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Die Zauberflöte and Verdi’s Aida

© Gunnar Tómasson

17 January 2016


The librettos of both Mozart’s Zauberflöte and Verdi‘s Aida were clearly written by persons with expert command of the Saga Cipher and its use to underscore the core themes of ancient creation myth in the two operas. The myth‘s mathematical structure is at once Pythagorean and Platonic as shown by Einar Pálsson in his 11-volume series on Rætur íslenzkrar menningar (e. The Roots of Icelandic Culture), and more specifically in his English-language book entitled The Sacred Triange of Pagan Iceland.

In Pythagorean imagery, triangle 3-4-5 denotes the material foundation of Fallen Man’s Soul symbolized by the number 666. The triangle’s baseline is the path of Man’s Quest for the Holy Grail or Graal, whose Cipher Value is 1796, with successful conclusion of the Quest symbolized by the sides of triangle 3-4-5 being raised – resurrected – to the third power as in 27+64+125=216.

In Verdi’s opera, AIDA, 796, personifies the object of Radames’ Quest in a Darkness, – 1000, of Ignorance as in 1796 – 1000 = 796. At the opera’s end, Radames discovers Aida within his Tomb and they await passage to eternity in each other’s arms. In the context of creation myth, the Tomb symbolizes Radames on his Quest for his OWN INNER SELF, Aida – the divine Female form of triangle 3-4-5. The union of resurrected Male and Female triangles restores erstwhile Man-Beast to Right Measure of Man, 432.

The union is brought about by Cosmic Creative Power which is present at Alpha as LOGOS and exits the Tomb at Omega as Flaming Sword symbolized by the Cipher Value 4000.

I. LOGOS and Man’s Fall and Resurrection

(Ancient Creation Myth)


3045 = LOGOS

345 = Soul’s Foundation

666 = Man-Beast

796 = Aida

216 = Resurrection

4000 = Flaming Sword

  432 = Right Measure of Man


II. Radames: Celeste Aida, forma divina¹

(Aida, Act I)


    8853 = Se quel guerriero

11037 = Io fossi! Se il mio sogno

16046 = Si avverasse!… Un esercito di prodi

15574 = Da me guidato… e la vittoria — e il plauso

11844 = Di Menfi tutta! — E a te, mia dolce Aida,

10315 = Tornar di lauri cinto…

18593 = Dirti: per te ho pugnato e per te ho vinto!

9299 = Celeste Aida, forma divina,

13047 = Mistico serto di luce e fior;

12956 = Del mio pensiero tu sei regina,

13231= Tu di mia vita sei lo splendor.

14192 = Il tuo bel cielo vorrei ridarti,

14127 = Le dolci brezze del patrio suol,

16091 = Un regal serto sul crin posarti,

  15036 = Ergerti un trono vicino al sol.


III. Aida: Ritorna Vincitur²

(Aida, Act I)


  14460 = Ritorna vincitor! E dal mio labbro
13209 =Uscì l’empia parola! Vincitor
14126 = Del padre mio, di lui che impugna l’armi
7566 = Per me per ridarmi
16783 = Una patria, una reggia e il nome illustre
14196 = Che qui celar m’è forza. Vincitor
14939 = De’ miei fratelli…ond’io lo vegga, tinto
15911 = Del sangue amato, trionfar nel plauso
15387 = Dell’egizie coorti! E dietro il carro,
13892 = Un Re, mio padre, di catene avvinto!
5923 = L’insana parola,
7377 = O numi, sperdete!
6703 = Al seno d’un padre
5836 = La figlia rendete;
10312 = Struggete le squadre
11945 = Dei nostri oppressori.
15228 = Ah! Sventurata! che dissi? E l’amor mio?
11855 = Dunque scordar poss’io
19805 = Questo fervido amore che oppressa e schiava
11768 = Come raggio di sol qui mi beava?
8984 = Imprecherò la morte
12583 = A Radamès, a lui ch’amo pur tanto!
8381 = Ah! non fu in terra mai
16521 = Da più crudeli angosce un core affranto!
10598 = I sacri nomi di padre, d’amante
15138 = Né profferir poss’io, ne ricordar;
17387 = Per l’un, per l’altro confusa e tremante,
15275 = lo piangere vorrei, vorrei pregar.
13416 = Ma la mia prece in bestemmia si muta…
16900 = Delitto è il pianto a me, colpa il sospir…
13648 = In notte cupa la mente è perduta,
  14418 = E nell’ansia crudel vorrei morir.


I + II + III = 200241 + 410470 + 9500 = 620211

IV + V = 418456 + 201755 = 620211

IV. Die Zauberflöte*

(Final scene, first part)


V. Die Zauberflöte*

(Final scene, latter part)


*Die Zauberflöte – The Magic Flute – Final scene, 16 January 2016.



What if ‘tis I am chosen?

Ah my dream be now accomplished!

Of a glorious army

I the chosen leader – mine glorious victory –

By Memphis received in triumph!

To thee returned, Aida, my brow entwined with laurel –

Tell thee, for thee I battled, for thee I conquered!

Heav’nly Aida, beauty resplendent,

Radiant flower blooming and bright;

Queenly thou reignest o’er me transcendent,

Bathing my spirit in beauty’s light

Would that thy bright skies once more beholding,

Breathing the soft airs of thy native land;

Round thy fair brow a diadem folding,

Thine were a throne next the sun to stand.



Return victorious! My lips have spoken
the traitorous words! Victorious
over my father, who takes up arms
for me, to give me again
a country, a kingdom and a great name,

which here I must hide. Victorious
over my brothers – that I may see him,
stained with the beloved blood, welcomed

in triumph by Egypt! And behind
his chariot, a King. my father, in chains!

My mad word,

O gods, efface!

Send back this child

to her father’s heart.
Destroy the legions
of our oppressors!

Wretched girl, what have I said? And my love?
Can I, then, forget

this burning love, which, as a wretched slave,

I welcome in rapture like a ray of the sun?
Shall I invoke death
upon Radamès, him whom I love so much?

Ah, never on earth

has a broken heart known such anguish!

The sacred words father and lover –
I can no longer speak them, nor remember.
For each, in my fear and confusion,

I should like to pray, to weep.
But my prayer changes to cursing –
tears, for me, are criminal; so too my sighs.

My mind is lost in a bitter night,

and in such cruel anguish I wish to die.


Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:


NB. The calculator is not programmed to process certain

Italian and German vowels with and the special German

double S. These have been replaced in the text as shown

by corresponding letters of the Latin alphabet.

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Gunnar Tómasson
Ég er fæddur (1940) og uppalinn á Melunum í Reykjavík. Stúdent úr Verzlunarskóla Íslands 1960 og með hagfræðigráður frá Manchester University (1963) og Harvard University (1965). Starfaði sem hagfræðingur við Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðinn frá 1966 til 1989. Var m.a. aðstoðar-landstjóri AGS í Indónesíu 1968-1969, og landstjóri í Kambódíu (1971-1972) og Suður Víet-Nam (1973-1975). Hef starfað sjálfstætt að rannsóknarverkefnum á ýmsum sviðum frá 1989, þ.m.t. peningahagfræði. Var einn af þremur stofnendum hagfræðingahóps (Gang8) 1989. Frá upphafi var markmið okkar að hafa hugsað málin í gegn þegar - ekki ef - allt færi á annan endann í alþjóðapeningakerfinu. Í október 2008 kom sú staða upp í íslenzka peninga- og fjármálakerfinu. Alla tíð síðan hef ég látið peninga- og efnahagsmál á Íslandi meira til mín taka en áður. Ég ákvað að gerast bloggari á pressan.is til að geta komið skoðunum mínum í þeim efnum á framfæri.
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