Föstudagur 05.10.2018 - 13:44 - Rita ummæli

Falsfrétt frá Össuri Skarphéðinssyni

Nú er mikið talað um falsfréttir. Eitt dæmi um slíkar fréttir er í nýlegri Facebook-færslu Össurar Skarphéðinssonar. Hann skrifar:

Brynjar Níelsson segir að tíu ára afmæli hrunsins sé notað í pólitískum tilgangi. Í frægri skýrslu Hannesar Gissurarsonar um hrunið er ein af niðurstöðunum þessi: “Ábyrgðina ætti því ekki að finna hjá Oddssyni heldur gömlum andstæðingum hans í pólitík…” – Taka þessi orð ekki af tvímæli um að Brynjar Níelsson hefur rétt fyrir sér að þessu sinni?

Össur slítur orð mín úr samhengi og rangfærir. Þau hljóða svo í skýrslunni (SIC er Rannsóknarnefnd Alþingis):

While the SIC in its Report confirms many of the unequivocal warnings that the CBI governors uttered in confidential meetings with government ministers in the year preceding the bank collapse, in its general discussion it faults one of them, David Oddsson, for being a former politician so that old political opponents tended to dismiss his advice. The SIC complains of “a certain degree of distrust and cooperation problems” between Oddsson and leading Social Democrats. But whether or not Oddsson distrusted the Social Democrats as much as they may have distrusted him seems of little relevance because the issue was that he was warning them and that they were ignoring his warnings. It was not that they were proposing something which he was dismissing for his own personal reasons. The fault therefore should have been found not with Oddsson, but with his old political opponents who apparently could not set aside old grievances in the face of an approaching danger for the Icelandic nation of which he was warning them.

Ég bæti síðan við:

In the second place, this criticism by the SIC also may be regarded as a formal error: There were three CBI governors, in addition to Oddsson Eirikur Gudnason and Ingimundur Fridriksson. If Gudnason and Fridriksson, both of them economists with long experience in central banking and not with any known political affiliation, had disagreed with Oddsson, then he would not have been able to speak on behalf of the CBI. But the two other CBI governors had become convinced, with Oddsson, of the imminent danger. If old foes of Oddsson did not want to listen to him because of his past political career, then they should at least have taken his two colleagues seriously.

Dæmi nú hver fyrir sig.

Flokkar: Óflokkað


Rita ummæli

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Hannes Hólmsteinn Gissurarson er prófessor emeritus í stjórnmálafræði í Háskóla Íslands og hefur verið gistifræðimaður við fjölmarga erlenda háskóla, þar á meðal Stanford-háskóla og UCLA. Hann fæddist 1953, lauk doktorsprófi í stjórnmálafræði frá Oxford-háskóla 1985 og er höfundur fjölmargra bóka um stjórnmál, sögu og heimspeki á íslensku, ensku og sænsku.

Nýjustu bækur hans eru Twenty Four Conservative-Liberal Thinkers, sem hugveitan New Direction í Brüssel gaf út í tveimur bindum í árslok 2020, Bankahrunið 2008 og Communism in Iceland, sem Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands gaf út árið 2021, og Landsdómsmálið, sem Almenna bókafélagið gaf út í desember 2022. Hann hefur gefið út átta bókarlangar skýrslur á ensku. Sjö eru fyrir hugveituna New Direction í Brüssel: The Nordic Models og In Defence of Small States (2016); Lessons for Europe from the 2008 Icelandic Bank Collapse, Green Capitalism: How to Protect the Environment by Defining Property Rights og Voices of the Victims: Towards a Historiography of Anti-Communist Literature (2017); Why Conservatives Should Support the Free Market og Spending Other People’s Money: A Critique of Rawls, Piketty and Other Redistributionists (2018). Ein skýrslan er fyrir fjármálaráðuneytið, Foreign Factors in the 2008 Bank Collapse (2018). Hann er ritstjóri Safns til sögu kommúnismans, ritraðar Almenna bókafélagsins um alræðisstefnu, en nýjasta bókin í þeirri ritröð er Til varnar vestrænni menningu: Ræður sex rithöfunda 1950–1958. Árin 2017 og 2018 birtust eftir hann þrjár ritgerðir á ensku um frjálshyggju á Íslandi, Liberalism in Iceland in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Anti-Liberal Narratives about Iceland 1991–2017 og Icelandic Liberalism and Its Critics: A Rejoinder to Stefan Olafsson.  

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