Fimmtudagur 20.10.2011 - 20:43 - FB ummæli ()

15. október, framhaldið og fróm ósk

Í Evrópu eru fyrirhugðuð mótmæli á laugardaginn kemur.   Ég fann þennan texta á einni facebook síðunni, reyndar er það hópurinn sem mótmælir í Berlín. Þar sem ég verð í Berlín á laugardaginn er aldrei að vita nema ég mæti.

Ég mæli með því að menn lesi textann, hann segir ansi margt. Auk þess upplifi ég að við á Íslandi séum ennþá að gangrýna hvort annað sem hindrar sameiginlegt afl gegn ofríki bankanna. Það eru miklir fordómar í gangi sem ég tel að muni koma í veg fyrir raunverulegar breytingar á Íslandi. Sennilega verður byltingin innflutt frá útlöndum eins og margt annað. Þess vegna er þessi texti hjáróma bænaskjal frá mér til allra íslenskra besservissera.

When you look around the world today or watch the news, there is so much inequality, so much violence and so much misery, but what can YOU do? For far too long, the silent majority have known that there is something wrong with the world, economically, ecologically and socially, but have struggled to find a voice that represents their point of view.

It’s time for the silent majority to re-find that voice.

We may not all agree on the exact causes and nature of the problems, and previously we have been separated by these different views.

We have spent too long focussing on the differences which separate us. And so, without solidarity, we have been too easily sidelined, marginalised, silenced or crushed.

It’s always difficult to say where and how this movement began. But it is for certain that the examples have grown in number in the last years and months: Iceland, Egypt, Tunisia, Greece, Spain, Israel… And now, in the last few weeks, Wall Street.

All these different examples have shown us that by focussing on the connections, and not letting different opinions exclude people, how much the people have had enough and are ready for change.

As you will know, as the Icelandic revolution did in Iceland and the 15M in Spain, the ‘Occupy Wall St.’ movement has grown rapidly, and has spread to other cities across America, and now on this day, October the 15th – it has spread across the world and arrived here in Berlin.

This is your movement.

By concentrating on the ties that bind us, and through open dialogue and participation we can build a shared understanding of the problems we face and build strength through inclusion not exclusion.

Because, this is your movement.

If you are concerned about the Environment,

We’re concerned about the Environment.

If you’re worried about the corruption and the role of big finance in Politics,

We’re worried about the corruption and the role of big finance in Politics.

If you want to put a stop to corporate greed and the bonus-culture of Wall street,

We want to put a stop to corporate greed and the bonus-culture of Wall street.

Because this is your movement.

If you are concerned about hunger and poverty in the world and with harmful speculation on food prices

then we are concerned about hunger and poverty in the world and with harmful speculation on food prices

If you are worried about the Military-industrial complex, and the waging of wars,

We’re worried about the Military-industrial complex, and the waging of wars.

If you’re concerned with the real economy, decent jobs and social support,

We’re concerned with the real economy, decent jobs and social support.

If you’re worried about the corporate control of the mainstream media,

We are worried about the corporate control of the mainstream media.

Because this is your movement.

In the excitement here today, we must realise that this is not the finale, but only the beginning. And as we grow there will be attempts to crush us, knock us down and separate us. And no matter what the provocation, it is vital that we remain peaceful in our actions.

Physical strength is nothing compared to the power of numbers. We need to stay strong, and our strength is in our unity, but our methods must remain without aggression.

As this is your movement, it is vital that you get involved. Join or form assemblies and let your voice be heard. Because together we need to decide how we go forward, and no longer have our future defined for us, by leaders who give us false hope yet deliver nothing.

If the Political system no longer represents us, then we must look for alternatives.

If corporations no longer represent our values then we must look for alternatives.

If the media no longer represent us, then we must look for alternatives.

We are the 99%, and it’s time to let the 1% know that this world is our world, and if we aren’t happy with the way it is run, then it’s time to take it back. It’s time to show them what a REAL democracy looks like.

Because these streets are our streets,

this city is our city,

this movement is our movement, and together we can affect real change.

Whether the 1% like it or not, Power is coming back to the People and we are…

United for #Globalchange.

Flokkar: Stjórnmál og samfélag


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Var læknir á Landspítalanum en starfa núna í Svíþjóð. Kvæntur og á fjögur börn, hund og átti kött. Fæddur dreifbýlismaður-Kópavoginum-flutti síðan til borgarinnar. Bjó um tíma á Patreksfirði og var við sérnám í Svíþjóð um níu ára skeið. Er virkur í  Dögun. Tekið þátt í búsáhaldarbyltingunni síðan hún hófst. Er meðlimur attac samtakanna á Íslandi.
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