© Gunnar Tómasson
15 October 2017
The chapel is believed by many to be the link between the mysterious Knights Templar of the Middle Ages and Freemasonry. It has long been claimed that Freemasonry evolved from the Templars, the medieval order of warrior monks – the special forces of their day – who, it is said, were driven underground when the Order was ruthlessly suppressed by the King of France and the Pope in 1307. The enigmatic carvings within Rosslyn Chapel include both Templar and Masonic symbolism – yet, curiously, it was built a century and a half after the supposed demise of the Templars, and a century and a half before the accepted origins of Freemasonry. Clearly, Rosslyn Chapel holds the secret of the true history of these great orders.
The Templar/Mason link was personified by the mastermind behind Rosslyn Chapel, Sir William St Clair, Prince of Orkney. Sir William’s ancestors had close links with the Knights Templar, and his descendants were granted the privilege of being hereditary Grand Masters of Freemasonry in Scotland, so both the building and its owners, the illustrious St Clair (later Sinclair) family, seem to provide the ‘missing link’ between Templars and Masons.
The Orkney Link To Brennu-Njálssaga
A runic poem carved in stone at Maeshowe in Orkney features a heroic character mentioned in Brennu-Njálssaga who had been slain by his half-brother before the Saga begins. The reason for the carving is a mystery, but in view of Sir William having been Prince of Orkney I decided to see how the poem‘s Cipher Value might relate to that of Father Hay‘s description of the start of his plan, 147657. The poem and Cipher Values are as follows:
7070 = Þessar rúnar
5923 = reist sá maðr,
6553 = er rýnstr er
7149 = fyrir vestan haf,
5920 = með þeiri öxi,
6010 = er átti Gaukr
7157 = Tran[]ils sonr
7773 = fyrir sunnan land.
A link between the Cipher Sum 53555 + 147657 = 201212 and Alpha & Omega of Saga-Shakespeare Myth soon became apparent as follows:
1000 + 5596 – 6960 + 164001 + 37575 = 201212, where
1000 = Light of the World
5596 = Andlig spekðin – Spiritual Wisdom
-6960 = Jarðlig skilning – Earthly Understanding
37575 = St. Peter’s Basilica – Symbol of Perfect Creation²
164001 = Ben Jonson’s opening poem in the First Folio³
I. The start of Sir William St Clair’s plan.
(Genealogie of the Sainteclaires etc.)
23527 = ‘It came into his mind to build a house for God’s service,
12943 = of most curious work,
26489 = the which that it might be done with greater glory and splendour,
32378 = he caused artificers to be brought from other regions and foreign kingdoms
25567 = and caused daily to be abundance of all kinds of workmen present
26753 = as masons, carpenters, smiths, barrowmen and quarriers…..’
As in:
Pagan Njáll –The New Religion
(Brennu-Njálssaga, Ch. 100)
15083 = „Svá lízk mér sem inn nýi átrúnaðr
22478 = muni vera miklu betri, ok mun sá sæll, er hann fær heldr.
18442 = Ok ef þeir menn koma út hingat, er þann sið bjóða,
9830 = þá skal ek þat vel flytja.”
Pagan Njáll – His Dying Words
(Ibid., Ch. 129)
17905 = „Nú skaltú sjá, hvar vit leggjumsk niðr
10741 = ok hversu ek býg um okkr,
16690 = því at ek ætla mér hvergi heðan at hrærask,
15231 = hvárt sem mér angrar reykr eða bruni;
21263 = munt þú þá næst geta, hvar beina okkarra er at leita.”
-7 = Man-Beast of Seventh Day – Burned bones left behind
1 = Monad – Spirit/Sonne of Man freed from“mortal coil“ (Hamlet)
Creator Spiritus
4000 = Flaming Sword – Cosmic Creative Power – Coming of Christ
666 = Man Beast
5327 = Brennu-Njáll – Burnt Njáll
II. The Burning of Njáll –
Dialogue – Stage Directions
(Ibid., Ch. 129)
12507 = „Eld kveykvið þér nú, sveinar!
12667 = Hvárt skal nú búa til seyðis?”
21813 = „Svá skal þat vera, ok skaltú eigi þurfa heitara at baka.”
17772 = „Því launar þú mér, sem þú ert maðr til,
9235 = er ek hefnda föður þíns,
16979 = ok virðir þat meira, er þér er óskyldara.”
6825 = „Ráð kemr mér í hug.
17066 = Ek hefi sét lopt í skálanum á þvertrjám,
13992 = ok skulu vér þar inn bera eldinn
24727 = ok keykva við arfasátuna, þá er hér stendr fyrir ofan húsin.”
23613 = „Verðið vel við ok mælið eigi æðru, því at él eitt mun vera,
15721 = en þó skyldi langt til annars slíks.
18996 = Trúið þér ok því, at guð er miskunnsamr,
23220 = ok mun hann oss eigi bæði láta brenna þessa heims ok annars.”
10477 = Nú taka húsin öll at loga. – Now all the houses begin to burn.
17386 = „Er Flosi svá nær, at hann megi heyra mál mitt?”
21510 = „Villt þú nökkut taka sættum við sonu mína
15960 = eða leyfa nökkurum mönnum útgöngu?”
16673 = „Eigi vil ek taka sættum við sonu þína,
16983 = ok skal nú yfir lúka með oss ok eigi frá ganga,
12589 = fyrr en þeir eru allir dauðir.
26347 = En þó vil ek lofa útgöngu konum ok börnum ok húskörlum.”
17689 = „Út skulu þeir nú allir ganga, er leyft er.
18038 = Ok gakk þú út, Þórhalla Ásgrímsdóttir,
13465 = ok allr lýðr með þér, sá er lofat er.”
21622 = „Annarr verðr skilnaðr okkarr Helga en ek ætlaða um hríð,
14793 = en þó skal ek eggja föður minn ok bræðr,
17911 = at þeir hefni þessa mannskaða, er hér er görr.”
17063 = „Vel mun þér fara, því at þú ert góð kona.”
7626 = „Gakk þú út með mér,
21902 = ok mun ek kasta yfir þik kvenskikkju ok höfuðdúki.”
12583 = „Sú er há kona ok mikil um herðar;
10262 = takið þér hana ok haldið henni!”
24802 = „Útgöngu vil ek þér bjóða, því at þú brennr ómakligr inni.”
7195 = „Eigi vil ek út ganga,
23689 = því at ek em maðr gamall ok lítt til búinn at hefna sona minna,
10730 = en ek vil eigi lifa við skömm.”
9518 = „Gakk þú út, húsfreyja,
18610 = því at ek vil þik fyrir engan mun inni brenna.”
19984 = „Ek var ung gefin Njáli, ok hefi ek því heitit honum,
13186 = at eitt skyldi ganga yfir okkr bæði.”
9159 = Síðan gengu þau inn bæði. – Then both of them walk into the house.
14445 = „Hvat skulu vit nú til ráða taka?”
22267 = „Ganga munu vit til hvílu okkarrar ok leggjask niðr.”
18422 = „Þik skal bera út, ok skalt þú eigi inni brenna.”
11217 = „Hinu hefir þú mér heitit,”
18599 = „at vit skyldim aldri skilja, ok skal svá vera,
18917 = því at mér þykkir miklu betra at deyja með ykkr.”
17905 = „Nú skaltú sjá, hvar vit leggjumsk niðr
10741 = ok hversu ek býg um okkr,
16690 = því at ek ætla mér hvergi heðan at hrærask,
15231 = hvárt sem mér angrar reykr eða bruni;
21263 = munt þú þá næst geta, hvar beina okkarra er at leita.”
III. Final instructions to Gangleri
Prior to Q and A on the Secrets of Creation
(Gylfaginning, Ch. 2)
7517 = „ok stattu fram
5737 = meðan þú fregn;
9377 = sitja skal sá er segir.”*
*and stand thou forth while thou ask:
who answers, shall sit.”
II + III = 868582 + 22631 = 891213
IV. The ”Murder” of Snorri Sturluson
(Íslendingasaga, Ch. 151)
24923 = Þeir Kolbeinn ungi ok Gizurr fundust í þann tíma á Kili
16169 = ok gerðu ráð sín, þau er síðan kómu fram.
17253 = Þetta sumar var veginn Kolr inn auðgi.
12973 = Árni, er beiskr var kallaðr, vá hann.
22206 = Síðan hljóp hann til Gizurar, ok tók hann við honum.
22202 = Þá er Gizurr kom af Kili, stefndi hann mönnum at sér.
33041 = Váru þar fyrir þeir bræðr, Klængr ok Ormr, Loftr byskupsson, Árni óreiða.
28097 = Helt hann þá upp bréfum þeim, er þeir Eyvindr ok Árni höfðu út haft.
20569 = Var þar á, að Gizurr skyldi Snorra láta utan fara,
17397 = hvárt er honum þætti ljúft eða leitt,
16385 = eða drepa hann at öðrum kosti fyrir þat,
15013 = er hann hafði farit út í banni konungs.
20247 = Kallaði Hákon konungr Snorra landráðamann við sik.
25991 = Sagði Gizurr, at hann vildi með engu móti brjóta bréf konungs,
23272 = en kvaðst vita, at Snorri myndi eigi ónauðigr utan fara.
21724 = Kveðst Gizurr þá vildu til fara ok taka Snorra.
26902 = Ormr vildi ekki vera í þessi ráðagerð, ok reið hann heim á Breiðabólstað.
31576 = Gizurr dró þá lið saman ok sendi þá bræðr vestr til Borgarfjarðar á njósn,
8421 = Árna beisk ok Svart.
18469 = En Gizurr reið frá liðinu með sjau tigi manna,
28447 = en Loft byskupsson lét hann vera fyrir því liðinu, er síðar fór.
20530 = Klængr reið á Kjalarnes eftir liði ok svá upp í herað.
29224 = Gizurr kom í Reykjaholt um nóttina eftir Mauritíusmessu.
20587 = Brutu þeir upp skemmuna, er Snorri svaf í.
32733 = En hann hljóp upp ok ór skemmunni í in litlu húsin, er váru við skemmuna.
19023 = Fann hann þar Arnbjörn prest ok talaði við hann.
35331 = Réðu þeir þat, at Snorri gekk í kjallarann, er var undir loftinu þar í húsunum.
21242 = Þeir Gizurr fóru at leita Snorra um húsin.
28547 = Þá fann Gizurr Arnbjörn prest ok spurði, hvar Snorri væri.
8875 = Hann kvaðst eigi vita.
22694 = Gizurr kvað þá eigi sættast mega, ef þeir fyndist eigi.
28330 = Prestr kvað vera mega, at hann fyndist, ef honum væri griðum heitit.
22884 = Eftir þat urðu þeir varir við, hvar Snorri var.
25600 = Ok gengu þeir í kjallarann Markús Marðarson, Símon knútr,
26492 = Árni beiskr, Þorsteinn Guðinason, Þórarinn Ásgrímsson.
13048 = Símon knútr bað Árna höggva hann.
12169 = „Eigi skal höggva,” sagði Snorri.
8594 = „Högg þú,” sagði Símon.
12169 = „Eigi skal höggva,” sagði Snorri.
16079 = Eftir þat veitti Árni honum banasár,
17385 = ok báðir þeir Þorsteinn unnu á honum.
1 = Monad
-1000 = Darkness
2307 = 23 September – 7th month old-style
1241 = 1241 A.D.
2692 = Ísland – Iceland/Symbol of New Atlantis
13159 = Ártíð Snorra fólgsnarjarls – Anniversary of Snorri’s ”death”
Snorri Sturluson‘s “Murder“
His Spirit/The Spirit of Jesus Never Dies
11359 = Snorri Sturluson
2307 = 23 September
1241 = 1241 A.D. – Date of Snorri’s ”Murder”
10039 = The Spirit of Jesus
-1 = Hidden Monad
13159 = Ártíð Snorra fólgsnarjarls – Anniversary of Snorri’s ”death”
Sonnet # I
First two lines
19985 = From fairest creatures we desire increase,
18119 = That thereby beauties Rose might neuer die,
V, First comments on the Burning of Njáll.
By Ketill from Mörk
(Ibid., Ch. 129)
13393 = „Mikill harmr er at oss kveðinn,
16971 = er vér skulum svá mikla ógæfu saman eiga.”*
*“Great grief hath been sent on us,
when we have had to share such ill-luck together.“
II + V = 868582 + 30364 = 898946
VI. Sybil‘s refrain: Vituð ér enn – eða hvat?
Are you wiser yet – or what?
(Völuspá – Sybil’s Prophecy)
891213 = The ”Murder” of Snorri Sturluson (# IV)
-1000 = Darkness
8733 = Vituð ér enn – eða hvat?
I + VI = 147657 + 898946 = 1046603
VII. Let him shew His skill in the construction.
(Cymbeline, First Folio, Omega Page)
16581 = Make no collection of it. Let him shew
15289 = His skill in the construction.
6498 = Philarmonus.
6928 = Heere, my good lord.
9000 = Read, and declare the meaning.
2471 = Reades.
24167 = When as a Lyons whelpe, shall to himselfe vnknown,
11006 = without seeking finde,
11809 = and bee embrac’d by a peece of tender Ayre:
21082 = And when from a stately Cedar shall be lopt branches,
18501 = which being dead many yeares shall after reuiue,
20237 = bee iyonted to the old Stocke, and freshly grow,
18503 = then shall Posthumus end his miseries,
22220 = Britaine be fortunate, and flourish in Peace and Plentie.
18025 = Thou Leonatus art the Lyons Whelpe,
18080 = The fit and apt Construction of thy name
16575 = Being Leonatus, doth import so much:
20848 = The peece of tender Ayre, thy vertuous Daughter,
17353 = Which we call Mollis Aer, and Mollis Aer
19924 = We terme it Mulier; which Mulier I diuine
22895 = Is this most constant Wife, who euen now
16165 = Answering the Letter of the Oracle,
24035 = Vnknowne to you vnsought, were clipt about
13804 = With this most tender Aire.
9907 = This hath some seeming.
12593 = The lofty Cedar, Royall Cymbeline
19881 = Personates thee: And thy lopt branches point
23355 = Thy two Sonnes forth: who by Belarius stolne
19175 = For many yeares thought dead, are now reuiu’d
19300 = To the Maiesticke Cedar ioyn’d; whose Issue
14591 = Promises Britaine, Peace and Plenty.
3134 = Well,
17579 = My Peace we will begin: And Caius Lucius,
20040 = Although the Victor, we submit to Cæsar,
15143 = And to the Romane Empire; promising
21441 = To pay our wonted Tribute, from the which
20009 = We were disswaded by our wicked Queene,
20001 = Whom heauens in Iustice both on her, and hers,
9168 = Haue laid most heauy hand.
18314 = The fingers of the powres aboue, do tune
15670 = The harmony of this Peace; the Vision
21926 = Which I made knowne to Lucius ere the stroke
21601 = Of yet this scarse-cold-Battaile, at this instant
16814 = Is full accomplish’d. For the Romaine Eagle
22300 = From South to West, on wing soaring aloft
16956 = Lessen’d her selfe, and in the Beames o’th’Sun
22102 = So vanish’d: which foreshew’d our Princely Eagle,
16441 = Th’Imperiall Cæsar, should againe vnite
17178 = His Fauour, with the Radiant Cymbeline,
15261 = Which shines heere in the West.
7510 = Laud we the Gods,
24502 = And let our crooked Smoakes climbe to their Nostrils
21051 = From our blest Altars. Publish we this Peace
20587 = To all our Subiects. Set we forward: Let
14971 = A Roman, and a Brittish Ensigne waue
23065 = Friendly together: so through Luds-Towne march,
14265 = And in the Temple of great Iupiter
20329 = Our Peace wee’l ratifie: Seale it with Feasts.
18177 = Set on there: Neuer was a Warre did cease
20903 = (Ere bloodie hands were wash’d) with such a Peace.
3915 = Exeunt.
Thy two Sonnes, who by Belarius stolne
For many yeares thought dead,
are now reuiu‘d
10125 = Sannr Maðr ok Sannr Guð*
5327 = Brennu-Njáll
*True Man and True God – 13th century Icelandic term for Jesus Christ
1. The Maiesticke Cedar
7284 = Jesus Christ
677 = EK – Anonymous Author of Brennu-Njálssaga
2. Soothsayer
12593 = The lofty Cedar, Royall Cymbeline
19881 = Personates thee: And thy lopt branches point
23355 = Thy two Sonnes forth: who by Belarius stolne
19175 = For many yeares thought dead, are now reuiu’d
19300 = To the Maiesticke Cedar ioyn’d; whose Issue
14591 = Promises Britaine, Peace and Plenty.
3. The Maiesticke Cedar’s Issue
1 = Monad
4946 = Socrates
1654 = ION
3412 = Platon
14209 = Quintus Horatius Flaccus
12337 = Publius Virgilius Maro
11999 = Sextus Propertius
11249 = Publius Ovidius Naso
11359 = Snorri Sturluson
9814 = Sturla Þórðarson
5385 = Francis Bacon
7936 = Edward Oxenford
4000 = Flaming Sword – Cosmic Creative Power
10594 = Sir Francis Bacon, Knight
Calculator for converting letters to cipher values is at:
² Façade inscription on completion of St. Peter‘s Basilica in 1612
Paul V Borghèse, pape, a fait ceci en l’an 1612, en l’honneur du prince des apôtres.
³ Ben Jonson‘s Poem:
5506 = To the Reader.
18236 = This Figure, that thou here seest put,
16030 = It was for gentle Shakespeare cut;
13614 = Wherein the Grauer had a strife
15814 = with Nature, to out-doo the life :
16422 = O, could he but haue drawne his wit
13172 = As well in brasse, as he hath hit
19454 = His face; the Print would then surpasse
16560 = All, that vvas euer vvrit in brasse.
13299 = But, since he cannot, Reader, looke
15354 = Not on his Picture, but his Booke.
541 = B.I.