

6809 = Ile visit you.


17340 = Our duty to your Honour. Exeunt.


16087 = Your loue, as mine to you: farewell.

19984 = My Fathers Spirit in Armes?  All is not well:

23370 = I doubt some foule play: would the Night were come;

24281 = Till then sit still my soule: foule deeds will rise,

24153 = Though all the earth orewhelm them to mens eies.        Exit.



William Shakespeare


Vilia miretur vulgus; mihi flavus Apollo. Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua. William Shakespeare made his triumphant entrance into history with this Latin epigraph on the title-page of Venus and Adonis in 1593, quoting from Ovid’s Amores, in which the Roman poet of antiquity had described his own experiences with love.



III. The Heauens shall bruite againe,

Respecting earthly Thunder

(Construction G. T.)


Pagan Roots of Christianity

4946 = Socrates

1654 = ION

3412 = Platon

William Shakespeare

(Venus and Adonis, 1593)

20165 = Vilia miretur vulgus; mihi flavus Apollo
16408 = Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua*

The Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland

Pagans’ Path to Perdition

7196 = Bergþórshváll

6067 = Miðeyjarhólmr

3027 = Helgafell – Holy Mountain/The Muses Springs

Conceited Wits Confounded

 -6960 = Jarðlig skilning – Earthly Understanding

  5596 = Andlig spekðin – Spiritual Wisdom

*Let base conceited wits admire vilde things,

Faire Phoebus leade me to the muses springs.


 IV. Would the Night were come.

(Malachy’s Last Pope Prophecy)


13831 = In persecutione extrema S.R.E.

12051 = sedebit Petrus Romanus,

22136 = qui pascet oues in multis tribulationibus:

26227 = quibus transactis ciuitas septicollis diruetur,

19973 = & Iudex tremêdus iudicabit populum suum.

2600 = Finis.*


* In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations; when they are over, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible or fearsome Judge will judge his people. The End.


Father´s Spirit in Arms


19984 = My Fathers Spirit in Armes?  All is not well:

23370 = I doubt some foule play: would the Night were come;

24281 = Till then sit still my soule: foule deeds will rise,

24153 = Though all the earth orewhelm them to mens eies.            Exit.


       1 = Monad

All is not well

    360 = Devil’s Circle


As in


Right Measure of Man

8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir


11587 = Character Assassination

5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity

7750 = Psychiatric Rape

6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander

16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice


13031 = International Monetary Fund

9948 = Harvard University



V. Therefore behold, I will proceed to to

a marueilous worke amongst this people

(Isaiah Ch. 29, KJB 1611)



23257 = Woe to Ariel, to Ariel the citie where Dauid dwelt:

17628 = adde yee yeere to yeere; let them kill sacrifices.


12921 = Yet I will distresse Ariel,

17127 = and there shalbe heauinesse and sorrow;

12031 = and it shall be vnto mee as Ariel.


17582 = And I will campe against thee round about,

19679 = and will lay siege against thee with a mount,

15690 = and I will raise forts against thee.


14869 = And thou shalt bee brought downe,

14749 = and shalt speake out of the ground,

19052 = and thy speach shall be low out of the dust,

7495 = and thy voyce shalbe

23361 = as of one that hath a familiar spirit, out of the ground,

20973 = and thy speach shall whisper out of the dust.


20325 = Moreouer the multitude of thy strangers

9311 = shalbe like small dust,

16953 = and the multitude of the terrible ones

13697 = shalbe as chaffe that passeth away;

14304 = yea it shalbe at an instant suddenly.


27642 = Thou shalt bee visited of the LORD of hostes with thunder,

15394 = and with earthquake, and great noise,

24863 = with storme and tempest, and the flame of deuouring fire.


25694 = And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel,

19747 = euen all that fight against her and her munition,

23037 = and that distresse her, shalbe as a dreame of a night vision.


18197 = It shall euen be as when a hungry man dreameth,

23094 = and behold he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soule is emptie:

22807 = or as when a thirstie man dreameth, and behold he drinketh;

14016 = but hee awaketh, and behold he is faint,

11715 = and his soule hath appetite:

19344 = so shall the multitude of all the nations bee,

14304 = that fight against mount Zion.


21811 = Stay your selues and wonder, cry yee out, and cry:

17766 = they are drunken, but not with wine,

20216 = they stagger, but not with strong drinke.


30197 = For the LORD hath powred out vpon you the spirit of deepe sleepe,

10209 = and hath closed your eyes:

25474 = the Prophets and your rulers, the Seers hath hee couered.


16598 = And the vsion of all is become vnto you         [vsion=1611 text]

16125 = as the wordes of a booke that is sealed,

17547 = which men deliuer to one that is learned,

11090 = saying, Reade this, I pray thee:

14649 = and hee saith, I cannot, for it is sealed:


21003 = And the booke is deliuered to him that is not learned,

11090 = saying, Reade this, I pray thee:

10004 = and he saith, I am not learned.


10901 = Wherefore the Lord said,

27560 = Forasmuch as this people draw neere mee with their mouth,

15688 = and with their lips doe honour me,

17767 = but haue remoued their heart farre from me,

25026 = and their feare towards mee is taught by the precept of men:


16197 = Therefore behold, I will proceed to do

19770 = a marueilous worke amongst this people,

17491 = euen a marueilous worke and a wonder:

22681 = for the wisedome of their wise men shall perish,

22369 = and the vnderstanding of their prudent men shall be hid.


13872 = Woe unto them that seeke deepe

16414 = to hide their counsell from the LORD,

18244 = and their workes are in the darke, and they say,

18179 = Who seeth vs? and who knoweth vs?


22704 = Surely your turning of things vpside downe

15276 = shall be esteemed as the potters clay:

18095 = for shall the worke say of him that made it,

4594 = He made me not?

19652 = or shall the thing framed, say of him that framed it,

9304 = He had no vnderstanding?


14908 = Is it not yet a very litle while,

19456 = and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field

21577 = and the fruitfull field shall be esteemed as a forrest?


22136 = And in that day shall the deafe heare the words of the booke,

21556 = and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscuritie,

8957 = and out of darkenesse.


20391 = The meeke also shall increase their ioy in the LORD,

24378 = and the poore among men shall reioice in the holy One of Israel.


20513 = For the terrrible one is brought to nought,

12677 = and the scorner is consumed,

19540 = and all that watch for iniquitie are cut off:


15611 = That make a man an offendour for a word,

19692 = and lay a snare for him that reproueth in the gate,

20128 = and turne aside the iust for a thing of nought.


21877 = Therefore thus saith the LORD who redeemed Abraham,

12368 = concerning the house of Iacob:

12112 = Iacob shall not now be ashamed,

16487 = neither shall his face now waxe pale.


13836 = But when hee seeth his children

18251 = the worke of mine hands in the midst of him,

10957 = they shall sanctifie my Name,

12757 = and sanctifie the Holy One of Iacob,

11484 = and shall feare the God of Israel.


26482 = They also that erred in spirit shall come to vnderstanding,

19267 = and they that murmured, shall learne doctrine.



Who seeth vs? and who knoweth vs?


13872 = Woe unto them that seeke deepe

16414 = to hide their counsell from the LORD,

18244 = and their workes are in the darke, and they say,

18179 = Who seeth vs? and who knoweth vs?


As in

Seen and Known


4177 = Fiat lux.

-4000 = Dark Sword – Man-Beast


13031 = International Monetary Fund

4734 = Tun Thin – Asian Department Director

8899 = Jacques de Larosière – Managing Director

7678 = Michel Camdessus – Managing Director

5517 = William B. Dale – Deputy Managing Director

2713 = Dick Erb – Deputy Managing Director

5446 = Nick Zumas – Grievance Committee Chairman


9948 = Harvard University

8566 = James S. Duesenberry – Chairman, Department of Economics



VI. And thou shalt bee brought downe

(Daniel 12:1-4, KJB 1611)



15544 = And at that time shall Michael stand vp,

27354 = the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people,

12973 = and there shalbe a time of trouble,

20603 = such as neuer was since there was a nation,

9709 = euen to that same time:

17012 = and at that time thy people shalbe deliuered,

21705 = euery one that shalbe found written in the booke.


20959 = And many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth

16366 = shall awake, some to euerlasting life,

18676 = and some to shame and euerlasting contempt.


8905 = And they that be wise

20026 = shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament,

20216 = and they that turne many to righteousnesse,

14239 = as the starres for euer and euer.


18611 = But thou, O Daniel, shut vp the wordes,

17360 = and seale the booke euen to the time of the ende:

11314 = many shall runne to and fro,

12792 = and knowledge shall bee increased.


VII. Abomination of Desolation

(Contemporary history)


The Gates of Hell

13031 = International Monetary Fund

9948 = Harvard University

7146 = Seðlabanki Íslands – Central Bank of Iceland = 30125

Right Measure of Man


8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

Modes of Persecution

11587 = Character Assassination

5881 = Níðingsverk – Barbarity

7750 = Psychiatric Rape

6603 = Mannorðsmorð – Vicious Slander

16439 = Criminal Obstruction of Justice

Persecutors – Jesting Pilates

U.S. Government

12867 = William Jefferson Clinton – President

4496 = Janet Reno – Attorney General

International Monetary Fund

8899 = Jacques de Larosière – Managing Director

7678 = Michel Camdessus – Managing Director

5517 = William B. Dale – Deputy Managing Director

2713 = Dick Erb – Deputy Managing Director

6584 = Jacques J. Polak – Economic Counsellor

4734 = Tun Thin – Asian Department Director

9349 = W. John R. Woodley – Asian Department Deputy Director

3542 = Ken Clark – Director of Administration

3339 = Graeme Rea – Director of Administration

3227 = P. N. Kaul – Deputy Director of Administration

5446 = Nick Zumas – Grievance Committee Chairman

Harvard University

3625 = Derek C. Bok – President

8175 = Henry Rosovsky – Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

8566 = James S. Duesenberry – Chairman, Department of Economics

11121 = Paul Anthony Samuelson – Ph. D., Nobel Laureate in Economics

8381 = Walter S. Salant – Ph. D., Brookings Institution Senior Fellow

Iceland Government

10244 = Vigdís Finnbogadóttir – President

11361 = Salóme Þorkelsdóttir – Althing President

6028 = Davíð Oddsson – Prime Minister

10295 = Þorsteinn Pálsson – Minister of Justice

8316 = Jón Sigurðsson – Minister of Commerce

5940 = Jónas H. Haralz – World Bank Executive Director

Other Iceland

6648 = Jóhannes Nordal – Central Bank Governor

8864 = Bjarni Bragi Jónsson – Central Bank Chief Economist

14314 = Benjamín Jón Hafsteinn Eiríksson – Harvard Ph. D.

9720 = Matthías Jóhannessen – Editor, Morgunblaðið


10989 = Orenthal James Simpson

8015 = John & Patsy Ramsey

4953 = Osama bin Laden

Violent Crimes

3586 = Murder


6899 = Nicole Brown

4948 = Ron Goldman

6100 = Brentwood

1204 = 12 June (4th month old-style)

1994 = 1994 A.D.


3718 = Jonbenet

3503 = Boulder

2510 = 25 December (10th month old-style)

1996 = 1996 A.D.


5557 = The Pentagon

9596 = World Trade Center

1107 = 11 September (7th month old-style)

2001 = 2001 A.D.


7920 = Excelsior Hotel

5060 = Paula Jones

803 = 8 May (3rd month old-style)

1991 = 1991 A.D.

4014 = Kiss it!


8486 = The White House

7334 = Kathleen Willey

2909 = 29 November (9th month old-style)

1993 = 1993 A.D.

22091 = I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you.


6045 = The Oval Office

8112 = Monica Lewinsky

1509 = 15 November (9th month old-style)

1995 = 1995 A.D.  = 438097¹


VIII. Prisca Theologia and Plato‘s World Soul

(Construction G. T.)


7521 = Prisca Theologia²

105113 = Plato‘s World Soul³


   7 = Hebrew Man of Seventh Day


(Knowledge shall bee increased)

-6960 = Jarðlig skilning – Earthly Understanding

5596 = Andlig spekðin – Spiritual Wisdom



Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:

¹Abomination of Desolation

Message posted to friends on 26 February 2014:

While in Iceland last August, I met with Pétur Halldórsson at the Cafe Milano in Reykjavík. We discussed matters of mutual interest, including what my Saga Cipher work might “mean“.

I took a napkin and, for emphasis, wrote down the number 438097. This is the Cipher Sum of some three dozen names of persons, institutions, dates and events during the reference period, including two famous murder cases, a sex scandal in high places, and presumptive lies told in connection therewith.

I told Pétur (what I had long surmised) that I believed that this number was associated with a watershed event in human history whose final phase was upon our world.

An earth-shaking culmination of human and spiritual evolution.

²Prisca theologia.


Prisca theologia („ancient theology“) is the doctrine that asserts that a single, true theology exists, which threads through all religions, and which was anciently given by God to man.

³Plato‘s World Soul

The sum of 34 numerical values based on the tonal scale in Traditional Construction of the World Soul. (See p. 229, Plato´s Mathematical Imagination by Robert Brumbaugh.)


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Nicholas Rowe – Edward Oxenford – First Folio

© Gunnar Tómasson

5 May 2018


The Life of Shakespeare


Carefully researched and energetically written by the pioneering editor of the plays, Nicholas Rowe, himself one of the most distinguished tragedians of his age, this biography is the source for most of the facts and some of the legends of Shakespeare’s life. Rowe interviewed widely to collect as much reliable information about Shakespeare as he could, and his text is as close as we will ever get to contact with the people who knew and worked with Shakespeare. Never before reprinted, except as an appendix to Alexander Pope’s later edition of the plays, Rowe’s biography remains a fascinating document not just about Shakespeare himself, but also for the growth of his reputation, and the expanding interests of critics and the world of letters at the beginning of the 18th century. Rowe (whose translation of Lucan’s Pharsalia was hailed by Samuel Johnson as „one of the greatest productions of English poetry“) writes a vivid, elegant English that is a constant pleasure to read. This edition is introduced by Charles Nicholl, who places this fascinating text in its time, and reads it with the insight of a fellow sleuth into the world of the Globe and its dramatist.


I. Nicholas Rowe: How far I am in the right,

is left to the Reader to determine

(The Golden Verses of Pythagoras, 1707)


22581 = I Hope the Reader will forgive the Liberty I have taken

22037 = in Translating these Verses somewhat at large,

27002 = without which it would have been almost impossible

29373 = to have given any kind of Turn in English Poetry to so dry a Subject.


23196 = The Sense of the Author is, I hope, no where mistaken;

15023 = and if there seems in some Places to be

24862 = some Additions in the English Verses to the Greek Text,

27831 = they are only such as may be justify’d from Hierocles’s Commentary,

16887 = and deliver’d by him as the larger and explain’s

17678 = Sense of the Author’s short Precept.


21439 = I have in some few Places ventur’d to differ from

19654 = the Learned Mr. Dacier’s French Interpretation,

22125 = as those that shall give themselves the trouble

16068 = of a strict Comparison will find.

25083 = How far I am in the right, is left to the Reader to determine.


II/III + IV = 166838 + 164001 = 330839

II. Yes, trust them not – The Vp-start Crow

(Construction G. T.)


Greenes Groatsworth of Wit

10282 = Yes trust them not:

29160 = for there is an vp-start Crow, beautified with our feathers,

23774 = that with his Tygers hart wrapt in a Players hyde,

25415 = supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blanke verse

7638 = as the best of you:

16349 = and beeing an absolute Iohannes fac totum,

25466 = is in his owne conceit the onely Shake-scene in a countrey.

Saga-Shakespeare Myth

Stratfordian Man

4600 = Scialetheia – A Shadow of Truth



10026 = Will Shakspere, gent.

2502 = 25 April – 2nd month old-style

1616 = 1616 A.D.

…and “Resurrection”…

-2487 = Anus – From Anne Hathaway‘s Second-best Bed

…As New Man

7000 = Microcosmos – Man in God’s Image

5497 = Et in Arcadia Ego


III. David Garrick Stratford Statue

Celebrating “Death“ of Ignorance

(Jubliee 1769)


“Death” of Ignorance


1000 = Light of the World

Cosmic Time

25920 = Platonic Great Year


3310 = Fróðari/Wiser – Edda, Gylfafinning

Garrick’s Statue, Stratford City Hall

Pedestal Inscription

7938 = Take him for all in all.

16533 = We shall not look upon his like again.

21078 = The Corporation and Inhabitants of Stratford

20379 = Assisted by The munificent Contributions

19782 = of the Noblemen and Gentlemen in the Neighbourhood

14687 = Rebuilt this Edifice in the Year 1768.

22845 = The Statue of Shakespear and his Picture within

13366 = were given by David Garrick Esq.


IV. This Figure, that thou here seest put

(Ben Jonson, First Folio, 1623)


5506 = To the Reader.

18236 = This Figure, that thou here seest put,

16030 = It was for gentle Shakespeare cut;

13614 = Wherein the Grauer had a strife

15814 = with Nature, to out-doo the life:

16422 = O, could he but haue drawne his wit

13172 = As well in brasse, as he hath hit

19454 = His face; the Print would then surpasse

16560 = All, that vvas euer vvrit in brasse.

13299 = But, since he cannot, Reader, looke

15354 = Not on his Picture, but his Booke.

541 = B.I.


V. Nicholas Rowe Sets forth Rules of Conduct

Followed by Comments thereon

(The Golden Verses of Pythagoras)


22461 = These are the Rules which will to Virtue lead,

17657 = And teach thy Feet her heav’nly Paths to tread.

19574 = This by his Name I swear, whose sacred Lore

19861 = First to Mankind explain’d the Mystick FOUR,

20379 = Source of Eternal Nature and Almighty Pow’r.

20803 = In all thou dost first let thy Prayers ascend,

18391 = And to the Gods thy Labours first commend,

23981 = From them implore Success, and hope a prosp’rous End.

17082 = So shall thy abler Mind be taught to soar,

18911 = And Wisdom in her secret Ways explore;

18944 = To range through Heav’n above and Earth below,

17484 = Immortal Gods and mortal Men to know.

24439 = So shalt thou learn what Pow’r does all control,

24928 = What bounds the Parts, and what unites the Whole:

20140 = And rightly judge, in all this wondrous Frame,

16498 = How universal Nature is the same;

19552 = So shalt thou ne’er thy vain Affections place

19445 = On Hopes of what shall never come to pass,


VI. What bounds the Parts, and what unites the Whole

(Dedication, Venus and Adonis, 1593)


What bounds the Parts


20084 = Henrie Vvriothesley, Earle of Southampton,

8814 = and Baron of Titchfield.

21943 = Right Honourable, I know not how I shall offend

23463 = in dedicating my vnpolisht lines to your Lordship,

25442 = nor how the worlde vvill censure mee for choosing

25266 = so strong a proppe to support so vveake a burthen,

17161 = onelye if your Honour seeme but pleased,

13387 = I account my selfe highly praised,

18634 = and vowe to take aduantage of all idle houres,

23217 = till I haue honoured you vvith some grauer labour.

23437 = But if the first heire of my inuention proue deformed,

15796 = I shall be sorie it had so noble a god-father:

12970 = and neuer after eare so barren a land,

16690 = for feare it ield me still so bad a haruest,

17496 = l leaue it to your Honourable suruey,

18884 = and your Honor to your hearts content,

27199 = vvhich I wish may alvvaies answere your ovvne vvish,

17766 = and the vvorlds hopefull expectation.


11662 = Your Honors in all dutie,

9322 = William Shakespeare

What unites the Whole

1000 = Light of the World

4600 = Scialetheia – A Shadow of Truth


3635 = Emmanuel – Matt. 1:23

4000 = Flaming Sword – Cosmic Creative Power

6677 = God with us – Matt. 1:23


I + V + VI = 330839 + 360530 + 398532 = 1089901


VII. From the most able, to him that can but spell:

There YOU are number‘d.

(Second Dedication, First Folio 1623)


13561 = To the great Variety of Readers.


18892 = From the most able, to him that can but spell:

9182 = There you are number’d.

14728 = We had rather you were weighd.

15557 = Especially, when the fate of all Bookes

13394 = depends upon your capacities:

20912 = and not of your heads alone, but of your purses.

13554 = Well! It is now publique, [&]

23807 = you wil stand for your priviledges wee know:

18554 = to read and censure.  Do so, but buy it first.

21606 = That doth best commend a Booke, the Stationer saies.

16477 = Then, how odde soever your braines be,

10334 = or your wisedomes,

15985 = make your licence the same, and spare not.

24287 = Judge your sixe-pen’orth, your shillings worth,

17527 = your five shillings worth at a time,

24612 = or higher, so you rise to the just rates, and welcome.

11893 = But whatever you do, Buy.

21523 = Censure will not drive a Trade, or make the Jacke go.

16347 = And though you be a Magistrate of wit,

14375 = and sit on the Stage at Black-Friers,

16653 = or the Cock-pit to arraigne Playes dailie,

19936 = know, these Playes have had their triall alreadie,

11212 = and stood out all Appeales;

14266 = and do now come forth quitted

10782 = rather by a Decree of Court,

18968 = then any purchas’d Letters of commendation.

12191 = It had bene a thing, we confesse,

13729 = worthie to have bene wished,

22206 = that the Author himselfe had liv’d to have set forth,

16780 = and overseen his owne writings;

18214 = But since it hath bin ordain’d otherwise,

14716 = and he by death departed from that right,

16744 = we pray you do not envie his Friends,

9148 = the office of their care,

10224 = and paine, to have collected [&]

18118 = publish’d them; and so to have publish’d them,

14326 = as where (before) you were abus’d

24981 = with diverse stolne, and surreptitious copies,

17347 = maimed, and deformed by the frauds and stealthes

21644 = of injurious impostors, that expos’d them:

22192 = even those, are now offer’d to your view cur’d,

10913 = and perfect of their limbes;

18580 = and all the rest, absolute in their numbers,

7282 = as he conceived thē.  [ē = e]

19215 = Who, as he was a happie imitator of Nature,

16850 = was a most gentle expresser of it.

13670 = His mind and hand went together:

24530 = And what he thought, he uttered with that easinesse,

16842 = that wee have scarse received from him

8351 = a blot in his papers.

28510 = But it is not our province, who onely gather his works,

12949 = and give them you, to praise him.

11633 = It is yours that reade him.

20122 = And there we hope, to your divers capacities,

21545 = you will finde enough, both to draw, and hold you:

23021 = for his wit can no more lie hid, then it could be lost.

12608 = Reade him, therefore; and againe, and againe:

11921 = And if then you doe not like him,

16481 = surely you are in some manifest danger,

10556 = not to understand him.

19247 = And so we leave you to other of his Friends,

15036 = whom if you need, can bee your guides:

8443 = if you neede them not,

15710 = you can leade yourselves, and others.

13893 = And such Readers we wish him.


4723 = John Heminge

5786 = Henrie Condell



And such Readers we wish him.



     7 = Man of Seventh Day

5950 = The Tempest

7936 = Edward Oxenford


4723 = John Heminge

5786 = Henrie Condell


As in

1000 = Light of the World

10594 = Sir Francis Bacon, Knight


7671 = O RARE BEN JOHNSON – Epitaph, Westminster Abbey

5137 = Judgement Day




VIII. Oxenford‘s Booke to be Perfected

By Cosen Bacon and Seriant Harris

(Letter to Robert Cecil)


9205 = My very good brother,

11119 = yf my helthe hadd beene to my mynde

20978 = I wowlde have beene before this att the Coorte

16305 = as well to haue giuen yow thankes

15468 = for yowre presence at the hearinge

15274 = of my cause debated as to have moued her M

10054 = for her resolutione.

23461 = As for the matter, how muche I am behouldinge to yow

22506 = I neede not repeate but in all thankfulnes acknowlege,

13131 = for yow haue beene the moover &

14231 = onlye follower therofe for mee &

19082 = by yowre onlye meanes I have hetherto passed

13953 = the pykes of so many adversaries.

16856 = Now my desyre ys. Sythe them selues

15903 = whoo have opposed to her M ryghte

17295 = seeme satisfisde, that yow will make

7234 = the ende ansuerabel

22527 = to the rest of yowre moste friendlye procedinge.

12363 = For I am aduised, that I may passe

22634 = my Booke from her Magestie yf a warrant may be procured

21532 = to my Cosen Bacon and Seriant Harris to perfet yt.

25516 = Whiche beinge doone I know to whome formallye to thanke

16614 = but reallye they shalbe, and are from me, and myne,

23196 = to be sealed up in an aeternall remembran&e to yowreselfe.

18733 = And thus wishinge all happines to yow,

13574 = and sume fortunat meanes to me,

19549 = wherby I myght recognise soo diepe merites,

13775 = I take my leave this 7th of October

11101 = from my House at Hakney 1601.


15668 = Yowre most assured and louinge

4605 = Broother

7936 = Edward Oxenford


IX. Nicholas Rowe: Advice to Wretched Man

Concluding section

(The Golden Verses of Pythagoras)


22268 = Man, wretched Man, thou shalt be taught to know,

23953 = Who bears within himself the inborn Cause of Woe.

16941 = Unhappy Race!  That never yet could tell

20275 = How near their Good and Happiness they dwell.

17740 = Depriv‘d of Sense, they neither hear nor see;

16072 = Fetter‘d in Vice, they seek not to be free,

17950 = But stupid to their own sad Fate agree.

25196 = Like pond‘rous Rolling-stones, oppress‘d with Ill,

21053 = The Weight that loads ‚em makes ‚em roll on still,

15792 = Bereft of Choice, and Freedom of the Will.

18066 = For native Strife in ev‘ry Bosom reigns,

17850 = And secretly an impious War maintains:

19029 = Provoke not THIS, but let the Combat cease,

16118 = And ev‘ry yielding Passion sue for Peace.

23006 = Wouldst thou, great Jove, thou Father of Mankind,

16365 = Reveal the Demon for that Task assign‘d,

20915 = The wretched Race an End to Woes would find.

13682 = And yet be bold, O Man, Divine thou art,

15669 = And of the Gods Celestial Essence Part.

16846 = Nor sacred Nature is from thee conceal‘d,

18826 = But to thy Race her mystick Rules reveal‘d.

17583 = These if to know thou happily attain,

19994 = Soon shalt thou perfect be in all that I ordain.

23807 = Thy wounded Soul to Health thou shalt restore,

14688 = And free from ev‘ry Pain she felt before.

18437 = Abstain, I warn, from Meats unclean and foul,

16826 = So keep thy Body pure, so free thy Soul;

17633 = So rightly judge; thy Reason, so, maintain;

18256 = Reason which Heav‘n did for thy Guide ordain,

16921 = Let that best Reason ever hold the Rein.

16695 = Then if this mortal Body thou forsake,

16669 = And thy glad Flight to the pure Æther take,

17175 = Among the Gods exalted shalt thou shine,

14884 = Immortal, Incorruptible, Divine:

19453 = The Tyrant Death securely shalt thou brave,

16300 = And scorn the dark Dominion of the Grave.


-1000 = Darkness – Grave‘s Dark Dominion

And yet be bold, O Man,

Divine thou art

10347 = Our Ever-living Poet

Destined to be Resurrected …

-2487 = Anus – From Anne Hathaway‘s Second-best Bed

…As New Man

7000 = Microcosmos – Man in God’s Image


VIII + IX = 511378 + 672793 = 1184171

X. The Workes of William Shakespeare

(First Dedication, First Folio 1623)




10897 = WILLIAM Earle of Pembroke,

100 = [&] c. [c = 100 in “&c”]

23572 = Lord Chamberlaine to the Kings most Excellent Maiesty.

12457 = 11590 = AND PHILIP Earle of Montgomery,

100 = [&] c.

14413 = Gentleman of his Maiesties Bed-Chamber,

22026 = Both Knights of the most Noble Order of the Garter,

12835 = and our singular good LORDS.


7826 = Right Honourable,

25994 = Whilst we studie to be thankful in our particular,

22062 = for the many fauors we haue receiued from your L.L.

15163 = we are falne vpon the ill fortune,

23449 = to mingle two the most diuerse things that can bee,

7485 = feare, and rashnesse;

13524 = rashnesse in the enterprize,

9965 = and feare of the successe.

23541 = For, when we valew the places your H.H. sustaine,

20442 = we cannot but know their dignity greater,

19953 = then to descend to the reading of these trifles:

13987 = and, while we name them trifles,

13439 = we haue depriu’d our selues

12261 = of the defence of our Dedication.

14022 = But since your L.L. haue beene pleas’d

21688 = to thinke these trifles some-thing, heeretofore;

13969 = and haue prosequuted both them,

11588 = and their Authour liuing,

17599 = with so much fauour: we hope, that

18400 = (they out-liuing him, and he not hauing the fate,

9370 = common with some,

21390 = to be exequutor to his owne writings)

21711 = you will vse the like indulgence toward them,

14513 = you haue done vnto their parent.

10083 = There is a great difference,

23131 = whether any Booke choose his Patrones, or finde them:

8125 = This hath done both.

26340 = For, so much were your L.L. likings of the seuerall parts,

22932 = when they were acted, as before they were published,

12680 = the Volume ask’d to be yours.

11979 = We haue but collected them,

9384 = and done an office to the dead,

16553 = to procure his Orphanes, Guardians;

22380 = without ambition either of selfe-profit, or fame:

20760 = onely to keepe the memory of so worthy a Friend, &

17475 = Fellow aliue, as was our SHAKESPEARE,

10986 = by humble offer of his playes,

13891 = to your most noble patronage.

17511 = Wherein, as we haue justly obserued,

11812 = no man to come neere your L.L.

17121 = but with a kind of religious addresse;

13332 = it hath bin the height of our care,

11876 = who are the Presenters,

18405 = to make the present worthy of your H.H.

7339 = by the perfection.

21098 = But, there we must also craue our abilities

10498 = to be considerd, my Lords.

19548 = We cannot go beyond our owne powers.

17096 = Country hands reach foorth milke, creame,

12856 = fruites, or what they haue:

12066 = and many Nations (we haue heard)

11967 = that had not gummes & incense,

19601 = obtained their requests with a leauened Cake.

18385 = It was no fault to approch their Gods,

11086 = by what meanes they could:

12483 = And the most, though meanest,

14011 = of things are made more precious,

14733 = when they are dedicated to Temples.

9271 = In that name therefore,

18545 = we most humbly consecrate to your H.H.

19643 = these remaines of your seruant Shakespeare;

12955 = that what delight is in them,

16951 = may be euer your L.L. the reputation his, &

15521 = the faults ours, if any be committed,

8213 = by a payre so carefull

21028 = to shew their gratitude both to the liuing,

5435 = and the dead, as is


15589 = Your Lordshippes most bounden,





(Matt. 16:13-19, KJB 1611)

16:13 When Iesus came into the coasts of Cesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom doe men say, that I, the sonne of man, am?

16:14 And they said, Some say that thou art Iohn the Baptist, some Elias, and others Ieremias, or one of  the Prophets.

16:15 He saith vnto them, But whom say ye that I am?

16:16 And Simon Peter answered, and said, Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God.

Revelation – Transformation

16:17 And Iesus answered, and said vnto him, Blessed art thou Simon Bar Iona: for flesh and blood hath not reueiled it vnto thee, but my Father which is in heauen.

16:18 And I say also vnto thee, that thou art Peter, and vpon this rocke I will build my Church: and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it.

16:19 And I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen: and whatsoeuer thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heauen: whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heauen.



Perfecting Oxenford’s Book


     7 = Man of Seventh Day

7936 = Edward Oxenford

4669 = Cosen Bacon

7347 = Seriant Harris – Pseudo-Name

Omega Play Written

Alpha Play In First Folio

9322 = William Shakespeare

5950 = The Tempest

Book Perfected

4723 = John Heminge

5786 = Henrie Condell



Will Shakespeare

     7 = Hebrew Man of Seventh Day

8282 = Will Shakespeare

-2118 = TIME, End of




*With the judgment of Nestor, the genius of Socrates, the art of Virgil,

earth covers him, the people mourn him, Olympus has him.


Man of Seventh Day‘s Mission

Uniting Male and Female Parts of JHWH‘s

Holy Name


10594 = Sir Francis Bacon, Knight

-4000 = Dark Sword – Man-Beast

7671 = O RARE BEN JOHNSON –Buried Standing in Westminster Abbey


8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir

10565 = JHWH – 10-5-6-5 in Hebrew Gematria



Personal Dream

Middle Eastern Shepherd Speaks



1806 = 18 August – 6th month old-style

1978 = 1978 A.D.

20143 = “The Spirit of Jesus is now with you.“

432 = Right Measure of Man

8525 = Gunnar Tómasson

12385 = Guðrún Ólafía Jónsdóttir


-6529 = The Gates of Hell

Christ‘s Church

7000 = Microcosmos – Man in God‘s Image



Builder of Christ‘s Church


4000 = Flaming Sword – Cosmic Creative Power


Christ‘s Church

7000 = Microcosmos – Man in God‘s Image


Jesus Come and Gone

(Matt. 10:34, KJB 1611)

19148 = Thinke not that I am come to send peace on earth:

15592 = I came not to send peace, but a sword.



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Gunnar Tómasson
Ég er fæddur (1940) og uppalinn á Melunum í Reykjavík. Stúdent úr Verzlunarskóla Íslands 1960 og með hagfræðigráður frá Manchester University (1963) og Harvard University (1965). Starfaði sem hagfræðingur við Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðinn frá 1966 til 1989. Var m.a. aðstoðar-landstjóri AGS í Indónesíu 1968-1969, og landstjóri í Kambódíu (1971-1972) og Suður Víet-Nam (1973-1975). Hef starfað sjálfstætt að rannsóknarverkefnum á ýmsum sviðum frá 1989, þ.m.t. peningahagfræði. Var einn af þremur stofnendum hagfræðingahóps (Gang8) 1989. Frá upphafi var markmið okkar að hafa hugsað málin í gegn þegar - ekki ef - allt færi á annan endann í alþjóðapeningakerfinu. Í október 2008 kom sú staða upp í íslenzka peninga- og fjármálakerfinu. Alla tíð síðan hef ég látið peninga- og efnahagsmál á Íslandi meira til mín taka en áður. Ég ákvað að gerast bloggari á til að geta komið skoðunum mínum í þeim efnum á framfæri.
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