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Shine forth, Thou Starre of Poets

© Gunnar Tómasson

5 January 2016

I. Edward Oxenford alias William Shakespeare

(See “Shakespeare” By Another Name, 4 January 2016)


II. Ben Jonson: Commemorative Poem

(First Folio, 1623)


     11150 = To the memory of my beloved,

5329 =   The AVTHOR


867 = AND

9407 = what he hath left us.


17316 = TO draw no envy (Shakespeare) on thy name,

13629 = Am I thus ample to thy Booke, and Fame:

20670 = While I confesse thy writings to be such,

19164 = As neither Man, nor Muse, can praise too much.

21369 = ‘Tis true, and all mens suffrage.  But these wayes

20516 = Were not the paths I meant unto thy praise;

17686 = For seeliest Ignorance on these may light,

23213 = Which, when it sounds at best, but eccho’s right;

17565 = Or blinde Affection, which doth ne’re advance

19375 = The truth, but gropes, and urgeth all by chance;

18692 = Or crafty Malice, might pretend this praise,

19456 = And thinke to ruine, where it seem’d to raise.

18294 = These are, as some infamous Baud, or Whore,

23199 = Should praise a Matron: – What could hurt her more?

18170 = But thou art proofe against them, and indeed

16465 = Above th’ill fortune of them, or the need.

16324 = I, therefore, will begin.  Soule of the Age!

20370 = The applause!  delight!  the wonder of our Stage!

18434 = My Shakespeare, rise!  I will not lodge thee by

16611 = Chaucer or Spenser, or bid Beaumont lye

15597 = A little further, to make thee a roome:

17952 = Thou art a Moniment, without a tombe,

19673 = And art alive still, while thy Booke doth live,

19194 = And we have wits to read, and praise to give.

18259 = That I not mixe thee so, my braine excuses, –

22232 = I meane with great, but disproportion’d Muses;

19760 = For if I thought my judgement were of yeeres,

21584 = I should commit thee surely with thy peeres,

23104 = And tell, how farre thou didst our Lily out-shine,

19727 = Or sporting Kid, or Marlowes mighty line.

21016 = And though thou hadst small Latine, and lesse Greeke,

21296 = From thence to honour thee, I would not seeke

20635 = For names; but call forth thund’ring Æschilus,

14527 = Euripides, and Sophocles to us,

15939 = Paccuvius, Accius, him of Cordova dead,

15425 = To life againe, to heare thy Buskin tread

19665 = And shake a Stage: Or, when thy Sockes were on,

14842 = Leave thee alone for the comparison

18781 = Of all that insolent Greece or haughtie Rome

20033 = sent forth, or since did from their ashes come.

21540 = Triumph, my Britaine,  thou hast one to showe

18910 = To whom all Scenes of Europe homage owe.

14789 = He was not of an age, but for all time!

19879 = And all the Muses still were in their prime,

17867 = When, like Apollo, he came forth to warme

16143 = Our eares, or like a Mercury to charme!

19768 = Nature her selfe was proud of his designes,

18609 = And joy’d to weare the dressing of his lines!

22712 = Which were so richly spun, and woven so fit,

20715 = As, since, she will vouchsafe no other Wit.

16006 = The merry Greeke, tart Aristophanes,

22701 = Neat Terence, witty Plautus, now not please;

12944 = But antiquated, and deserted lye,

15906 = As they were not of Natures family.

17575 = Yet must I not give Nature all; Thy Art,

16885 = My gentle Shakespeare, must enjoy a part:

17709 = For though the Poets matter, Nature be,

16202 = His Art doth give the fashion.  And, that he,

24373 = Who casts to write a living line, must sweat

18045 = (such as thine are) and strike the second heat

17403 = Upon the Muses anvile: turne the same,

19618 = (And himselfe with it) that he thinkes to frame;

16266 = Or, for the lawrell, he may gaine a scorne,

15633 = For a good Poet’s made, as well as borne.

21914 = And such wert thou.  Looke how the fathers face

15715 = Lives in his issue, even so, the race

20651 = Of Shakespeares minde and manners brightly shines

17328 = In his well torned and true-filed lines:

15712 = In each of which, he seemes to shake a Lance,

14757 = As brandish’t at the eyes of Ignorance.

21616 = Sweet Swan of Avon!  what a sight it were

17318 = To see thee in our waters yet appeare,

19678 = And make those flights upon the bankes of Thames,

14184 = That so did take Eliza and our James!

15161 = But stay, I see thee in the Hemisphere

14530 = Advanc’d, and made a Constellation there!

22500 = Shine forth, thou Starre of Poets, and with rage

19541 = Or influence, chide or cheere the drooping Stage;

24007 = Which, since thy flight fro hence, hath mourn’d like night,

18824 = And despaires day, but for thy Volumes light.


       4692 = BEN: IONSON.


III. Starre of Poets Shines Forth…

(Cosmic Creative Power)


  4000 = Flaming Sword

IV. …In the Workes of William Shakespeare…

(First Folio, 1623)


16746 = The Workes of William Shakespeare,

17935 = Containing all his Comedies, Histories,

13106 = Tragedies: Truely set forth,

16008 = according to their first Originall.


V. … and The Forty-Sixth Psalm

(King James Bible, 1611)


“It would be pleasant to think that Shakespeare was responsible, in part, for the majesty of the following,” wrote author Anthony Burgess of the forty-sixth psalm of the King James Bible:


27783 = God is our refuge and strength; a very present helpe in trouble.


25140 = Therfore will not we feare, though the earth be removed:

25186 = and though the mountaines be caried into the midst of the sea,


21736 = Though the waters thereof roare, and be troubled,

29088 = though the mountaines shake with the swelling thereof.  Selah.


7214 = There is a river,

21306 = the streames wherof shall make glad the citie of God:

19776 = the holy place of the Tabernacles of the most High.


18882 = God is in the midst of her: she shal not be moved:

15090 = God shall helpe her, and that right early.


17597 = The heathen raged, the kingdomes were moved:

15907 = he uttered his voyce, the earth melted.


15221 = The Lord of hosts is with us,

14069 = the God of Jacob is our refuge.  Selah.


15149 = Come, behold the Workes of the Lord,

17919 = what desolations hee hath made in the earth.


21932 = He maketh warres to cease unto the end of the earth:

23023 = hee breaketh the bow, and cutteth the speare in sunder,

14120 = he burneth the chariot in the fire.


12080 = Be stil, and know that I am God:

13996 = I will bee exalted among the heathen,

12241 = I will be exalted in the earth.


15221 = The Lord of hosts is with us,

  14069 = the God of Jacob is our refuge.  Selah.                                                                                


“Whether he had anything to do with it or not, he is in it.  It is the forty-sixth Psalm.  The forty-sixth word from the beginning is SHAKE, and the forty-sixth word from the end, if we leave out the cadential ‘Selah’, is SPEARE.  And, in 1610, Shakespeare was forty-six years old.  If this is mere chance, fancy must allow us to think that it is happy chance.  The greatest prose-work of all time has the name of the greatest poet set cunningly in it.” (Anthony Burgess, Shakespeare, Penguin Books, 1972, pp. 233-234)

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Gunnar Tómasson
Ég er fæddur (1940) og uppalinn á Melunum í Reykjavík. Stúdent úr Verzlunarskóla Íslands 1960 og með hagfræðigráður frá Manchester University (1963) og Harvard University (1965). Starfaði sem hagfræðingur við Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðinn frá 1966 til 1989. Var m.a. aðstoðar-landstjóri AGS í Indónesíu 1968-1969, og landstjóri í Kambódíu (1971-1972) og Suður Víet-Nam (1973-1975). Hef starfað sjálfstætt að rannsóknarverkefnum á ýmsum sviðum frá 1989, þ.m.t. peningahagfræði. Var einn af þremur stofnendum hagfræðingahóps (Gang8) 1989. Frá upphafi var markmið okkar að hafa hugsað málin í gegn þegar - ekki ef - allt færi á annan endann í alþjóðapeningakerfinu. Í október 2008 kom sú staða upp í íslenzka peninga- og fjármálakerfinu. Alla tíð síðan hef ég látið peninga- og efnahagsmál á Íslandi meira til mín taka en áður. Ég ákvað að gerast bloggari á pressan.is til að geta komið skoðunum mínum í þeim efnum á framfæri.
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